Planet X- Disasters in 2003/2004

Will Planet X pass closer to Earth, bringing disasters???

  • Yes, it will happen around 2003-2012

    Votes: 13 22.4%
  • No. It will happen in the far future.

    Votes: 4 6.9%
  • Planet X is just an internet legend.

    Votes: 41 70.7%

  • Total voters
Not open for further replies. are an oldager? old geezer? old whachumcallit? old hmmm...

I love new age music....dont you....(Yanni, Medwyn Goodall, Gibson....Kitaro...)
I am who I am. Not marked, not labeled. Just a human being. :)

Now, I was going to say: "I am The Eye In The Sky". I did not do so for one reason or another...:D

Yeeees, weeeell, BACK ONTOPIC BANSHEE!!!
Originally posted by Banshee
I am who I am. Not marked, not labeled. Just a human being. :)

Now, I was going to say: "I am The Eye In The Sky". I did not do so for one reason or another...:D

Yeeees, weeeell, BACK ONTOPIC BANSHEE!!!

"i am who i am- just a human being.."

LOL..!! :D

Did u know?
"i am who i am" means also "Yehwa" in Hebrew, name of the god of Israeli Tribes...
Some people believe that Yehwa lives on "Planet X" which will actually LAND on Earth, maybe on Jerusalem land...
I dunno... ;)

Good day.
The Annunaki live on Nibiru Gil_W. :) Enki and his "people". :)

I do not want to be compared with the god of the original bible freaks though.

Maybe I am not human after all then. I recall it and say: I Am The Eye In The Sky - and I can read your mind...:p

Originally posted by Banshee

Originally posted by Kmguru
The only defense I can provide for the NewAgers is this
Here we go again, marked and labeled... :(

Explain to me why you people always want a label for everyone.

I am not a new ager. And don't you forget it!


My original comments where aimed at Gil_w for referring to somethng like the Photon Belt, being a New Ager belief. Kmguru was only responding to that. No one mentioned you or referred to you that I can see.

FWIW, I think Kmguru's comments are off base as well. Applying chaos theory to human society is very difficult to do, it veers towards Psychohistory. Vernor Vinge may have a point with his Singularity concept, may be not though. The second derivative the rate of change of technology probably does not become exponential or tend to a singularity.

The Universe does in fact goes from complex (low entropy) to simple (high entropy). The second law of thermodynamics is not what it seems though. A complex system is a highly ordered system that requires large amounts of energy to maintain. A simple system is the obverse.
May be I missed my post somewhere...I applied the chaos theory to the Universe in this topic...I think....:D

saw on the net:

If we wish to discuss life in the Universe, then we must first define what life is. Mr Sunspot suggests the following:
Something that is alive generates order out of chaos within itself; it builds complex things out of simpler things and uses those complex things to maintain itself

Physicists would say it like this: Something that is alive can reduce its own entropy.

Most things do not maintain themselves and therefore are not alive. They break down and become less ordered. For instance, a stone or a house or a mountain or a dead tree is worn down slowly by wind, water, and decay, and does not rebuild itself.

Other things can maintain themselves, but do not create order out of chaos, complex things out of simple things, and are therefore not alive. For instance, fires and tornadoes can keep themselves going by getting energy from their surroundings, but in the process they don't create more order, but only destruction.

And there are things that create order out of chaos, but do not maintain themselves, and so are not alive. For example, freezing air turns unordered water droplets into ice crystals and combines those ice crystals into highly ordered snowflakes, but the snowflakes are passive and do not maintain themselves. In fact, in the process of creating snowflakes the freezing air warms itself up and becomes less ordered and less able to create more ordered snowflakes.

Maintaining oneself is a very complex task, and can only be performed by something that is itself very complex, so living things must be quite complex. Generally, a living thing that is more complex may be said to be more alive. Most people would agree that very simple things (such as water molecules) are not alive at all, and that things that are definitely alive are very complex. There is no clear boundary between these classes of alive and not-alive things.

