Past civilization

Well, this is more than enough to know things exists, atleast for me,

if this was non-existant, How can you give address and ask anyone to check out. Thanks arya, also thanks for the invocation chant. I always had doubt you have evidence, and know many more things.

Even now if people turn their face, it is them who will miss out things, The day will come, when they will be left behind. Really behind.

Ameen to all,

Well, this is more than enough to know things exists, atleast for me,
One claimed untested ocurrence is enough for you? Shame.
if this was non-existant, How can you give address and ask anyone to check out.
And I can give you an address for someone who will sell you property on the moon. But it's not his to sell. Category error.
This thread is off-topic; over-run by sockpuppets; and without a discussion point.

I move for its closure or to at least have the spam deleted and the topic re-established to what can really be said about "ancient civilizations."
arya said:
This is not a act of discrimination, the reason is completely different, there are some biological factors, present in women, which should be kept away from this stone during levitation

Levitation is already known to be possible through the use of technology, as to whether the particular occurance you suggest is real and as to whether than technology is in use, I couldn't tell you. However the technology used did exhibit certain side-effects that might be hazardous to certain people and is probably why you suggest women should be kept away.

As with most Magic or Illusions that Illusionist pull, if they themselves aren't doing the con, they have a cleverly concealed assistant helping them. Even Houdini did this with his brother.
I have decided, i am going to shivapur,

I stay in karachi, pakistan and the place is just 32 hours from my place, and as it is a holy shrine, i can easily get permission too.

I will try out everything.

then i dont need to listen to anyone's opposition, because i would have witnessed it myself. also i am a muslim and speak urdu, so may be i can read atleast little as of what is there on the chant and other things arya said.

thanks, arya


Do just that, check it out, however never take anything at face value.
I booked my tickets, Anyway , I at-least found a real interesting way to use my holidays,

I am leaving, tommorrow 9.30 AM ( well my plan, is like, I have a Direct Bus To New-Delhi from my own city, karachi , just 23-25 hours I expect, may be even less, then Through rail to Pune from Delhi, then a cab to Shivpura, Hope everything goes fine, without any mess).

cool, I am exited and really expecting to find a real interesting thing there, Guys hope you can understand how I am feeling. Also ,as stryder told I will try to be carefull and note things carefully ( its obvious, I have to take that much care ).

I will give you all point to point , about what happened and how.

Bye for now, meet you in another 3 days or so, I plan to spend atleast one evening speaking to local people there, etc etc, hence 3 days.



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Guys I am back, and with results. I just came today evening

Here's what happened, And, what i discovered is much more interesting, than we all just knew.

First of all, the levitating stone is located on the pune-satara highway, on way to pune, from mumbai, let me tell about the place and other details afterwards.

First of all, the place is a under developed village, and people live in some old century.

And, the tomb shrine, is considered as very respectable. When i asked about the place, A person even joined me in my taxi, and let me till the road, where the tomb was located.

It is actually the shrine of a saint called Qamar Ali Darvesh.

And, when i went there, the tomb was empty and inside the shrine, everything looked absolutely normal, andnothing special. And even the mullah ( the priest ) was in closed doors.

When i banged the door lightly, he slowly opened, and said are you visitor. You want me to open all doors and want to take a look at everything.

Though i was interested only in the stone, I Told him i was interested in seeing the holy shrine and pray for .

then he was happy , as i also spoke to him in urdu ( though mine is little different from him, his is a bit pure ) and he also came with me.

skipping the other part .........

Finally we came to the stone, which i had noticed earlier, as it lies in the front of the gate itself.

I myself asked him, was this round stone , the same which is very famous for levitation.

He told yes, as expected, But then he himself asked me wheather you wanted to try.

Well I Got a chance and immediately accepted, He told me to wash my legs and hands, and then also, told we need 10 others, total 11 people to levitate it.

I immediately told, i will myself go out and get 10 people and you take rest sir, I will call you .

He sat on a nearby stone block .

I went out and first I called my taxi driver, because I wanted to be 100% sure, Then i selected 4 nearby Kids ( around 14 - 15 yrs age, playing marbles nearby ).

finally, i had to call remaining 5 people, whom i selected myself from road, they were sitting on road side sipping tea.

Now it was totally 11, and we went In, My driver felt some what , as he was a hindu and did notlike to go in, but on my request , even he entered.

Now I told the mullah, we are ready.

Then the mullah told us a short story, that the Qamar Ali was a great saint and spent most of his time in meditation, which he had learnt from some saints on himalayan peaks, and always spent his time in meditation and fasting.

This stone is the result of his last promise. He had told before death, that whenever a team of 11 men with dedication and respect, stands in a circle , and calls my name, with there forefingers beneth the stone, the stone levitates above everybodies head and stays .

Also he explained and gave some other chant ( not what arya told us )

then, I was in full exitement.

Well, Now it was time to see it.

We all repeated what he had told us ( Kamarali Durvesh ) at same time .

Now what happened was pure magic.

The stone, The same one we saw in photographs, raised as if in life ( I really mean, it raised as if it had life, and is moving above, No vibration nothing, and almost went above our heads, ) .

Then as the priest had told us, we had our forefingers, holded beneath ( but the stone never touched us, it was at a distance of around 2 to 3 inches from our finger )

This was absolutely amazing.

Then it stayed there for around, 1 to 1.5 mins. This was quite long, for stone to be there in air. For the first time I had witnessed levitation my self, in front of me.

The priest told I can understand your excitement and again, we all dispersed.

Then , now what i found was the most interesting stuff i had ever found.

as follows.

