Our attitude concerning mockery of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon

Theres no point discussing this stuff Sam and any other Muslim here. These people are jsut like those mentioned in the Quran, no matter how many times you show them the truth, they will always hate you.

Then, it can't be the truth, or else everyone would know it.

I have refuted these people many a times with verses from the Quran and I laid down my challange: to provide me with verses from the Quran commandin the killing other Muslims as these terrorists do. The people suffering and dying most from terrorist attacks are Muslims themselves.

And then, like every other Muslim, you'll claim the translations are bogus and are to be dismissed. You'll then ask for my infidel head on a platter.
Its irrelevant. U.S. troops are a diverse military population that is NEVER deployed on a religious mission of death. No one among them walks into public crowd, blows themself up while yelling "Jesus Christ", "God", "Allah Akbar" or any other religious declaration.

So US troops dont pray to whatever Deity they believe in when going in and for help during fighting? :rolleyes: Fact of the matter is that no one here has been able to show me written or oral confessions of all suicide bombers saying they did it for Islam and to spread the message. No one has also been able to provide me with verses commanding Muslims to suicide bomb other Muslims...

OTOH, show us what the religion of U.S. troops has to do with the Islamic attitude concerning the mockery of their prophet. They openly call for the murder of anyone that mocks their prophet and I don't think there's anything you can say that will justify their attitude. Killing people over cartoons cannot be justified in any context.

Your talking about attacks carried out by people who believe they are fighting for something adn you allege that that something is Islam. I just thought if were going down the religious conviction road of fighters/terrorists, might as well look at the religious conviction of the army responsible for a shedload of deaths of innocent people. Either by blowing up houses, bombing hospitals or wiping out complete villages...
I want to buy one of those highly realistic sex dolls and have it made to look like Muhammad.
how about the eradiction of indians on behalf of religion afriacans by white men.The list is so long one of which THE SEPERATIST ITA AND long as THE ERADICTION OF CATHOLICS BY CROMWELL.READ AMERICAN AND BRITISH HISTORY.

Are they killing people who mock Jesus?

Why don't you stop reading the popular media and actually read real news for a change?

Meaning the news you prefer.

They lived for 800 years under the Ottomans - the Saudis, the Iraqis, the Palestinians, the Iranians. All cultures that predated the Ottoman rule by at least 1000 years and some 5000 years or more. Are you aware of any internal religious wars at the time?...Why not fighting in the name of religion or God?

I recommend you check the following links about rebellion and Civil War just within the Ottoman Empire. I suggest you may have been misled a bit.


http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ahmed_III (trouble with the Savafids)








Let us end with material in:



So US troops dont pray to whatever Deity they believe in when going in and for help during fighting? :rolleyes: Fact of the matter is that no one here has been able to show me written or oral confessions of all suicide bombers saying they did it for Islam and to spread the message.

Care to define the term "martyrdom video"?


might as well look at the religious conviction of the army responsible for a shedload of deaths of innocent people. Either by blowing up houses, bombing hospitals or wiping out complete villages...

They aren't doing it in God's name, or to spread Christianity.

Please provide a reference for the the wiping out of complete villages.


Wait, Sam: did you want information about wars predating islam also, or just in the islamic period?

I just thought if were going down the religious conviction road of fighters/terrorists, might as well look at the religious conviction of the army responsible for a shedload of deaths of innocent people. Either by blowing up houses, bombing hospitals or wiping out complete villages...

Except your element of "religious conviction" is missing....

BTW, even if the military violated someone's rights, are you trying to argue that two wrongs make a right? Again, there is nothing you can say that justifies the Muslims use of terror and murder to strong arm the world into meeting its demands.
Care to define the term "martyrdom video"?


I know about those videos but please read what I wrote: written or oral confessions of all suicide bombers saying they did it for Islam and to spread the message.

They aren't doing it in God's name, or to spread Christianity.

Exactly! The same goes for these freedom fighters/terrorists... See, wasn thtat hard to understand now was it?

Please provide a reference for the the wiping out of complete villages.

There are many but check out http://www.alternet.org/waroniraq/75652/ and
http://www.alternet.org/waroniraq/76662/ for starters. You woulnd tjust welcome foreing invaders with open arms if your toen was bombed like that and everything you ever had was destroyed just like that. Why? Well, were targeting terrorists ofcourse :rolleyes:
Except your element of "religious conviction" is missing....

BTW, even if the military violated someone's rights, are you trying to argue that two wrongs make a right? Again, there is nothing you can say that justifies the Muslims use of terror and murder to strong arm the world into meeting its demands.