So, things are only alive when they can create order out of chaos. If you connect things then you create more order. For example, there is more order in a finished house than in the stacks of wood or stones from which it was built. If you make things more regular, then you also create more order. For instance, there is more order in a neat stack of wood or stones than in a jumbled pile of them.
Planet X - the facts - May be...

Incoming e-mail:

There is allot of TALK lately that Planet X will be returning in 2003.
Don't count on it. The people for the most part spouting this
information are not relying on verifiable sources for their information.
For someone to have data proving that Planet X exists, and that it will be returning next year requires that hypothesis to be backed by data that other researchers can then verify to be true, and accurate.

Full article -

Jason Martell

We at sciforum can discern what is science and what is junk...but you know, in garage sales, ones junk is another person's treasure...go figure...:D
Update - Planet X:Facts?

I got another e-mail concerning the notorious Planet X. Now, I just pass on the messages for those interested in it. It does not mean I agree with it. I do not draw any conclusions from messages which come to me by e-mail. Have fun. Enjoy.

The first message is an answer to the one below. It came in like this and is posted just as it came in... :)


Thank you for contacting me. Their has been allot of speculation
concerning the date, 2003, which originated mainly from "Nancy Leider" from She postulates that in 2003, planet X will return. has been working with several amateur astronomers trying to locate the inbound planet X, as stated by Nancy's data. But no one else can seem to verify what she posts on her site as far as SEEING planet x or coordinates that she has been posting...

Which can be found here:

I personally do not subscribe to the planet x returning in 2003 theory. I do acknowledge it as a possibility, but have no concrete evidence to say for sure that it will return at this time.

I stick to what the Sumerians have left us, as Sitchin has stated, as well as the current resources we have available to us through public scientific sources.

The other side of the coin in my opinion is that NASA and other
conglomerate agencies have knowledge concerning a space threat from a possible inbound object. The signs have been becoming more and more prevalent that something is headed this way. What that could be. I can only speculate at this point.....

Asteroid, comet, planet x, ????

We will have to wait and see...

Jason Martell


Kevin Brown wrote:

Sir, I have recently become aware of the "furor" surrounding the subject of Planet X. I have recently read Mark Hazelwoods's book, Blindsised and Zachariah Sitchin's book, The Tewlfth Planet. Both were very compelling. However there is one overriding question which I could not find an answer for in their writings. Mr. Hazelwood asserts that the return of Planet X will be in May of 2003. Yet I could find no evidence for, or reasons why that date is selected. A 3600 year orbital period, or Shar as Sitchin states, would leave some large uncertainty in the
return dates to the inner solar system of Planet X. Especially when dates of previous visits are not known with exact precision. How is the date of May, 2003 arrived at? Is it only from "channeled" sources (which I can't put much stock in), or is there some solid scientific evidence which I have as yet not been able to uncover. I would appreciate any information you have in this regard. Sincerely, Kevin Brown

P.S. I am a former US Air Force Space Operations Officer and Orbital Analyst so I have more than a passing interest in the above topic.

--This is the message footer-- avatar...

Suppose for a moment assume that some large body (the size of a planet) is moving in our direction. With all the amatuer and professional astronomers, we should be able to locate anything that is only 1 year away...I think.

Somehow, this reminds me of "the fifth element"....Now we have to find LEELOO...

Welcome to Sciforums Kotabatu. :)

I have merged your thread with this one, because otherwise there come to many threads on the same subject. As was before. I already merged threads on Nibiru a few weeks ago. No offense please. :)

Thanx for your contribution...
Kmguru, thank you so much for your cool words on the Avatar. :) :) :)

Mmmmm, I am wondering about that inbound object, mentioned by Jason Martell.

Does anyone have actual information whether there really is something known at NASA or another "agency", that there is an inbound object heading for Earth? Now I am curious...

Re: Update - Planet X:Facts?

