Pakistan Christians must die

I don't seem to remember saying Afghan Nationals. Nope.

AU fought in Korea and Vietnam - yet, for some strange reason Buddhists from Thailand never came over and blew themselves up.

What is it about Islam that inspires people from all over the globe to murder innocent people? These events are happening SAM. Most people in the world are coming to the conclusion something is wrong with Islam. It needs to be modified. And guess what. We're modifying it. :)
That's the funny thing. How easily Islam can be made to mean something entirely new and how Muslims, once told this by their Imam, believe this new meaning. Maybe Allah is working through the atheist SAM :shrug: Allah works in mysterious ways :D
You mean why do Muslims fight back against invaders and occupiers?

Why were white people not able to eliminate them as they did the native Americans and Aborigines?

Dunno. Why do you think?

Most people in the world are coming to the conclusion something is wrong with Islam. It needs to be modified. And guess what. We're modifying it.

Oh is that what you're doing? From the outside it just looks like you're going broke in an unsustainable society that is disintegrating
OH, now it's about "White" people. Yeah.... right. So it's racism that inspires some Muslims to kill. Well, that does fit. Thanks for clearing that question up.
Yeah look at all the racist Muslims who have replaced populations by skin colour.

Hilarious :rolleyes:
am i surprised that there was a plot to commit murder (allegadly)?

Am i surprised its muslims who are accused of terriousm?

Because only plots by muslims are phrased that way, im more scared of idots on ice than i am by this. Hell the Australian mafia blew up the anti drug task force investigating them. Martan briatnt killed 36 people but its only called terriousm if muslims do it.

Is that proof of your argument? no its not, its proof that australia hasnt broken away from howards bigotry sadly
BTW all i said was that the bigots in the thread didnt need sams help to hang themselves. If you assume im talking about you maybe you should look at why that is because i didnt mention anyone in paticular
Yeah look at all the racist Muslims who have replaced populations by skin colour.

Hilarious :rolleyes:
Oh, really, then you can explain why Muslims needed to wire a Georgian pre-school to explode? Murdering all those little children? Because Georgia was what exactly? White? Is that the reason? They were defending themselves against White Georgians who invaded where exactly?

You can explain why Indian Pakistani Muslims murdered all those Indians in Mumbai? And they shot the Singaporean in the head because she was White.. yeah, I get it now. And Singapore is in the war too? Is that it SAM?

Indonesian Muslims murdered Indonesian Xians and Muslims of another sect because they were white.... yup, SAM, yes, it makes almost as much sense as your typical the USA did it response. Indonesia is also fighting in the wars I take it?

And so, Pakistani Muslims shot Pakistani Xians in the head and burned a little girl alive because they are white. Or let me guess Pakistan is invading itself :) Yup. Got it.

Now I see, it finally makes sense. Pakistan is invading itself!
Yes, I see it now, it's so clear.

So when Pakistani Muslims roasted that Pakistani Xian girl alive, it was not because she was Xian, it was because she was leading an assault force of USA-backed Stormtroopers. They are Hero's SAM. Yup. Makes perfect sense.
Oh, really, then you can explain why Muslims needed to wire a Georgian pre-school to explode? Murdering all those little children? Because Georgia was what exactly? White? Is that the reason? They were defending themselves against White Georgians who invaded where exactly?

You can explain why Indian Pakistani Muslims murdered all those Indians in Mumbai? And they shot the Singaporean in the head because she was White.. yeah, I get it now. And Singapore is in the war too? Is that it SAM?

I imagine its teh same logic why you were willing to support a limited military incursion into Afghanistan. How many innocent people die in a limited incursion? Usually? How many children shot dead? Roasted by white phosphorus? Amputated at the knee? Orphaned? Stepped on mines? Usually?
They don't even have to be Muslims. You imagine the missiles skip the homes of the Christians?
When "christian" groups in the US bomb abortion clinics they are doing acts that are in rebellion against the teachings of Jesus. Therefore they are not Christians. You cannot be a Christian and try to justify an act that is in rebellion against the word of Jesus.

