"NEW" Religion seeking members

Medicine Woman said:
Or do you mean more scripture will be refuted by the atheists? I believe the latter will be the case.

Can't all scripture be refuted by science right now? The moment the religious community lost this debate is the minute they allowed the argument to be about "facts". I don't think the Bible was meant to be non-fiction, but the followers took it as such and have been on a downfall since than. They should have stuck with the argument of spritual healing, relieving fear of what happens after death, moral standards to follow, etc. To try and argue that the Bible contains facts about our world is not the right argument.
The Book of Morals 1:

The Doo's and Don'ts.

Do not Lie
Do not Steal
Do not Cheat
Do not Murder or Harm others
Do not Condemn
Do not Hate
Do not Give Up Hope
Do not Break the Law of the Government
Do not Think Negative

__________________________________________________ _________

Do Love
Do Good
Do Help
Do Give
Do Obey the Law of the Government
Do Not worry
Do Think positive
Do Act in Moderation

Who among us has lived by the above code or could live it? Who wants to break the first Don't? As our New found Savior Jesus (AKA, Starman) has shown us, we have the potential in all of us. BTW: I might drop the Law of Goverment, John, but that's just me.

But we are creatures of good and evil... Whatcha gonna do.
Not to mention if you steal, you break 6 commandments at once! :eek:

Do not Steal
Do not Murder or Harm others (you are harming who you stole from)
Do not Break the Law of the Government
Do Good
Do Help
Do Obey the Law of the Government

You people need to know that you are arguing against yourself. Are you nothing more than an object. An object is something on which I place my coffee cup. :p
97211 97266

Not to mention if you steal, you break 6 commandments at once!

That is an interesting point you have brought to the forefront. Do you have a confession, my child? :rolleyes:
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The problem is.... people think that God...

God.. creator of all the universe... must... must,,., must...

be tightly associated with the specific teaching of world religions.


God is God...

and world religions are mearly pathetic human attempts to understand God.

Do not make the mistake of disbelieveing in a God simply because of the flaws in the religions written by men.

its not Gods fault that we make mistakes... have made mistakes.. and will continue to make mistakes..

we cannot know or understand God, for if one exists, he exists outside our universe and as such is not limited to our universal laws and reality.

that is the problem.

that and that secular Atheists dominate the sciences and push their athiest interpretations of the abundant evidense.....

but in case you dont know..

many... and i do mean many.. dont believe in Big Bang.


Bowser said:
97211 97266

That is an interesting point you have brought to the forefront. Do you have a confession, my child? :rolleyes:

LOL, I hope you know I'm not being serious, right? Create any religion you want, have fun!

Mosheh Thezion said:
The problem is.... people think that God...

God.. creator of all the universe... must... must,,., must...

be tightly associated with the specific teaching of world religions.


God is God...

and world religions are mearly pathetic human attempts to understand God.

Do not make the mistake of disbelieveing in a God simply because of the flaws in the religions written by men.

its not Gods fault that we make mistakes... have made mistakes.. and will continue to make mistakes..

we cannot know or understand God, for if one exists, he exists outside our universe and as such is not limited to our universal laws and reality.

that is the problem.

that and that secular Atheists dominate the sciences and push their athiest interpretations of the abundant evidense.....

but in case you dont know..

many... and i do mean many.. dont believe in Big Bang.



Finally! Someone I can agree with 100% in this forum. Well put, sir. Deism is the way to go, people.
Mr quarkmoon... good and thankyou.

there is nothing wrong with the idea and belief in a God..

its only men who mess it all up.

fractals can only hope to understand the energy applied by God in making the universe.....

they cannot tell us a thing about the actual source.. outside our space.


our universal laws and constants do not apply outside our space.

God is bored and we are entertainment(why else would he have created such a humorous race such as our self)
Adam and eve were boring so god introduced Satan to spice it up and it did.
God loves seeing all the wars(why else would man-king have so many)
All natural Disasters are created just because god wanted something interesting to happen.
Now you have to live an exciting life that god enjoy even for an instance you get into heaven else you get sent to hell for being a really dull person.

