Past civilization

My sincere request arya,

this place is no good, let us move, let us have a discussion in other place with only interested people.

this is getting worst.

sorry, if you dint like my suggession.

also , another request, can you please tell me which is your religion, because you have told in one of your previous post that it is not hinduism, so . . ... Basically who are you

In physics , not just in MS, but in my whole lifetime till today, what ever i have studied, 40 % or more consists of it LIMITATIONS, and un explainable stuff,
It's called "life" stuff happens. No-one in the scientific community says we have ALL the answers.
You know, if three dimentional space is a reality, then atomic manifestation does'nt exist
Really? Show your reasoning.
We use a special form of unlimited dimentionspace theory called "gilbert space" in atomic research.
The MSc didn't really take did it? Hilbert space.
Why ?, no person from science community knows this.
Because it works.
well, after all this i have reached a stage, where i feel physics dosent explain reality in clear terms.
Then study more physics if you don't think it's clear.
I had always tried to interpret,, the magic procedure, in terms of physics, and Hence i had opted for MS in physics. But resulted in no use.
Because physics doesn't deal with bollocks.
I was in your position, some years back, but believe me, its all waste,
So you time travel too... (I'm 20 years older than you).
hope you got some sense
I have.
and also hope you wont waste time like i did
Wrong tense, not DID, AM.
PS if you'd actually done physics then you'd know it's "nuclear" research or "particle" physics.
The topic is not disturbing, the belief in why it should be true is disturbing (inasmuch as you're presumably rational human beings).
The negativity comes from lack of evidence.. you cannot demonstrate, you have shown no proof and continually obfuscate.
Fluffy irrationalism is annoying at the least and increasingly infuriating when continued.
Jenny's supposed search for the "reality" of magic would have shown itself to be futile without taking any courses (let alone up to MSc) if she'd done even preliminary reading (library anyone - millions of books on both subjects). The two subjects are incompatible. And purportedly getting (or doing) a physics degree simply because you're looking for explanations for magic is fatuous at best and totally bone-headed at worst - a waste of time, effort and money.
But still, for your clarification, and also considering your elderliness, If you want to experience the proof, Atleast you have to do these things.
Have tried it. Many years ago.
1.) the procedure followed should be wrong
Tried different methods - if it were a genuine phenomenon then the method should be genuine.
2.) you might have done some mistake
If there really were a "correct" procedure then repeated mistakes wouldn't be possible.
3.) the whole procedure and belief in that may be false
Got it in one.
From mind and thought you are elderly .
Because I don't believe in unprovable rubbish? I'll accept that one if the converse (i.e. accepting unprovable wishful thinking as reality) is taken to be childish as opposed to child-like.
you will lose in 16 years, that dosent make any sense to me.
Considering I know guys who are 20 years younger than me and act 20 years older then it's unlikely I'll go that way.
I know many people who have even activated the second highest chakra , ( by which one can travel in time , upon full activation ) .
You've seen it? You've witnessed them time travelling? You've actually checked that they've travelled through time (other than the normal way)?
also, ignore that "16", that means something which i never intended to type, but slipped out. dont ever try to find what it is.
Don't ever try to find out what it is? Oooh spooky. Psychological tricks? And I particularly like the way you reinforced by by mentioning it twice. Not very subtle was it?
Won't work. I was once "hexed" by an expert "warlock" and three days later he begged me to let him have the use of his legs back...
they can even fly with antigravity
Amazing. (That anyone should believe that).
they also have technique for invisiblity.
It's called "hiding", whether in plain sight or not. I've done it. Simple technique and only believed to be "special" by the gullible.
Hey arya, this Oli is a maniac, why do you bother to reply

I came here to just ask you something, but this person came in between and disturbed the whole thing,

No one asked him to comment on our discussions, But still he does this nonsense on everybody's post.

This guy has no better work, Forget it, and my sincere request is Ignore such disturbances.

You had started to help me, and this person distracted and pulled my legs to some unwanted mess.

Anyways, who asked him to believe all these !

If he does'nt believe, well and good, let him go away , atleast we wont have a sick maniac like you. As far as I knoe, I never invited him to comment On any of my posts.

I am serious, arya and i have been searching for answer from many years, If you help me, My instinct tels me, l am very close to levitation, Just i want to complete the page with your help, I am really not bothered about such maniacs.

