"NEW" Religion seeking members

One reason is that religion shows what is hidden from us.

Bull shit! Prove to me there's a god!

One reason is that religion gives us reasons and purpouse.

Bull shit! Religion is whithout reason, and the only purpose thus far shown has been to force it upon ingnorant masses, and sometimes even by force or death!.

One reason is that religion teaches us about ourselves (and others) and God.

Bull shit!. The only thing taught by religion is indoctrination by fear, it teaches us to fear the other, it makes questioning religious authority blaspheme, in the good old days punishable by death!.

The reason is that religion is what fills the gap of the forever unknown and fills the need for answers.

Bull shit! theist believe they have all the answers!. take a look in the mirror. ;)

While the gap is necessary for the reasons of life itself.

The only gap, is that religiousity has fought dear and hard, to maintain science stagnant!. (If in the times of Jesus, ;had we known what we know today, this guy would have been spending time in a mental institution!)

JeffTheLearner said:
Actually if you ever seen this process of birth its quite odd because it is for the most part not a fight, some sperm would help others, and it really seems that one is designated for that egg, and the other sperm assist that designated sperm.

Now that is utterly preposterous. Sperm assisting sperm to get to the egg. God's little tadpole bringing with it a host of genetically transferrable diseases, not to mention Downe's syndrome, birth defects, etc. Honestly, you're embarassing your fellow believers.
Cyperium said:
The religion won't hold.

What Religion are you refering to? Judyism? I agree.

Cyperium said:
Reality teaches reality, everything knowable is right in front of us - otherwise hidden until we should find it (for those clever enough to understand). .

Reality is the truth or our existance.

Cyperium said:
It won't matter if you teach those that hear voices not to follow them, the voices are too powerful that outside advices won't help, it is only if they manage to listen to themselves that they can hope to overcome the voice - or if they realise that they cannot control it and therefor because of fear of lacking control simply lay down until it goes away and at times when they are clear take efforts so that the voice don't come again, or prevent it by recognising when it's about to happen..

Do you here voices often? Maby we can help. :D

Cyperium said:
You say that you can teach reality better than reality itself?.

Can you show me that quoat, because I do not rember saying this.

Cyperium said:
You say that you can teach morals better than the morals allready within us?
You are a fool..

II take it you are a Christian, have you killed many Muslims lately?

Yes your morals may need improvement. :bugeye:

"The further the spiritual evolution of mankind advances, the more certain it seems to me that the path to genuine religiosity does not lie through the fear of life, and the fear of death, and blind faith, but through striving after rational knowledge." AE

Cyperium said:
If you are going to start a religion then at least teach us about what is hidden from us..

I can teach you to live a life based on Truth.

Cyperium said:
Also, nowhere in your "religion" as it is right now and as you have presented it, is there to be found any encouraging for the individual, rather we get the thought that you think we are all "dumbassess" and stupid that can't even breathe without instructions, there are no room for afterthought or insights..

Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former.

Hey, I just started to write my Bible, It will get better and yet I will keep it simple because I see no need to make it complex.

Cyperium said:
The bible isn't about science, science is about science. The bible is about growth, and the growth of the individual. It teaches trust, love, values, morals, it's about what is 'hidden', what we wouldn't have known without it!.

If you are refering to the Jewish Bible, that would be a work of fiction.

Cyperium said:
Your religion on the other hand teaches "you have to follow these instructions or else you are stupid and you are stupid because you have to follow these instructions in order to live life". Are you sure it is effective to bully your followers?.

No, I think you just discribed, Judea Religions and Christianity.

Cyperium said:
Also, religion should give a sense that "this is the right way", which your religion effectivly trashes by instructing us to rely on your way only "as if you were God"..

Living in Reality is better. What part of my statment do you not understand?

