Our attitude concerning mockery of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon

I think all leaders should be mocked. A big ego is dangerous, as is excessive supplication.

If you add up only the people killed by the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, it would surpass the "list" you presented above.

Not counting the gulags, the holocaust, the two world wars, the continuous wars fought by the western world since WWII, the occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan and the support for dictators and oppressive regimes and the enforcement of inequitable treaties, laws, the creation of teh state ofIsrael, etc.

The massive civilian death count from all of the above will probably add up to the most violent culture to ever beset this earth. And thats just the last 60 or so years of it.
You may be right, but most of those things weren't done in the name of religion.

What sets Islam apart is that all those terrorist acts were and are being inspired by Islamic teachings. One could argue that those perpetrators are misinterpreting the Quran, but that would be a stretch - why oh why do so many appear to be making such mistakes. It isn't difficult to see. Just by reading the Quran it is clearly confrontational to any who do not believe in it, and it promotes conflicts directly and implicitly.

Islam grew out of a very barbaric period and while many Muslims have allowed it to evolve into its more peaceful components there are far too many who take those scriptures in the barbaric context and won't or do not want to move forward.

Islam is in a state of crisis and it needs to resolve the mess it has created.

Islam is in a state of crisis and it needs to resolve the mess it has created.

Not as much as western civilisation, wouldn't you say?

Apparently the "mess" of Islam appears to follow in its wake.
If you add up only the people killed by the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, it would surpass the "list" you presented above.

The difference here Sam is that Japan started the war.
I don't believe too many Chinese descendents of the people massacred in cities like Nanking in the late 30's will be choked up about Japanese civilian losses.Or any surving P.O.Ws' from Japanese prison camps.
Also..the Japanese were warned ahead of time regarding these events.Not the same with terrorists attacks carried out in the name of Islam.

I agree with you thou to an extent..there is a double standard from the west regarding violence committed in the name of Islam while the U.S govt has turned a blind eye to attrocities carried out by despotic regimes that the US was(is) only happy to support..well as long as the despots in question kiss some Uncle Sam butt.
Iraq..another blunder that is yes...the fault of the U.S.
If you add up only the people killed by the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, it would surpass the "list" you presented above.

Not counting the gulags, the holocaust, the two world wars, the continuous wars fought by the western world since WWII, the occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan and the support for dictators and oppressive regimes and the enforcement of inequitable treaties, laws, the creation of teh state ofIsrael, etc.

The massive civilian death count from all of the above will probably add up to the most violent culture to ever beset this earth. And thats just the last 60 or so years of it.

Strawman! Try again...
The difference here Sam is that Japan started the war..

I believe the suicide bombings followed US intervention as well. Are you saying that justifies them?

Also..the Japanese were warned ahead of time regarding these events

Can you show me where the Japs were warned they would be the experimental subjects of nuclear tests?
Strawman! Try again...

Why? Because its not your country that is the collateral damages?

Not your children dying of hunger? Not your farmers committing suicide?
Why do you not consider any of these to be significant?
If you add up only the people killed by the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, it would surpass the "list" you presented above.

Not counting the gulags, the holocaust, the two world wars, the continuous wars fought by the western world since WWII, the occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan and the support for dictators and oppressive regimes and the enforcement of inequitable treaties, laws, the creation of teh state ofIsrael, etc.

The massive civilian death count from all of the above will probably add up to the most violent culture to ever beset this earth. And thats just the last 60 or so years of it.
Can you show me where the Japs were warned they would be the experimental subjects of nuclear tests?

Out of curiousity, I wonder what warning would have been afforded US citizens before such an attack by Imperial Japan. Answer: None at all, if Pearl Harbor and the experimental attacks with fire balloons and anthrax were any judge. I wonder too at the legality or even-handedness of their treatment of prisoners, or civilians, or their use in medical experimentation.

Maybe you should reconsider your statement's appropriateness.
Or POWs and civilians on bayonets?

Was it the Dalai Lama who said that tolerance is a lesson best learned from one's enemies? Interesting statement.
Apparently the ME has been learning since the last 60 years. After all they spent 1400 years without a suicide bomber; or did they upgrade the quality of virgins recently?

Not as much as western civilisation, wouldn't you say?
Not sure what you mean. The dominant theme in western countries is freedom of the individual. In Islamic countries the theme is do what the Quran says or else.

If one favors personal freedom then western style secular democracy, while it has many faults, is a clear winner. In itself it does not promote violence.

In Islamic controlled countries one is expected to obey the Quran. And unfortunately that necessarily must result in conflicts with non-islamics - since that is what it teaches.

Apparently the "mess" of Islam appears to follow in its wake.
I cannot determine what you mean by that.

Not sure what you mean. The dominant theme in western countries is freedom of the individual. In Islamic countries the theme is do what the Quran says or else.

If one favors personal freedom then western style secular democracy, while it has many faults, is a clear winner. In itself it does not promote violence.

In Islamic controlled countries one is expected to obey the Quran. And unfortunately that necessarily must result in conflicts with non-islamics - since that is what it teaches.

I cannot determine what you mean by that.

So why is it that the freedom loving Western culture is the one that is conducting massacre on such a massive scale? And thats not just the collateral damages from air raids, missiles, bombs, chemical and nuclear weapons but from colonisation, occupation, destruction of fledgling economies, enforcing inequitable laws and treaties, spreading hunger, poverty, unemployment; supporting dictators and kings and oppressive rulers, supplying almost 100% of the arms worldwide using their power to avoid accountability and enforce their values on everyone else?

How does any of this define anything but terrorism?

After all they spent 1400 years without a suicide bomber; or did they upgrade the quality of virgins recently?
The technology and electronics need for such devices is a very recent development. If the technology had been available 500 years ago I suspect it would have been used.

The technology and electronics need for such devices is a very recent development. If the technology had been available 500 years ago I suspect it would have been used.

So you are saying the reason no wars were fought within the ME for 800 years is because they had no bombs?
Another topic switch. Run out of ammo on Japan then?

As for your question: doesn't seem to have been any change in the meaning of "strive hard" for some time. :D Technology does get away from one. BTW, there's no explicit definition of those virgins being female. Always read the fine print.
Whoa - no wars? I think you jest, Sam.

They lived for 800 years under the Ottomans - the Saudis, the Iraqis, the Palestinians, the Iranians. All cultures that predated the Ottoman rule by at least 1000 years and some 5000 years or more. Are you aware of any internal religious wars at the time? You know, the Sunni vs Shia in Iraq, the Palestinian vs Jews in Palestine, the Kurds vs Sunnis/Shias. In fact there was a sizeable Jewish and Eastern Orthodox Church population in many of these places.

Why weren't they blowing themselves up to go to heaven? Why not fighting in the name of religion or God?