Past civilization

I'm nearly convinced that these civilizations in fact did exist, and that they were as advanced, if not more advanced than we are today. However, . civilizations have garnered their secrets from future time travelers? does the aformentioned literature hint to this in any way


God transends time, and if you take the account of Genesis as I have stated in my post above, these Sons of God had prophetic insight. Gene means "seed" and "sis" means "two".
It's the story of the two seeds., The Sons of God could see the future, past, and the present......i.e. other places, the thoughts and intents of the heart, and had revelation from the the mind of God.
With lifespans of nearly 1000 years, the healing power of God's miracles and wisdom unlike anything ever seen in this life. They were far beyond this present civilization, however still in a fallen state. They were eventully tempted by the daughters of men, and mixed with the serpents seed. The world right before the flood and after was very different from today and not primative by any standard......but there may have been third-world areas of Cains people that were very backward, also area's of Seth's linage may have been so advanced spiritually that they may have appeared to lack any signs of technology....Because they didn't need it.
Think about that for a minite......And the world to come that waits for the redeemed of God's people will be far better than that was ...Like night from day.
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The place I was looking for

I have always been fascinated by the concept of alien life form and firmly believe that there are infact races which are far more superior to ours. ramayana and mahabharata have always confused me because the way they have been shown on television never seemed logical to me. I always believed that they are not simply myths but there is a much deeper meaning in all that has been given in the ancient scriptures.
i could never imagine how the kauravas in mahabharat were 100 brothers and sister. but then i learnt about test tube babies and then 100 seemed no problem. similarly the birth of karna was a problem. The story said ( atleast the abridged versions and the one which they showed on tv) the sun god blessed the female ( i don't remember her name rite now) and she conceived karna. well biologically thats not possible. either she was taken in and artificially inseminated or the sun god( i believe was from another planet) had mated with her ( there has been mention of the gods mating with the daughters of man).
now all these incidents can either be explained through present day science or science which we hven't developed yet. this clearly says that what we are discovering now has already been discovered a long time ago and has been lost down the ages and our ancestors weren't the fools that our archaeologists try to prove they were.
i am extremely happy to find u guys who share the same thoughts and i am amazed at the amount of info u have in here. gr8 going guys. keep up the good job.
TheVisitor - total bs - genesis does not require an all powerful "god"to explain it
Just found this forum last night the thread about ancient civilizations - I just had to join!

In my meanderings through the virtual world I've come upon a number of interesting sites pertaining to the subject at hand and would like to contribute some that might be of interest:

Some very strange skulls found in Peru: skulls.html

About possibly-extraterrestrial nano-artefacts from the upper Pleistocene in the Ural mountains:

About human skull and bones discovered embedded in carboniferous strata in Pennsylvania:

More ancient UFO depictions of prehistoric man, go to <UFO artwork B.C.> check the ones from A.D. out also! (Zion's images are posted as well)

Archaeological Cover-ups, article in Nexus Magazine:

Forbidden Archeology:

There seems to be so much evidence of hidden findings, suppressed information and sometimes outright skullduggery that it has become increasingly difficult to have faith in "the facts" as presented by the "experts" not only in archeology but all the other sciences as well. I think the so-called impartiality of science is at best a pipedream. A person seeking knowledge for the pure joy of learning is having a hard time to sift the wheat from the chaff these days.

I have studied many books dealing with the ancient history of mankind from many angles - ancient scriptures, artifacts, mythologies, indigenous cosmologies and creation stories and I feel that the story we are given by these "experts" imho just don't seem tally with the evidence. This is very sad as I feel it is immensely vital for us as a people to know the truth of our origins. How can we make intelligent choices about our present dilemmas if we do not know the truth of where we came from?

I am not surprised at the mess we have made of things as these lies have been told for at least a thousand years. I think it is high time for a house cleaning! I for myself am unwilling to wait until these "experts" see the light. Viva the internet!

Thank you all for a very enjoyable thread - always good to meet fellow travelers!
Thank you stargazer, you are most welcome to sciforums.

