Past civilization

I still can't understand why there are so many people out there that look at the doom and gloom of the universes eventual demise. Perhaps it's peoples sub-conscious psyche involving their own understanding and fears of death being let out. I think it's more likely that if the universe was left to it's natural process without the interaction of life, it would eventually extinguish itself like a lit candle burning out.

Since however life exists and assuredly it wants to survive even if the environment is as harsh and sterile as space itself, I'd suggest the universe is more likely going to last longer than first percieved, perhaps if the future means learning more about the universes structure we'll even start to maintain it to increase it's life.
IMHO, the point of this exercise is to find out if the ancient Hindus pulled these numbers out of their arse or the numbers match with the present knowledge. If the numbers match exactly, then we could assume that there was an advanced civilization before the present one. If not, then they are great fantasy. No point searching for the ancient underground optical computer based command center or moon-base or face in Mars! :D
Well I'm placing my chips on the future interacting with the past, it would fit in with People being trapped within circles or wheels. It would cover how some texts are suppose to have premonitions. It would even explain why some religions have an "End" foreseen because at the point the information is finalised and sent, no more information can be finalised or sent without creating a parallel. (Namely the information stops but life goes on.)

I think you'd even find information in the religion that you are currently looking in that would suggest the same. However explaining this to people gets a few of them getting a little silly about "how ludicrous" it sounds to them.
kmguru said:
...there has not been any physical evidence of the remnants of advanced products except a Geode with a spark plug like device inside that was dated 500,000 years past.

Do you mean the Coso Artifact, Kmguru? That spark plug was from the 20th century. Link.

c7ityi_ said:
atlantis sank 850,000 years ago.

Why do you think that? Where was Atlantis, and what is the evidence?
Stryder said:
Well I'm placing my chips on the future interacting with the past, .......

Premonition is not difficult. According to Stephen Wolfram, the universe unfolds with a seed or gene or a mathmatical formula. Tune into that in a neural net math (that is what our brain is), you can project to the future too, may be not with 100% accuracy in all frames, but could hit some frames with 85% accuracy.

But actual travelling to the past or future may not be possible in the same time line....

The best analogy is that when the movie unfolds, the hero can not go back to the first frame - it is in the past.
If the Future and the Past (or Present ;) can not interact with one another, then we have a little bit of a paradox because it would suggest to me that our universe should not exist.

Another point is that atoms in regards to current Quantum Theory wouldn't exist either, afterall their probability matrix is littered with occurances of these nexus points. It's pretty much the foundation of "Quantum Foam" (Mini blackholes and quasars) and obviously is very relativistic.

I'm not sure if you get to see Time however it was worth watching, even if the last episode was the one that contained what I found juicy (the others were worth watching too).
Laika said:
Why do you think that? Where was Atlantis, and what is the evidence?

According to Helena Blavatsky, the first signs of sinking began more than 4 million years ago. The major sinking occurred 869,000 years ago. Finally the last small remnant of an island, called Poseidonis, sunk some 12,000 years ago.

If I understand correctly, Easter Island is a part of the sunken "continent" (?) called Lemuria which existed before Atlantis, and the giant statues (Moai) are sculptures of the giants which built them (the size of the statues being the size of the builders). The statues have many different sizes, I think they were not built by Lemurians but much later by the descendants of Atlantean giants after a crossbreeding...

ah, damn, dunno...


"Lemuria was destroyed by fire, atlantis was destroyed by water."

"The Sahara itself is the sand of an ancient sea, and the shells which are found upon its surface prove that, no longer ago than the Miocene period, a sea rolled over what is now desert."

Well, just read by yourself:
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arya said:
This crosbreed is actually a result of an an advanced genetic research conducted by ashvi scientists ( atlantis ) , and the result of that, them they used for many of their works. Refernces and info about this is given in scriptures.

