Pakistan Christians must die

Truth to tell, I haven't the foggiest what Hasbara is. I read newspapers. They're paper and fold out and contain some facts, as long as you can correlate. Or you can get them online if you have weak wrists.

Yeah your obviously well rounded outlook is clearly visible
Not particularly. Even in your scenarios, they really are only a single nation. What's with the 64 ones that don't like the descendants of swine and apes??
And are you surprised? No one likes a guest that comes uninvited and not only refuses to leave but also moves in with an army.
Yeah your obviously well rounded outlook is clearly visible

Why, you'd be surprised how many people agree with that statement! Your discretion of opinion is certainly improving.

And are you surprised? No one likes a guest that comes uninvited and not only refuses to leave but also moves in with an army.

Uhh, I was referring to religious minorities in the non-non-islamic world. Did they come in and refuse to leave and bring in a big army? 'Cause frankly I'd thought that it actually went the other way.

Oh, wait, you were agreeing with me. Now I see. All right, so what to do about them then?
Why, you'd be surprised how many people agree with that statement! Your discretion of opinion is certainly improving.

Not at all. The minute you expressed how you also called Rachel as Pancake Corrie, I had a an instant revelation of the level of your intelligence.

Uhh, I was referring to religious minorities in the non-non-islamic world. Did they come in and refuse to leave and bring in a big army? 'Cause frankly I'd thought that it actually went the other way.

It did, in the non-non-islamic world, the native Americans and Aborigines were considered niggers.

h, wait, you were agreeing with me. Now I see. All right, so what to do about them then?

Nowadays the trend is to do them the favour of civilising them into the immigrant society. Since they are so unfortunately savage and all.
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Not at all. The minute you expressed how you also called Rachel as Pancake Corrie, I had a an instant revelation of the level of your intelligence.

Hehe. Aww. So mean. :shrug:

It did, in the non-non-islamic world, the native Americans and Aborigines were considered n**s.

Which is right somehow? What's your point here? And what about the 64 nations I alluded to? Do they not count?

Nowadays the trend is to do them the favour of civilising them into the immigrant society. Since they are so unfortunately savage and all.

Or killing them if they don't; yes, Egypt's good for that these days, true, true.
Hehe. Aww. So mean. :shrug:

Not at all. Her mother lives in San Francisco. You might want to share your opinions with her. She'll be delighted to come across your brand of broadminded intelligence.
Which is right somehow? What's your point here? And what about the 64 nations I alluded to? Do they not count?

Not at all, the nations were not created by the people who live in them. They were enforced on them by the Civilisers.

Or killing them if they don't; yes, Egypt's good for that these days, true, true.

I think you might want to look north where 300 children were killed in January or south where they don't do body counts.

Although, its not surprising that its the odd killing that affects you more than the sustained massacre of a people and destruction of their society and nation. It must be the English in you.
Not at all. Her mother lives in San Francisco. You might want to share your opinions with her.

So your opinion is that I should write her and taunt her. Good call. You will also call up Copts and rag them out, I take it?

Not at all, the nations were not created by the people who live in them. They were enforced on them by the Civilisers.

Hehe. Who also made them squish down on the minorities? Touché!

I think you might want to look north where 300 children were killed in January or south where they don't do body counts.

Ah, ye olde tu quoque. God bless it. Never mind whether or not I agree with that, or defend it. Just ignore the "oneness" of domestic society east of Jerusalem. Ah, yes.

Although, its not surprising that its the odd killing that affects you more than the sustained massacre of a people and destruction of their society and nation. It must be the English in you.

Aww - thanks for noticing. :eek:

The "odd killing"? As in the actual destruction of a people and their society? That "odd killing"?
So your opinion is that I should write her and taunt her. Good call. You will also call up Copts and rag them out, I take it?

What names do you suggest I call them? You have such an excellent education in these matters. Taunt Rachels mother? No no, you want to show her that you read newspapers and have a diverse intellectual outlook. Calling her daughter Pancake Corrie is just the evidence for the above.

