Planet X- Disasters in 2003/2004

Will Planet X pass closer to Earth, bringing disasters???

  • Yes, it will happen around 2003-2012

    Votes: 13 22.4%
  • No. It will happen in the far future.

    Votes: 4 6.9%
  • Planet X is just an internet legend.

    Votes: 41 70.7%

  • Total voters
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zvirbulvanags: Hi faerie, you are at the centre of sciforums attention now. congrats
zvirbulvanags: is it you there by your pc?
Yahoo! Messenger: faerieshaman has logged out. (2002.06.27. at 8.44 GMT+02)

Nibiru And Mass Extinctions
Oh, I really love this. :) It's like Planet X/Nibiru day, today in the e-mails. Check it out, The Darkstar website is pretty good, IMHO... ;)


Hi All.

Here's the latest from Andy Lloyd from

In the article he mentions how the return of Nibiru may be related to
several mass extinctions here on Mother. It's a really nice piece of work.

May Peace be with you all.



See you folks later... :)
im not dead lol

ok computer froze and had to leave icq that much is for blackice, i have black ice to protect my system against hackers i wasnt being hacked by agents with blackice not really sure where that one came from. I have been threatened by the govt before yes .. in atlanta but that was 2 years ago and they threatened my families life but that doesnt stop us. Anyway yes iam on a U.S. installation in Germany so if they really wanted me they know where im at. I dont recall saying prepare however i know we aree in a safe zone here in Germany but if i were near water i'd be moving. has outstanding sites on preparation and the new map of the world after Nibiru. No not everywone will die however there will be a oplar shift and thus winter for a very long time if you know what i mean. as for blackice i do get hacked about 10 times an hour but not sure what there after as no real secrets on my system.

check out
outstanding website for Nibiru and if you really want to debate iam icq 54369085 or faerieshaman on yahoo messenger and am on daily. Take care all and have a great day

I have been threatened by the govt before yes .. in atlanta but that was 2 years ago and they threatened my families life but that doesnt stop us.

What are you doing to be threatened by the govt.? US Govt.? What branch? That is most unusual....

The only time I know, the snoops check you out is when you talk to someone on the phone and every other word is DoD, Trilogy, FBI, NSA and some battle information lingo, because it flags by the computer. Same for emails...

You bet! It is a date. I am looking forward to it. See you.

Great. I'll be the one wearing a pink carnation, tux, tails and a bowler. :)


It won't destroy the whole planet. It will kill some people but not everyone...

An object of this size, if it existed, colliding with Earth, if of course it existed and was on its way to Earth, will surely destroy ALL life on the planet either by impact, or by the aftermath. Of course, it would have to exist.

Not everyone will die, you know... The people that will die will have a specific characteristic in common - a characteristic that I don't have...

Are we to guess this characteristic or will you enlighten us ?

So we need to be prepared; according to those aliens, there are going to be a lot of changes on Earth, when it gets to the 4rd dimension....

Yeah... well... that was my point about the changes...
It seems that only a few are prepared for the 4th dimension...
Of course, to live in the 4th dimension we need some... characteristics... ;):p


An object of this size, if it existed, colliding with Earth, if of course it existed and was on its way to Earth, will surely destroy ALL life on the planet either by impact, or by the aftermath. Of course, it would have to exist.

It won't collide, it will pass by...

Are we to guess this characteristic or will you enlighten us ?

No. You discover by yourself. Guess... :D

It won't collide, it will pass by...

If it passes by, nothing will happen. We will therefore watch an historic event. That is, if Planet X existed. ;)

Should not our observatories being viewing this object moving towards us at this time ? Why have I read nothing in the newspapers ? Why is there not worldwide panic ? Why is it that no one except a small group of paranoid individuals with no knowledge of astronomy or astrophysics and no access to any observatories are able to confirm this event ?

Hmmm.... curious ???

No. You discover by yourself. Guess...

If I do, you might interpret my guesses as insults even though they are not.
It seems that only a few are prepared for the 4th dimension...
Of course, to live in the 4th dimension we need some... characteristics..
are you in your own mind. 4th dimension is the dimension of time.
to live you have to be alive
to live through time you need to be affected by time
everything is affected by time (please feel free to object, I don't know I only assume. light is affected thus we vitness redshift, matter is affected - it changes it's propertios over time). I am not sure about electrons? are electrons affected by time if we look at the scale of only one electron not a group of them. I know of entropy but I don't think it applies to single particles.

the only things tht couldn't be affected by time is energy, because it never disspears only changes it's charecteristics. Again I'm not so sure about singularity (if we look on big crunch) all universe then will come back to one point thus making it infinitly dense and small. so yeah - only energy isn't affected by time, but you may oppone- you are consisting of energ also, but I would object tht your personality is lost if tht energy changes it's properties like- you are burnt.

end conclusion->
only energy isn't affected by time

thus making your statement quite unadequate Truth Seeker. We all and not only humans have the charecteristics to live in the 4th dimension.

