Our attitude concerning mockery of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon

The only thing that seems odd is that they refused to publish the jesus cartoons. Maybe they can do something about that..

I doubt it. The fact remains that they REFUSED to publish Jesus cartoons offered by an artist as offensive but COMMISSIONED for Mohammed cartoons DELIBERATELY to offend.

Clearly, they miss the fun they had during WWII

Its called media manipulation.
Is it? Hmm.

Strange how the patriots killing the loyalists was never defined as Christian terrorism.
Sorry not sure what you are referencing here.

But even if you have a point what you are implying is that because others have kiiled in the name of religion then it is OK for Muslims to do the same now. All that means is that they are all as bad as each other.

Notice how one suicide bomber in Iraq gets more attention than the US troops occupying the country?
I don't condone such an occupation but their presense still doesn't justify killing anyone in the name of religion. If Islam is a truly peaceful religion then no such killings would occur.

Despite what attrocities might be occurring in other parts of the world and by whoever, those actions still do not justify muslims killing others because of their religious beliefs unless that religion is a supporter of violence whcih is what we observe.

Given that observation it should come as no surprise that Islam is mocked by others for their hypocrisy at claims of being peaceful while blatantly supporting violence and conducting violence.

Is it? Hmm.

But even if you have a point what you are implying is that because others have kiiled in the name of religion then it is OK for Muslims to do the same now. All that means is that they are all as bad as each other.

I don't condone such an occupation but their presense still doesn't justify killing anyone in the name of religion. If Islam is a truly peaceful religion then no such killings would occur.

Despite what attrocities might be occurring in other parts of the world and by whoever, those actions still do not justify muslims killing others because of their religious beliefs unless that religion is a supporter of violence whcih is what we observe.

Given that observation it should come as no surprise that Islam is mocked by others for their hypocrisy at claims of being peaceful while blatantly supporting violence and conducting violence.

Oh blah blah blah.

Why don't you stop reading the popular media and actually read real news for a change?

Sorry not sure what you are referencing here.

Aren't you American?

Oh blah blah blah.
Ahh, excellent, I have made an indisputable point that you cannot refute.

“ Sorry not sure what you are referencing here. ”

Aren't you American?
No, I'm not. I'm British. I only live in the USA.
how about the eradiction of indians on behalf of religion afriacans by white men.The list is so long one of which THE SEPERATIST ITA AND long as THE ERADICTION OF CATHOLICS BY CROMWELL.READ AMERICAN AND BRITISH HISTORY.
indians made war they lost had they kept to war of man to man instaed of killing females and children then the army would have not went there with them and they would have more of there race here on planet earth.
since adultery is forbidden in christianity.Do all christains do not do it.
if terrorism is denounced by islam.Do those who commit it havegrasped the true meaning of islam.Compare them to the huge number of muslim around the globe.how percentage do they present.if an irish or spanish bomb a building u do not associate it with christianity.why always islam.why is this campaign against islam.u problem is that u have misconception about islam and its teaching.Read the life of mohamed not from orientalists or some bias westners but from reliable sources.Read the whole quran and see how much justice is given to non muslims.
Racism is alive and well and inter-racial conflict is a long-established dynamic.

My earlier point was about how, despite religions with "peace and love" doctrines, there are plenty of places where this hasn't exactly rubbed off on the populace - or they haven't got the message yet.
that is true but it seems you argue against your self. mohamed is not here YOU are. The islamic people are not mohamed they have no claim to his greatnes. No more then do other races have the right to lay claim to any other great person of there past.

Your actions are your only shield and to expect others to feel the way you do or be "wrong" is flawed I do not argue your right to follow any path you want to follow I will kill and die befor I allow somone to take that right from me.
it seems you argue against your self. mohamed is not here YOU are.
Actually, "I am here" is really the only thing I can have any certainty about - and this connects with the idea that "others" are here too.

I only know a bit about these Mohammed, Jesus, Buddha dudes, and I know they were "important", or had a message of some kind, and I've gone to the trouble of reading some translations of some of it (rather than go to the trouble of learning how to read any original versions in Arabic, Aramaic or Hebrew and Greek, but Latin is "accessible", for me at least).
They do all seem to share a few common ideas and philosophical threads. I don't know that I can say I see any groups of people, who claim to adhere to these ideas, actually adhering to them, as they may claim (or otherwise).
One thing that does "stick out" is the readiness of adherents to Islam (peace), to turn to the taking up of arms, and killing others who don't share their adherence. This appears (to me) to be something of a paradox, at least.