Cyperium said:
Also, your religion doesn't give any more meaning to my life and don't encourage me to do good things (which religion should), also that teaching of yours "if you ask for God look in the mirror" doesn't help a bit. I know that I'm not God and it is a direct mislead of your followers as you encourage them not to find what they are looking for. Sure the spirit of God is within us, but the mirror reflects only the outside so even through that reasoning your religion doesn't hold..

Man created God, what part of this statment do you not understand?

Cyperium said:
Though, sure, start a couple of more holidays, it's good to celebrate family also - christianity doesn't say we shouldn't, celebrating life, joy and love are all good things to celebrate (even though we could do that in the local pub as well).

Yes, but do you Christians have to Lie about it?

"I cannot conceive of a God who rewards and punishes his creatures, or has a will of the kind that we experience in ourselves. Neither can I nor would I want to conceive of an individual that survives his physical death; let feeble souls, from fear or ab surd egoism, cherish such thoughts. I am satisfied with the mystery of the eternity of life and with the awareness and a glimpse of the marvelous structure of the existing world, together with the devoted striving to comprehend a portion, be it ever so tiny, of the Reason that manifests itself in nature."
[Albert Einstein,_The World as I See It_]
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Bowser said:
A cult may be an expression of those questions and their answers. Correct?

Pronunciation: 'k&lt
Function: noun
Usage: often attributive
Etymology: French & Latin; French culte, from Latin cultus care, adoration, from colere to cultivate -- more at WHEEL
1 : formal religious veneration : WORSHIP
2 : a system of religious beliefs and ritual; also : its body of adherents
3 : a religion regarded as unorthodox or spurious; also : its body of adherents
4 : a system for the cure of disease based on dogma set forth by its promulgator <health cults>
5 a : great devotion to a person, idea, object, movement, or work (as a film or book); especially : such devotion regarded as a literary or intellectual fad b : a usually small group of people characterized by such devotion
Bowser said:
I see science doing the same thing. Both science and religion are expressions of the human quest for knowledge.

That's correct just Science is allot better at it
I think what Cyperium is arguing is that religion is supposed to teach us things we don't already know. Explain the unknown, give us a perpetual "meaning of life".

Your religion is pretty much the Commen Sense religion, it teaches nothing.
JeffTheLearner said:
Well, you say all religions are man made, .

They are and that is a Fact.

JeffTheLearner said:
Also, tho the Bible is written by men, different men -it is consistent,

I see you havent read your Christian Bible, if you had you would not make this errogant statment.

JeffTheLearner said:
And my other point would be, if you being lead by vanity and bitterness, decide to go ahead, fully pledged to start your own faith, I would argue that …you just cant beat the Bible, its too good, and even if it don’t agree with everything, and its not the way people want it, it still compelle’s even the most faithless of people to recognize there dirtiness.

In Reality the Christian Bible is complex, irrational, historical, and problematical to say the least.

It has little to do with Reality even though it includes a dysfunctional attempt to teach morals
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: Let's back track a bit and discuss your own participation in your creation. (I realize this is over your head, but I'll try anyway). Your parents dabbled in a little hanky-panky. Your mother laid an egg. Your father's most valiant sperm captured it. From that point on, YOU in the hospitality of your mother's womb, began to divide and conquer. Essentially, YOU created YOURSELF through the kindness and generosity of your mother's body. The "presence of God" had nothing to do with your creation.

Medicine Woman, I am impressed, your art of communication, it is impeccable, your knowledge, refreshing. :p
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QuarkMoon said:
I think what Cyperium is arguing is that religion is supposed to teach us things we don't already know. Explain the unknown, give us a perpetual "meaning of life"..

Life is not perpetual, What part of the Christan bible explains the unknown?
Just because you believe a lie, will not make the lie, a truth.

QuarkMoon said:
Your religion is pretty much the Commen Sense religion, it teaches nothing.

If I can teach you to live in Reality, then I have tought you all you need to know. :D
Starman said:
Life is not perpetual, What part of the Christan bible explains the unknown?
Just because you believe a lie, will not make the lie, a truth.

