Our attitude concerning mockery of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon

Absolutely, I agree.

There are 1.5 billion Muslims.

None of them are invading other countries or occupying them.

None of them are enforcing their values or opinions on anyone else by force.

Out of 1.5 billion, maybe a few thousands are extremists, who make life more difficult for other Muslims than they do for anyone else.

Even under economic and social repression, there is no desire for revenge or theft of other peoples resources. No death squads to destabilise or destroy other societies and economies.

Where there is social and economic stability, they contribute to the culture, wealth and economy of all societies.
Islam should be judged by two reliable sources The Holy Quran and Sunnah the prophet's tradition.I wish u could read some saying of the prophet Mohamed may peace be upon him and read Quran and to understand it rather than saying qaeda does or this or that does.

Utter nonsense, The Quran and Sunnah are scripturally propagandized literature that has no meaning in modern society as it is based on archaic tribal rituals and customs.

That actions of Muslims are to be judged appropriately based on human rights, not barbaric rituals.
Absolutely, I agree.

There are 1.5 billion Muslims.

None of them are invading other countries or occupying them.

History would not agree with you.

The conquering Muslim

None of them are enforcing their values or opinions on anyone else by force.

Too funny. This post would be edited for the HUGE list of links one could provide demonstrating Muslims violent actions "enforcing their values or opinions on anyone else by force."

Out of 1.5 billion, maybe a few thousands are extremists, who make life more difficult for other Muslims than they do for anyone else.

The problem is agreement and defense Muslims have to those extremists. That has been made evident here on many occasions. YOU are one of the worst propagandist and hypocrite in this regard.

Even under economic and social repression, there is no desire for revenge or theft of other peoples resources. No death squads to destabilise or destroy other societies and economies.

Muslim death squads

Where there is social and economic stability, they contribute to the wealth and economy of all societies.

As long as those societies are Muslim states.
History would not agree with you.

The conquering Muslim

Too funny. This post would be edited for the HUGE list of links one could provide demonstrating Muslims violent actions "enforcing their values or opinions on anyone else by force."

The problem is agreement and defense Muslims have to those extremists. That has been made evident here on many occasions. YOU are one of the worst propagandist and hypocrite in this regard.

Muslim death squads

As long as those societies are Muslim states.

Thank you for confirming all my points. :)
Utter nonsense, The Quran and Sunnah are scripturally propagandized literature that has no meaning in modern society as it is based on archaic tribal rituals and customs.

That actions of Muslims are to be judged appropriately based on human rights, not barbaric rituals.

What do u know about quran and sunnah.Quran and sunnah have defended human right since 1428 years.
pls visit the link to read islam elevates man
Absolutely, I agree.

There are 1.5 billion Muslims.

None of them are invading other countries or occupying them.

None of them are enforcing their values or opinions on anyone else by force.

Out of 1.5 billion, maybe a few thousands are extremists, who make life more difficult for other Muslims than they do for anyone else.

And whenever the few go on their murderous tirades the vast vast majority of those 1.5 billion Muslims keep their mouth shut or dance in the streets. They have done a good job at conveying their tacit approval of terror and murder.
And whenever the few go on their murderous tirades the vast vast majority of those 1.5 billion Muslims keep their mouth shut or dance in the streets. They have done a good job at conveying their tacit approval of terror and murder.

No more than CIA death squads or 3572 air raids in Afghanistan last year or the million killed in Iraq or the ones supplying 50% of the worlds arms or... but you get the picture
No more than CIA death squads or 3572 air raids in Afghanistan last year or the million killed in Iraq or the ones supplying 50% of the worlds arms or... but you get the picture

Wow, fishing is good, one could literally drop a line, give a quick tug and easily hook a red herring.
I haven't seen the Muslim majority speaking out against them so clearly they must support them.
[it is not enough for u that muslims officials and scholars denounce the killing of innocent.i join my hand with them and say islam is innocent of these acts
You are partially correct. Islamic terrorists do not consider their victims to be innocent.
So they are doing it in Gods name and Christianity? You just said they werent. And then im the one not terribly informed on the topic.

Correct, you're not terribly informed. I was referring to the islamic terrorists. Re-read my posts please.

Nah, lets just let all the people spreading hatred and lies spread them. /sarcasm

Now what pray tell can that refer to?

There is terrorism in Iraq. There wasn’t before the US lead us into this war based on lies....If that was your country being invaded like that you wouldn’t just sit by and let it happen either. You’d act like the colonial terrorists did against the British.

So the terrorists are choosing to terrorize, then.

Absolutely, I agree.

There are 1.5 billion Muslims.

None of them are invading other countries or occupying them.

None of them are enforcing their values or opinions on anyone else by force.

Except in all the islamic countries - all of them, apparently - that punish conversion with death, or repress the rights of other religions to express themselves. Basically, political islam is a fascist inclusion club, with death as the only out. Not a good system.

u talk about history.have u ever heard a jew or christain are prevented from practising their religion or whose houses are destroyed.Read the history well to see how muslims and their leaders traeted non muslims .

I have; and they haven't. Try talking to Copts, Armenians, Assyrian Christians, Jews and anyone else unfortunate enough to be a religious minority in an islamic country.