That's a beaut of a no true Scotsman fallacy you have there. Tell Eric Rudolph he isn't a "true Christian".

All dogmatic extremists suck. Death to extremists!
Pakistan is not in the Middle East! And neither is Afghanistan!
That's a beaut of a no true Scotsman fallacy you have there. Tell Eric Rudolph he isn't a "true Christian".

All dogmatic extremists suck. Death to extremists!


Eric Rudolph you are not a true Christian.

Now if you can somehow contact him and get him to come and read this thread it would be good. :)

I would love to have a chat with him and talk about Jesus with him. I would love to be used by God to convict such a man and to see him come to believe Jesus and be saved.

All Praise The Ancient Of Day

Eric Rudolph you are not a true Christian.

Now if you can somehow contact him and get him to come and read this thread it would be good. :)

I would love to have a chat with him and talk about Jesus with him. I would love to be used by God to convict such a man and to see him come to believe Jesus and be saved.

All Praise The Ancient Of Day

I'm unaware of any good reason to accept your opinion that he's not a true Christian over his that he is. If somehow you were able to tell him to his face that he isn't a Christian, you'd probably get a broken nose for your trouble. And hundreds of thousands, possibly millions, of self described Christians in this country are sympathetic with his views.
Gee Asguard that didn't take long.

Australia detains terror suspects
Australian police have arrested four people in the southern city of Melbourne after uncovering what they say was a plot to launch an attack. The group was preparing a suicide attack on an army base, police said. The suspects are Australian nationals of Somali and Lebanese descent. "The men's intention was to actually go into the army barracks and to kill as many soldiers as they could before they themselves were killed,"

Let me guess - that's the USA fault too :yay:

You know, I have never heard of any people from anywhere in the entire world planning to murder innocent Australians like this OTHER then Muslims. Buddhists? Nope. Shinto? Nope. Hindu? Nope.

And the sad things is, NO ONE IS SHOCKED in the least bit. People think, yup, caught some more f*cked in the head Muslims trying to blow some people up again. No brainer there.

I wonder why? One would think that Lebanese and Somalian people would appreciate the great fortune they have at being freely let into Australian society to build a better life for themselves and their families. But no, they hate Australia. They hate Australians so much they'd rather strap a bomb to themselves, walk into a group of innocent Australians they have never met and kill as many as they possibly can. Now, if I were to say some Buddhist from Burma were caught, jaws would drop. But, Muslims - it's not shocking in the least.

People should not be shocked. If people knew more about the teachings of the quran and more muslims where true followers of the quran then this would be a daily event in Australia. Australia is in the main an athiest western decadent society. Just the kind of thing muslims should hate and be seeking to destroy.

So what if Australians thinking goes along the lines of " Oh we allowed them to flee their civil wars in Lebanon and Somalia and gave them a new life in a peaceful and prosperous land, how could they not be won over to our multiculturalism freedom and western values"

As in France as in England as in Spain as in all the world true muslims are true to the quran and will never accept the decadent non-believing society they came to. No matter how prosperous they have been in them. No matter what laws have been passed in them to accommodate their religion. The only acceptable end to a true muslim is when the society they are in has submitted itself to islam.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
I'm unaware of any good reason to accept your opinion that he's not a true Christian over his that he is.

The words of Jesus are good enough for me. You can please yourself.

In the end it would be between him and the message i would give him.

If somehow you were able to tell him to his face that he isn't a Christian, you'd probably get a broken nose for your trouble. And hundreds of thousands, possibly millions, of self described Christians in this country are sympathetic with his views.

Well i am supposed to be willing to die for the truth of Jesus, so a broken nose would probably be a minor price to pay for a chance to save him.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
just look what "the word of jesus" has done, millions infected with HIV in highly catholic countries because the various pope's refuse to endorce condom useage, the spanish inqustion (which no one expects:p got to love monty python:p), the crusades which have probable link to whats happerning today, the Nazi's which definitly has a link to the opression happerning in the middle east ect ect