"NEW" Religion seeking members

QuarkMoon said:
Please, stop the preaching. You are starting to remind me of the very people you are trying to convert, disgusting..

QuarkMoon my Religion will require a Preacher, one who tells the truth. I know it make take time for you to adjust, Preaching is not a bad thing it just seems that way because of the abuses in the past of the other Religions out there.

QuarkMoon said:
No one will follow your religion because you offer them nothing worth following. If all you seek is to congregate with fellow atheists, than calling it a religion and writing commandments to follow is the wrong way to go about it..

We are not Atheist for we worship Reality. Reality has more to offer than you know. Or do you think you know everything, as some do.

Attendance has many benefits, we will build networks to educate and to build relationships.

Can you imagine going to a Church that you can earn Collage credits at. Yes that is the plan to incorporate Education with Religion. Based again in Reality and Truth. Not faith and fiction.

QuarkMoon said:
And you felt it necessary to point out that the United States is a free country, why? I'm simply giving my opinion of your "religion", I don't seek to stop you from persuing, have fun!.

I only stated this because you could live in a Iran for all I know.

QuarkMoon said:
As for awaking me from my delusion, what delusion would that be? Do you think me a Christian? Assuming makes an ass out of both you and me.

I never said that you were a Christian.

By your defensive stance and your critical writings, you do not need to say you believe in a God that is apparent.
Mythbuster said:
A religion based on good science.

Whe need a bible that talks about good vs bad science. Something that as to do with our survival and to keep our planet clean. I donno... but a book that support science in the good way like using wind like source of energy instead of chemical plants. (Pollution)

Something to keep us not to make us instinct of our own. If humanity is anything to go by, the sad truth may be that, like humanity, an alien race's technology would advance fastest during times of war. Most consumer goods that we take for granted (including computers and the Internet) were originally conceived by military scientists with military purposes. The military is even taking an interest in robotics... we may end up with battle droids sooner or later !

A religion without the need of a god: I believe that there is somthing out there, but i wouldn't call it a God. It's simple a natural force that causes things to happen without decision or choice, but works more like a chemical reaction. The right conditions cause a certain outcome.

We are on the same page Mythbuster. Will you help me?
Write somthing that you would like in the text so I can include it in the Cannon.

Maby we could call it the Book of "The Envrionment".
Mosheh Thezion said:
i would like it very much if you could provide the evidense for all the missing links which are nessasary for evolution to be true as you see it.

the fossil record shows... new species apear... without having been evolved from earlier life forms...

now.. understand.. i believe in evolution... but my version is slightly more believeable...
also these are my drawings...

MT If you are referring to the evolution of man, then all you have to do is some more study there are no missing links in today's Anthropology.
Starman, I was reading your first post, and it got me thinking. You said "most" of today's religions are bogus. Which ones aren't, in your opinion?
Mosheh Thezion said:
STARMAN... i am prepared to discuss the evidense in detail.. literally from all the sciences

all you have to say is my drawings are shit.....

I have not studied your drawings for it is you text I do not agree with.

Mosheh Thezion said:
it shows just how ignorant you must be... you say my church proposal is to complicated...

thats again shows your mental capacity...

you want to run a religion but you cant study a one page document????

do you see a problem?...

you and I are not on the same page. You worship Gods and I do not.

Mosheh Thezion said:
generally i am on your side for most of your ambitions.. but your plan sucks..

i offer you a better one.. one you could adopt and open a branch yourself.

but you dont like it.. why???

because you didnt write it..

its about your ego isnt it?


MT do not take things personal. I know you have put allot of work into your Religion.

What I see in your work is an attempt to Join many different Religions into your Religion. This is a Nobel cause.

I would never do this for I do not agree with other Religions.

There is no God, God only exists in the imagination of the creator, Humans.

This is a concept you may not be able to grasp.
beyondtimeandspace said:
Starman, I was reading your first post, and it got me thinking. You said "most" of today's religions are bogus. Which ones aren't, in your opinion?

