"NEW" Religion seeking members

SkinWalker said:

Do I sense a kool-aid party somewhere in your new cult's future? Something about ascending to the mothership? :cool:.

Direct this twords MT for I did not bring up this pamplet and do not condone its content. It is a work of fiction. ;)

SkinWalker said:
@Lets hope your sources are better than that piece of shit pamphlet. What's the author's evidence that prompted the inclusion of "greys" in the bottom left corner. But, more importantly, the author is dead wrong with regard to the evolution of man. We do, indeed, share a common ape ancestor with chimpanzees. And, like all apes, we share a common ancestor with fish. And, like all vertabrates, we share a common ancestor with bacteria.

I agree with you.

Good to here from you Skinny. Yet I think you should re-read this thread.
MT is the one that came up with the bogus pamphlet. He is in contrast to my Faith in Reality Religion.
Sorry if you think I confused you with the other guy. I should have put and @MT in there. I'll fix it.
Someone asked why we are inclined to create religions?.

1. Power
2. Manipulation by force or threat of force.
3. Monetary reasons. L. Ron Hubbard did it best, he created Scientology while getting drunk with friends, and claimed this would be the way for him to be "rich & famous".

Now by looking at the newes religion "scientology" we can see that I'm right.
It has power. It even threaten to sue Google, because when someone typed "scientology" the first thing that poped up, was a website to discredit it.

Scientologist, have sued so many people it's pathetic, they hold a lot of clout, in the legal system, trying to protect their writing, and so forth.

Scientologist, manipulate with force or threat of force those "nit wits" who go along with these sob's and live with them, there have been rumors that they have even driven some to suitside.

And last but not least. Money! The scietology corporation hrrrhmm "religion" is worth almost $2 billion, they have property all over the world, and to complete their course is something in the tune of 30k. These retards...I mean scientologist have taken a joke, real far, and made many a wisling sob's a lot of money from idiots who believe such tripe!.

Godless said:
Someone asked why we are inclined to create religions?.

1. Power
2. Manipulation by force or threat of force.
3. Monetary reasons. L. Ron Hubbard did it best, he created Scientology while getting drunk with friends, and claimed this would be the way for him to be "rich & famous".

Now by looking at the newes religion "scientology" we can see that I'm right.
It has power. It even threaten to sue Google, because when someone typed "scientology" the first thing that poped up, was a website to discredit it.

Scientologist, have sued so many people it's pathetic, they hold a lot of clout, in the legal system, trying to protect their writing, and so forth.

Scientologist, manipulate with force or threat of force those "nit wits" who go along with these sob's and live with them, there have been rumors that they have even driven some to suitside.

And last but not least. Money! The scietology corporation hrrrhmm "religion" is worth almost $2 billion, they have property all over the world, and to complete their course is something in the tune of 30k. These retards...I mean scientologist have taken a joke, real far, and made many a wisling sob's a lot of money from idiots who believe such tripe!.

Nah, you are wrong...

One reason is that religion shows what is hidden from us.
One reason is that religion gives us reasons and purpouse.
One reason is that religion teaches us about ourselves (and others) and God.
The reason is that religion is what fills the gap of the forever unknown and fills the need for answers. While the gap is necessary for the reasons of life itself.

Religion also provokes us to question ourselves, the world, and life. Look at the energy it has created in the World and on this forum.
Anyone who can't arrive at those questions without a cult is a pathetic person indeed.
Anyone who can't arrive at those questions without a cult is a pathetic person indeed.

A cult may be an expression of those questions and their answers. Correct?
Bowser said:

Religion also provokes us to question ourselves, the world, and life. Look at the energy it has created in the World and on this forum.
What is really known? How do we know when it is known?

What it fills in the unknown begs questions in the known.

Maybe it's easier if we look at it as water, as long as there is a gap, the gap must filled.

As our knowledge is incomplete the gaps must be filled. The knowledge of God is allways incomplete, as long as we are here on earth. We just can't know if there are a God or not. Thus the gap is filled through religion.

The interesting thing, is that it's only natural for the information to be inspired by God, as it couldn't have come from any other source. Assuming that there are completely nothing known, truth by necessity. What came first in this world doesn't really matter for me, since time may be totally different than we normally conceive. It could be just as possible that you when you get a new idea, is the actual first to come up with that, even if people before you have known it. If no one told you, but you came up with the idea yourself, then you get into a different arena where time doesn't really matter.
I see science doing the same thing. Both science and religion are expressions of the human quest for knowledge.
Bowser said:
I see science doing the same thing. Both science and religion are expressions of the human quest for knowledge.
Yes, but there are a distinction, science looks for the known. While religion looks for the necessary be (allthough hidden).
QuarkMoon said:
\ Can't all scripture be refuted by science right now? The moment the religious community lost this debate is the minute they allowed the argument to be about "facts". I don't think the Bible was meant to be non-fiction, but the followers took it as such and have been on a downfall since than. They should have stuck with the argument of spritual healing, relieving fear of what happens after death, moral standards to follow, etc. To try and argue that the Bible contains facts about our world is not the right argument.