I don't think the Atlanteans had much technology. Many people interpret stuff that way though, since we create technology, because of our inheritance of a material and spiritual side. So we use our intelligence for material purposes, technology. The ancients lived in harmony with nature. They had no need of technolgy. They did have some instruments which were not technological which they used to build things and many other things by controlling the laws of nature (ark of the covenant, staff of life)

I believe the giants were 'simply' a race of humans that lived long ago on earth. You know that there have been giant animals, insects and plants, so why not humans also? Evolution goes from spiritual to material, and then the spirit awakens in matter. When the bodies are not yet so material, they can be larger because they're not affected the same way by natural laws like gravity. Thus, even when the bodies have materialized, they'll remain large for a while.
I think the weapon Brahmastra might be Astrological because of the number 12.

"It is said that when a Brahmastra is used there will be famine on earth and for 12 years there would be no flora and fauna where it was used, unless the weapon is withdrawn properly following the procedure laid down in the scriptures."

I used to think similarly to you before.
a great circle of fire, like the disc of the sun, covered all outer space and the whole firmament of planets.

Could also describe a meteor impact, which some ancients actually did witness.
arya said:
When the rays of the two brahmāstras combined, a great circle of fire, like the disc of the sun, covered all outer space and the whole firmament of planets. "

people interpret it the way they're familiar with. our civilization uses technology and nuclear bombs, so people interpret everything that way. they think ufo's are spacecrafts because we live in a spaceage, before they thought ufo's were fairies.

the circle of fire could mean anything. like the zodiac. kundalini. the planets could mean chakras.

i guess i'll read the text in context later.
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arya said:
but I dint understand , why did you tell it astronomical, and what made you think like that.

The number 12. The Zodiac has 12 signs. Not astroNomical, astroLogical.

kindly note, the Abouve what you see is not interpretation of any kind. It is just straight forward convertion.

Yes, but we interpret it in terms of nuclear weapons because that's the thing we're familiar with. People who live in a jungle have never heard of nuclear weapons and would interpret it in a different way, maybe as some spiritual wars; they would be sure that they're right, and we'd be sure that we're right... so who's right?

b.) They have a very well established procedure to draw back the weapon .

What is the procedure?

1.) the main meaning of brahmastra-tejasa is , the extreme heat generated by the astra.

What does "astra" mean? Light?

3.) And, main of all nuclear activity is not new to these ancient scriptures.

But why would the ancient people use nuclear weapons? And to make nuclear weapons they should have factories, and a modern society like we do. But no evidence ancient technological things have been found (at least, what I've heard).

These things happened only a few thousand years ago, right?

This is similar direct english conversion from epic mahabaratha

"Gurkha flying in his swift and powerful Vimana hurled against the three cities of the Vrishis and Andhakas a single projectile charged with all the power of the Universe. An incandescent column of smoke and fire, as brilliant as ten thousands suns, rose in all its splendour. It was the unknown weapon, the Iron Thunderbolt, a gigantic messaenger of death which reduced to ashes the entire race of the Vrishnis and Andhakas.

Are you sure that this tells of something that happened in the past? It could be a vision of our future for example.

I have always said that we can get the best, is we do not apply our own thought process and do not change things by interpreting them.

We always see things from a personal/dualistic perspective. Everyone sees things differently.

I think it's something "more" than just nuclear weapons.
I am glad, the thread I started in the last ice age is still going and going....

While at it...I posted a recent news "Pyramid in Bosnia" Check that out...may be there was a past advanced civilization in Bosnia...or may be not....very interesting stuff...

I am hoping more digging in India will provide new discovery of life back when.... but one has to dig atleast 200 feet down to find any real old stuff. With Indias's construction at full swing...we could find all kinds of things.
SkinWalker has finally spoken the truth. With no proof and phony myths all these past civilizations poops are nonsense.
In my last post, I was speaking specifically about techniques of "levitation" and "invisibility." But much of this thread is also utter bullshit.
Duh, SETI is soooooo full of crap and deceptions, and our history lied about. Of course there have been "civilizations" in the past on this planet. Too much evidence to deny, unless of course THEY dont want us to know THEY are cast down here,,, LOL