I asked the priest , was he not excited.

priest : He told, yes but not at this site. this i have seen from my childhood.
But, Once some tibetian monks came to the tomb. They were just 4
in number. Then they requested me for allowing them to test something
with the stone.

Being precautionary, i told even i will be near the stone for safety. They started
to open some music instruments ( small ones, two in number ) and then two off them started to recite some sanskrit chants, and the other two started to make sounds, Out of the two instruments ,One made very strong sound.

after 5 to 6 mins, they opened a clothbag, and took out 7 stones, which
looked like simple white stones. they placed it around the Main stone at
the tomb, and then continues the chants for over 30 mins or more.

Now, what i saw, I had never witnessed before. The main stone at our tomb
started to raise about 4 feets high. then one by one , these small stones
started to raise. finally the small stones rotated the main stone, as follows :

out of 7 stones , the first two raised ones, rotated the stone, from above - below
circular path and similarly the other stones rotated in different positions.

and after 5 to 10 mins ( quite long ) , all came down as if someone brought
them down slowly, one by one.

when asked they told, the are from tibet, and they had come to test something. they told the whole place of the tomb is sacred and the energies present can cure many.

FOR the first time i had seen the stone levitated in some other way, other than the procedure we knew.

They told, they practice and also teach this technique in some sacred temples of tibet near himalayas.

As they told himalayas, i respected them thoroughly, and took them inside the tomb etc.Because usually other religious monks and saints will not come inside the tomb.

also they told, I was doing a great job, being a priest in such a sacred place.

Priests statements ends here *********************************

Well this was my experience in short,

Now, I Feel i have got my interest.

I have still 7 months agreement left with the company i am working for in karachi, so after that i will definitely search for these tibetian temples. I have got a new dimension in life, a new thing to explore, and so exiting. what else.

I thought of marrying next year or so, But now , no marriage, First let me find, what is this mystic world, let me explore and then let me think what to do.

This was my experience,

But now i feel it is normal, and levitation is possible and in many places it is just a common practice.

It is us, who were in darkness and did not know anything.

I think we all have to work hard, to find out such great knowledge, else i am afraid if it gets extincted.

what else, this was brief of my exp. I can never tell you my excitement, when I actually witnessed levitation. Literally I was seeing a stone flying, and standing in air, without support. What wonderful sight.

Then At last I asked that I had other chant, will it work and will the stone levitate. Hesaid, there are very few and some are un-exposed.

anything else will not do.

I read out, what i had taken from arya's post.

He wasshocked and first thing what he asked was, who gave you this. Because this is one of the three possible invocation chants and very very few know this. This is usually not used in public and hidden.

I told him, i got it from someone's post( i had to explain him a lot, they don't no anything about internet, web etc ).

He dint understand, and asked me " But who gave you, tell me his name"

Then i told I don't no if it is real name, but it is arya.

HE told he had never heard this namebefore, and wasvery much surprised, because he told thischant posted in previous page, is extremely confidential and kept as secret,

Only the other two are used in public.

Then it was a real mystery to him.

It was night 7.00 PM, and finally I left with this great experience in mind, knowing that there are many things in this world , which I don't even know.

Whole road, i was thinking, I have to explore this and learn these things, But i found It is extremely difficult to learn.

It seems only very few, people practice all this, only in tibet and in himalayan region.

And It is very difficult to find these people because, they intentionally hide themselves and does not like public appearence.

Well, now i dont need any proof, I know, there are many things, we don't know, and I dont want to waste much time, asking for rational proofs . I will have to start to explore.

Bye guys, everyone. This is a new world for me, exiting and what the world does not know.

But I have just one advice at last, Faith is also a thing of consideration, and We have to be irrational, and work out promptly, to find out things,

Afterall, Results are the things which really matters, not the proofs without results.

Thanks and regards,

wish me best of luck,


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uh huh,,,,,,,,,,,,

Nice parlor trick, but when can I have the car version? Can I get that in a convertable?

Seen better on TV, and I havent watched TV for many decades now.
I was expecting such statement from you, in fact i was waiting and was little bit, surprized, as of why you took so long .

Thanks arya, and Bye everyone on this forum, I mean everyone.


and arya can you tell me the script name used for the above thing ( is it sanskrit or Hindi )

and .................. what else

Yay sock puppets! You found teh answer!

All that, and you took no pictures? Yeah, totally believable.
And measurements.. did you take any measurements, time, mass, velocity. Anything? Anything at all?
I have pictures which was taken by a guy there, I wanted to weigh but priest did not allow,

Then also I have all proofs, But Where did the arya's last post , where he wished me best of luck go.

Is it deleted by someone else, or you yourself did it, arya,

Guys, just an hour back or so , I read It and also replied back,

I also notice, His other posts are also deleted and even page 15 went back to page 12,

confused a bit..................

Because I am not very good at forums like this . It is very recently I started to post in forums and this is just my second forum.

can anyone tell me wheather this is done by admin or arya himself

really confused ..... hope to get some clarification

The address is here :

The village name is shivpura, It is On pune-satara highway

Pune is a city in state of maharastra, in India

Very easy to go, Just go by flight to Mumbai, the financial capital of india ,

then catch a cab, tell him, that You have to go, to shivpura and if he doesnt know, tell him just it is on Mumbai-pune-Satara highway.

But sorry, I dont know about Lon/Lat details etc

thats it, it is really easy to find, not a problem. and flights to mumbai is available from all major cities of the world ( i atleast know of flights from london, NY, Cals etc )

Regards and take a handycam, because ( mullah )priest allows you to shoot and also take a friend, i had problem in catching a person there to handle my camera,
