Planet X- Disasters in 2003/2004

Will Planet X pass closer to Earth, bringing disasters???

  • Yes, it will happen around 2003-2012

    Votes: 13 22.4%
  • No. It will happen in the far future.

    Votes: 4 6.9%
  • Planet X is just an internet legend.

    Votes: 41 70.7%

  • Total voters
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Having to explain this sort of ruins it.

A typical Kaled, post-genetic manipulation, from Skaro,

<img src="">

A typical Telosian, after cybernetic enhancement,

<img src="">

Methinks this says a lot about the willingness of people to believe this myth.
I have heard that on Dec 12, 2012. Certain solar systems (OR something like that )will aligne and there will be some sort of mystical mojo thing. I have heard that all it will cause spontanious enlightnement to all that are open to it. Just a thought...
Apperntly it the date was recorded by the Myans, the Egyptian and the Chinese (I am sure that has been said already). I guess we'll see if Bush doesn't nuke the planet first.. :(
Well this Planet X topic had some real twists.
Under any event just from the simple jest of the topic, it is that any such Planet that is not clearly visable, to say Planet X , such a planet would or could exist in the relation between the sun and its closest neighboring suns, alpha centuri.
how this happens is that the field effect of our sun exstends some 1.5 lightyears, where its neighboring sun only 4.5 light years away has three suns, two in a binary motion with the third revoling around it, these two suns each have field effect simular to our sun, the combined field effect of the two binary suns dubbles there area of field effect, in addtion to this field effect, the third sun encompassing the two suns in binary, imposes its field effect in addtion to combined fiel effect of the binary suns. In general the binary suns would have a area of effect equal to 3 lightyears, with the addtion of coupling effect by the third sun the tabulates for a aera of effect equal to about 4.5 light years.
when looking at how the interaction of such would effect our solar system we can see that there a over lap of 1.5 light years
in general that means that alpha centuri effects what happens in one half of our solar system directly. this enough to account for the distrubances in the outter planets, as well some distrubances on the rest of the planets. when looking a differences in calculation one event that has failed to enter the arena of calculations is the event that planetary bodies are hollow and gased filled. current calculation are off in many variables, however the accuracy remains relatively constant as the event of gaseous planary cores remain simular in effect.
Given the event of intercations of the sun and its nieghbors, asteriods, and planetismals(minor planets) can travel from alpha centuri to our solar system, like wise human will have the ablity to travel to alpha centuri with some biological saftey due to the interacting effects of the sun. when disscussing the event of PLANET X this is the only resonable course, where in the planet may be the size of saturn or dense as the earth, where in it has gained mass and or size by collecting either hydrogen and helium or asteriods, or a combination of both, in its path from alpha centuri to our solar system, So then what could the possible orbital path be, one that is highly irregular, one that would act as a shared electron between two atoms. in this case as it is a planet its motion/planet would be one that would say starting from our solar system. leave ar solar system, traveling to the outter sun of the alpha centuri, the one rotating around the binary suns, then the planet would then travel to the binary sun where it would find a orbit around one of the binary suns, and possibly travel betwwen the two suns in a hand off every orbit, some times it would be trapped around one of the binary suns for two orbits,ect.. in such the hand off and several orbits trap could go on for quite some time, untill the two binary suns reached a certain point in relation to the sun the orbits around the both of them, when this time comes the the planet travels to the outter planet and begins to follow it around the two sun in binary, when the outter sun of aplha centuari reach a close point with our solar system the planet enters are solar system, and is traped here for some time untill the outter sun of alpha centuri swings back around in its orbit around the binary suns to our solar system again and picks up the planet.
As alpha centuri has several large gaseous planet in orbit around it suns, it can be any of the large ones, what is unknown is if there is a more dense earth like planet of smaller size than the big gas giants, which such a planet could be invisable in fact either one could be invisable as they would be traveling not in a orbit relative to a sun which would exspose there existance as it approaces our solar system. if we consider the size of one of the gaseous planets it would be several times the size of juptier(?).
the event of such a planet would through much in new lines of motion, one the asteriod belt would take on a new orbit that would in the saturn uranus area. the axis rotation or the planets would increase, and some may reverse, example mercury and venus would rotate on axis like earth and the other planets, the earth would have 12 hours instead of 24 hours ect...
as ther exist a gaseous planets in the aplha centuri orbits that becomes evidence when the interaction of the our sun is effected by alpha, it would be comlete evidence, (probale event under fact)
othee evidence would be the event of asteriod bombardment of the moon and other planets such as mercury, venus, earth, and mars, in which evidence of massive asteriod collsion is a record on apperance alone. such a event would be a circumstance of such a planet leaving our solar system, and the recline of the asteriod belt back to it s present location.
circumstances where asteriods bombard the earth during a magnetic pole reversal are due to a change in gravity on the earth, effecting the mediune of the solar system, however that does not change the event of such a planet leavung our system and causing a recline in the asteriod belt, mercury would hold evidence of that.
I find it very intersting this PLANET X , so I am going to do a calculation and figure the minium time for such a event and then we Can see how that outs up with the other religous and historical statments, and theroys.
Hey, I want a refund on my internet. It keeps sending me total gibberish. Line noise? Dropped packets or something. Hopefully IPv6 will filter this crud out.
Well i will be honest i did not go all the way through the calculation regarding planet X and the reason why is that under the present circumstances such a event would, if it were possible was on the order of 250,000 years minium. the other factor of events proved just as effective showing that are sloar system is geting farther and farther away from the triple system aplph centuria, makeing Bernards star closer in than alpha in 11,000 years. that alone i am sure will have profound effects. but in general this means that any planets or planet X will become more orbit relative to the sun they are orbiting, so then a planet X would be caught in a stationary orbit orbiting which ever one of the alpha three stars. under best circumstance that would have been Proxima C. The event that are sloar system is getting farther from alpha/Proxima C means that if such a planets orbit however excentric or ellptic is contracting to a constistant orbit around Proxima C.
At one time say minum 500,000 to 1,000,000 years ago our solar system may have been within range to cause for such a unstable orbit of a planet X around Proxima C, in which still the return cycle of the planet would have been minium 250,000 years.
So then if you count back 2,000,000 years there could have been such a event. the evidence in this would be a gaeous planet X orbitng Proxima C with a highly irregular orbit and at some distance from Proxima C ,This evidence would take a astromner with access to a telescope reseach center. I belive, I had read some information about a gaseous planet orbiting Proxmia C but it was lock in its orbit and very near the star itself, such a planet would not be a canidate. The element forces causeing for a unstable Planet X orbiting Proxima C is very strong evidence, what is needed is the locating of the planet. but even so it would not currently be heading for our solar system, and if had visted this solar system that was the last time that it will ever vist this solar system, it won't come again as it' orbit would now be Proxima centered. However asteriods could come at any time, about 1.5 light years away, but they two are getting more stable, settling down.
Given the gaining stablity of asteriods every 100 years or so, it is more likely that we would see the formation of a planet, from are outter asteriod belts, in fact it is going to happen no doubt about it!, what is interseting is that pluto and chiron are very new planets, mabe even less that 1,000 years old. a planet formation in the asteriod belt will form quickly. prehaps what all those ancient stories,religions,theorys are saying is that a new planet forms every 3,500 years, that would more likely fit the bill with the current motion of are solar system and its continueing gaining stablity.
As for the Planet X the minium time is 250,000 years.

