"NEW" Religion seeking members

Yeah, but... why would God WANT anything. That presupposes that he was lacking something and needed to create it. Isn't he all powerful and omnipotent. He would already know the outcome of our existence so then why do it. It's not like something or someone with that kind of existence would cave to something like boredom so that would indicate that we were created to fulfill some purpose that God couldn't do without us and that indicates he is not ALL powerful and therefore not perfect and prone to mistakes. This requires a re-thinking of the idea that the church should dictate the life of the people or rather the people should start living to better themselves and not just because "God said."

Most current Religions are Bogus.

Because we make mistakes in the past, repeating them is not of sound mind.

This needs to be changed and I have considered spearheading a plan to do just that.

Change is hard for most when it comes to their faith, however if a new faith based more on reality were created it would possibly revolutionize the world and bring a great deal of people out of the dark ages.

Forgive me if this has already been said, I don't have time to read through all 7 pages of posts. The whole concept of religion, regardless of its beleifs or intents, is bogus, along with the idea of 'faith' being based on reality; its completely contradicting. Those of us who are in touch with reality do not need faith, because we KNOW that what we know is true based on scientific evidence.

While I can see what you're trying to do, I strongly believe that people should learn to think for THEMSELVES instead of conforming to what's written in a book; It's my belief that simply following what is said in a book can do you more mental harm than good, and that people should be allowed to develop their own beliefs and morals through personal experience. Trying to get people to follow one particular faith will do nothing for getting us out of the 'dark ages'.
thisidalreadyinuse said:
Yeah, but... why would God WANT anything. That presupposes that he was lacking something and needed to create it. Isn't he all powerful and omnipotent. He would already know the outcome of our existence so then why do it. It's not like something or someone with that kind of existence would cave to something like boredom so that would indicate that we were created to fulfill some purpose that God couldn't do without us and that indicates he is not ALL powerful and therefore not perfect and prone to mistakes. This requires a re-thinking of the idea that the church should dictate the life of the people or rather the people should start living to better themselves and not just because "God said."

IF THERE is an omnipotent GOD... then there is something he lacks...

life... experience as a mortal... and death...
memories... of joy, sadness, pain and happyness...

and children....

we are GODS children... and so GOD can live threw us... by simply collecting our memories into heaven after our death.

we need not live forever as souls in heaven...

we may be lucky if we are simply remembered... as us.. in heaven.. forever with.. as part of GODS... COLLECTIVE CONSCIOUSNESS.

I'm sorry if this has already been said – come on, there are seven pages to this thing – but it's enough to be realistic about the world; you don't need to turn it into a religion. Besides, wouldn't it become just as illogical as the others? I mean, it is a religion, after all.
Starman said:
I will call my new Religion the "Faith in Reality" church.
The people who are interested in 'reality' are not usually interested in 'faiths',

They don't wish to believe, they wish to know.
Mosheh Thezion said:
IF THERE is an omnipotent GOD... then there is something he lacks...

life... experience as a mortal... and death...
memories... of joy, sadness, pain and happyness...

and children....

we are GODS children... and so GOD can live threw us... by simply collecting our memories into heaven after our death.

we need not live forever as souls in heaven...

we may be lucky if we are simply remembered... as us.. in heaven.. forever with.. as part of GODS... COLLECTIVE CONSCIOUSNESS.


You miss my point... if he created us he would have the blueprint and all. That would be equal to me saying I want to see what it would be like to be a car or a robot or a freaking house for your God's sake. We know what the things we build go through and we know how they work because we had a plan when we built them and we're not even omnipotent. I guess what you've just inadvertantly said is that God is not omnipotent because he doesn't know what his little inventions feel. You've contradicted your own logic and therefore made your argument just like all the other arguments in favor of religion a nice, warm, fuzzy pile of wishful thinking. Yeah, it'd be great if there were a divine entity out there that really gave a rat's ass about us but my guess is there's just the forces of nature flowing back and forth to maintain a fragile balance of reality. Sorry mate but I'd rather look to my fellow humans for humanity and not to some imaginary friend that's supposedly too busy running the universe to personally say hello to his own "children." We might as well expect him to wonder how his toothbrush feels and so therefore create an entire universe centered around it as to think that we, an invention of his, would be something special to him, if he even existed.

i do not propose we.. humans are made by design... i would simply say that our form is the result of 2 things... natural selective evolution and a predestiny in the genes of our species... had since our species was a fish... rising onto the beach long ago...

i hate it when people make assumptions about my views... instead of asking questions.