Pakistan Christians must die

If you can justify cutting off peoples heads without due process, you really don't need to look far for how people can justify any violence/
See SAM we have a fundamental difference here.

Me, I have this idea. When Pakistani Muslims murder Pakistani Christians (as in this case) or when Indonesian Muslims murder other Indonesian Muslims of a slightly differing belief calling them Heretics OR when Indonesian Muslims murder other Indonesians that happen to be Christians (calling them heretics) or when Muslims wire a Georgian pre-school to explode murdering 100s of little children, or when Philippians that are Muslims cut the head off a Catholic Nun or when Thai Muslims cut the heads off Buddhist monks - - well, I sort of think it might have something to do with the intolerance inherent in Islam?

Did you know that while the Muslims were murdering Indians and international tourists in Mumbai, you know shooting babies, women and children, they stopped and let a Turkish couple go free. While they blew a hole in the side of a Heretical Singaporean 28 year old girl. That's because they were happy to let good Muslims go free. But they had no problems shooting an innocent 28 year old Singapore girl in side of her head. A girl training to be an international rights lawyer I believe?

You think all of this is all really work of the omnipotent and all powerful USA.
This is because you're brain was wired as a child to think like this. You know, which is why you are Muslim.

So, it's just a difference in opinion on what constitutes reality I suppose.
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and when christan groups in the US bomb abortion clinics its ok right Michael?
for their infidel and wicked insolence.


Eight infidels have been eradicated by some peaceful good Muslims only trying to protect themselves. The infidels - 4 women, 1 man and 1 very small girl were all trapped and roasted alive in their houses by good strong Muslim men who set fire to their houses ensuring their place in Heaven next to Mohammad and Allah and maybe even Xenu. Apparently other good Muslims started a fake rumor about how the Christians had desecrated a Harry Potter novel or the Qur'an, whatever. The point is the word has been ridden of a few more Christian infidels thanks to the heroic deeds of these fine good Muslim men.

This has nothing NOTHING at all to do with the fact that Muslims are taught the Qur'an is THE ONLY PERFECT BOOK in the world. These adult Muslim men roasting their fellow Citizens (5 girls and an old man) ALIVE, in their houses, is in no way a reflection of this INTOLERANT CAVEMAN LIKE IDEOLOGY. The fact that these Muslim MEN were told their entire lives that the Qur'an is PERFECT, that this message was POUNDED into their heads, in no way influenced their decision to take it upon themselves to murder these innocent.. Oh, I mean evil infidel girls and old man.

Why the Caps, Why the surprise?

They are following the call of the quran to bring terror to the unbelievers. They are doing what the quran tells them to do. Wage jihad until there is no other religion but islam.

They think they can destroy the Word of God by terror, But those who know the love of God will never give it up for the abominable lie which is islam.

I guess as an atheist your alarm and fear are understandable. You do not have the peace and assurance of Jesus as your foundation to face such evil.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
yes, but you dont blame it on christanity do you?
you blame it either on the idervidual person or the indervidual church which did it.
When Pakistani Muslims murder Pakistani Christians (as in this case) or when Indonesian Muslims murder other Indonesian Muslims of a slightly differing belief calling them Heretics OR when Indonesian Muslims murder other Indonesians that happen to be Christians (calling them heretics) or when Muslims wire a Georgian pre-school to explode murdering 100s of little children, or when Philippians that are Muslims cut the head off a Catholic Nun or when Thai Muslims cut the heads off Buddhist monks - - well, I sort of think it might have something to do with the intolerance inherent in Islam?

Currently what we do have is Americans murdering people around the world by the hundreds of thousands. And you, an American have endorsed that when you feel its justified, you support this kind of intervention

SO what is the basis for the intolerance of Americans? Because its extremely strange you would focus on one family in Pakistan, when Americans are killing many families in Pakistan every day. Who is killing more people? Maybe you should take the redwood forest out of your eyes before pointing out the mote in others.
They are following the call of the quran to bring terror to the unbelievers. They are doing what the quran tells them to do. Wage jihad until there is no other religion but islam.
I was thinking the other day. Imagine IF the USA was Muslim? The first thing we'd do is take over KSA. Funny that. Muslims don't really get what the world would really be like, if, it were Islamic.

