Planet X- Disasters in 2003/2004

Will Planet X pass closer to Earth, bringing disasters???

  • Yes, it will happen around 2003-2012

    Votes: 13 22.4%
  • No. It will happen in the far future.

    Votes: 4 6.9%
  • Planet X is just an internet legend.

    Votes: 41 70.7%

  • Total voters
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If you are refering to the planet Nibru, then actually to the shumer stamps it appears tht Nibru ought to be a planet behind Mars. And because we nowaday find an asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter I find it credible to believe tht your planetX or Nibru is shattered to pieces and all tht is left of it is the nowaday seen asteroid belt
Originally posted by Avatar
If you are refering to the planet Nibru, then actually to the shumer stamps it appears tht Nibru ought to be a planet behind Mars. And because we nowaday find an asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter I find it credible to believe tht your planetX or Nibru is shattered to pieces and all tht is left of it is the nowaday seen asteroid belt

Is the distance between the two that great as to support a planetary body? Maybe we're descendants of Nibru and not Mars!! Or maybe Nibru ... and then Mars ...
hmmm. this is not the right thread. But it is very probable. You sould get some books regarding "ancient astronouts"

My thoughts are tht we vere visited by aliens in our ancient history and tht they started ourr civilization. They came from a close planet, star system , because their technology wansn't overadvanced. So it might be Nibry or Mars (the Olimp mountin on it (the largest in Solar system) is believed to be created in an enormous impact at the Mars's surface. Maybe it destroyed all of its atmosphere. OR a big asteroid hit Nibry destroyed it, Mars pulled some Nibru debrist to it, some debris fell on mars also destroying it's atmosphere so if any alien bases were there on Mars they vere destroyed too. Only earth remained.
Got ya on the different thread stuff ... but I was wondering about the distance spanning Mars and it's CURRENT neighbor. Is the belt a sufficient distance from both planets to constitute an orbit that would support a stable planet?
I have to look out this case, but if a planet was destroyed then because of the lost ballance of gravity neighbouring plnets could have moved. Now Jupiter is too massive for smone except Sun and Saturn to affect it. But if close- to-Mars planet was destroyed then it is very likely tht Mars itself would slightly change it's possition and orbit.
Yes a planet could have existed. look at this picture

see the distance, and compare with the distance between Mars and Earth.
edit to add- also look here
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Incoming e-mail June 16 2002...

Those who may be expecting Planet X sometime soon need to rethink the probabilities.� The 12th planet's last�date of close approach was most likely circa�200 BCE, making the next most likely approach in it's 3,600-year orbit in 3400 AD, or in 1,400 years.� In the interview that follows, Sitchin speculates that Nibiru's orbit may vary.� I don't believe that a variance of 1,400 years to bring it close to Earth in 2003 is�likely.�

What's interesting in this interview from the perspective of the TimeStar is Sitchin's account of why Native America maintained ancient Sumerian lore and beliefs more thoroughly than major world religions.� Bear in mind that Sitchin writes about one faction of extraterrestrials for which he has historical accounts, and Sitchin's focus on one faction does not exclude the very real existence of other extraterrestrial factions.� In other words, Sitchin is an authority on the Nefilim who settled in the Middle East, but he is certainly not an authority on all extraterrestrial activity on this planet from beginning to end.�

I hope this information definitively settles questions about whether Planet X, the 12th planet, will be coming back around in 2003.� The answer is no.� But 2003 will be a geologically active year on Planet Earth for several other reasons.�

Regards, Krsanna

Will Nibiru Return in 2003?

Featuring an Exclusive YOWUSA.COM

Interview With Zecharia Sitchin

YOWUSA.COM, June 1, 2002

Steve Russell

The recent release of Zecharia Sitchin’s latest book The Lost Book Of Enki, caused a lot of public interest, as well as some unexpected and unwarranted misinformation concerning our destiny and the return of Nibiru. Consequently, some have predicted that Nibiru will fly through our solar system next year and with catastrophic results for our planet. �Is all of this hysteria or fact? We wanted to know so we contacted Zecharia Sitchin with the able help of YOWUSA supporter, Josef Novak.�� In this article, we’ll first we will present our exclusive interview with Zecharia Sitchin in response to a series of written questions submitted to him.�


NOTE: The following Q&A interview was conducted over a course of weeks between YOWUSA and Zecharia Sitchin and has been reviewed by him for completeness and accuracy.��

--- Beginning of Interview ---

YOWUSA: Could you please summarise your research and explain how you managed to beautifully consolidate everything in your latest release “The Lost Book Of Enki”?