M*W: Oh, I totally agree with you! I was referring to PsychEp's quote of "more scripture" being posted on this forum by the fundies that the rest of us will need to refute (for the gazillionth time ad nauseum). Technically, posting scripture, as I understand it, is considered as preaching and, therefore, not allowed anyway.
Mythbuster said:
God is bored and we are entertainment(why else would he have created such a humorous race such as our self)
Adam and eve were boring so god introduced Satan to spice it up and it did. God loves seeing all the wars(why else would man-king have so many) All natural Disasters are created just because god wanted something interesting to happen. Now you have to live an exciting life that god enjoy even for an instance you get into heaven else you get sent to hell for being a really dull person.

Why else would God be watching us?He need large entertainment billions of people at once he watches just to get meager amount of enjoyment with his Godhood.

so live your life to the extreme or be sent to hell for being boring.

M*W: Yes, it would seem that this God is a very creative god. It's too bad we don't have more entertaining screenwriters in Hollywood. I think this God should update his portfolio and apply.
Well, you say all religions are man made, but the Bible is different, it claims to be Gods very Words, and Jesus claimed to be the manifestation of the spoken Word of God, the Seed/Son of man, the very Word needed to be sown into man. Also, tho the Bible is written by men, different men -it is consistent, and also you cannot deny after reading the word of God from the front to back there is a personality that is consistent in all the books as well.

And my other point would be, if you being lead by vanity and bitterness, decide to go ahead, fully pledged to start your own faith, I would argue that …you just cant beat the Bible, its too good, and even if it don’t agree with everything, and its not the way people want it, it still compelle’s even the most faithless of people to recognize there dirtiness.
it still compelle’s even the most faithless of people to recognize there dirtiness

Jeff, I sometimes wonder if that is not our original sin...creating evil.
JeffTheLearner said:
Well Sir. My point is simple; do you even know the Truth to even start a religion based on Truth? I did not create myself so how does looking in the mirror help, and how would you explain the “presents of God” thing …you know that force most people feel when around True Christians, and Judeans praising God.

P.S. Jesus said, “I’m the Way, the Truth and the life! No one comes to the Father except through me”

M*W: Let's back track a bit and discuss your own participation in your creation. (I realize this is over your head, but I'll try anyway). Your parents dabbled in a little hanky-panky. Your mother laid an egg. Your father's most valiant sperm captured it. From that point on, YOU in the hospitality of your mother's womb, began to divide and conquer. Essentially, YOU created YOURSELF through the kindness and generosity of your mother's body. The "presence of God" had nothing to do with your creation.
the Bible is different, it claims to be Gods very Words... tho the Bible is written by men, different men, it is consistent

Consistently contradictive, both you and the bible.

you cannot deny after reading the word of God from the front to back there is a personality that is consistent in all the books as well.

Your god is depicted in the bible as a ruthless, cruel, mass-murdering tyrant, so yes, there is a consistent personality.

I would argue that …you just cant beat the Bible, its too good, and even if it don’t agree with everything, and its not the way people want it, it still compelle’s even the most faithless of people to recognize there dirtiness.

Wtf are you talking about? What do mean by 'recognize there dirtiness'?
Actually if you ever seen this process of birth its quite odd because it is for the most part not a fight, some sperm would help others, and it really seems that one is designated for that egg, and the other sperm assist that designated sperm.
Its a very cool thing to see.

I just think your a bitter old lady that lives with 20 cats and blames all her problems on those "darn Cr-stians".
-Dont worry, I love you still.
JeffTheLearner said:
Actually if you ever seen this process of birth its quite odd because it is for the most part not a fight, some sperm would help others, and it really seems that one is designated for that egg, and the other sperm assist that designated sperm. Its a very cool thing to see.

I just think your a bitter old lady that lives with 20 cats and blames all her problems on those "darn Cr-stians".
-Dont worry, I love you still.

M*W: Don't be concerned with what I might have seen regarding the birth process. That area happens to be my licensed medical specialty.

"Bitter old lady...!" Hah! I'm not bitter, and I don't feel old, and I'm highly allergic to cats! Blaming "my problems" on Christians would be such a waste of time. Christians don't have that kind of power or credibility anywhere but in the minds of Christians (i.e. also called "delusions.").
…so do you help bring life into the world, or do you help extinguish it, and as an act of guilt try your hardest to discredit Christianity so you can justify the guilt within you?
JeffTheLearner said:
…so do you help bring life into the world, or do you help extinguish it, and as an act of guilt try your hardest to discredit Christianity so you can justify the guilt within you?
M*W: I am trained to do both for which I have no guilt. Practicing my profession has nothing to do with my disgust for Christianity. I began to see the travesty within Christianity when I was a Christian, because I found that it had lied to me and to billions of others. I will continue to discredit Christianity and its followers till death do us part, whichever comes first.