Please help me, and ignore all this non-sense arya, we are there who believes you, and who are waiting for your help and guidance

This is a public discussion board and anyone can comment on anything, so levitate out of here, if you don't like something. bwhahaha!
Oh man,

first of all, Hari om to all

Why is this getting so worse, well jenny,

I can understand, the desperate-ness of coming close to a solution, and getting disturbed, specially for one, which you had been waiting for years, but control them, it is a public forum.

and , arya as i see is above all these, he is so very un-affected by such comments, I never see any ego in his posts. So dont worry, he is sure not going to be disturbed, And also i have private messaged him, to have a private forum.

But, i think, You should work on what arya has told you, i have found some details for you , which i am posting now


Here's the first statement given by arya

" energy flows by will and will only "

and intresting enough, the same thing is the basis of whole rekhi ( the energy based channeling and healing system )

In rekhi, energy is channeled and flown out through well defined points of our body, ACCORDING TO OUR WILL

But, see that no energy, is converted into any form, or there is no transformation, the energy just cures the patient.

But, I think, In your case you need to have a process of converting this energy ( transform ), so that you can finally make physical work ( i mean levitate an object ).

I think, this works, because, There are many healing centers based on rekhi in japan, china etc, and many people get cured there. So, That means, it is true that energy can be flown by will.

I think it is just a few steps added to this.

But i may be wrong, You do some more work and dont waste time on unwanted things,

Lets hope, very soon, we get some lost procedures back

ameen to all,

thanks nadeem,

I understand, I am not so balanced, and will definitely try to be

also thanks a lot for the info, you have given, and yes, rekhi is true, and works very well,

in fact there are many people doing practice of this.

thanks once again, and as you all say , Hari om to all, can you explain what is this concept of hari.


My instinct tels me, l am very close to levitation
Instinct. But no evidence?
I came here to just ask you something, but this person came in between and disturbed the whole thing,
Then you obviously haven't read much of this forum have you? Like Avatar said, it's a public forum and drivel deserves to be highlighted.
atleast we wont have a sick maniac like you.
Please, surely you mean "like HIM" i.e. me?
Pulling your leg? Most definitely not. A leg pull is done in fun.

also why i told black, I have explained !
Yes you did (nearly), several hours later. The obvious inference at the time, since the comment was tagged on to a sentence about my bike and jacket, was that you were talking about that. I've already mentioned coherence is helpful.
and You still did not answer my question
Of course not. I'm not going to spread secret teachings to random people. Oh sorry, do I come across as a woo-woo now?
that dosent make sense to me either, anyways, you are here being kiddish ( not kid-like )
Actually I was being 100% factual. I made a statement about "being hexed" etc, whether or not it makes sense to you depends on you. I can't make it any plainer.
i have edited and the whole lines have been removed
Yep. The two lines you "accidentally" typed.
But it basically comes down to you making claims for OTHER people, and you can't substantiate them... way to go.
thanks arya,

for reply, Now we can have a private discussion. Wait for just 1 or 2 days jenny, GNG, gustav etc ...... anyone interested, we will have a mail id, send in if you want to join, and we will give in the URl.

let us move,

Sorry guys, we will no more post so called "rubbish" in this forum. I hope atleast Oli will be happy.

Hope you all are happy, we will have a small place where we will do what we believe.

even good for us, and no "rubbish" for you
ameen to all,

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Don't worry. There'll be more deluded woo-woos along soon. They're ten a penny.
thanks nadeem,

so much...

Now it will reallybe exiting, and i am sure in just months time, Tleast have some results.

And, one thing for Oli, you told i had no Evidence and just instinct, but wrong!

I have some evidence, I have experienced, but i am least bothered,and dont want to share it in public

But, still I One more evidence, for you , would be levitating stones of shivpura in india

this is complete proof, now believe it or not. Thats it, there are many, but because of your negative attitude, i really sont feel like sharing

Anyways, a final goodbye

, hey nadeem, i am waiting for main id, we have work to do!

thanks and hari om

Anyone else find it suspicious that these two new characters are with 4 and 8 posts, i.e., just in this discussion.
1) Somebody called (rather shitty) reinforcements
2) Sock puppets
Wow, one guy starts to move a big stone and then it gets thrown into the air by half a dozen or more.
Convinced me. That's gotta be antigravity. Umm, or is it invisibility? Really must learn my technical terminology.
Hey Avatar, is it just my perception or do all woo-woos have trouble with spelling and syntax? Even the ones that have done an MS (sic) in physics. My tutors/ professors used to be much more rigorous...
Would lend credence to the sock-puppet theory.
the stone is exactly 70 Kgs
Or 90 according to another source. Can't even weigh it correctly...
If it has a "negative weight" then why doesn't it keep going?
But i see, people here are just trying to oppose whatever i post, without even considering it for thought.
Because, as I keep saying, you offer no explanation, no evidence, no method of checking etc. etc.