prehaps what all those ancient stories,religions,theorys are saying is that a new planet forms every 3,500 years
how old is the solar system?
how many planets do we have?
You are correct Empty Dragon, in 2012 the Mayan calendar comes to an end. It is said that there will be a path of novelty then.

We'll see whether mr. president almighty will succeed in blowing up the planet first. He is surely doing all he can to achieve this. The nutter. And now I keep it polite...
Well i thought that the mayan prediction was kind of intresting and something simullar to nostodmus predictions. here you supposedly have to predictions that the world or at least time? will end somewhere around the area of 2010,2012 and thats not to mention Edgar Casey who also has given som simular time frame for world changes with natural world forces.
What is intresting about this time frame and events of change predicted is that the earths magnetic field is near a polar switch which is a event that will cause world catastorphy as it switches.
Currently the beging of this polar switch is to start showing in 2004, not that it has not alreadly show it actions with the increase in the magnetic pole motion, but the time frame places the event from around 2010 to 2039, The year 2012 seems like the most probable as at that time the suns magnetic pole will also switch which would cause or possiblly trigger the earths magnetic pole switch. The maxium time frame is 2039. the event is not one that is conjector its a real fact and event that goverments ect... can do little about. some theroys say that it will have little effect on earth ect.... but i would not count on that as any fact given the enormus size of the earths magnetic field and the internal changes that will have to happen in amagnetic reversal. Any way thats only 10 to 37 years away, and many of us will be alive to exsperince the magnetic reversal. and the after events if we survive.
During a magnetic field reversal the earths gravity will increase and it is much more likly to be hit by asteriods and comets, with the chagneing gravity force effecting the solar system and shaking up asteriod orbits. So then it is some concern asteriods with a near earth crossing orbit as they would be complety destructive and some would strike with such force to effect a entire contient the size of south america. Given the upcoming magnetic field reversal and gravity increase, Asteriod X is more a problem than Planet X.
heyya all :)

heyya ... Dwayne D.L.Rabon

what about newtons law of oppersites?

