Past civilization

Hope This makes things about the non-existant arbitrariness clear.
Nope because the sentence I queried as arbitrary makes no sense, viz:
Belief is notsomething, arbitrary results of randomly generated complex equations.
Does that mean:
belief is not something that is the arbitrary results of blah blah
or does it mean:
it's not something, it IS the arbitrary results blah blah?
And for your information, you do not need an infinite set of words to generate an arbitrary sentence, you can just pick words at random from the existing set. As you appear to do in most of your posts. You seem to manage arbitrary spelling okay with only 26 letters available. Here's a non-arbitrary spelling of an non-arbitrarily-picked word: coherent. Try it sometime, you might like it.
How can a sentance be arbitrary when you can measure the degree of this arbitrariness
So if you can measure something it doesn't exist?
well, the previous post, i have started is to answer your question
Call me old fashioned, but asking if anyone can give you a definition of force (tried Wikipedia lately BTW?) hardly constitutes proof of creation of all forces as one.
There you go again spouting rubbish.
Anything which "really" exists does not have limits.
Any proof?
Well, the arbitrariness, which you are speaking is not "universally" arbitrary.
for example, humans, may map the meaning of word " arbitrary" to word, " ARBITRARY"
may be some other speech capable beings , map the meaning of word "arbitrary" to something like " bilaough "
Yep. But I didn't claim it was universally arbitrary. And since I'm using human writing and you (sort of) are then the implicit definition of arbitrary would (strangely enough) be the human one.
Why do you limit yourself ?
You think so?
you have some hidden interest and hope of finding something and gain access
No interest as you'd see it, I am interested, however, in what makes people like you tick. I'd like to find out what justification (if any) there is for your beliefs. Access to what? The funny farm?
without knowing what the nature of that absolute force is, how can you tell wheather or not the force single handedly can be responsible,
You haven't demonstrated that there IS an absolute force, so what follows would be speculation.
for deriving ( so called creating, in you words )
Actually it was YOUR word...
So any more number of them can be created
Hi arya,

First of all , i want to tell you that i have been watching all your posts ( with great care ) from the beginning as a silent learner.

and, one main thing i want to tell you is ( who ever you are )


because, I Know very less people in this world have such knowledge, and a very very few share openly like you. Otherwise everything is done secretly.


Like me, there surely will be many people who are just waiting for your next post, BUT HERE, many of them ( as seen in the last post are not interested ) .

So, what is the point in putting things here, Instead, WITH all respect, i Request you to have a seperate forum ( if you want any, i mean any help ask me, i am ready to even setup the complete forum, and house a secret infrastructure ).

We will maintain secrecy and let people interested be allowed into this forum. Let us discuss everything and do experiments, whole heartedly.
I am sure of learning a lot.

I am waiting for your reply,let me know, private msg me, and we shall start the work.

And, one more thing is that ( though i know you are least bothered about others comments, I even feel seeing your posts, that you consider these speculators like kids) dont worry about unwanted comments, such people are mere spectators with some willful speculation. They always lived in misery and will continue to do so.
what can these kids do, they cannoteven extendthere life by just 1second, they cannotcontrol there cell degeneration by 0.0001 % they are not capableof many things . They want to live in their same energy levels, and dont want to raise.

No use guiding such people, leave them. There are many people interested in.

let us join and hope you help us to enter the new unexplored world,

Thankyou very much arya,

nadeem ( ameen arya, its something like good wishes in islamic )

and like you state always "harirnama harirnama harirnamakevalam" ( i know hari means, supreme lord, in vedic litreature )
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We will maintain secrecy and let people interested be allowed into this forum. Let us discuss everything and do experiments, whole heartedly.
You mean the woo-woos are going to congregate in one place and swap delusions with each other? I don't know whether to cheer (no waffle anymore) or be sad (no diversion).
They want to live in their same energy levels, and dont want to raise.
Again, do you have substantive evidence or is it more wishful thinking?
as seen in the last post are not interested
You didn't actually read my post did you? I am in interested. The psychology behind these delusions is fascinating, even if there's no science.
I want to know what makes people pick up on and believe stuff like this... and as I keep asking: IS THERE ANY EVIDENCE FOR THESE BELIEFS?
We keep hearing wonderful things like
They always lived in misery and will continue to do so
what can these kids do
but no evidence other than extended waffle and interminable double talk.
So maybe disappearing to form your own self-congratulatory cliques would be more beneficial for you, at least a shared delusion is "proof" that you're not deluded.
i say!!
i wish to sign up at this secret forum
url please

