Pornography and Monogamous Relationships...

I think if you HAVE to find satisfaction in porn, you have picked the wrong partner.
Men almost always have a stronger sex drive than women. So it's easy for a woman to say there's no need for porn.

Think of it this way, suppose you had a much greater appetite than your husband. You had a fast metabolism, so eating didn't make you fat. But, to not suffer from hunger, you required twice as much food as him. Should you be forced to starve yourself while he is fully satisfied because your appetites are not equal?

Or would it be OK if you had the occasional between meal snack to tide you over until he was ready to eat again?
Well I got the impression he was addressing me! In saying my b/f should just dump me. If I am wrong I will apoligize.

I believe he was addressing the "unsatisfied:"

So, I don't get it. It seems like some people are saying that it is the obligation of their sex partner to be unsatisfied. In which case[/b], they're right. Their partner shouldn't be looking at porn. Rather, the partner should be dumping their sorry butt and looking for someone who actually knows what they're doing.

That is, if you're not satisfied but your partner is angry that you look at porn, you should dump them.
Tiassa: I am sorry! I shouldn't have said that.

Ok well I leave it as this.....

My relationship is doing just GREAT without porn! If you feel the NEED to surf porn, while your wife is sleeping....or whatever else was mentioned....Go for it! If you do it, and it upsets her and you don't care.....then you are a prick!
If she is ok and you are ok....Great.

I disagree that a Long Term Relationship NEEDS it to survive....That is BULLSHIT! If you think that way I feel sorry for you.
Porn's more thinking about food than eating it.

Actually I can't think of an appropriate analogy. Since it involves a little more than just thinking about it. Let's call it... salivating over it.

But anyway, if it's ok to drool over it, isn't the odd snack ok too?
Shorty 37 said:

Well did I read you wrong? Are you saying that if your partner doesn't want you looking at porn, and they feel strongly about it.....You should just dump them? Just for that reason?

I think you know that's not what I'm referring to.

As to that point, though:

So you think he should dump me, because I am against porn?

Okay, first, you are not satisfying him. Period. You cannot possibly argue against that point if he's using porn to get off.

If he is not out playing catch-up with the neighbors, or the waitress at his favorite bar, or whoever ... in other words, if porn is his way of keeping it at home ... that's actually a good thing. And if you are going to object, and you are the sexual partner, consider whether or not you're even capable of fulfilling this lover.

If the differences about your libidos present no challenges to your relationship, they don't matter. But if they matter enough to present challenges, the question is what shall be done about it.

And if the answer is that one partner should remain perpetually unsatisfied, yeah, that's a good reason for that partner to split. He can be unsatisfied on his own.
Okay, first, you are not satisfying him. Period. You cannot possibly argue against that point if he's using porn to get off.

He isn't using porn :bugeye: and I think he is all is good!

I was more making a point about about this statement: Which I totally disagree!

I think a long term monogamous relationship would be damn near impossible without it. (porn)
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He barely ever does :D
Since you keep quoting me, I'll throw in my two cents again. How can you possibly know how much he masturbates? Do you ask him?

And knowing how strongly you feel on the subject, do you really think he'd say yes no matter what the truth was?
Since you keep quoting me, I'll throw in my two cents again. How can you possibly know how much he masturbates? Do you ask him?

And knowing how strongly you feel on the subject, do you really think he'd say yes no matter what the truth was?

Sure we ask eachother from time to time.....if either one has.

He tells me......but I don't have an issue with that. It's the surfing Porn I have the issue with. Or men who are consumed with it, and need it to get off. I just don't like the whole idea of it.

Let me ask you this. Does your wife know how strongly you feel about the need for looking at HOT CHICKs and porn. I ask because you said that my b/f probably jumps out of bed when i am alsleep to surf it. (so i assuming you do this)?????? Does she know that you feel without it a monogamous relationship barely stands a chance?
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I would be more upset if my husband masturbated to fat ugly chicks and old lady porn.

Well I am just curious how his wife feels. I have answered everything honestly. I know a lot of women who don't like the whole idea. There are also a lot of men who just sneak around and do it anyway. I wonder if he is one of those.
Well I am just curious how his wife feels. I have answered everything honestly. I know a lot of women who don't like the whole idea. There are also a lot of men who just sneak around and do it anyway. I wonder if he is one of those.

yeah, I'm curious to hear that "won't survive" one as well.