Our attitude concerning mockery of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon

Indonesia is a pretty violent part of the world. Christianity arrived before Islam in some parts, but it's a Muslim "country" now. But Buddhism was the first to arrive in the mainland bits, via the Khmer dynasty.

Before any "established" religion got established, they were all pagan headhunter types. Today (and for as long as we've known about the place), different Islands cling to their tribal/ethnic identities. and although "foreign" tribes are tolerated for a while, any colonisation is usually resisted, and doesn't survive beyond a single generation. A native tribe will attack and kill such strangers, after tolerating them for years. This happens between tribes that live on islands only kilometers apart. It also explains why East Timor was invaded by an insurgent Jakartan tribe (i.e. Indonesian "government" troops).
Indonesian waters are also some of the busiest in the world, and the most pirated.

Just for example.
Apparently the ME has been learning since the last 60 years. After all they spent 1400 years without a suicide bomber; or did they upgrade the quality of virgins recently?

No need to back in the day, they spent the first 800 years conquering and subjugating. Why resort to suicide bombings when your army is top dog? ;)
Why? Because its not your country that is the collateral damages?

No, because the thread topic is about Islam and mockery of its prophet which is a result of ongoing violence in the name of that very religion. Any battle between the U.S. and Japan has absolutely nothing to do with the topic and no bearing on the discussion at all.

Do you not realize what a strawman argument is and why it does nothing more than reflect on the users inability to stay on topic and debate the actual topic without wandering off?

So why are they blowing themselves up now in the name of religion and killing others at the same time?

What justification is there for religious inspired violence?
This article is an answer on the mockery of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him)

To read the full text visit this link pls


The article's message is: "I give you control of my emotions, I lay them out before you so that anything you say will make me feel pain, and if you make me feel pain then I will kill you."

Why not skip the whole process and just kill everyone?
The article's message is: "I give you control of my emotions, I lay them out before you so that anything you say will make me feel pain, and if you make me feel pain then I will kill you."

Why not skip the whole process and just kill everyone?

Is that the new reason for the war in Iraq?:rolleyes:

So why are they blowing themselves up now in the name of religion and killing others at the same time?

What justification is there for religious inspired violence?

Its called media manipulation. Strange how the patriots killing the loyalists was never defined as Christian terrorism.

Or didn't any of them go to church?

Notice how one suicide bomber in Iraq gets more attention than the US troops occupying the country?
I dunno, I have to think about that one.. is that what this thread is about ? :p
I just wanted to greet you :)

No its just another Islam/Muslim bashing thread. :shrug:

The other kind of people are rather rare these days.
Is that the new reason for the war in Iraq?:rolleyes:

It's the reason why naming Teddy Bears Muhammad results in calls for death. My question is, why lay a trap for people to fall in whereby they are guranteed to cause Muslims pain? Kill them off as a first step instead of a last step because the result will be the same.
Well, I think the reason behind the republishing is important here.. but I don't don't the reason..

I'm sure the Indian, Russian and Chinese Muslims would be happy to hear those reasons.

They would also like to hear why the same paper refused to publish cartoons lampooning Jesus.
Can the paper be sued for religious discrimination on those grounds?