Originally posted by Banshee
Thank you for contacting me. Their has been allot of speculation
concerning the date, 2003, which originated mainly from "Nancy Leider"


I do acknowledge it as a possibility, but have no concrete evidence to say for sure that it will return at this time.

But the person going under the monicer I M Openminded does. Read He has imaged the loations given by Leider using a CCD camera under the conditions stipulated by Leider. He found nothing that was not present in a survey plate taken of the same region a few years ago and 50 years ago. His equipment was more than capable of imaging objects fainter than Magnitude 20 Leider claims for her Planet X.

It does not exist as per the her claims or the alleged claims of her alleged Zetas.

The other side of the coin in my opinion is that NASA and other conglomerate agencies have knowledge concerning a space threat from a possible inbound object. The signs have been becoming more and more prevalent that something is headed this way. What that could be. I can only speculate at this point.....

Asteroid, comet, planet x, ????

We will have to wait and see...

Jason Martell

There are a lot of amateurs out there with good equiment. Comets are routinely detected by amateurs at about Mag 22 or fainter. If something was out there the amateurs would spot it and announce it. There is no way the US government could silence the hundreds of thousands of observors across the globe.

Kevin Brown wrote:
A lot of good stuff snipped
How is the date of May, 2003 arrived at? Is it only from "channeled" sources (which I can't put much stock in)

In a word, yes. Nancy Leider plucked this date from no where and stuck with it.

From recent announcements from Zetatalk it looks like they are beginning to realise what fools they have been. They probably had not realised that amatuers routinely image objects fainter than her alleged Mag 20 Planet X. Nancy herself admits she is a complete ignoramus regarding Astronomy and routinely proves it. It would look like Nancy is setting up a 'get out' for herself on this one.

or is there some solid scientific evidence which I have as yet not been able to uncover. I would appreciate any information you have in this regard. Sincerely, Kevin Brown

Again, and
Read the whole mess at The 6 year ongoing debunking is there for all to read, not just Nancy's highly edited version of things.
Well, this is what came in yesterday. I do not know whether it is relevant, 'cause this is certainly not Planet X or Nibiru.

Thed posted the official article with internet link in the Astronomy Forum. Have a look there.

So I think you have heard already about this. Thought it belongs a little with this thread though, because there was talk in an earlier post about a "mysterious" inbound object, heading towards Earth. That can only be this Asteroid.


Wednesday, 24 July 2002
Space rock 'on collision course'

An asteroid could devastate Earth

By Dr David Whitehouse
BBC News Online science editor

An asteroid discovered just weeks ago has become the most threatening object yet detected in space.
A preliminary orbit suggests that 2002 NT7 is on an impact course with Earth and could strike the planet on 1 February, 2019 - although the uncertainties are large.

Astronomers have given the object a rating on the so-called Palermo technical scale of threat of 0.06, making NT7 the first object to be given a positive value.

From its brightness, astronomers estimate it is about two kilometres wide, large enough to cause continent-wide devastation on Earth.

Many observations

Although astronomers say the object definitely merits attention, they expect more observations to show it is not on an Earth-intersecting trajectory.

This asteroid has now become the most threatening object in the short history of asteroid detection

Dr Benny Peiser
It was first seen on the night of 5 July, picked up by the Linear Observatory's automated sky survey programme in New Mexico, US.

Since then astronomers worldwide have been paying close attention to it, amassing almost 200 observations in a few weeks.

Could it be deflected?
Dr Benny Peiser, of Liverpool John Moores University in the UK, told BBC News Online that "this asteroid has now become the most threatening object in the short history of asteroid detection".

NT7 circles the Sun every 837 days and travels in a tilted orbit from about the distance of Mars to just within the Earth's orbit.

Potential devastation

Detailed calculations of NT7's orbit suggest many occasions when its projected path through space intersects the Earth's orbit.

Researchers estimate that on 1 February, 2019, its impact velocity on the Earth would be 28 km a second - enough to wipe out a continent and cause global climate changes.