Why else would God be watching us?He need large entertainment billions of people at once he watches just to get meager amount of enjoyment with his Godhood.

so live your life to the extreme or be sent to hell for being boring.
if you had an ant farm..... and you lived forever... and you had time to take part in their evolution....

would you see distaters.. and mass extinctions as a bad thing???

no.. its all part of your plan to cause the evolution of the species into something more.... something more intelegent...

God gives us life and the will to live it... everything else he can leave to design parameters which... by design cause evolution into more and more advanced forms....

and its a good thing.. we owe our existance to such mass extinctions..

and the perception that its bad is only for those that die...

not for those that survive.


Medicine Woman said:
Atheists are in no way a "threat to modern religion!" Religion is the threat unto itself! Christianity dying worldwide is not the work of atheists. Its believers are simply becoming less ignorant.

I don't follow you when you stated, "...and it won't be long before we see more scripture quotes in this thread." Do you mean the religionists will be quoting more of their respective scripture? Or do you mean more scripture will be refuted by the atheists? I believe the latter will be the case.

What I meant was that atheism is threatening organized religion's numbers. As for religious quotes, I'm assuming they'll materialize just like in every post that's contrary to their doctrine(s).
Well Sir. My point is simple; do you even know the Truth to even start a religion based on Truth? I did not create myself so how does looking in the mirror help, and how would you explain the “presents of God” thing …you know that force most people feel when around True Christians, and Judeans praising God.

P.S. Jesus said, “I’m the Way, the Truth and the life! No one comes to the Father except through me”
Starman said:
Most current Religions are Bogus.

Because we make mistakes in the past, repeating them is not of sound mind.

This needs to be changed and I have considered spearheading a plan to do just that.

Change is hard for most when it comes to their faith, however if a new faith based more on reality were created it would possibly revolutionize the world and bring a great deal of people out of the dark ages.

I will then write a new BIBLE and I will call it the testament according to reality.

No it will not include a big guy in the sky and a red dude under the ground who will spank you if you are bad.

It will instruct whosoever seeks a god or creator to simply look into a mirror.

It will teach meditation instead of prayer.

It will teach Science as we understand it at today's level.

It will teach morals.

It will teach the history of other Religions and the reason for their existence.

It will state that any portion of the testament can be edited as needed for change, thus creating a dynamic faith and not some old stagnate rag.

Last but not least we shall set up holidays to celebrate the existence of the Earth and we will call it Earth Day.

We will have a celebration day for friendship of others whereby we are required to create new friendships and celebrate those newly made friendships with gifts.

We will have a national holiday to celebrate Family and to share our love for our families.

Just to name a few.

Everything will be based on the truth and reality. Now how hard could that be. :bugeye:

We will also teach that people who here voices in their heads should not be followed they should receive immediate medical attention. :D

I will call my new Religion the "Faith in Reality" church.

so you believe the 'medical' people you'd send the persons hearing voices in their heads to are knowing reality do you?
JeffTheLearner said:
Well Sir. My point is simple; do you even know the Truth to even start a religion based on Truth?”

Yes, The truth based on Reality. If it is real it is the truth.

If it comes from Isreal it probably is not the Truth.

JeffTheLearner said:
I did not create myself so how does looking in the mirror help, and how would you explain the “presents of God” thing …you know that force most people feel when around True Christians, and Judeans praising God.”

The only synopsis of God is a feeble attempt by man to answer his questions of what he doesn't understand.

The only reason I instruct those seeking a God to look in the mirror is for the fact that mankind or humans are the creator of God.

The facts and truth of the matter are as follows:

All Gods are Man Made.

Fact number two;

The Faith in Reality Religion has no God, for the basic common sense that our religion is based on the Truth and Reality, not Lies, manipulation and deception.

JeffTheLearner said:
P.S. Jesus said, “I’m the Way, the Truth and the life! No one comes to the Father except through me”

If you are to believe the lies of Judaism, that choice is yours.

Finally something worth replying to.
duendy said:
so you believe the 'medical' people you'd send the persons hearing voices in their heads to are knowing reality do you?

Quite the contrary. if I understand your garbled question correctly.

People who here voices in their head have psychological problems and should seek immediate medical attention.

