Pakistan Christians must die

Was Jesus anti-condom?

:D I defy anyone to quote scriptures where Jesus condemned condom use.

I actually like it when people hold up the catholic church as an example of Christianity. It is clear that It’s doctrines and actions down through history have been in defiance of the Word of Jesus not as the wilfully ignorant put forward as true Christianity.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
I imagine its teh same logic why you were willing to support a limited military incursion into Afghanistan. How many innocent people die in a limited incursion? Usually? How many children shot dead? Roasted by white phosphorus? Amputated at the knee? Orphaned? Stepped on mines? Usually?
To Quote you, unlike your hypothetical, a real little girl was murdered yesterday by Muslims for the crime of being a Christian. This is because Islam teaches Muslims to be intolerance to non-Muslims.

Muslim all across the world teach that the Bible is a corrupted and flawed book. BUT when a Christian says the same of the Qur'an - they go ape shit and spun up into a murdering frenzy.

What do you call that? Hypocrisy at it's finest or simply caveman-stupidity?
How many real people have been murdered in the incursion you and people like you supported? When will we see the names and personal stories of those people?
I'm wondering: During the Mumbai Terrorist attacks. A 28 year old Singaporean girl was pulled aside and as she pleaded and begged for her life, she was shot at point blank range in the side of her head. How do we know this? Because the Pakistani Muslims that shot her in the face let two Muslims from Turkey go free.

Why SAM?

Notice that this wasn't a hypothetical. It really happened. Another innocent girl murdered by Muslims. If she had been Muslim, they'd have let her go free. They murdered her because she wasn't a Muslim.
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Yup SAM make a joke out of the death of that innocent Singaporean girl. I'm sure her mother would be so very happy to know you think her murder is all one big joke. Maybe you can speak at the little Pakistani Xian girls funeral today? You could tell everyone it's all the USA's fault. Probably some CIA Spooks did it all. Those Good Muslims didn't loot their Xian houses.

Oh, maybe you could read some verses out of the Qur'an at the girls funeral. That would be nice. Remind them of their place in Muslim society. Remind them that the Qur'an is THE ONLY Perfect book. Maybe you could hand a few copies of the Qur'an around. Just be sure to remind them that if they should desecrate one, the hell they'll pay will make this week look like a walk in the park. Oh, but, I'm sure they damn well know that.
Is it a joke? All militants think alike. To gain their ends, innocent civilians are just "collateral damages". What was your mental justification for the innocents who would die in the limited incursion you supported in Afghanistan?

Like these kids for instance?

AUSTRALIAN special forces soldiers have killed five children in an attack on a compound in Afghanistan.

The tragedy has triggered a strong warning from the Afghan Government that civilian deaths are playing into the hands of the Taliban.

Afghan ambassador Amanullah Jayhoon said his Government was very concerned that the Australians had not co-ordinated the operation with Afghan security forces.

The ambassador said 1000 civilians were killed by Coalition forces last year and such killings were eroding support for the Afghan Government.

What did you imagine you would tell the parents of these children if they asked you why you supported the events that led to the death of their innocent children?
Out of curiosity SAM, when the Pakistani Muslims where murdering people in Mumbai. What do you think the police response should be to stop the terrorists from murdering more innocent, non-Muslims?

What's SAM's answer?

Oh, I still don't understand. Why did they murder the Singaporean at point blank range AS SHE PLEADED FOR HER LIFE? That's not collateral damage SAM. That's murder. When the Indian police were shooting at the Terrorists they shot a man in the leg. That's collateral damage. It is accidental. When the Muslims pushed the Singaporean up against the wall and coldly ignored her pleas for mercy as they blow her brains through the front of her face. That's intentional premeditated murder. They then told the Turkish Muslim couple to go into a room. Then left them alive.

So, anyway, SAM, you're in charge of stopping the Muslims murderous killing sprey through the city - what are you going to do?
Out of curiosity SAM, when the Pakistani Muslims where murdering people in Mumbai. What do you think the police response should be to stop the terrorists from murdering more innocent, non-Muslims?

The same response that the Australian troops would meet from the Afghans, I presume [what you Americans like to call an "insurgency"]. Note that those children could not plead for their life since the troops attacked them with precision weapons from a distance. Its hard to plead for your life when chemical weapons are being dumped on your homes from 10,000 feet too/
The same response that the Australian troops would meet from the Afghans, I presume [what you Americans like to call an "insurgency"]. Note that those children could not plead for their life since the troops attacked them with precision weapons from a distance. Its hard to plead for your life when chemical weapons are being dumped on your homes from 10,000 feet too/
Wait wait...