However, Dr Peiser was keen to point out that future observations could change the situation.

He said: "This unique event should not diminish the fact that additional observations in coming weeks will almost certainly - we hope - eliminate the current threat."

Easily observable

According to astronomers, NT7 will be easily observable for the next 18 months or so, meaning there is no risk of losing the object.

Observations made over that period - and the fact that NT7 is bright enough that it is bound to show up in old photographs - mean that scientists will soon have a very precise orbit for the object.

Dr Donald Yeomans, of the US space agency's (Nasa) Jet Propulsion Laboratory in California, told BBC News Online: "The orbit of this object is rather highly inclined to the Earth's orbit so it has been missed because until recently observers were not looking for such objects in that region of space."

Regarding the possibility of an impact, Dr Yeomans said the uncertainties were large.

"The error in our knowledge of where NT7 will be on 1 February, 2019, is large, several tens of millions of kilometres," he said.

Dr Yeomans said the world would have to get used to finding more objects like NT7 that, on discovery, look threatening, but then become harmless.

"This is because the problem of Near-Earth Objects is now being properly addressed," he said.

NASA simulation:

Most interesting !!!!!! This ought to set all the Nibiru/PlanetX fans on the edge of their chairs !

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, September 11, 2002 1:36 AM
Subject: AstroAlert: Mystery Object

This Is SKY & TELESCOPE's AstroAlert for Minor Planets


Since September 5th, the Minor Planet Mailing List (MPML)
has been abuzz with speculation about an unidentified 16th-
magnitude object. During the next 10 days the object will be
moving rapidly across Aries and then Taurus, passing between
the Pleiades and Hyades star clusters.

Bill Yeung discovered the object September 3rd in CCD images
taken with an 0.45-meter telescope in Benson, Arizona. The
fast-mover was "auto detected" when he analyzed his images
with DC-3 Dreams' PinPoint software. Yeung e-mailed the
positions to the Minor Planet Center (MPC) in Cambridge,
Massachusetts ( ),
which quickly posted the object on its Near-Earth
Object Confirmation Page under the temporary designation
J002E3. But within a few days the MPC removed the object
from that listing; preliminary orbit calculations
suggested it was traveling in a large, 50-day orbit around
the Earth, not the Sun. It had all the earmarks of being a
spent rocket casing or other piece of "space junk" instead
of a true minor planet.

But what exactly is it? Efforts by Tony Beresford in Australia
and other satellite experts have failed to match this object
with any known artificial satellite. Photometric measurements
by Peter Kusnirak in the Czech Republic failed to show much
variation in brightness, as would be expected of a small
metallic object, especially if cylindrical. But the big
question is, if it is really in Earth orbit, why has it not
been detected before? In Yeung's words, 16th magnitude should
have made it "a piece of cake" for survey telescopes like
LINEAR and NEAT, or for CCD-equipped amateur instruments,
to locate long ago.

Finally, late on September 9th, Paul Chodas (Jet Propulsion
Laboratory) weighed in with this posting to the MPML:

"The unusual object J002E3, formerly on the Minor
Planet Center NEO confirmation page, has been loaded
into our Horizons system so that interested observers
can generate ephemerides.... Further observations of
the object are highly desirable to help characterize
the nature of the object: we will update our orbit
solution as they become available.

"Telnet and email users of Horizons can access this
object by typing 'J002E3'. Web users of Horizons can
access the object by going to the Major Body Menu,
selecting the Spacecraft list, and choosing the entry
'J002E3 Spacecraft (UNCONFIRMED)'. The available
time span is currently August 1 through December 1,
2002. The telnet address of Horizons
is <telnet://>, and the web
address is <<>>."