That aside, I'm not too worried. Humanity is slowly cleaning up its act. I was talking with an Muslims girl from KSA. She really wanted me to know that KSA is not like Pakistan (why did she pick Pakistan? It seems even Muslims think Pakistan sucks). AND that she works with Hindus and Jews in a research hospital in KSA and respects all religions. She also really apparently really likes America.

The World is Westernizing. And Islam is being brought into the 21st century kicking and screaming. But, they are coming. More and more Muslims are becoming liberal and secular-minded.

SAM is a really a good girl. I know she is too far gone in the head to admit that yes the actions of the Mohammad character are heinous in the story. I mean come on, if this were happening in real life in front of her eyes she'd either faint or try to stop Mohammad from murdering the girls herself. And can you imagine when the head was brought back to him? Please! SAM would never accept that as right and good and justice. Even 2000 years ago the people there begged Mohammad not to murder the girl. They even knew it was unjust. Their flattery at his "compassion" at sparing the other slave girl is exactly what you'd expect when trying to reason with a man mad with power - you stroke his ego and appeal to his vanity.
Currently what we do have is Americans murdering people around the world by the hundreds of thousands. And you, an American have endorsed that when you feel its justified, you support this kind of intervention

SO what is the basis for the intolerance of Americans? Because its extremely strange you would focus on one family in Pakistan, when Americans are killing many families in Pakistan every day. Who is killing more people? Maybe you should take the redwood forest out of your eyes before pointing out the mote in others.
I already said, Americans are only in Iraq for OIL and control over China - both of which I think is wrong. Part of fixing society, in my mind, is spreading a more tolerant approach to "spiritual" life. Perhaps a mix of Islam, Xianity, Buddhism and Scientology? A little something for everyone?
Does it matter why they are there? The fact remains they are there, the taxpayers [this means you] pay for it and they have killed a million people over the last seven years. While you muddle around in hypotheticals and make a big deal out of random killings here and there, you support killing people in one country and pay for killing people in another. And even now, while they are dying because of people who think like you, you're standing on the sidelines, demonising them. Why are you such a hypocrite?
millions SAM... come on.... why not go for "trillions"...

The whole reason I got interested in religion again, was because of the Iraq war. What is interesting to me, is the way in which Bin Laden used Islam and fear to trick some suckers into killing themselves and the way in which Bush/Cheney used Christianity and fear to trick Americans into supporting a war against Muslims and killing themselves too!

So, short term change = vote for change :) Short of that, I'm hoping for a complete collapse. A big reset button.
Long-term change = education.
and when christan groups in the US bomb abortion clinics its ok right Michael?

When "christian" groups in the US bomb abortion clinics they are doing acts that are in rebellion against the teachings of Jesus. Therefore they are not Christians. You cannot be a Christian and try to justify an act that is in rebellion against the word of Jesus.

Now when muslims carry out violence against non-believers they are following the directions of the quran and the call of muhammed to wage jihad and bring terror to the unbelievers till there is no other religion but islam.

This is the difference between the two, One is in rebellion against the teachings of their religion the other is conforming to the call of their religion.

The teachings of Jesus which call on His followers to love their enemies, His teaching not to resist an attacker, His message of extreme pacifism in the face of persecution. These form a measure by which we can determine those that are his followers and those who are false.

Likewise with islam and it's message of violence to all until all submit to islam. These form a measure by which we can determine those that are true followers of islam.

It does not matter if the numbers of true followers in each camp are very small. It does not matter if the majority of both camps are false claimants to be followers of Jesus or islam. The basic true is that true Christianity is what Jesus says it is in the Bible not what some twisted preacher or doctrines of the churches say it is. Same with islam the truth of what is true islam is in the quran not in the twisted doctrines of islamic teachers who falsely proclaim it to be a religion of peace.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

More propaganda to support killing [not to mention holocaust denial]. Plenty of people in the world become fighters in the causes of others for many reasons. Osama was educated in Egypt and became close to the brotherhood there. He went to Afghanistan with his friends. They gave him asylum because he fought on their side against foreign invaders. You may not recognise these things [called as relationships] since your idea of friendship with Muslims is wiping your bum with teh Quran. Have you asked your "Muslim friends" about the Montezuma revenge?
I was thinking the other day. Imagine IF the USA was Muslim? The first thing we'd do is take over KSA. Funny that. Muslims don't really get what the world would really be like, if, it were Islamic.