I'm asking you, what would you do if you were the Indian police officer in charge during the Terrorist Attacks on Mumbai? These Pakistani Muslims were walking up to everyone and anyone (except confirmed Muslims) and shooting them in the heads. Women, children, old, young, everyone.


What is your response?
How do you stop them?

Australians have for the most part been targeted with road side bombs. Is this your answer? Start setting camouflaged road side bombs, that kill civilians more often than Australians? WHY on The Gods earth would you do that?!?!? THAT is certainly not going to stop the Pakistani Terrorist walking down the Hospital corridors looking for pregnant Indian Hindu women to shoot in the stomachs.

So? Again, what is your response?
People by nature, will without any provocation, defend their beliefs. It's in our DNA. People will bash, smash and murder people anyone who goes against their beliefs. That's a fact of humanity.
EVEN when their beliefs are simple as "tolerance is good" they'll bash people they perceive as intolerant.

Which IMO is why it's important that we stress: Do not harm. I've said it time and again, we should NEVER mix a reason why it's OK to kill people, in with belief. Because, no matter what, people will latch onto that (as they did in this case) and Oh Gee -- KILL innocent people. It happens over and over and over again.

It's a valid point, and I agree that people will always kill each other in the name of their beliefs. Not sure I agree with the conclusion though.

Can we really prevent people from killing each other short of pulling a Huxley (or an Equilibrium, for those that know that movie)? Do people who strap bombs to themselves have some kind of religious motivation? Probably. But don't you think that somebody that screwed up would find something else to believe in?

Look at wars where there are no religious aspects. Hitler believed in exterminating the Jews. Although he was religious, it's hard to really pin any religious sentiment behind it. Really, he was just an Aryan supremacist. USA and Russia nearly destroyed the world between them in their cold war, and their difference was political. In Darfur and Rwanda, hundreds of people kill each other for racial differences, and, as it turns out, many of these percieved racial differences are actually fantasies. And even today, the US has destabalized nearly a dozen regions by arming insurgents and assassinating strong political leaders, in the name of money.

Do people kill because they believe in something which makes them kill? Or do people kill because they are irrational and warp their beliefs so that they may continue to do so? I think the answer to this is self-evident. There is no evidence to suggest that the Jews were an adulteration of Germany's society, there is practically no difference between a Hutu and a Tutsi, and the second greatest commandment, "love your neighbor as you love yourself," is hardly fuzzy or up to misinterpretation.
Australians have for the most part been targeted with road side bombs. Is this your answer? Start setting camouflaged road side bombs, that kill civilians more often than Australians? WHY on The Gods earth would you do that?!?!? THAT is certainly not going to stop the Pakistani Terrorist walking down the Hospital corridors looking for pregnant Indian Hindu women to shoot in the stomachs.

So? Again, what is your response?

Perhaps you need to look further back in Australian history. When the Australians were hanging pregnant women on trees and ripping up their bodies and smashing their unborn children on the ground. Apparently, thats what established your secular society, the one where aboriginals now live under Australian law. Simply because they were not white.

Now Australian troops go and kill children in Afghanistan so they can liberate those backward people [and miss the irony of such an exercise]. Apparently killing children can be justified for their "higher" cause. Why is it surprising that some Afghan sympathisers would want to share that pain? After all the Australians must have their counterparts who think killing innocent Australians is also justified in their higher cause. So they emulate the Australian troops and bring the war home to the Aussies. After all, they didn't ask for the Australians to come shoot their children.

So, why on God's earth would anyone do that?

What do you think will be the result of US intervention in Pakistan, looking back at history where such "enterprises" have been embarked upon in the past? Do you think it will make things better for local Christians? Or will it make things worse?
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Do people kill because they believe in something which makes them kill? Or do people kill because they are irrational and warp their beliefs so that they may continue to do so? I think the answer to this is self-evident. There is no evidence to suggest that the Jews were an adulteration of Germany's society, there is practically no difference between a Hutu and a Tutsi, and the second greatest commandment, "love your neighbor as you love yourself," is hardly fuzzy or up to misinterpretation.
My feeling is people, especially young men, kill because we have a predatory set of genes. As that's the case, and recognizing this, it's important the religion doesn't have any justification for killing in it. It also shouldn't glorify murder.