For the full text, or to subscribe to the Minor Planet Mailing
List, please visit these URLs:

MPML Home page ( )
MPML's Yahoogroups page ( )

Amateurs who are experienced in astrometry should have no
trouble recording this mystery object with CCD-equipped 8-inch
and larger telescopes. Measurements should be sent both to
Chodas ( and to the Minor Planet
Center ( using the standard reporting

We don't provide an ephemeris in this AstroAlert because, like
2002 NY40 a few weeks ago, J002E3 has a very large topocentric
parallax. You'll need to enter your own observatory code,
or a latitude and longitude, into HORIZONS to obtain accurate
predictions for your location.

Roger W. Sinnott
Senior Editor
Sky & Telescope

my thoughts on planet X

i quote from a book

"What is planet X? Some astronomers do not think pluto is the last planet. Pluto cannot cuase wobbles in the orbits of Uranus and Neptune becuase its gravity is too low. They reckon that there must therefore be a 10th planet, Planet X. It must lie a very long way away, otherwise it would of already been discovered. And it must be extreamly large to cuase disturbances in Uranus and Neptunes orbits"

if you know your solar system then you know what im talking about.
what id like to point out is, could this be where earths famous UFOs dirive from?

your thoughts....?
Re: my thoughts on planet X

Originally posted by A Canadian
i quote from a book

"What is planet X? Some astronomers do not think pluto is the last planet. Pluto cannot cuase wobbles in the orbits of Uranus and Neptune ::snips:: extreamly large to cuase disturbances in Uranus and Neptunes orbits"

Fuurfu. The anomalous aspects of these planets orbits where ironed out by the Voyager probes over 20 years ago. Up until then data on Neptune/Uranus had, comparatively, large errors. Problem has been solved ergo no evidence for a tenth planet exists anymore.

if you know your solar system then you know what im talking about.

Pity it's out of date though.

what id like to point out is, could this be where earths famous UFOs dirive from?

A lesson in UFO morphology is required. The main source of UFO's is Skaro and Telos.

The race emanating from Skaro, the Kaled, underwent genetic modification to become the most feared aliens in the Universe. This resulted in them constantly living in environment suits with a bewildering array of detectors and weapons built in. Even the Greys run in fear at Kaled 'manned' war machines. Unfortunately they made a serious error in designing their multi-purpose environment suits and weapon platforms. Simply running up the stairs will render the Kaleds ineffectual.

The race from Telos eveolved into souless cybernetic warriors intent on converting all humaniods to their purely logical way of working. Again, due to a design error simply pouring minute quantities of Gold dust into their respiratory units will destroy them.

The Earth is occasionally threatened by older, more powerful alien creatures such as the Pan but we are protected by a wanderer in time and space who was half-human, half-gallifreyan.
Re: Re: my thoughts on planet X

Originally posted by thed


A lesson in UFO morphology is required. The main source of UFO's is Skaro and Telos.

The race emanating from Skaro, the Kaled, underwent genetic modification to become the most feared aliens in the Universe. This resulted in them constantly living in environment suits with a bewildering array of detectors and weapons built in. Even the Greys run in fear at Kaled 'manned' war machines. Unfortunately they made a serious error in designing their multi-purpose environment suits and weapon platforms. Simply running up the stairs will render the Kaleds ineffectual.

The race from Telos eveolved into souless cybernetic warriors intent on converting all humaniods to their purely logical way of working. Again, due to a design error simply pouring minute quantities of Gold dust into their respiratory units will destroy them.

The Earth is occasionally threatened by older, more powerful alien creatures such as the Pan but we are protected by a wanderer in time and space who was half-human, half-gallifreyan.

"Skaro and Telos"?? :eek:
WOW. I never heard of that.
I have been into the Alien World's stuff by the Avademic and Draconian Source.

Have you heard of this way of classification?

Anyway, yes. Greys (Orion Belt) are in the Draco's, neverthelsee they seem to help mankind, they have massive selfish interests, yet they are controlled by the Reptilian Civilization (Taos).

Please tell me more about Skaro and Telos,
Skaro and Telos.....

thats new to me too....

aliens are real... but why try to clasify them when we dont even know anything about them. cept the fact they like to fly around in their fancy ships and visit earth :bugeye:
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