Hehe. Who also made them squish down on the minorities? Touché!
Yeah, its called "support for right wing dictators"

Ah, ye olde tu quoque. God bless it. Never mind whether or not I agree with that, or defend it. Just ignore the "oneness" of domestic society east of Jerusalem. Ah, yes.
Pancake Corrie is confused.
Aww - thanks for noticing. :eek:

The "odd killing"? As in the actual destruction of a people and their society? That "odd killing"?

Yeah imagine, they've only been in Egypt for 2000 years. As long as the Jews in Europe. Maybe its time they had a country of their own, somewhere in Europe?
What names do you suggest I call them? You have such an excellent education in these matters. Taunt Rachels mother? No no, you want to show her that you read newspapers and have a diverse intellectual outlook. Calling her daughter Pancake Corrie is just the evidence for the above.

You seem sad, Sam. What's the matter?

Yeah, its called "support for right wing dictators"

Odd. Iran does it too. Are they under the influence of the right wing too? I'm not seeing the difference, really. Hamas? Good transference.

Yeah imagine, they've only been in Egypt for 2000 years. As long as the Jews in Europe. Maybe its time they had a country of their own, somewhere in Europe?

:confused: Their ancestral and spiritual homeland is in the Middle East, Sam. You realize that Christianity isn't a European invention, right? :D
You seem sad, Sam. What's the matter?

Me sad? Not at all, I am actually looking forward to your narration of how the meeting goes. She'll be positively starry eyed in the presence of such an intellectual giant.

Odd. Iran does it too. Are they under the influence of the right wing too? I'm not seeing the difference, really. Hamas? Good transference.

Yeah, you must have forgotten how the liberals were murdered when their democratic government was toppled.
:confused: Their ancestral and spiritual homeland is in the Middle East, Sam. You realize that Christianity isn't a European invention, right? :D

. Are you looking forward to the Rapture when you can return to your spiritual and ancestral home and help Jesus wipe out the Jews who don't accept him? If you're smart you can even take a left turn and run into Pakistan and avenge your Christian brethren.
Sure, the Indian police man was protecting his own people against the terrorists who were killing civilians. Just like the Pakistani police protect the Pakistanis. But invaders and occupiers are akin to terrorists because to them, anyone who gets in their way are collateral damages.
Oh, so now you AGREE that the Muslims that invaded Persia were Terrorists?

Good. We're making progress :)
Me sad? Not at all, I am actually looking forward to your narration of how the meeting goes. She'll be positively starry eyed in the presence of such an intellectual giant.

Well, I would certainly expect so. Yet, while I might ridicule a Darwin-Award-category fool, I wouldn't call up their folks to gloat. You are perhaps aware of the difference? ;)

Yeah, you must have forgotten how the liberals were murdered when their democratic government was toppled.

Of course not. But you still fail to admit to any wrongdoing on the part of those nations - while simultaneously damning me whenever I point out how much better a place Israel/Palestine would have been if the political mindset of islam allowed any mind-space for the treatment of Jews as human beings. Ah! But the liberals there must have been murdered by the evil Americans back prior to 1912, I'm sure. ;)

. Are you looking forward to the Rapture when you can return to your spiritual and ancestral home and help Jesus wipe out the Jews who don't accept him?

Sam, nothing is honestly funnier than when you try to make the allegation that I'm an evangelical. :D

But to answer your idiot's verse: no. That would be bad.

(Or would you want me to shove them into a tiny ghetto and deny their humanity? That seems to have been the pattern pre-1930 or so.)

If you're smart you can even take a left turn and run into Pakistan and avenge your Christian brethren.

Well, ridiculous hyperbole is one way of avoiding the issue, Sam, since tu quoque has failed.
for their infidel and wicked insolence.


Eight infidels have been eradicated
eight people are eradicated.

a city is......?

by some peaceful good Muslims only trying to protect themselves.
gee, why didn't they use an atomic bomb then?

ooohhh i know i know, maybe because they were protecting themselves IN THEIR COUNTRY, so throwing an atomic bomb won't be too good to them, perhaps maybe next time when they start protecting themselves in ANOTHER CONTINENT, can they throw the atomic bomb with an ease of mind. and to think you're whining NOW.