It certainly should never reward people with virgins and booty for murdering!!!

In the Mumbai Terrorist attacks, the Muslims are often on the phone being told what goodies they are about to receive in heaven. And then like programmed theobots they go off happily murdering women and children.

Given that Islam, like all religions, is all made up, I wonder, why did someone make this part up? Why promise people that if they died while killing other people, they'd get sweets and goodies (like sexy virgin girls). Hmmm.... Seems pretty obvious to me. It also seems ridiculously stupid to me. Is THIS the level of enlightenment one can expect after a lifetime of Islamic study? A sweet virgin carrot or crack of the stick. Yup, seems about right.
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I've answered all of your questions.
So? As the police captain, how do you stop the terrorists?

Other than with roadside bombs. That's not likely to stop murdering Pakistani Muslims walking down the hospital corridors DELIBERATELY shooting women and children in the heads.

Did you happen to hear the phone call when they got to the jewish school? The Pakistani handlers on the line tell them: You must kill the Jews, they are worth 50 Indians each! Well, there you go SAM, you're 1/50th a Jew. Oh, no, wait, you're Muslim. You're much much more valuable than a Jew or and Indian (or Singaporean for that matter). You are so special, that they would let you live, while they shot the rest of us in the head. How lucky for you. What a wonderful ideology for you. One that delinates and values different humans more than others.

Yes SAM, it must have been good comfort, for that young Singaporean girl, when he told her: I worship not that which you worship, nor will you worship that which I worship. To you your Way, and to me my way. *BANG!* And then nicely told the Muslim couple they were free.

YUP, just PERFECT that Qur'an. Just perfect.

Also, do you think there's any difference between the Indian officer who accidentally shot and killed a bystander while trying to shoot the Mumbai terrorists and the Mumbai Terrorist that pressed his gun up against the back of the 28 year old Singaporean girls head, listened to her scream, begging for her life, for him to have mercy, and blew her brains through the front of her face? Are they the same to you SAM, or, can you see a difference in the two men?
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Sure, the Indian police man was protecting his own people against the terrorists who were killing civilians. Just like the Pakistani police protect the Pakistanis. But invaders and occupiers are akin to terrorists because to them, anyone who gets in their way are collateral damages. Hence the Australian troops who killed the five children would not have shot at Australian homes the way they shot at Afghani homes. They would not throw white phosphorus bombs on any Australian home in their own neighborhood, as they would in an Afghani neighborhood. So the Pakistani terrorist who shot the Singaporean is no different than the NATO troops who threw white phosphorus on civilian homes.

Yes SAM, it must have been good comfort, for that young Singaporean girl, when he told her: I worship not that which you worship, nor will you worship that which I worship. To you your Way, and to me my way. *BANG!* And then nicely told the Muslim couple they were free.

And what did the Australian troops say when they shot the five children? Welcome to liberation, western democratic style? Or when the NATO troops threw white phosphorus and melted two girls to death but left one burned but alive, what did they say? Two well done, one medium rare?
Oh you've lived in Pakistan too?

No. I read things called "newspapers".

If the police, justice system and politicians were all complicit in murdering the minorities, then it wouldn't be Pakistan, it would be Saudi Arabia/

Fixed. Or you could substitute Egypt, these days. :shrug:
No. I read things called "newspapers".

Don't you mean Hasbara?

Fixed. Or you could substitute Egypt, these days. :shrug:

Nah, the Jews are leading the brigade on minority treatment these days. They actually transformed the majority 97% to a minority. That's quite an achievement considering that the last time population replacement occurred on the same scale was in Australia and America. And whats especially marvelous about the Jews is that even Palestinian Christians can be thrown out of their homes and the Christian world will still do no more than protest feebly.

‘I am homeless’ ‘This is a Jewish country’ (voices from the evictions in E. Jerusalem)
Don't you mean Hasbara?

Truth to tell, I haven't the foggiest what Hasbara is. I read newspapers. They're paper and fold out and contain some facts, as long as you can correlate. Or you can get them online if you have weak wrists.

Nah, the Jews are leading the brigade on minority treatment these days.

Not particularly. Even in your scenarios, they really are only a single nation. What's with the 64 ones that don't like the descendants of swine and apes??