Planet X- Disasters in 2003/2004

Will Planet X pass closer to Earth, bringing disasters???

  • Yes, it will happen around 2003-2012

    Votes: 13 22.4%
  • No. It will happen in the far future.

    Votes: 4 6.9%
  • Planet X is just an internet legend.

    Votes: 41 70.7%

  • Total voters
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I didn't say you attacked me (I hope I didn't...)... :(

If I did so, I'm sorry. You are actually the only one that defended me a lot of times... :)

If you wanna talk, better PM me... otherwise the thread may become offtopic...
What the hell is going on here?????

I started this thread, didn't I?????????? :mad:
Originally posted by Banshee


Originally posted by Stryderunknown
Seriously.... I think this page and others somehow need to be combined.


I've merged your thread with "Planet X - Disasters etc." a little down the threads. It starts with your post and ends with the last post made in it. It's no longer called "Extra Planet", I cannot do everything and it seemed right to leave the last thread started 'bout this, up and running, giving as well you as Gil_W credit...


Sorry about my madness, but i've noticed it just now...
you know, i'm quite paranoid maybe... :p

Anyway, while thinking again and again about Planet X, it reminded me the Fifth Element Movie suddenly ...

I dunno, but there is a big star in the movie , which looks very similiar to Nibiru (hot asteroid, you know...)

Maybe does it have anything in common with Nibiru?

Believe in Planet X or not, many extreme changes are going to happen on Earth in 2004. It has something to do with the moving forward to the 5th dimension... (Earth is entering to a vast area in the universe which full of ion atoms.. there will be a lot of physical changes too... )

Groove on... :)

I kind of had a similar thought when I saw my name as poster of yours... Talk about plagurism lol.

GIL_W started this thread

Thats just to drop the confusion. Although it was worth combining them if only to point out that people talk about this particular subject alot.
Originally posted by Gil_W
Believe in Planet X or not, many extreme changes are going to happen on Earth in 2004. It has something to do with the moving forward to the 5th dimension... (Earth is entering to a vast area in the universe which full of ion atoms.. there will be a lot of physical changes too... )

Yes, I agree with the entering of a fifth "world". I do not like the word "dimension". Somehow it's the wrong word. it doesn't say exactly what it's about.

Changes are already happening. It's said that geological and physical changes are happening a lot quicker as we enter this fifth "world".

The world moves on to a higher spiritual level too...

(apologies Gil_W, I thought you would see I merged the threads, 'cause Stryderunknown was right. it's the same subject and when threads are merged, the first date shows up first. :) )
How so Avatar? Do you have icy weather? :D

Then come over here. It's to hot for words. I'm literally melting and am thinking of diving deep in the freezer...;)
Banshee, For the last 25-30 million years there has been a pattern. Long ice age periods and short warmer periods. With human help (global increase in temperature) we have boosted the warmer period.
When it will get really warm and united world ocean stream will stop- iceage will start
the last age came to being :)D) in a time period of 10 years. That's awfully fast.

I personally think that after that metiorite hit 65 millions years ago and the change of the aligment of continents has trashed our planets climate.

mind that our very own civilization has developed omly during this one last warmer period.

I suspect that atlantis civilization was before iceage, but they didn't hold till the end.

Will we?
May be , we should build a pyramid and store all our knowledge underneath for the next civilization....???

Denver would be a good place, high up so it may remain a loooong time?
Denver would be a good place, high up so it may remain a loooong time?

In case it takes the "next" civilization another 2000 years to find our so advanced knowledge?

My goodness, humans have not even found the knowledge of ancient Lemuria back.

And we are entering the fifth "world". By lack of another word I use the word, world...

The other civilizations may have perished before they knew what hit them. Here is a little thought excercise.

Suppose you want to put bread crumbs such that the new civilization over 5000 years finds stuff a little by little to progress them to our level, what would you leave and how?

Remember if a hunter gatherer sees a car, they will just break it down to its components without understanding its purpose. So, you want the car tucked away with booby traps such that, they can find it when they develop the IC engine.


That is a possibility. It should be hidden such a way that we have to use X-rays or other sophisticated devices to find stuff you think, if we do find a transmitter, radio, or any electronic device, we will be told the truth?
there is a theory that there is ancient technology capsule orbiting our planet.

and tht would be the best thing to do for us, also. time capsule in high orbit around the earth
It depends on the level of technology of the past 5 civilizations. If atleast one of them developed nanotechnology and quantum computers, they could have set it in automatic such that at a given technology level, we will be contacted by these machines.

Just a thought.

I think, in 40 years, we can develop a tennis ball size device that holds the 50 terrabytes of data and processor at the human intelligence level. Now combine that with a fault tolerant self repairing system and solar sells with power that can use earth's magnetic lines to maintain its orbit for 100,000 years or more. .....
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Mayhaps ancient civilization(s) did not want this civilization to find out about their technology (to dangerous?). Mayhaps the ones who could took most of the advanced "stuff" with them when they exited the Planet.

And maybe the "stuff" is right under our noses and everybody reasons to much and overlooks it...:bugeye:
Originally posted by Gil_W
BTW- Believe in Planet X or not, many extreme changes are going to happen on Earth in 2004. It has something to do with the moving forward to the 5th dimension... (Earth is entering to a vast area in the universe which full of ion atoms.. there will be a lot of physical changes too... )

Groove on... :)


You are referring to the Photon Belt perhaps? A mythical region near Pleiades that will transmogrify us to 4th density beings. Or so the new age mystics would have us believe.

For one, ionised atoms are nothing more than a plasma. Space is full of plasma, the solar wind is a plasma and bombards us daily with ionised atoms. Nothing unusual about that. For two, the local interstellar neighbourhood has been mapped for some distance and we are in a low density region of the Orion Arm,

The original claim of the New Agers is that we are 'orbiting' the Pleiades and are about to enter a photon belt. Hmmm, OK, photons are light so that means we are about to enter 'light belt'. Which means precisely nothing but 'photon belt' does have a certain ring to it, a bit like a meson swathe or tachyon strip.

The Pleiades is an open cluster otherwise called The Seven Sisters. It's visible above and the left of Orion in Winter. It's a few hundred light years away so if we did orbit it, it would take quite some time to do so. But to orbit something we have to be in it's gravitational field. Though the cluster is made of many stars they are so far away the gravitational field of the Galaxy is much more dominant. Pleiades orbits the Galaxy same as we do. We don't orbit the Pleiades.
Both pictures are good. Looks like we are all moving together...

The only defense I can provide for the NewAgers is this:

Just as the saying goes "the straw that broke the camel's back", a specific minor incident that can start a chain reaction is highly probable. Now, the universe is going from chaos to order or simplicity to complexity. There will be a point in time where a measureable change would take place. While we do not know, when that could happen - next month or next billion years, it is more likely that just as our civilization is progressing on an exponential scale - so can what is about to come.

From all available indications, we are at the cusp of a major change. It could be simply the development of Artificial Intelligence in a few years or a shift in complexity we can not predict exactly....
Originally posted by Kmguru
The only defense I can provide for the NewAgers is this

Here we go again, marked and labeled... :(

Explain to me why you people always want a label for everyone.

I am not a new ager. And don't you forget it!
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