If I had to choose from what is currently available I would have to agree with Einstein and choose Buddhism. Yet I would ask myself how can a 600 pound man teach anyone about self control?
Bowser said:
You need to find that thing which we all share. That would be the starting point for any new religion.

I need to find all who wish to live in the Real world and not one that is make believe.
Mosheh Thezion said:
STARMAN... i am prepared to discuss the evidense in detail.. literally from all the sciences...

all you have to say is my drawings are shit...

Actually, I think it was I who said your drawings are shit. Didn't realize you were the original artist/author. They're still shit, of course. As to discussing the evidence in detail, I'm sure that there are those who are willing. Start a thread. Make your claim. By all means, include those drawings. I suggest the biology sub-forum.
Starman said:
Reality is the truth or our existance.
Reality is what is seen, experianced. Surely that is true, but there are more to truth than what we can currently understand and see.

Do you here voices often? Maby we can help. :D
I don't think you could if I did.

Can you show me that quoat, because I do not rember saying this.
I'm not talking about a specific quote, I'm talking about the message you give.

II take it you are a Christian, have you killed many Muslims lately?

Yes your morals may need improvement. :bugeye:

"The further the spiritual evolution of mankind advances, the more certain it seems to me that the path to genuine religiosity does not lie through the fear of life, and the fear of death, and blind faith, but through striving after rational knowledge." AE
As we go further, the paths get many and rational knowledge may be necessary, but don't take it as truth just because it was said by Albert Einstein.

I can teach you to live a life based on Truth.
Don't we allready? But how often do we differ from that truth. But sure, go ahead teach us.

Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former.

Hey, I just started to write my Bible, It will get better and yet I will keep it simple because I see no need to make it complex.

If you are refering to the Jewish Bible, that would be a work of fiction.
That is yet to be seen.

No, I think you just discribed, Judea Religions and Christianity.
Much of what is written in the scriptures are pure insights, and rules formerly not commonly known, but rather written in a sense of inspiration. Sorry, but I just don't get that from you. Instead you write about things everyone knows.

Living in Reality is better. What part of my statment do you not understand?
But we are living in reality.

Man created God, what part of this statment do you not understand?
(I would say 'you' just because it was possible) but...

Man didn't create God, but was a necessary component of our survival. It is within us, the brain even has a center for handling the concept. So think again.

Yes, but do you Christians have to Lie about it?

"I cannot conceive of a God who rewards and punishes his creatures, or has a will of the kind that we experience in ourselves. Neither can I nor would I want to conceive of an individual that survives his physical death; let feeble souls, from fear or ab surd egoism, cherish such thoughts. I am satisfied with the mystery of the eternity of life and with the awareness and a glimpse of the marvelous structure of the existing world, together with the devoted striving to comprehend a portion, be it ever so tiny, of the Reason that manifests itself in nature."
[Albert Einstein,_The World as I See It_]
What do we lie about?

You keep quoting Albert Einstein, as if he were the judge of this.
Cyperium said:
Reality is what is seen, experianced. Surely that is true, but there are more to truth than what we can currently understand and see.

Name one example please. ;)

Cyperium said:
I,m not talking about a specific quote, I'm talking about the message you give..

No, you are saying that my Ideals are problematical to your faith.

Cyperium said:
As we go further, the paths get many and rational knowledge may be necessary, but don't take it as truth just because it was said by Albert Einstein.

Myself and others have come to respect what AE has stated in the past.

Cyperium said:
That is yet to be seen.

Don't hold your breath, its only been 2000 years.

Jesus will come back, yea!!! just as soon as he can play the piano again. :D

Cyperium said:
Much of what is written in the scriptures are pure insights, and rules formerly not commonly known, but rather written in a sense of inspiration. Sorry, but I just don't get that from you. Instead you write about things everyone knows..

Much of what is written in the scriptures are pure Fantasy.

Cyperium said:
But we are living in reality..

Sure you live in Reality however you do not belive or have faith in Reality. :confused:

And would mankind be a sorry lot if I am not able to convince them to believe and place their faith in Reality?

Cyperium said:
Man didn't create God, but was a necessary component of our survival. It is within us, the brain even has a center for handling the concept. So think again...