The infidels - 4 women, 1 man and 1 very small girl
very small?
how small?

age about right?

were all trapped and roasted alive in their houses by good strong Muslim men who set fire to their houses ensuring their place in Heaven next to Mohammad and Allah and maybe even Xenu.
heh, what a stupid lowly reason, they should've done it for money like the other heros, don't you agree.

Apparently other good Muslims started a fake
says the survivor who was there with them
stupid muslims, don't the ever learn from their past mistakes with rumors?
like what happened in Guantanamo.
or in Iraq.
or in Denmark.
when those were proven to be rumors by good people like micheal here, the funny thing is, apologies for the first rumor wasn't accepted even after bush stepped in. the second also was a rumor even after an army official said he was sorry:(, and the third, well, so what if it was in the newspapers worldwide? a rumor stays a rumor.

about how the Christians had desecrated a Harry Potter novel or the Qur'an, whatever.
i bet that's what you heard the good muslims say when they heard of the 6 christians turned roasted tiryaki.
The point is the world has been ridden of a few more Christian infidels
not much of a balance eh? i wonder how many more christians to go to level off the tens killed off daily in iraq, plus those in cooked innovatively with white phosphorous in the streets of Palestine and those blown up with UAVs in Afghanistan, lined up and shot together to save bullets in Bosnia and Chechnya....etc.

*sigh*, we sure have a long way to go.
thanks to the heroic deeds of these fine good Muslim men.
so did they get any medals?
did they get their names engraved in some wall or monument somewhere? you should suggest it to the officials michael, and follow it till they become true role models in scociety, they should also have cartoons and video games about them? you know like delta force and soldier of fortune and army of two and the rest? mission objective: round up 6 infidel christians and burn them up, can you beat the high score?

This has nothing NOTHING at all to do with the fact that Muslims are taught the Qur'an is THE ONLY PERFECT BOOK in the world.
it's not?

These adult Muslim men roasting their fellow Citizens (5 girls and an old man)
whoa whoa whoa, hold on a minute, it's either
The infidels - 4 women, 1 man and 1 very small girl
grew up quickly to become
a not very small girl, 4 old women and 1 old man.

or somehow traveled in time backwards to be
4 girls, 1 boy and a very very small girl

but how do you explain
4 women, 1 man and 1 very small girl
(5 girls and an old man)
ah silly me.. i forgot that such irrelevant change in wording is acceptable if it gains you a couple more tears in the audience, i for one has been moved by the transformation.

well it would be meaningless to burn them when they're dead.
in their houses,
is that worse than in the streets?
is in no way a reflection of this INTOLERANT CAVEMAN LIKE IDEOLOGY. The fact that these Muslim MEN were told their entire lives that the Qur'an is PERFECT, that this message was POUNDED into their heads, in no way influenced their decision to take it upon themselves to murder these innocent.. Oh, I mean evil infidel girls and old man.
what caveman ideology? why isn't the quran perfect? what did you do with the names of the people who wrote the quran michael? and what's wrong with murder, when whole countries are living off it and doing it everyday everywhere?

if you ever were to associate a variation of the word "kill" with muslims, it would be "killed", no matter how you and your blessed media try to turn it into "killers".
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Good thing you put those deaths in context, scifes. Five women and an old man? Why, that's all the difference in the world! Stupid Christians. When will they learn to bow?
Good thing you put those deaths in context, scifes. Five women and an old man? Why, that's all the difference in the world! Stupid Christians. When will they learn to bow?

i don't get what you're saying.

are you telling me "Little Boy" evaporated the flesh of men but left women alone?
I don't get what you are saying.

Are you saying that islam is really at war with Christianity, and that these people are 'collateral damage' of that war, much like the victims of 'Little Boy'?
I see from your other posts that that is indeed what you are saying.

You are a worm.
Afghans Muslim (Taliban,Ek-Qaide) are not an exemple of Islam, also Our prophet Mohamed Tell us that tribulations comes from the eastern side of islamic nation and we see Shiaa in Iraq, Taliban, El-Qaida
i dont know if u understand me
Are you saying that islam is really at war with Christianity, and that these people are 'collateral damage' of that war, much like the victims of 'Little Boy'?
i think that is true
What do u wait from mob Dispossessed of their land (Palestine) by Jews and christian ??