Past civilization

Originally posted by Xevious
No one has yet to explain the Baghdad Battery (yet alone debunk!) yet, so we know that electricity existed in ancient times. They might not have realized the potential of that particular power, but the point is they had it thousands of years ago!
They acquired it from among the remaining rolls/scrolls in the Library/Museum of Alexandria. A set of gigantic batteries were apparently situated in the so-called Queen's Chamber of the Great Pyramid of Giza for arcane reasons spoken of by Manly P. Hall and repeated by Richard Noone.
There are hundreds of thousands of Artifacts and fossils that suggest evolution is correct, although probably more Neo-Darwinism than Darwinism itself.

Evidence for "super advanced" races, Antigravity and super computation just doesn't exist.

That would suggest that if Evolution was placed on scales with evidence for a "super advanced race" on the opposing side, Evolution would weigh the heaviest due to it's supporting evidence.

There were many civilisations that have existed, and they were "advanced" however the statement of advanced means they had built societies with medical practioners, surgeons, lawyers and statesmen. It doesn't mean they had supercomputers, could negate gravity and do all those things you usually find on the scifi channel.
a very long time ago there existed a great race of giants. they didn't have much technology but they were highly developed spiritually. they had children with another race of humans and thus our human race was born. they don't exist anymore because they no longer had children among themselves. they chose to leave the earth and go to live in higher ethereal realms in earth's atmosphere.

that's why some people are over 2m tall, and that's why some people could be more enlightened than us thousands of years ago: people like socrates, da vinci, tesla, hermes trismestigos, ptahhotep, michelangelo etc.

i know it all sounds stupid when explaining it so fast, but it's still true.


sacsayhuaman. the impressive is how irregular the forms are, yet the stones fit so perfectly that you can't even stick a knife between them.

the giants, or sons of god, had developed a kind of metal which could store all kinds of energies (like the human will power, which is life itself) and and manipulate atomic motions. it wasn't a technological thing. the bible mentions two of those equipments: ark of the covenant and the lifestaff which moses used to divide the red sea.

the lifestaff was a miniature of the ark of the covenant and not as powerful. with these instruments it was easy to change earth's attraction and lift heavy blocks. it was used to dematerialize surfaces of stones, so you didn't have to carve 1000 ton blocks with primitive instruments (like in baalbek). there is much to say, these instruments could be used to heal people, you could do o"almost anything" with them. a great continent once sank because of people misused them.

that's why the bible says that god was inside the ark of the covenant. infact, it was stored with life energy, and christ said he is life [+way and truth]

the giants had great elongated skulls. their early descendants also inherited them (after the crossbreeding, genesis 6:4)

A surprising number of giant human skeletons have in fact been discovered, some of them reaching heights of 4.6 m (15 ft) or more.

During the exploration of North American mounds in the 19th and early 20th centuries, hundreds of bones were recovered, including remains of human giants, mostly 2.1 to 2.4 m (7 to 8 ft) tall, but sometimes as tall as 3.1 m (10 ft).2 The official view is that they were just isolated cases of giantism among the Indians, but some of the skeletons seem to have belonged to an extinct, non-Indian race, and many Indian tribes have traditions of giants once occupying the land.


"This photo of a ‘fossilized Irish giant’ was taken at a London rail depot, and appeared in the December 1895 issue of Strand Magazine. The giant was allegedly dug up by a Mr Dyer while prospecting for iron ore in County Antrim (Ireland). It was 12 ft 2 in (3.71 m) tall, weighed 2 tonnes, and had 6 toes on its right foot. After being exhibited in Dublin, it was brought to England and exhibited in Liverpool and Manchester at sixpence a head, ‘attracting scientific men as well as gaping sightseers’. After a legal dispute over ownership, nothing more appears to have been heard or seen of the exhibit."

6 toes and fingers and double teeth are common in giant skeletons. they also appear in ordinary humans.
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Suggestibly the "ark of the covenant" is nothing more than a stone tablet.

In theory, when we in modern societies build great buildings, we tend to place within their foundations a stone that marks when construction first started and perhaps a time capsule.

It could be extrapolated that the "Ark of the covenant" is nothing more than a stone laid in the foundations of a building that glorified the building to hold religious relics, which is probably still location at the site it was originally laid or in a building nearby that might of looted the stone for its own masonary.

As for how they carved so much stone with primative equipment, it's not that difficult if the rocks a particular type.