SITCHIN: My journey into the Past began as a schoolboy, fortunate to study the Bible (Old Testament) in its original Hebrew. Reaching chapter 6 of Genesis, the teacher explained that in the days before the Great Flood of Noah there were "giants" upon the Earth. But I raised my hand and said: The term in the Bible is Nefilim, which means Those Who Have Come Down/Descended (from Heaven to Earth), not "giants."

Instead of being complimented on my linguistic knowledge, I was reprimanded for "questioning the Bible." The result was an obsession: Who were the Nefilim? What was the significance that they married the Daughters of Adam? Why were they described as the sons (plural) of the Elohim ("gods" in plural)? The lifetime of research led me to the origin of all these tales -- the Great Flood, the Tower of Babel and the Creation of the Adam included -- in the writings, on clay tablets, of the Sumerians, back in time almost six millennia.

In the eight books preceding The Lost Book of Enki (starting with The 12th Planet in 1976).) I presented the textual and pictorial evidence from all the ancient civilizations showing that WE ARE NOT ALONE -- that there is one more planet in our own solar system from which intelligent beings (Nefilim, Elohim, Anunnaki in Sumerian) had come here some 450,000 years ago for their own reasons, and who some 300,000 years ago engaged in genetic engineering to bring about Homo-sapiens by mixing their genes with those of the evolved hominids. Their home planet, which has an elongated orbit around our sun lasting some 3,600 years, was called NIBIRU: "Planet of the Crossing."

The leader of the first expedition to Earth, a great scientist who led the genetic engineering achievement, was called EN.KI ("Lord Earth").

In 2024 BC the ongoing conflict between clans of the Anunnaki (to use their Sumerian name) resulted in the use of nuclear weapons to obliterate their spaceport in the Sinai Peninsula. The unexpected consequence was the demise of the great Sumerian civilization.

Enki opposed this use of the "weapons of terror." His autobiography, reconstructed by me from almost 800 long, short, undamaged or even fragmented texts, was intended to tell Mankind how it all came about. Thus the culmination of my lifelong writings: The Lost Book of Enki.

YOWUSA: On your web site you quote from an article titled “Comet’s Course Hints at Mystery Planet” in the journal Science dated 6 April 2001:

“A Supercomet following an unexpectedly far-flung path around the sun suggests that an unidentified planet once lurked in the outermost reaches of the solar system, an international team of astronomers reports.� What’s more, the mysterious object may still be there.”

From your research into the historical records of ancient civilisations are all such findings relating to the Sumerian Nibiru?

SITCHIN: The above is just one recent example of a recurring spate of revelations from the astronomical establishment touching on the existence of one more planet in our solar system. Some ten years ago the US Government itself, through its Naval Observatory, led the search for "Planet X" and the team's leader, Dr. Harrington, agreed with my ancient evidence. At that time even The New York Times wrote that all that is left regarding the existence of such a post-Plutonian planet is to name it... (I wrote to the Planetary Society that the planet already has a name: Nibiru). After a hiatus of a decade or so, the "discoveries" of "something" "out there" keep piling up again.

I have no doubt that at the right time -- right in the eyes of whoever decided these matters -- the existence of Nibiru will be officially confirmed.

YOWUSA: On your web site you also quote from an article titled “Neptune Attacks!” in the New Scientist magazine: “There is new evidence that a sudden barrage of deadly debris crashed against the Earth and the Moon 3.9 billion years ago… What triggered this onslaught?� Something in the structure of the Solar System must have changed.”

SITCHIN: This is yet another confirmation by modern science of the Sumerian knowledge.� A long text known as Enuma Elish describes how Nibiru arrived at an early Solar System and collided with an olden planet, causing it’s crash to form the Earth and the Moon.

YOWUSA: So, while the majority in the scientific community may disagree with your research, they are still making open discoveries that are confirming your research. However, many religious leaders still seem to be relatively tight-lipped about acknowledging your research.� Are you disappointed that religion does not seem to be evolving in the way our science is?