When I started this thread, I did not will keep on going like the energizer bunny....anyway...

We need to track down what happened to the Russian story about the map that is purported to be several million years old. May be after Iraq situation stabilizes, we will find stuff buried in a time capsule as the coalition looks for WMDs.

Wishful thinking....:D
kmguru -
Somehow I don't get the impression that they will be very forthcoming about anything they discover though, unless some kind soul decides to leak something. I'm talking about the real important finds - what are they so afraid of? All I know, unless we are dealing with the real facts concerning our origins and history we will never be able to truly make decisions serving our interests. Come to think of it, maybe that's what they are so worried about!

On the other hand, when I think about all the outright lies, suppressed findings, hidden artefacts etc. perpetuated by the ptb on us - it would take nothing less than the complete revamping of our history, many of our sciences and last but not least might end up doing away with most of our religions (or at least dramatically upset what people believe). A most gargantuan task, I admit - and in the case of religion at least (and science as well - it comports itself much like a religion anyway) there would actually be a lot of resistance from the adherents themselves.

Moonhawk -
go to
and look at the slideshow from B.C. (and check out A.D. as well for good measure) - some of these images leave very little doubt about what our ancestors saw. Now wether they are from another world removed from us by time or space these images don't tell us. I don't think it much matters anyway - the important realization is that there obviously was some kind of contact throughout the ages. And then we have to come to terms with what that means for us.

Read Robert Temple's 'The Sirius Mystery' - the Dogon tribe in Africa maintains that their ancestors came from Sirius and they divulged back in the 1930's to some anthropologists their knowledge that Sirius is a system consisting of 3 stars, disclosed their orbits and composition and much other information and they did all that at a time when we had no idea about Sirius 2 and are still contending today about the existence of Sirius3! (And you have to really wonder about all the behind the scenes badmouthing and character smears of the author, an American living in England with excellent academic credits, by certain American agencies who shall remain nameless - he obviously has some people worried! Incidently, this is the standard treatment accorded to all who dare to speak the truth as they find it, wether they are historians, proponents of alternative medicine or in the physical sciences. Seems not much has changed since Galileo's day - we just don't hang them anymore, we only try to starve them by denying them a livelyhood if they refuse to lie.)

And the Dogon are not the only people on this planet with claims like that - unfortunately you will not hear anything about this in your local classrooms!

Actually, what really amazes me is that there is so much information about these things today that dovetails with other evidence, why isn't there more of an outcry for a real serious look at this evidence.

Another interesting link is
the author of this site takes a different look at all those familiar stories in the bible. I don't really want to start a religious debate here, but the fact is that religion will be most severely impacted by a changing worldview. Actually, as a believer of any dogma I would think it is of the utmost importance to make sure that all the facts add up coherently if I am going to base all my life's decisions on it.

I grew up with all those same stories, fortunately my father had the most exquisite old editions of fabulous etchings of the world's archeological wonders. These were contained in goldleaf, leather embossed, huge tomes (about 24"x30") and stimulated an early fascination with ancient history that has only deepened with age. As I like to keep an open mind at all times I am willing to entertain many different ideas - the only thing that offends me is if I am expected to believe things that obviously don't make sense and in many cases are totally illogical.
And the truth shall set us free!

Peace -

Keep up the good work. If you find anything interesting, by all means - please do post. I think a lot of data will come from India and China since they are not afraid of any religious dogma. After all, Indian Puranas and a vast amount of materials talk about different planets long before we found them. With internet activity the way it is going, we will have a lot of materials in the next ten years than the last 30 years.