As for "Land of the Giants", again you have to look to evidence. Its known that every now and again there is someone that has greater height than the populations mean. You can see this at the Guiness site, in fact one such giant lays to rest not more than 10 miles from where I am.

The only supporting evidence to suggest "giants" is historical depictions of 'Goliaths', however since their main source of evidence is related to a religious text, it greatly undermines their accuracy. (Although if you filled an army with people to do hand to hand fighting, you aren't exactly going to pick people under 5ft)
I'm suprised you haven't concluded that MAYA means that an Advanced civilisation had "Virtual Reality". Not everything can be taken at face value or extruded to make sense.

Sometimes in language there are words to fill spaces where only theory or fantasy can fill. They act as markers/space holders, although if you would like to believe the universe is predetermined you could suggest such words in use now, is why such words came into being to begin with. (For instance the scientific community uses the Greek Alphabet in Mathematics and Physics, it could be suggested without that use perhaps Greek would have been lossed to a Latin varient)

I will not suggest I'm an authority on every religion, quite simply I read as much as I want into any of them and discard what I feel is unproven, biased or just out right fiction. I myself have no religion, my actual beliefs would seem deluded to some involving why religion actually exists, So I shall not be exposing that here.

What I can say though is I don't believe any single religion has all of the answers, I don't believe any single religion holds all of the facts, but this is the main reason why some people do Phd in their choosen field of Theology.
Crystals and Atlantis....

Connect the dots....

Optical data storage enters a new dimension
Feature: July 2000

Holographic data storage promises increased storage densities and improved access times that could lead to a new range of novel memory devices

IN THE era of the Internet, massive amounts of information and multimedia have become easily accessible in every corner of the world. The decreasing cost of storing data, and the increasing storage capacities of ever smaller devices, have been key enablers of this revolution. Current storage needs are being met because improvements in conventional technologies - such as magnetic hard-disk drives, optical disks and semiconductor memories - have been able to keep pace with the demand for greater and faster storage.
1 How holograms work

However, there is strong evidence that these surface-storage technologies are approaching fundamental limits that may be difficult to overcome as the ever-smaller regions that store bits of information become less thermally stable and harder to access. Exactly when this limit will be reached remains an open question: some experts predict these barriers will be encountered in 2-3 years, while others believe they will not be reached for at least another five years. In either case, one or more successors to current data-storage technologies will be needed in the near future.

An intriguing approach for the next generation of data-storage systems uses optical holography to store information throughout the three-dimensional volume of a material. And by superimposing many holograms within the same volume of the recording medium, it should be possible to achieve far greater storage densities than current technologies can offer.

Although holography was conceived in the late 1940s, it was not considered a potential storage technology until the development of the laser in the 1960s. The rapid development of holography for displaying 3-D images led to the realization that holograms could potentially store data at a volumetric density of one bit per cubic wavelength. Given a typical laser wavelength of around 500 nm, this density corresponds to 1012 bits (1 terabit) per cubic centimetre or more.

PRAPTI, TO BE TRANSPORTED ANYWHERE: the adept can at will transport himself to any place in any world at any time; or (Shiva Samhita) he finds all he wishes for always at hand; or (Markandeya Purana) he obtains that after getting which nothing remains to be desired.

What is needed is a teleportation device that can be commanded by thinking....
A technologically advanced society is indistinguishable from magic. What is the biggest confusion about Indian yogic stuff is that, all the miracles the yogis are attributed to comes from puranas - the stories of yesterday, like the times of Mahabharata.

As an engineer of all science, my thinking is that, if we speculate that the Mahabharata was fought with advanced weaponry such as nuclear, neutron and chronometric weapons - then it is justifiable that they had full control of the devices with thought interface. As the stories are passed down after the war which probably put the world into the dark ages (which will happen soon for us too) and hence people mistook the interface for human capabilities without the machines.

Imagine someone taking a remote control car back to 600 BC. I think the war was between Atlantians and the Pandavas...If we extrapolate our growth in science and technology for the next 500 years, we should develop all sorts of technology that can make us lighter, heavier (control of gravity), pass through walls, teleport etc...As a matter of fact research is going on now in the teleportation technology that a friend is involved. I get most of the cutting edge technology peeks in the labs from him.
kmguru said:
What is needed is a teleportation device that can be commanded by thinking....
wrong the ancients didn't have teleportation technology. they didn't have much technology at all. yet they could "teleport" because they knew themselves and the existence (self) is everywhere at the same time.
c7ityi_ said:
wrong the ancients didn't have teleportation technology. ....because they knew themselves and the existence (self)....