I take back what I said about you living in Reality. I was mistaken.

Cyperium said:
What do we lie about?...

Most Everything in Christianity.
I don't care to join any particular religion but there are a few things i would like to say.

First of all i think humans are growing more and more intelligent and should by now be able to see the bible for what it really is. It is not a book of lies or of truths, it was written as a moral code. Call it a book of Law if you like. It gives us all a moral code to follow and like it or not we all follow it, with a few exceptions namely those in prison.
To add to the above, the stories are not contradictions they are simply there to highlight what the moral is. Don't take the bible so literally and it really is a good book. I'm not religious and i'm not trying to increase the number of christians in the world. All i am saying is reading the bible does nobody any harm. You either like it or you don't, follow it or not, at the end of the day we all waste time trying to tell the other who is right or wrong.

As for God, where do i start. Like it or not - Gods exist and they exist because humans made it so. We can't even remove God from existence now if we wanted to because everybody knows what God is supposed to be. I think it is much easier to try and understand the God behind the Gods. What is so wrong in believing that some force (known to the majority of humans as God) created everything, that this force flows through us all, it flows through every single thing that we see, touch, smell, hear or taste. Call it energy, God, the Force, whatever. It is there like it or not. Something happened billions of years ago we might never know for sure what it was but i don't see the harm in loving this thing that runs through everything, if you can love it then surely you must love everything which is the basic teaching of Jesus.

I wouldn't ever tell people what to believe but it tires me when i watch the world kill and argue each other over whose God [force] is better. Or whose morals are the right ones to follow, etc. It is a non productive waste of life. Perhaps i am completely deluded in thinking we are an intelligent race. It is just sad to see at least 6 billion people all with a similar idea, who follow almost the same moral codes as each other, try to destroy everything in the name of their beliefs.

Anyway i have said what i wanted. Maybe the way to make it all better is to not organise people so much into groups of followers. Take away the title religion and let people follow as they please. Or leave it as it is and let people live and follow as they please. Just stop trying to change everything. Please.

We don't need more religions, we just need intelligent thought and some understanding.
Starman said:
Name one example please. ;)
Don't think too much of tomorrow, tomorrow has enough of it's own troubles.

No, you are saying that my Ideals are problematical to your faith.
No I'm not. Most of them are actually quite nice. But that doesn't mean that they are of quality (alone) for a new religion as a substitute.

Myself and others have come to respect what AE has stated in the past.
Me too, but that doesn't mean that whatever he says is right. He is of limited understanding too.

Especially when talking about what no one can know.

Don't hold your breath, its only been 2000 years.

Jesus will come back, yea!!! just as soon as he can play the piano again. :D
As they said then too.

Much of what is written in the scriptures are pure Fantasy.
What are facts and what are stories are pretty much obvious (even at that time) and part of illustrations.

Sure you live in Reality however you do not belive or have faith in Reality. :confused:
I do believe in reality.

And would mankind be a sorry lot if I am not able to convince them to believe and place their faith in Reality?
Reality is something seen everyday, something allready given. Really, little belief is needed...

I take back what I said about you living in Reality. I was mistaken.
Tracing the Synapses of Our Spirituality

Google search results

And you were mistaken again.

Most Everything in Christianity.
That's your oppinion.
I'd just like to add to my previous post by saying that i have just watched a programme called ' root of al evil' which points out that our moral framework if taken from the old testament especially would be awful. I agree with the point made but as our society changes so do our morals. Men used to dominate but now we are equal to women, we accept homosexuals, our attitudes towards other races are gradually changing for the better. everything has changed since the time of the old testament. Back then attitudes were different. So it could be argued that the Old testament is no longer relevant. Personally i do not follow it but i still think it holds some relevance even if it is just to show how morals, consciousness and attitudes evolve.

2000 years from now things will be different still. What is considered taboo today [ie zoodophelia] may be tolerated. I hope not but there were and are people who still cannot accept Gay marriages/relationships, different races or RELIGIONS.
I need to find all who wish to live in the Real world and not one that is make believe.