will the increase in magnetic feild , not also increase mass and , in turn, on and on???

is there the possibility that the earth will maintain balance bassed on the increase in base energy???

it kinda seems to be logic to me , ...
but im just a lay-men.

i would suggest that someone (scientisty type) get off thier
pharmaceuticaly funded arse and look for the relativity equation consistant with shared energy feilds...
and if that aint the biggest damn hint, ill eat my chocolate.
he he he


peace light truth love
Of all the stupid, idiotic, imbacilic crap anyone has ever come up with, this pLanet X stuff takes the cake. I mean raliens have a better chance of being true on their clames than you guys! This is pathetic! Absolutely bullshit this stuff is.
Planet -X the series

Planet - X is supposed to be the twevth planet in some Sumerian pictographs..........and the story of some privilged E.T. conversations.

It predicts catyclism of Biblical preportions

Then it has a 3600 year orbit which just happens to co-incide
with the 1599 B.C. date of Joshua stopping the sun and moon in the Bible.

And then there is the story of Stichems' Annaaki, or whatever being giants that are a poorly spelled version of the Anakim in the Bible.

The're genetic manipulation of an Ape women (Eve?)
and the subsequient hijacking of the rest of the scriptures and events from Abrahams rescue of Lot in the bible also.

But I'm not close -minded...I heard something in this account I had not considered before...that is similar to something in Genesis.
....That serpents in the Genesis account were described in the phrase "beast of the field" that implies perhaps a desciption of a work animal similar to the phrase "beast of burden"

I did some research by the way, and it's true...NASA did find a tenth planet, but it's got an ordinary orbit around the Sun outside Pluto. It's also got a 280 year orbit....not 3600 years.

But it is fun to toss around..........If you've got proof otherwise, lets hear it. Maybe I'm wrong, but I sure ain't going for that Zeta-talk stuff, so you'll need more "evidence" than that.
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heheheh its funny reading when people are mad and stuff.
What makes you think planet x doesnt exist? Wouldnt it be safer to say it does exist? Cuz what if it does come around and does some kind of castastrophy? And that way you can tell the people who didnt believe , I TOLD YOU SO LOL!

hehe freedom of speech and religion was paid for in blood... LOL I like that, but how come it was paid for in blood? Cuz people that dont believe in anything , like to keep it that way.
I'm seriously not saying it doesn't exist......

What proof do you have........of this Nemisis.

A second sun less than 500 A.U.'s away, a black hole.

I would think that would alter time and space in this area,If not suck everything in.
And It's posible this thing could be a Comet, because the eliptical orbit is more characteristic of a comet than a planet.
Originally posted by daktaklakpak
"We live in a binary system. Our suns dark twin lies toward the Orion galaxy."

So we live in a binary star system, but our other star is in another galaxy all together? Umm what's wrong with that picture?
Why exactly is planet X supposed to be the 12th planet? What the hell happend to the 10th and 11th planets? Did we just forget about them entirely while making up the official "nut job" planet numbering system?
The twelth planet comes from Sumerian diagrams showing the sun earth's moon and all the planets including Planet X...they count them all for planets and it makes 12.
Ancient Sumerians and other races of Giants in the persian gulf area were rather attached to the number 12. Read below for a posible reason.

12 is the base numerical system used by the ancients, still around today.(12 numbers of the face of a clock, 12 months to a year, 12 to a Doz.,12 doz. to a Gross, 12 inches to a foot, 12 blocks to a mile, 12 signs in the Zodiac, ect...) Even the programing code for the internet itseld is based on a twelve digit code - derived from the number of months in a year.

The giants are recorded having 12 fingers, the Anakim - are part of the story of Planet- X.

He takes this from the bible and Sumerian texts and other sourses. They were a completely seperate race from homo sapiens today. The metric system is based on Ten - humans have 10 fingers. Five on each hand. The Giants had six. Five is the number of God (* in biblical terminology) and Six is the number of Man.

They are not as Sitchin states gods which came down from heaven and pressed themselves into flesh to mate with the daughters of Adam. That is doctrine of the Seventh Day adventists and others.