harirnama harirnama harirnama kevalam
praise be to jesus as well
and jah rastafari
Like I said, double talk and obfuscation. Show me evidence.
Love is not limited to humans,
Thought is not limited to humans,
intillegence is not limited to humans,
ego is not limited to humans,
Of course not, my socks are pretty good at thinking, my mouse mat is more intelligent than some posters here and my pocket calculator is so big-headed you wouldn't believe it (or maybe YOU would).
Unfortunately gullibility does seem to be limited to humans....
Hi arya,

i have registered just to post message to you,

what nadeem said is absolutely ,

This is not the right place, and even people are not right

well, private msg me the url please, It will be helpful to us

thanks ( and thanks nadeem for initiative and gustuv for support )

hi arya,

I need help from you, but can't discuss publicly like this.

It is better to open a separate forum where we can participate.

But i will tell you a bit. so that you can believe me.

When i was 14 my granny passed away, and when we emptied her room, i got a half torn sheet, which i have preserved.

My granny had spoke to me about this sheet before and never showed it to me.

She had a friend who learnt magic ( real one ) from a teacher, and the highest of these teachers learnt it from india it seems.

These people have a book that describe different procedures of performing such act and this page defines one such act, of simnp levitation, of simple objects.

But the page is half, And in beginning, it says prepare the chakra to release the force , and this force has to be brought in pure form initially.

You also hinted about such PURE FORM OF FORCE.

I am ready to share this page with you, i want you to try to find out this procedure.

I even visited INDIA once, but found everything is changed there, and probably none have such skills today.

waiting for reply/Guidance from you, arya


then its just a play of your will.
Oh, I get it now. You just think you're going fast or levitating. That explains it.
Hammy hamster everybody.
thanks arya,

Hey i had heard of "laghima" before, I think this is the right way,

You know arya, i have spent many years searching for this. I Did MS in physics just for this, and even asked Phd's but did not find anything.

I think we have to have a separate place.

where can we get such precious knowledge. Thanks arya for such open sharing. Thankyou verymuch. Many people dont understand what you are doing.

I will work on this, hard and report to you. please accept me as your diciple.

because you are already my teacher, i have been following your posts since beginning,

and for gustav, i am 31 and i look like 41, so no chance , but thanks for interest, and also thanks for interest in the common subject in which arya, me and many more are interested too.

By the way gustav, what is hari om, As arya has also done the same, i expect it is some kind of thanks giving,

So, also from my side, Hari Om to all

Oli said:
Oh, I get it now. You just think you're going fast or levitating. That explains it.
Hammy hamster everybody.

Now this is really rubbish, and also unwanted

I doubt your maturity. Is your age below 15

I Did MS in physics just for this, and even asked Phd's but did not find anything
Of course you wouldn't. Physics deals with demonstrable reality and experiment. Not fictitious "pure force", wishful thinking and self-delusion.
Happy hogmanay.
Now this is really rubbish, and also unwanted
The topic is I certainly agree. Or do you object my meaningless insertions at the end of my posts? No more or less relevant than Hari Om or whatever.
I doubt your maturity. Is your age below 15
Here we go. You can doubt what you like. And no it it isn't. By a long chalk.
I had told you before, you have hidden interest, how much ever you deny, it is seen in your words
Then you're misinterpreting the words. I'm typing in English, a human language. I've already explained my interest.
Oli said:
Of course you wouldn't. Physics deals with demonstrable reality and experiment. Not fictitious "pure force", wishful thinking and self-delusion.
Happy hogmanay.

In physics , not just in MS, but in my whole lifetime till today, what ever i have studied, 40 % or more consists of it LIMITATIONS, and un explainable stuff,

You know, if three dimentional space is a reality, then atomic manifestation does'nt exist

We use a special form of unlimited dimention space theory called "gilbert space" in atomic research.

Why ?, no person from science community knows this.

well, after all this i have reached a stage, where i feel physics dosent explain reality in clear terms.

I had always tried to interpret,, the magic procedure, in terms of physics, and Hence i had opted for MS in physics. But resulted in no use.

I was in your position, some years back, but believe me, its all waste,

hope you got some sense, and also hope you wont waste time like i did
