Pakistan Christians must die

Palestinians? Are they killing Christians in Pakistan? Good lord. And here I'd thought there was at least a couple thousand miles between Palestine and Pakistan. I mean, I admit they sound similar: Palestine. Pakistan. They both start with a "P", and they have lots of vowels. There's a "T", even, in the last syllable. Yet I'd always assumed they were different countries, oddly enough. And what about the oppression of non-muslims as far away as Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, Morocco? Are these motivated by Palestine too? When we read about the oppression of our co-religionists dispossessed of their lives and lands in dar-al-islam, should we take it out on local muslims? Just curious.
Ah yet another excellent thread examining Muslims and Islam in Pakistan or Palestine or whatever. Good good. :)

Anyone suggested that the Christians should go back to Britain where they belong yet? Or Bethlehem or wherever their ancestral home is?
No, no - this is exactly what I mean. Pakistani muslims are killing Christian Pakistanis because of Jews in Palestine, which is a completely different country. So should we kill muslims because of Copts being persecuted in Egypt? This is a pan-religious issue, by your lights.
No, no - this is exactly what I mean. Pakistani muslims are killing Christian Pakistanis because of Jews in Palestine, which is a completely different country. So should we kill muslims because of Copts being persecuted in Egypt? This is a pan-religious issue, by your lights.

Like European Jews killing Palestinian Christians and Muslims because of Christian antisemites in Europe?

If worked for them, didn't it? Even you support such multigenerational, pan national ethnic cleansing when the Jews do it.

But the irony of course is Michal, an American atheist supporting American Christians who want to bomb Afghani Muslims because of Israeli terrorism in New York. I mean that really takes the cake, then protesting the killing of 5 Pakistanis while he elects a President who intends to bomb Pakistan in a war he supported as a "limited incursion" ie maybe only five Pakistanis should die?
Excuse me: Israeli terrorism in New York? Do explain. The rest of your post is false.
So some Israelis were apparently dancing, and this means it's Israeli terrorism. Arab Israelis? Jewish Israelis?

Anyway, let's cut to the chase: you've bought into the hysteria around 9/11. That's all right: a lot of very uncritical people do. But you've taken up the worst and most heinous allegations, because it helps to further your worldview against Jews. You recognize that it's the most extreme of positions, but in the name of not accepting any faults in your chosen religion, you're willing to go this distance.

Small wonder they've been so persecuted, when their..."protectors"...resort to believing almost anything rather than examine their own faults. Why, you could join Finnsbury Park Mosque or CAIR or MPACUK with those views.
Its a Mossad team, what do you think? Live on Israeli television.

"I think they should just clear off all the city, just take it all out"

Yeah, small wonder. Why would anyone not want these people occupying them?
Speculation, and dealt with previously.

Good luck with your mindless hate. I'm certain it would justify vicious terrorism. Uh...that is, if the Jews weren't responsible for it all. It's funny how you think the Jews are both the cause and the instigators of terrorism. They shore is sneeky! It amazes me how you can hate racist rednecks, since you have so much in common with them.
Like I said, an excellent thread "examining" Islam and Muslims. Carry on.
Well, it certainly discovered something about you. Are your attitudes characteristic, or demented?
I'm sure you can tell us better being in a position to know all about Muslims from your various colonial outposts.
I'm sure you can tell us better being in a position to know all about Muslims from your various colonial outposts.

My colonial outposts? Is this like how Pakistani Christians are to blame for Israel's existence? How did they bring it about? Lots of cowering? Or maybe they breathed too loud. Well, no matter: I'm sure that won't last much longer. Let me know if you decide to (snicker) care about it or something, won't you my unhypocritical friend?

NB: There may be some sarcasm above. Please contact the UN to have it removed.
Pakistani Christians should learn how to behave like minorities, just as Muslims should learn in European countries. Or go back to Bethlehem or Nazareth or wherever their ancestral land is.
Pakistani Christians should learn how to behave like minorities

Yes, yes: Q 9: 29 "Make them to feel themselves oppressed".

, just as Muslims should learn in European countries.

Should learn. This comment of yours is interesting for several reasons. It sort of assumes it's the minorities that ought to learn this behaviour on their own, while in fact it's usually applied top-down in Pakistan from what I can tell. Or at least the punishments are, so presumably that's where the pressure comes from. And yet it ignores the fact that people ought to have the same rights no matter where they are or what their religion is, and that the West does indeed permit complete religious freedom. Maybe....maybe we're the ones with the Golden Age? :shrug:

Or go back to Bethlehem or Nazareth or wherever their ancestral land is.

This is the second interesting part. Isn't their ancestral land Pakistan? This surprises me about you: as a dedicated racialist, you suddenly don't feel that their own actual ethnicity matters any more. And aren't Christians being forced out of Bethlehem and Nazareth by their muslim neighbours these days? Where should they go? "Back" to the West, where their religion comes from except that it doesn't come from there? I'd believe you were being facetious, except that you had the same opinion about Jews in Egypt being expulsed or put in concentration camps. (I don't suppose you're any relation to the Pharoah? :D)

I suppose you'll bring up Israel to answer this, because that's the usual wellspring of blame for any intolerance in any islamic country, in your eyes, no matter whether they've even ever seen a Jew before.
This is the second interesting part. Isn't their ancestral land Pakistan? This surprises me about you: as a dedicated racialist, you suddenly don't feel that their own actual ethnicity matters any more. And aren't Christians being forced out of Bethlehem and Nazareth by their muslim neighbours these days?

Now that the Jews are there in Bethlehem and Nazareth, there shouldn't be any problem. After all, seeing as you support their right to be there from everywhere in Palestine, why not Christians from anywhere? After all Jesus was born there, unlike Moses and Abraham. And since nothing BUT religion matters for you, thats where the ancestral home of all Christians is. So if they don't like Pakistan, let them go to Bethlehem.
Religion and ethnicity, actually: we've been over this. But why should they be kicked out of their homeland? It's not as though muslim Pakistanis need the land, or that the Christians tried to throw them out, or that there's not enough land, or that Pakistani muslims bought up the crappy land and then the Christians fought them or terrorize them, except maybe by ringing those scary bells. So it's not really a parallel.

But you did bring up Israel, as predicted. ;) Thanks.
Who cares why? Europe was big enough too. Send the Christians packing to Bethlehem.
Why are Americans throwing bombs at their homes?
Because they're ignorant rednecks. However, I think we should exterminate the mice on our own soil before worrying about other people's infestations. Let's carpet bomb a few red states. Those grain fields could use some fertilizer if you ask me.

Who can pretend to understand how such people think?
Hate needs no explanation. It goes through its existence filled with belief that it's the right-hand of God. It's kind of like a drug addict who thinks he's cool and important because uses people and then talks shit about them while enjoying the loot. They think they're the most important people on the planet, and nothing you can say will ever convince them otherwise. I've seen how they end up, though: gaunt-cheeked and haggard before they're old enough to drink legally. Here's how you deal with an arrogant drug addict: give him money, and tell him to buy the hardest, nastiest drugs he can find. Justice will find him. They never think it will, but it always does. By the same token, cultures that aid and abet religious hatred get their just desserts.
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