The Anakim were the Giants desended from Cain - Cannanites.(or Sons of Men)
Cain was the Son of the Serpent, the closest animal to Man.
He was a murderer, a liar, full of jealousy and rage. These qualities did not come from Adam. Abel was Adam's son, His true seed and Cain killed him. Seth then was Adam's next true son, and God's lineage was restored. (The Sons of God).

3600 years ago by no co-incidence, these sons of God, led by Joshua destoyed the giants of over 30 kingdoms in a five year war.(1594-1599 B.C.) Joshua demonstrated this power over nature by stoping the sun and moon for 24 hours to keep the enemy from getting away and regrouping. Kirjatharba (named for Arba, the father of Anak) was renamed Hebron, after the last Anakim were displaced - the few who excaped settled in Gaza and Gath. 600 years later they were the ones destoyed by King David and his warriors.

Sitchin and his zeta-talk cohorts atempt to turn this around.
They claim this stopping of the earths rotation was due to their "Planet" and not an act of Joshua's war with the giants.

What could be their motive........curious?
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This is the basis for the Fabricated story of Planet - X...
from Sitchin's interveiw......
It is complete fabrication......the guy made money selling these books. He may have been sincere, but He's wrong on almost every count here.

SITCHIN: My journey into the Past began as a schoolboy, fortunate to study the Bible (Old Testament) in its original Hebrew. Reaching chapter 6 of Genesis, the teacher explained that in the days before the Great Flood of Noah there were "giants" upon the Earth. But I raised my hand and said: The term in the Bible is Nefilim, which means Those Who Have Come Down/Descended (from Heaven to Earth), not "giants."

Instead of being complimented on my linguistic knowledge, I was reprimanded for "questioning the Bible." The result was an obsession: Who were the Nefilim? What was the significance that they married the Daughters of Adam? Why were they described as the sons (plural) of the Elohim ("gods" in plural)? The lifetime of research led me to the origin of all these tales -- the Great Flood, the Tower of Babel and the Creation of the Adam included -- in the writings, on clay tablets, of the Sumerians, back in time almost six millennia.

In the eight books preceding The Lost Book of Enki (starting with The 12th Planet in 1976).) I presented the textual and pictorial evidence from all the ancient civilizations showing that WE ARE NOT ALONE -- that there is one more planet in our own solar system from which intelligent beings (Nefilim, Elohim, Anunnaki in Sumerian) had come here some 450,000 years ago for their own reasons, and who some 300,000 years ago engaged in genetic engineering to bring about Homo-sapiens by mixing their genes with those of the evolved hominids. Their home planet, which has an elongated orbit around our sun lasting some 3,600 years, was called NIBIRU: "Planet of the Crossing."

The leader of the first expedition to Earth, a great scientist who led the genetic engineering achievement, was called EN.KI ("Lord Earth").

In 2024 BC the ongoing conflict between clans of the Anunnaki (to use their Sumerian name) resulted in the use of nuclear weapons to obliterate their spaceport in the Sinai Peninsula. The unexpected consequence was the demise of the great Sumerian civilization.

The Sumerian civilization he's refering to here of course is Sodom and Gomorah, and he mentions nothing about this so-called "Great" civilization being destroyed for homosexuality, and every other filthy act imaginable, to the point the men in the streets would rather rape the angels sent to save them, than the virgin daughters of Lot. The Sumerian "clay" tablets found are in the Sumerian's perspective writen to paint them as the 'Wronged or injured " party and being the ones in the right. It's backwards exactly from the truth and written by the same unclean spirits that now want to claim to be the benevolent "Alien" saviors of mankind., channeling their message through Zeta-talk and ones like Sitchin.
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While i appreciate your views on Zacharia Sitchin, i think it is quite unfair of you to judge his works so harshly since he has actually spent most his life dechiphering the scripts and textures. Name one person that has done the same amount of work he has done that refutes his opinions, ideas and translations of the same scriptures, texts etc.

Since you lump him to the likes of Zetatalk, i am quite curious to know about your credentials in this matter yourself since you are so quick to judge him. Would you care to share with us?

Although i feel differently about some matters of his discovery, i believe there are few in this world that has the same knowledge of these matters.

I believe Zacharia also is one of the last on this world that is able to read dead languages like he is reading the paper.

The Mystic - Saying that Niburu might be located towards Orion doesn't mean that it's actually in the same star system. Big difference, lots of space.
planet x isn't possible , because it supposedly stopped all life on Earth some 5000 years ago by stopping it's rotation

that is BS and even if that happened - what made our planet rotate again? :rolleyes:
planet y maybe?
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