SITCHIN: In Sumerian times Religion was Science and Science was Religion. Who is more tight lipped now, to use your words, one wonders. As the two come together, the validity of the ancients' knowledge will also become evident.

There are many priests, ministers and rabbies among my fans.� I report an eye-opening dialogue with a Vatican theologian on my website

YOWUSA: Since the whole Hebrew Bible was compiled centuries after Genesis, the first of the five books of the Bible, do you believe that the writer of the Genesis account followed Sumerian beliefs more closely?

SITCHIN: Of Course. The first parts of Genesis, from the tale of Creation through the tales of Adam and Eve, the Garden of Eden, the Tower of Babel, the Great Flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, the Wars of the Kings in which Abraham was involved -- are all based on earlier Sumerian records.

YOWUSA: The beliefs of the Native American Indians reflect Sumerian beliefs as you have stated them.� Since major religions have departed from the original Sumerian beliefs, why do you say the Native American beliefs have remained so intact?

SITCHIN: A good question; let me try to answer it: The Anunnaki first established their activities in the Americas after the Great Flood, because the Deluge exposed there vast sources of gold -- the metal for which they had come to Earth (needing it to create a shield to save the atmosphere on Nibiru). The arena for that was South America. The next phase was when the leader known in the Old World as Ningishzidda (in Sumerian) or Thoth (in Egypt) was exiled, and came with his followers to Mesoamerica where he was called the Winged Serpent (Quetzalcoatl). Separated from the wars and feuds of the Old World -- resulting among other things in Religion as we know it today -- the people in the Americas apparently retained the olden knowledge and lore untainted.

YOWUSA: According to your findings, at about 11,000 BC, 7,400 BC, and 3,800 BC as a result of the appearance of Nibiru or the visitation of the Anunnaki, mankind experienced significant technological and/or sociological advances.

For example, the year 3,760 BC coincides with the beginning of the Jewish Calender and according to you the time of the state visit to Earth by Anu (a leader of the Anunnaki or Nibiru) in Nippur, Sumer’s “cult center.” �Assuming a relatively stable orbit for Nibiru, that would place a similar event in 3,440 AD.

According to NOSTRADAMUS scholar John Hogue, the quatrains of Nostradamus predict that the Earth will be destroyed by the expanding Sun in the year 3,797 AD.� Mayan calendars are interpreted to indicate an “ending” at 2012 AD, and so on.� How do such predictions jive with the data on the ancient clay tablets?

SITCHIN: That Mankind's progression from Palaeolithic (Old Stone Age) to Mesolithic (Middle Stone Age) to Neolithic (New Stone Age) and then the great Sumerian civilization, had occurred in intervals of about 3,600 years, is a fact. That Anu visited Earth, approved the grant of civilization (=knowledge, science, technology) to Mankind, marked by the start of the calendar in Nippur in 3760 BC (which is still the Hebrew/Jewish calendar), is certain (as far as I am concerned).

But as I have tried to explain in my recent Seminars (though not yet in a full length book), the visits to Earth and the nearing (at what is called perihelion) of Nibiru do NOT coincide.� This is a point of immense significance, which those who have only read my first book somehow ignore.

Also, the assumption that the 3600 years, as a perfect mathematical given, is also at all times the actual orbital period, is untenable: Even the orbit of Halley's comet, about 75 years, varies from 74 to 76 or so. All attempts to pinpoint a precise date for future arrivals of the planet and/or of the Anunnaki are thus difficult questions. I will answer them once I am satisfied that, based on historical and astronomical data, I have come up with the right answer.

YOWUSA: In retrospect, have there ever been times in your life when you wished that you had never uncovered this knowledge so that you may have lived a much simpler, less informed life?

SITCHIN: No. I am grateful to my fate -- or destiny (the Sumerians distinguished between the two) -- that my teacher told me harshly to "sit down and don’t question the Bible."

I have as a result devoted my lifetime to the study of what the ancients knew, witnessed and recorded. I am grateful that I was given the ability to fathom that evidence and to convey it to my fellow humans -- to let them know how WE had come about, what our Past has been, and thus What the Future holds; because -- as is stated in the Lost Book of Enki and the Bible, the First Things shall be the Last Things.