So, keep the faith. There is a crisis brewing in the world religious community. Soon it will come to head for better or worse - who knows. But change is coming for sure....
Good Links

hey star
i really liked your links. they really provide some food for thought. well here's sumthing to think about. just the other day, i was talking to a friend of mine about the 4 yugs that has been mentioned in the puranas. the yugas are in the ratio 4:3:2:1 and they are satya yug, treta yug, dwapar yug and kal yug respectively. the length of kalyug is 432000 years. now the thing is according to the vedas, man's intellect decreases at the rate of 25% per yug which means that at present our intellect is 25%. now the question is how is it that our intellect is decreasing while we are increasing it more now then we ever did in our recent history. we know that the brain develops more when we make it work more.
so instead of being more intelligent man seem to be more dumb every yug.
hope to hear a good explanation for this
great work guys
Is it man's intellect or the Dharma? In so far as I know, it is the dharma, which runs on 4 padas in satya yuga to 1 pada in kali yuga.
could u explain it a bit more

hey i wouldbe happy if u could kindly explain about the dharma and its relationship with mans power. I have read that in satya yug aircrafts were run by man's will power. so what has dharma got to do with that. i agree about the dharma being what u said... but what i want to know is what made the men of satyayug powerful enough to run aircrafts with their inner power.
Here is a thought worth noodling:

In Satya Yuga, everything was based on truth, objects were acted upon by will power or the power of mind - atleast yhat is what we are told.

In hundred years to the future, we could have quantum computers and silicon intelligence that can communicate with us through our mind. As these intelligences take over a large number of human activities - that is transporation, communication manufacturing etc - it occurs to me that we should be able to produce most of the work through our mind via such interfaces and the society would be based on truth since that is what the silicon minds can compute.

Does that mean we are heading towards Satya Yuga as was foretold after WWIII?
Re: could u explain it a bit more

Originally posted by Doofus Maximus
hey i wouldbe happy if u could kindly explain about the dharma and its relationship with mans power. I have read that in satya yug aircrafts were run by man's will power. so what has dharma got to do with that. i agree about the dharma being what u said... but what i want to know is what made the men of satyayug powerful enough to run aircrafts with their inner power.

It is said that since the man's thoughts were pure, man had the ability to go beyond what we are able to do.
Anyway, I do believe a pure mind does have some additional capabilities that all men do not possess!
this is a prison planet the Galactic Order of Discipline is watching and we don't get out till we grow up we were placed here because our ancestors where brats. an their descendents still are.
:m: :cool: ;)
I think, it is more like - as soon as we get too big for our britches, we blow ourselves up. This probably happened during Atlantis and Mahabharat in the last time around.
either way we are left with the answer to the riddle "why cant the light bulb leave home?" we screwed
with respect:D :cool:
Wow. Just want to say, first off, that this site is amazing. Great discussions from (mostly) intelligent people who argue their sides well, without the swearing or one-lined attempts at dissmisal. Great stuff.

OK, I want to chime in on the whole "the government is hiding UFOs and stuff from us" topic, becuase I really enjoy talking about it. (Mainly becuase I like talking! ;) )

Getting one important factoid out of the way: I do believe that UFOs are intelligent beings, be they from a planet in this solar system or another, and that the government does know a ton about them. They tell us little, calling sightings they cannot debunk "Unexplained" without elaborating. It's maddening, I know, because one wonders "why not just tell us what you know?"

Well, to those who aren't up on political and social strategies, here's a quick refresher course...

You are the United States of America. You have the most advanced technology in the world today, and are the most dominant military force in the known history of the world. Despite all this, there are thousands of these round, silver ships that are flying in and out of your airspace, and there isn't a thing you can do about it. Are you going to tell everybody?

Hell no. Telling the American Public is also telling the world. Enemies know now for sure that your defenses are incapable of preventing advances by these silver buggers and now, they suddenly find a reason to salvage the one that crashed in their own back yard. A stretch? Maybe, but if you believe the overwhelming evidence that at least one UFO has crashed in our nation, then why would it be outrageous to believe that they have fallen elsewhere? Not only is it NOT outrageous, it is plausable. Reasonable. Probable!

Of course, that can't be the only reason for not telling the public. As a matter of fact, it isn't. I wish I could name for you the source, but it slips my mind now, as in the 1940's, after the Roswell crash, a high-ranking United States Military offical wrote in an offical document to a NASA offical something to the effect of "Divulsion of the knowledge of an alien race would most likely not be healthy for the public, as history dictates that a people who is sure of itself and it's history has shown an inability to strive once it is confronted with something that changes everything it once thought to be true."