Notwithstanding that Hinduism and Judaism are both traditions that arose out of a conquest of the land and its people kind of "paradigm".
why always islam.why is this campaign against islam.u problem is that u have misconception about islam and its teaching.Read the life of mohamed not from orientalists or some bias westners but from reliable sources.Read the whole quran and see how much justice is given to non muslims.

Why always Islam? Go back to the first page of the thread for a listing of hundreds of Muslim attacks on innocent people over the last forty years and tell us why they are the only religious group consistently killing innocent people for no just reason.
since adultery is forbidden in christianity.Do all christains do not do it.
if terrorism is denounced by islam.Do those who commit it havegrasped the true meaning of islam.
if an irish or spanish bomb a building u do not associate it with christianity.why always islam.

It's not a good comparison. Adultery or political violence are not done "in the name of the lord"; whereas, terrorism is. Also terrorism in its present form only has one purpose. To torture other humans with fear and violence.

Compare them to the huge number of muslim around the globe.how percentage do they present...

Islamic terrorists represent 100% of the religious extremists that religion is consistently unable to reign in and control.

...why is this campaign against islam.u problem is that u have misconception about islam and its teaching.Read the life of mohamed not from orientalists or some bias westners but from reliable sources.Read the whole quran and see how much justice is given to non muslims.

All monotheistic religions have had similar problems but for the most part they got their act together and adapted to modern life (Islam being the exception). Regardless, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that the paranormal doesn't exist; hence, any claim of 'Allah', 'Jinn', 'Shaitan', 'Angels', 'Heaven', 'Hell', etc... are automatically false; thus, invalidating Islam as being anything more than fantasy. And oh what a fantasy it is. Killing women for weilding imaginary 'Magic', killing kids mistaken for imaginary 'Jinn', wanting to kill teachers for allowing their students to name Teddy Bears, and all the while saying "Peace brother, we love you". I am sorry to say that if your message doesn't match your result then you have to get your shit together and fix that or the rest of the world will keep on fixing you (if you get my drift).
Theres no point discussing this stuff Sam and any other Muslim here. These people are jsut like those mentioned in the Quran, no matter how many times you show them the truth, they will always hate you. I have refuted these people many a times with verses from the Quran and I laid down my challange: to provide me with verses from the Quran commandin the killing other Muslims as these terrorists do. The people suffering and dying most from terrorist attacks are Muslims themselves.

And btw, C1ay, whats the religion of the majority of the US troops in the last century?

It's a value conflict. Non-theists often value truth above emotional / psychological needs and theists do the reverse (I've had multiple self-honest thiests admit this to me). It also means that if every word of the Quran could be evidenced as being objectively false then Muslims would still believe. The reason is because they have invested their lives into it and it satisfies them. We're all human and our propensity to 'believe' is not geared to expose truth... its geared towards increasing our chances of collecting energy and reproducing.
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If you add up only the people killed by the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, it would surpass the "list" you presented above.

Not counting the gulags, the holocaust, the two world wars, the continuous wars fought by the western world since WWII, the occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan and the support for dictators and oppressive regimes and the enforcement of inequitable treaties, laws, the creation of teh state ofIsrael, etc.

The massive civilian death count from all of the above will probably add up to the most violent culture to ever beset this earth. And thats just the last 60 or so years of it.

Gee sam, why don't you use this as a patented response in every thread so as to derail the topic for your own personal agenda?

Oh, wait... :rolleyes:
Gee sam, why don't you use this as a patented response in every thread so as to derail the topic for your own personal agenda?

Oh, wait... :rolleyes:

And here comes the usual response when faced with the destruction wrought by the West.... Sad really
And btw, C1ay, whats the religion of the majority of the US troops in the last century?

Its irrelevant. U.S. troops are a diverse military population that is NEVER deployed on a religious mission of death. No one among them walks into public crowd, blows themself up while yelling "Jesus Christ", "God", "Allah Akbar" or any other religious declaration.

OTOH, show us what the religion of U.S. troops has to do with the Islamic attitude concerning the mockery of their prophet. They openly call for the murder of anyone that mocks their prophet and I don't think there's anything you can say that will justify their attitude. Killing people over cartoons cannot be justified in any context.