Im saying that fighters are everywhere the same. Thats what im saying. Putting "Muslim" in front o terrorists and their actions means you are chucking people like me and Sam in with them and that there isnta difference. Are you really that anxious to create some kind fo self-fulfilling prophecy?
You're simply missing the point about people mocking Muhammad. For 40 years the Muslim world has embarked on a mission of terror and murder with a never ending list of demands that non-Muslims do this or that or else. Islamic extremists have turned the symbol of Muhammad into one of violence. Now people like you want to complain when the Islamic world does nothing about their own that are smearing their image.

Consider one example. When Fred Phelps, a Christian extremist shows up to boycott a military funeral other Christians are there to outnumber him, shout him down and denounce his actions for being unChristian. But, when Islamic terrorist fly planes into buildings and kill 1000s of people Muslims dance in the streets and no one shows up to shout them down or denounce them as unIslamic.

No take your fight to those that smear your image and quit complaining to us about us complaining about the hypocrisy of the Muslim population.
You're simply missing the point about people mocking Muhammad. For 40 years the Muslim world has embarked on a mission of terror and murder with a never ending list of demands that non-Muslims do this or that or else. Islamic extremists have turned the symbol of Muhammad into one of violence. Now people like you want to complain when the Islamic world does nothing about their own that are smearing their image..


Yeah all that Muslim intervention in Western countries has been really ghastly.

The massive collateral damages, the demagogy, support for dictatorship, the secret prisons and torture, the tearing and flushing of teh Bibles down the toilets, death squads, funding and arming of extremists, the total destruction of teh infrastructure and the slaughter of civilians by the occupying Muslim armies has to be seen to be believed. The millions displaced and living as refugees. Oh so sad those poor poor oppressed people.


Those Muslims!

Yeah all that Muslim intervention in Western countries has been really ghastly.

The massive collateral damages, the demagogy, support for dictatorship, the secret prisons and torture, the tearing and flushing of teh Bibles down the toilets, death squads, funding and arming of extremists, the total destruction of teh infrastructure and the slaughter of civilians by the occupying Muslim armies has to be seen to be believed. The millions displaced and living as refugees. Oh so sad those poor poor oppressed people....

Blah blah blah....

I'm still waiting for you to come up with anything that JUSTIFIES the terrorization and murder of innocent people for the last 40 years. Are you really stupid enough to believe that any two wrongs make a right?
Blah blah blah....

I'm still waiting for you to come up with anything that JUSTIFIES the terrorization and murder of innocent people for the last 40 years. Are you really stupid enough to believe that any two wrongs make a right?

You tell me. After all, the one million dead in Iraq and possibly six million dead in Afghanistan are apparently invisible.

Not to mention all those targeted by CIA death squads for the last 60 years
You tell me. After all, the one million dead in Iraq and possibly six million dead in Afghanistan are apparently invisible.

Not to mention all those targeted by CIA death squads for the last 60 years

What has any of that got to do with walking on a bus full of women and children and murdering them with a homicide bomber? Please tell us exactly what those women and children have done. Same for tourists in a night club or hotel. I'll wager that you can't because you consistently try to steer the discussion away from all the hard questions. Please try to stay on topic and explain the justification for the cold blooded murder committed repeatedly by Muslims. Are they just too chicken-5hit to fight soldiers that they have to kill innocent people? Where is the Muslim world in publicly denouncing and shouting down these murderers?
Just witness,
Some danes make a cartoon about muhammed, some muslims respond by trying to kill the cartoonist, Danes respond by reprinting a cartoon.


Not funny.
What has any of that got to do with walking on a bus full of women and children and murdering them with a homicide bomber? Please tell us exactly what those women and children have done. Same for tourists in a night club or hotel. I'll wager that you can't because you consistently try to steer the discussion away from all the hard questions. Please try to stay on topic and explain the justification for the cold blooded murder committed repeatedly by Muslims. Are they just too chicken-5hit to fight soldiers that they have to kill innocent people? Where is the Muslim world in publicly denouncing and shouting down these murderers?

Is this in Palestine? They are occupied. Its not a religious issue.

There are lots of Muslims against terrorism. I did not see any Christians in India condemning Fred Phelps either.

Just witness,
Some danes make a cartoon about muhammed, some muslims respond by trying to kill the cartoonist, Danes respond by reprinting a cartoon.


Not funny.

Some nazis make cartoons about jews, jews do not respond and get fried in ovens


not funny either.