Not an exact quote, but a valid point. Take a look at any indiginous people who the Europeans have conquered: All of them had thought themselves to be alone, and was sure of it's world. Imagine...just imagine...what it would be like to us (Yes, even you believers) if the government told the truth about alien encounters. It would shock the world. Even me, who truly believes that UFOs are real. It would be like when you're about to get into a fight, and you know the dude's gonna hit you, and you know the dude hits hard, but you're still absolutely stunned at just how hard he hit you. Sure, the aliens are advanced, we all know that. Yeah, they can do some pretty amazing things, we've seen that. But if we were to see just HOW amazing and advanced they are, I don't think most of us could handle it. How could we? We couldn't even comprehend it, much in the same way you couldn't teach a dog to build a V8 engine no matter how many classes you brought him to.

And when it comes to our own past, I think the subjects are one in the same. More and more texts are being translated and posted all over the internet that are throwing everything we've been told was true out of whack, and we're finding out we may be a lot older than we thought we were. We're learning that we may have had technology that not only rivaled today's, but in some areas was more advanced than our own! (See: Brain transplant)

And that's not the disturbing part. Neither is the fact that it was lost a long, long time ago, forcing us to start over from scratch.

The disturbing part is that none of this information is new. None of it was discovered yesterday, a year ago, ten years ago! This stuff has been out there, but try and find it in a newspaper. You can't. When an exciting discovery is made, try and find it on your local news. You can't. About a year ago, a local FOX network cameraman filmed a UFO flying over our airport in Albany, NY. It was talked about for about 10 seconds that night, then another 5 the next. They said they sent it to the military for examination. Have we heard a word about it? No.

Things like this are supressed because while mainstream American isn't overly religious, much of our government is, and the power the religious factions yeild is still tremendous. (See: ruling that Creationism must be taught in Cobb County, Georgia public schools...despite the fact that it specifically says you can not in the Constitution) If we were to find out that humanity was actually millions of years old, not 6,000 or so as stated in the bible, what would that do to Christianity and Judaism? They're doing their best to debunk the fact that absoutely no scientific evidence supports creation or their next-in-command, The Flood. They manage to get away with having Creationism (Under the guise of "Intelligent Design") taught in an entire county of public schools, arguing that "You should teach both sides of the argument" when in reality, there is no argument. Not in science. Imagine if President Bush came out today (Another religious man) and said that we had the ability to fly 1.5 billion years ago? DOn't you think that would knock all major organized religion right off it's perch? Of course it would!

In summary:

UFOs are real, and they own the skies. The government fears that they'll be the White Man to our Native American, but they dont' want us to know that.

We're old men, not little brats. There are people in our government who know this, but won't tell because President Bush already named Jeus our official Savior.

Church and State? Why not?

That's all I got. Thanks for reading!
The Government is hiding stuff we all have no Idea About???

Hi im the kinetic Spirit, I am here to tell you guys that the government is hiding stuff that none of use haven't a clue about. Most of you guys know about the aliens and there space-crafts and how the government tried to cover up the apprehension of the spacecraft and bodies as a simple weather ballon. Thats a load of BS! The government is hiding stuff and thing's that everything that falls upon this earth is for them and them only.

But I have to also represent the governments cautious steps to not giving this Infomation out.

1. If the governemt shows this technology to people. Most people would probably go nuts.
2. If this stuff was obtained by the wrong users. The alien technology would be a rather powerful weapon.
3. If the government gave out this technology to people the world would be an even scarier place. JUST COMPLETE DESTRUCTION IS THE WRONG HANDS.

Thx for hearing my opinions guys.
Remember the government hides all. And claims thing they had no part in making.
Thanks zion. Great site. I am still interested in one specific item:


Unfortunately like every odd news, they somehow get stuck in time. No new information ever shows up.