Tsssssssssssssssss, what are you talking about? 4th dimension? You must be kidding, right?

The Indians say we are moving on to the 5th world, as in a next ascension.

Mark my words: The Indians (Natives, offspring of the Ancient Ones) spread this message...They may be right, they don't say anything about Planet X or something like that. They are talking changes in human behaviour...

(Q), I will be blinded by your appearance. :)
Banshee , have you read "The Celstine Prophercy" also?
if so then I know where this is coming from.
I remember tht after reading the book I believed in it for the next three days. After tht my rationalism was victorious:bugeye: to the good or bad this was I don't know. Maybe I should read it again:confused: :cool:
Originally posted by kmguru
...The only time I know, the snoops check you out is when you talk to someone on the phone and every other word is DoD, Trilogy, FBI, NSA and some battle information lingo, because it flags by the computer. Same for emails...

And Posts?

Anyway ...

IF Pl X is so "close" why not point Hubble straight at it? Or maybe where it's supposed to be? Need the proof ...
they say it's en route from behind the sun. hubble can't detect objects from behind the sun.
Originally posted by Avatar
Banshee , have you read "The Celstine Prophercy" also?

No, I haven't read it. My sources are coming from the Natives in the US.

So, that's where I have to leave you behind with your "rationalism" my friend. :)

I'm rational enough Avatar, believe me.
I do not know the Celstine Prophecy though. I am not a reader of Prophecies anyways.

Not one of those things, then I can as well read the bible, n'est- ce- pas?


they say it's en route from behind the sun. hubble can't detect objects from behind the sun.

The Earth is orbiting the Sun. We should be able to see it soon enough if not already. Are the proponents trying to suggest that the path of Planet X is such that it will always be blocked from our vision by the Sun ? That is even sillier than the prediction itself.
it's a book writen by one author tht got inspired from the indian myths. you should really considerate it a read. It's quite good and if yu don't like the phylosophy in it then there also remains the thrill and action. it's a good book.

my sources were this book. and I'm actually on the other part of the globe, so I haven't read any "native" sources.
and maybe you'd be so kind and give me a link where this "change in society" is described.
btw, I've decided to reread "The Celstine Prophercy" (the nine insights), maybe it has smth in common with your sources, because it also talks about a maor change in society on the year 2001:rolleyes: . but anyways I awayt tht change, be it just an imagination or real- it would be great to come to truth.

I don't know, I'm only repeating what I was told. Of course I find it a bit silly, but I was given a question.

give me tomorrow to decide on this (the logical pact:D)

If it passes by, nothing will happen. We will therefore watch an historic event. That is, if Planet X existed.

Unless it is bigger than Jupiter...

Should not our observatories being viewing this object moving towards us at this time ? Why have I read nothing in the newspapers ? Why is there not worldwide panic ? Why is it that no one except a small group of paranoid individuals with no knowledge of astronomy or astrophysics and no access to any observatories are able to confirm this event ?

An example..."We almost ALL Died"
Asteroid 2002MN was not detected until Monday, three days after its closest approach on June 14, when it got within 75,000 miles of Earth and was traveling at a speed of some 23,000 miles per hour, astronomers said.


If I do, you might interpret my guesses as insults even though they are not.

Try me...


are you in your own mind. 4th dimension is the dimension of time.

Actually, you are right. It seems that is to the fith dimension, not fourth... :)
I actually tried to explain that in one thread... when I talked about 7 dimensions... 3 physical (1,2,3), one of time (4), and 3 spiritual (5,6,7)...

I am not sure about electrons? are electrons affected by time if we look at the scale of only one electron not a group of them.

Electrons are not very affected. I'm almost sure they can even go back on time... They are too close to the speed of light... in those situations they are very... peculiar... :D:D

I know of entropy but I don't think it applies to single particles.

I guess it only work for atoms...


My sources are coming from the Natives in the US.
I have sources from indians too... do you know the Toltecs? :)

I do not know the Celstine Prophecy though. I am not a reader of Prophecies anyways.

It is from the Incas, South American indians... :)
It is the same thing, in other words... :)

btw, I've decided to reread "The Celstine Prophercy" (the nine insights), maybe it has smth in common with your sources, because it also talks about a maor change in society on the year 2001 .

I read it, and if I remember well, there's nothing about 2001 there. The author actually writes in his other book, the Guide of the Celestine Prophecy... or something like that, that it will happen later...
Try me...

Why should he bother?

Let's face it Nelson, you'd simply whine and cry to the rest of the forum.

I note that you have yet to show where I have insulted you.

And now you are staying. Did you ever plan on leaving? Or was that just another device to feed your ego at the expense of others?
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