Unfortunately in our society people tend to follow such sick individuals who make insane claims of talking to Gods. Some even commit suicide because they just don't get it. And maybe mankind is better off without those type people anyway.

Do I sense a kool-aid party somewhere in your new cult's future? Something about ascending to the mothership? :cool:

@Mosheh Thezion
Mosheh Thezion said:
also creation is not so bad a theoretical concept... or pattern of formation.

but that will involve a long discussion and arguement about the abundant evidense.

which i am prepared to do.

Lets hope your sources are better than that piece of shit pamphlet. What's the author's evidence that prompted the inclusion of "greys" in the bottom left corner. But, more importantly, the author is dead wrong with regard to the evolution of man. We do, indeed, share a common ape ancestor with chimpanzees. And, like all apes, we share a common ancestor with fish. And, like all vertabrates, we share a common ancestor with bacteria.
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Starman said:
Most current Religions are Bogus.

Because we make mistakes in the past, repeating them is not of sound mind.

This needs to be changed and I have considered spearheading a plan to do just that.

Change is hard for most when it comes to their faith, however if a new faith based more on reality were created it would possibly revolutionize the world and bring a great deal of people out of the dark ages.

I will then write a new BIBLE and I will call it the testament according to reality.

No it will not include a big guy in the sky and a red dude under the ground who will spank you if you are bad.

It will instruct whosoever seeks a god or creator to simply look into a mirror.

It will teach meditation instead of prayer.

It will teach Science as we understand it at today's level.

It will teach morals.

It will teach the history of other Religions and the reason for their existence.

It will state that any portion of the testament can be edited as needed for change, thus creating a dynamic faith and not some old stagnate rag.

Last but not least we shall set up holidays to celebrate the existence of the Earth and we will call it Earth Day.

We will have a celebration day for friendship of others whereby we are required to create new friendships and celebrate those newly made friendships with gifts.

We will have a national holiday to celebrate Family and to share our love for our families.

Just to name a few.

Everything will be based on the truth and reality. Now how hard could that be. :bugeye:

We will also teach that people who here voices in their heads should not be followed they should receive immediate medical attention. :D

I will call my new Religion the "Faith in Reality" church.
The religion won't hold.

Reality teaches reality, everything knowable is right in front of us - otherwise hidden until we should find it (for those clever enough to understand). It won't matter if you teach those that hear voices not to follow them, the voices are too powerful that outside advices won't help, it is only if they manage to listen to themselves that they can hope to overcome the voice - or if they realise that they cannot control it and therefor because of fear of lacking control simply lay down until it goes away and at times when they are clear take efforts so that the voice don't come again, or prevent it by recognising when it's about to happen.

You say that you can teach reality better than reality itself?

You say that you can teach morals better than the morals allready within us?

You are a fool.

If you are going to start a religion then at least teach us about what is hidden from us.

Also, nowhere in your "religion" as it is right now and as you have presented it, is there to be found any encouraging for the individual, rather we get the thought that you think we are all "dumbassess" and stupid that can't even breathe without instructions, there are no room for afterthought or insights.

The bible isn't about science, science is about science. The bible is about growth, and the growth of the individual. It teaches trust, love, values, morals, it's about what is 'hidden', what we wouldn't have known without it!

Your religion on the other hand teaches "you have to follow these instructions or else you are stupid and you are stupid because you have to follow these instructions in order to live life". Are you sure it is effective to bully your followers?

Also, religion should give a sense that "this is the right way", which your religion effectivly trashes by instructing us to rely on your way only "as if you were God".

Also, your religion doesn't give any more meaning to my life and don't encourage me to do good things (which religion should), also that teaching of yours "if you ask for God look in the mirror" doesn't help a bit. I know that I'm not God and it is a direct mislead of your followers as you encourage them not to find what they are looking for. Sure the spirit of God is within us, but the mirror reflects only the outside so even through that reasoning your religion doesn't hold.

Though, sure, start a couple of more holidays, it's good to celebrate family also - christianity doesn't say we shouldn't, celebrating life, joy and love are all good things to celebrate (even though we could do that in the local pub as well).
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