You need to find that thing that we all share. Shoot, so blind. :D Smile man! You're a living religion, that thing that lights the world and reality is you. ;)

Live on.
PsychoticEpisode said:
Starman, do we really need another religion complete with bible, commandments and morals? It sounds like a religion for atheists. Why does an atheist need it? An atheist has already figured things out and doesn't need a religion or book to tell him/her how to live as a decent human being. I think you know that. It sounds as if your new religion is being offered as an alternative for those who believe in Gods.

I couldn't follow any book of instructions on how to be nice to my fellow human beings. That would be an insult. Much of what you say is just plain old common sense. Amazing how atheists don't need a religion to tell them how to live. How could anyone think highly of anyone who would need your new religion for guidance? I could not help laughing at them if that was the case.

I hear where your coming from and I feel your frustration. Religion has to go and be silenced forever. I don't think it possible but I can wish for it.

Why is a new Religion for the Atheist needed?

I can name about 1000 reasons however here are just a few:

To have social gatherings of like believers
To network and build alliances
To develop policy and implement it

To address discrimination of the Atheist by the majority of Christian population in this country

Just a couple of reasons here.

If you take something away from a baby that is not good for the baby, it helps to give the baby something in exchange of what it is you are taking away.

I would teach the unknown is a part of exploration and speculation until it becomes known.

Every day my mind is working on a plan, knowing this is a monumental task and I observe Sociality screaming a revolution in Religion. Just nobody has the balls to challenge the Religious world.

What we need is a social structure that will not require the members to check Reality at the door.

My wife is an fundamentalist Christian and I go to her Christian church as her husband. I respect her wishes and views because I doubt I can change her.

Every time I observe their rituals it is a brutal assault on my common sense.

Invention is the mother of all necessity.

If I can not find others who believe as I do to socialize with then I will have to give up and accept that I live in a world of the Insane. I refuse to give up on humanity I know a structure based on Reality will change things for the better.

At one time I attended the church of Scientology hoping for some sanity and was toughly disappointed. All I can say is that the need for a new Religion based on Reality is so great people are going for whatever they can get. The Religion of Scientology is proof of that.

One man can change the world and I will except that challenge.
Starman atheist don't need a "religion" We avoid anything with the term religion in front of it. Atheist do have social gatherings, and the like though, they have nothing to do with silly rituals and the whole bit done by religious institutions.


And you can always come here and vent out some frustations. :D

Im a 3D Computer Animator/Game Developer (Atheist), maybe i will make story about the book of the environment. Science as inspired me to search ideas in my imagination. Religion with fantasies is over used in animation such as angels gods and devils, but they realy lack of originality since they have been used for thousands of years.

I realy love drawing furries and yes, Charles Darwin's evolution inspired me to draw these stuffs: http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d4/CCCCP/I_love_D_by_vaporotem.jpg

Today whe have things like the Jedi religion from Starwars/The matrix'ers other's are into Otaku: Japanese Animation extremists.

I keep asking questions in my head that if one men can change the world then why not someone with strong imagination. In the entertainment media, insanity and insane imagination is good but in reality it's damaging because you get fanatics and that's a huge problem.

Atheist doesn't need a religion but i think scientists need basic rules such as not polluting the planet. Unfortunally they dont care. (most of them)

Whe get this powerful thing that everyone love called: ART (Cult)

Im atheist for one reason, searching ideas on how the universe was created without using God on everything.
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starman... I recommend you read the SATANIC BIBLE..... you may find that you are more than an ATHEIST....

the satanic bible promotes all our modern american values of freedom and doing what you like.... and the total disregard of god and jesus...

as being... in your way of thinking... silly.

there is no way to form a religion without GOD...

TO DO SO... means you are following satans plan.

Mosheh Thezion said:
starman... I recommend you read the SATANIC BIBLE..... you may find that you are more than an ATHEIST....

the satanic bible promotes all our modern american values of freedom and doing what you like.... and the total disregard of god and jesus...

as being... in your way of thinking... silly.

there is no way to form a religion without GOD...

TO DO SO... means you are following satans plan.


Turn off your caps please, It make us think that your an extremist or a screaming child.