--- End of Interview ---


The 12th planet's last?date of close approach was most likely circa?200 BCE, making the next most likely approach in it's 3,600-year orbit in 3400 AD, or in 1,400 years.?

If it had passed in 200BC, there would be documents about it... or there would be references in all cultures around the world...
� The 12th planet's last�date of close approach was most likely circa�200 BCE,

Here's a link for you TruthSeeker. Maybe you'll find something of your interest in there. Take a look:

Planet X's Return

Hi All.

Here's the latest from Howard at Ambilac. It's quite interesting. We'll just
have to wait and see...

May peace be with you all,


This is from a mailinglist. I hope you'll find some answers in there, I garantee nothing, because I simply do not believe everything which comes in, in the e-mails. I pass it through to you, so you can check it out and make up your mind about what's written down here... ;)

From the link you provided:

Thus Planet "X" will arrive on May 13th 2003.

I would be honored if you would oblige to share a couple of cups of coffee in some outdoor cafe to witness this coming, or not coming as is most likely. I'd be interested to see the look on your face as I'm sure you'd be interested to see the look on my face if it did come. Is it a date ? ;)

Perhaps you might be making plans to spend time with your family in the last few reamaining hours of our existence.
there have been so much of these last hours, last days on the planet. year 1000 a.d. for instance;) everyone giving away their money and values. criminals set lose, other criminals go to jail of their own free will. there was a major chas in christian world then. all were waiting for christ to come down and kill em'all.

and I feel so old. I have witnessed about 4 or 5 last days on earth.

I remember tht first ws summer of 1998, then summer of 1999. then ofcourse 2000. then there was this one weird alignment of planets (weird to the crowd) it's 4th. And then of course new years eve of 2001. I have died for 5 times in 4 years:rolleyes:
I must be a highlander:)
You won't believe it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hi people.
Do u remember Eric Cooper ? ( faerieshaman, ICQ #: 54369085)

He and his wife have contacts with aliens.

The last time i talked to him was about 8 months ago...

Today, at last, he got my new ICQ number (maybe by my profile in Sciforums) and was very astonished!!

While he was talking with me in the ICQ, some folks hackered to his p.c.
He told me that they are some people of the US. Govt.
They hackered to his p.c. by Black Ice, he told me.

I tried to give him some tips to protect his p.c. against those hackers, and while we were talking, he asked me suddenly:
"are you aware of Nibiru?" (Nibiru="Planet X")
I said, "yeh, the twelve hidden planet, right?"
and he said, "prepare!!"
I wanted to asked him why but then he suddenly disconnected from the ICQ.
I think those agents did it deliberately.

I'm still waiting for him to be online again.
I hope they didn't destroy the info on his p.c...

I dunno, but i have a strong feeling that something big, that connected to Planet X, is going to happen in Sinai Desert in 2003...

Give u more details from him if i could...


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Dear (Q),

Those who may be expecting Planet X sometime soon need to rethink the probabilities.� The 12th planet's last�date of close approach was most likely circa�200 BCE, making the next most likely approach in it's 3,600-year orbit in 3400 AD, or in 1,400 years.� In the interview that follows, Sitchin speculates that Nibiru's orbit may vary.� I don't believe that a variance of 1,400 years to bring it close to Earth in 2003 is�likely.

I intend to go along with Krsanna's opinion.

Originally posted by Banshee
I garantee nothing, because I simply do not believe everything which comes in, in the e-mails.

See...I just passed this link to the people who want to read about this coming of Nibiru.

Originally posted by (Q)
I'd be interested to see the look on your face as I'm sure you'd be interested to see the look on my face if it did come. Is it a date ? ;)

You bet! It is a date. I am looking forward to it. See you. :)

As a last note, something big is going to happen in 2003, it will be a year of importance. That, I do believe...
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Perhaps you might be making plans to spend time with your family in the last few reamaining hours of our existence.

It won't destroy the whole planet. It will kill some people but not everyone...


While he was talking with me in the ICQ, some folks hackered to his p.c.
He told me that they are some people of the US. Govt.
They hackered to his p.c. by Black Ice, he told me

I wonder why they are after him... :rolleyes:

I think those agents did it deliberately.