That aside, I'm not too worried. Humanity is slowly cleaning up its act. I was talking with an Muslims girl from KSA. She really wanted me to know that KSA is not like Pakistan (why did she pick Pakistan? It seems even Muslims think Pakistan sucks). AND that she works with Hindus and Jews in a research hospital in KSA and respects all religions. She also really apparently really likes America.

Then she is not a true muslim. Is she.

The World is Westernizing. And Islam is being brought into the 21st century kicking and screaming. But, they are coming. More and more Muslims are becoming liberal and secular-minded.

To a true muslim that statement is like a red rag to a raging bull. I have no doubt that your statement above if delivered to a half hearted muslim would more likely provoke them to follow the teachings of muhammed to the full and become a jihadist. To the muslim the west in general and america in particular represent a degenerate immoral society hell bent on perverting the morals and dignity of the people of the world. To a society that believes that through the following of moral laws one obtains eternity with God. Such a "liberal" culture must be resited unto death. Its influence must be fought for the outcome "eternal life with God" is at stake.

I doubt people like you Michael understand just what affect your words can have on people. Your words here are not like water being thrown of a fire, they are like petrol being thrown onto a fire.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Since you have no clue what a true Muslim is, you're not qualified to pass judgement on them

I suggest that Michael tell that KSA girl about his theory on Montezuma's revenge.

It must be a weird world you inhabit. Magical Gods on the one side and an All Powerful Omnipotent USA on the other.


Going back to the thread. What is it about Islam, do you suppose, that inspires hatred of other people's beliefs in so many Muslims? Exactly how is it that Pakistani Muslims can happily roast ALIVE a little child in her home? How do they come to the conclusion that to shoot innocent women in the back of their heads in the name of God is good and Islamic?

Why is it that Islam brings out the worse in so many people from all around the globe?

Why SAM? Why is that? Maybe you can shed some light on the matter. Enlighten us. I already agree that YES the USA is using it's power and means to kill Muslims to gain access to OIL and control China. So, you don't need to go off on another USA blah blah thread because I agree. Yes SAM, the USA is all powerful. It controls most of the world.

Now, why is it that Islam brings out the worse in so many people?

Have you asked your "Muslim friends" about the Montezuma revenge?

I have not problem asking any Muslim I am friends with if they think it's acceptable killing a person if they used the Qur'an as toilet paper. Or if they think I shouldn't have the right to wipe my arse with the Qur'an if I so choose to. As a matter of fact, maybe I'll start the conversation off with a brief stint on how I tossed some Ron Hubbard Scientology books into a bin. Then we'll talk about how funny Scientology is. You know, to get them in the right frame of mind. Then I'll ask them if it was wrong of me to toss those books in a bin? Should I respect them? THEN we can move to the Qur'an.
SAM why dont you let the bigots hang themselves. Its funny to watch:p
Gee Asguard that didn't take long.

Australia detains terror suspects
Australian police have arrested four people in the southern city of Melbourne after uncovering what they say was a plot to launch an attack. The group was preparing a suicide attack on an army base, police said. The suspects are Australian nationals of Somali and Lebanese descent. "The men's intention was to actually go into the army barracks and to kill as many soldiers as they could before they themselves were killed,"

Let me guess - that's the USA fault too :yay:

You know, I have never heard of any people from anywhere in the entire world planning to murder innocent Australians like this OTHER then Muslims. Buddhists? Nope. Shinto? Nope. Hindu? Nope.

And the sad things is, NO ONE IS SHOCKED in the least bit. People think, yup, caught some more f*cked in the head Muslims trying to blow some people up again. No brainer there.

I wonder why? One would think that Lebanese and Somalian people would appreciate the great fortune they have at being freely let into Australian society to build a better life for themselves and their families. But no, they hate Australia. They hate Australians so much they'd rather strap a bomb to themselves, walk into a group of innocent Australians they have never met and kill as many as they possibly can. Now, if I were to say some Buddhist from Burma were caught, jaws would drop. But, Muslims - it's not shocking in the least.
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Why would it be the USA's fault? Like Osama, even the Australians are fighting with their friends in Afghanistan. As they were in Iraq.