They did not know themselves either....look at Noah and the Dark Ages...:D
According to some scholars here are the dates and periods for each events:

Mahabharata 5561 B.C.
Ramayana 7600 B.C.
Atlantis 9565 B.C.
Mayan calendar started in 13,3114 B.C.
Last Ice age started 2,000,000 B.C. and ended 10,000 B.C. (Noah time?)

Ramayana took place in Tetra Yuga
Mahabharata took place in Dwapar Yuga

Satya Yuga duration 1,728,000 years
Tetra Yuga duration 1,296,000 years
Dwapar Yuga duration 864,000 years
Kali Yuga duration 432,000 years

So, if we are at the end of Kali Yuga (the end of days) and Mahabharata used advanced weaponry, then that could be about 500,000 B.C. to a million years ago! That makes sense since there has not been any physical evidence of the remnants of advanced products except a Geode with a spark plug like device inside that was dated 500,000 years past.

I think an advanced civilization that was destroyed during or before the ice age would leave no traces in 500,000 to 1,000,000 as left over people will go back to an agrarian society or worse. The only thing left would be folk lores or puranas. Besides if anti-matter or singularity weapons were used (we are building one - see sciforums Paul Dixon postings), it will leave no traces. Note that 65 million years ago, the planet could have produced humans along with dinos.

According to science, it took only 30,000 years to go from hunter gatherer to space age. So there is no reason that the same would not have happened several times before. History could be reating itself many times over....

Just some ponder...:D
arya said:
the one being described below has one to one resemblens to the space station described in one of the stories in indian ancient scriptures.
Ancient Indians didn't describe "space stations" as none existed at that time.
arya said:
also , the one being described below has one to one resemblens to the space station described in one of the stories in indian ancient scriptures. ( anyway, you see for yourself, and checkout, the hubble telescope center pages online, also ). As far as vedas, such stations belong to a different time line.



This strange "Space Photograph" comes from the Hubble Space Telescope and the University of Hawaii. We are told by the Astronomers that these photographs are of a new star forming with possible "planets" in early formation... Bhakta Don Muntean (04-25-01)

Got a link to the original picture please? I'd like to comment on the full sized NASA picture, not that rather small one.

What you see as 'structure' is simply an image artefact from the Mosaicing process. Hubble takes pictures of the sky that overlap, or nearly touch, and then these are stitched together. The joins are visible, because the exposures might not be of the same length, or different filters may have been used, and the images colour corrected.

You'd really need a copy of the original FITS data, and a copy of FTOOLS and get analysing, before you could draw any conclusions.
Numbers do not match with scientific data
Did I get this right?

Earth life cycle is 71 Maha-Yugas
1 Maha-yuga = 4,320,000 years
Total = 306,720,000 years ?

Age of Earth from science is ~4,500,000,000 years

Brahma life time is 100 Brahma Years
1 Brahma day = 14 Manavantara X 71 Maha-yuga X 4,320,000 (earth-years/MY) = 4,294,080,000 Earth Years
We are in 50th Brahma years = 50 X 360 X 4,294,080,000 = 77,293,440,000,000 Earth Years = should be the age of this universe

But our age of the Universe is ~15 Billion Earth years.
"One Year of Brahma consists of 360 Divine Days, each day being the duration of a planet's life, i.e., of a planetary chain of seven globes. The Life of Brahma (or the life of the universal system) consists of one hundred Divine Years, i.e., 4,320,000,000 years times 36,000 x 2.

The Life of Brahma is half ended: that is, fifty of his years are gone - a period of 155,520,000,000,000 of our years have passed away since our solar system, with its sun, first began its manvantaric course. There remain, therefore, fifty more such Years of Brahma before the system sinks into rest or pralaya. As only half of the evolutionary journey is accomplished, we are, therefore, at the bottom of the kosmic cycle, i.e., on the lowest plane."


100 years and not 100 days...
In science, our universe is formed when two branes collide in a multi-dimensional multi-verse system. Granted that time is nonlinear in the beginning of the big bang and it takes some time for the matter to form to stars and planets, but anyway you cut it, our universe is 15 billion years old.

However, no one knows what is the time period between bigbang and bigbust. Are we at half life? If so, then total should be 30 billion years and not 155 trillion years. Where did you get 12 billion years since the birth of what?