You THINK?? :bugeye:
Like... you should be sure... :p

I dunno, but i have a strong feeling that something big, that connected to Planet X, is going to happen in Sinai Desert in 2003...

Yes. The Scorpion King will reborn from the ashes with his giant army... :p
Just kidding... :D

I'm not worried with the situation. Why would I be (and you...)? Not everyone will die, you know... The people that will die will have a specific characteristic in common - a characteristic that I don't have...:eek:
Originally posted by TruthSeeker
"... I'm not worried with the situation. Why would I be (and you...)? Not everyone will die, you know... The people that will die will have a specific characteristic in common - a characteristic that I don't have...:eek:

Dear TruthSeeker, I'm not worried about the appointment of Planet X with Earth,
I'm worried about Cooper...
Maybe he has some secret ufo stuff on his p.c. which he takes from the army, i dunno...

About Nibiru-
I'm not worried, but very excited to see what will happen.
Adrian Dvir (, a healer from Israel, said 2 years ago that some good aliens told him that big disasters are going to happen on Earth, while the Earth enters in 2003 and 2004 to a big area in the universe which full of ions.
So we need to be prepared; according to those aliens, there are going to be a lot of changes on Earth, when it gets to the 4rd dimension....

Groove on.
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Originally posted by TruthSeeker
I'm not worried with the situation. Why would I be (and you...)? Not everyone will die, you know... The people that will die will have a specific characteristic in common - a characteristic that I don't have...:eek:

Yep, you're right. No need to worry. Whatever will happen, it will happen anyway, worries or not. I intend to think more in the line of geological changes in 2003. It could be triggered by Nibiru...there's also a chance it will be something else. We'll just have to wait and see. Hiding does not make sense. Why should you hide? Que sera, sera...;)
Re: You won't believe it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Originally posted by Gil_W
Hi people.
Do u remember Eric Cooper ? ( faerieshaman, ICQ #: 54369085)

He and his wife have contacts with aliens.

The last time i talked to him was about 8 months ago...

Today, at last, he got my new ICQ number (maybe by my profile in Sciforums) and was very astonished!!

While he was talking with me in the ICQ, some folks hackered to his p.c.
He told me that they are some people of the US. Govt.
They hackered to his p.c. by Black Ice, he told me.

I tried to give him some tips to protect his p.c. against those hackers, and while we were talking, he asked me suddenly:
"are you aware of Nibiru?" (Nibiru="Planet X")
I said, "yeh, the twelve hidden planet, right?"
and he said, "prepare!!"
I wanted to asked him why but then he suddenly disconnected from the ICQ.
I think those agents did it deliberately.

I'm still waiting for him to be online again.
I hope they didn't destroy the info on his p.c...

I dunno, but i have a strong feeling that something big, that connected to Planet X, is going to happen in Sinai Desert in 2003...

Give u more details from him if i could...



faerieshaman was online today.
I saw it through my Yahoo Messenger.
well, maybe those were the feds , I don't know:confused:
In any case I think he is still in germany but I think tht if feds wanted they could maybe even get him, considering tht he is at NATO military base.

.Black Ice? It's more like a method, not a particular software. here is a link explainig the basics of balck ice

I'll try to cantact him or whoever is now by his pc and find out more.


and I still don't think Nibru is coming to us. Its remains are scattered between mars and jupiter.

maybe Death Star from Star Wars it is;):D

and whatever's the case, I'm not worried. If tht planet will come, so what. I can't do a damn thing about it now. Why not enjoy my time till then

Any one read The Chronicles of Pern , btw?;)
I am a little confused about this planet X stuff. Since it is getting a lot of posts, any experts out there, can you explain a few items:

1. Is planet X supposed to be at the outer edge of our solar system making a super long rotation?

2. If yes, where does it get the energy? since the suns energy would be so low as to keep the surface near absolute cold, the oceans frozen etc...

Or did I miss something here?

3. When it comes our way, is it passing just the outside of the solar system or inside close to earth?

4. If those people are advanced humans, why have we not detected any signal from them?

5. At our technological growth, in 3600 years from now, we would have super duper communication system and space travel. Now if these people from Planet X had such ability in 2024 BC, surely by now, they would have surpassed us in technology to be able to make contact today....
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