If I can teach you to live in Reality, then I have tought you all you need to know. :D

The Christian Bible may not factually explain the unknown (see one of my previous posts about trying to argue "facts" with the Bible), but it attempts to give it's followers explainations that science has yet to uncover. It may not be factual in the slightest bit, but that isn't the point. The point is it attempts to teach and give meaning to life and gives a reason for someone to follow, your religion does not, your religion is pretty much worthless.

In fact, your religion is basically what people who don't follow organized religion already do. All you're doing is attempting to make it an organized religion, and as we all know, organized religion = BAD.
I think that if I have learned anything, there are endless answers for every one question. Even science has failed to provide us with any absolutes other than, it can play with the toys of life. However, where science ends, religion goes forth.

I just revisited a movie that I haven't seen since the 70's. Ever watch Tommy?
QuarkMoon said:
The Christian Bible may not factually explain the unknown (see one of my previous posts about trying to argue "facts" with the Bible), but it attempts to give it's followers explainations that science has yet to uncover. It may not be factual in the slightest bit, but that isn't the point. The point is it attempts to teach and give meaning to life and gives a reason for someone to follow, your religion does not, your religion is pretty much worthless.

In fact, your religion is basically what people who don't follow organized religion already do. All you're doing is attempting to make it an organized religion, and as we all know, organized religion = BAD.

My Goal is to offer the people who live in other Religious fantasies, Religion based on truth and in Reality.

I wish to congregate with others who believe as I do, to have fellowship and to implement our policy. We live in the United States, a free country.

There are many like myself, we will not be silent and we will not go away.

We will rock your world and you will awake from your delusion.
Starman said:
My Goal is to offer the people who live in other Religious fantasies, Religion based on truth and in Reality.

I wish to congregate with others who believe as I do, to have fellowship and to implement our policy. We live in the United States, a free country.

There are many like myself, we will not be silent and we will not go away.

We will rock your world and you will awake from your delusion.

Please, stop the preaching. You are starting to remind me of the very people you are trying to convert, disgusting.

No one will follow your religion because you offer them nothing worth following. If all you seek is to congregate with fellow atheists, than calling it a religion and writing commandments to follow is the wrong way to go about it.

And you felt it necessary to point out that the United States is a free country, why? I'm simply giving my opinion of your "religion", I don't seek to stop you from persuing, have fun!

As for awaking me from my delusion, what delusion would that be? Do you think me a Christian? Assuming makes an ass out of both you and me.
A religion based on good science.

Whe need a bible that talks about good vs bad science. Something that as to do with our survival and to keep our planet clean. I donno... but a book that support science in the good way like using wind like source of energy instead of chemical plants. (Pollution)

Something to keep us not to make us instinct of our own. If humanity is anything to go by, the sad truth may be that, like humanity, an alien race's technology would advance fastest during times of war. Most consumer goods that we take for granted (including computers and the Internet) were originally conceived by military scientists with military purposes. The military is even taking an interest in robotics... we may end up with battle droids sooner or later !

A religion without the need of a god: I believe that there is somthing out there, but i wouldn't call it a God. It's simple a natural force that causes things to happen without decision or choice, but works more like a chemical reaction. The right conditions cause a certain outcome.
SkinWalker said:

Do I sense a kool-aid party somewhere in your new cult's future? Something about ascending to the mothership? :cool:

@Mosheh Thezion

Lets hope your sources are better than that piece of shit pamphlet. What's the author's evidence that prompted the inclusion of "greys" in the bottom left corner. But, more importantly, the author is dead wrong with regard to the evolution of man. We do, indeed, share a common ape ancestor with chimpanzees. And, like all apes, we share a common ancestor with fish. And, like all vertabrates, we share a common ancestor with bacteria.

i would like it very much if you could provide the evidense for all the missing links which are nessasary for evolution to be true as you see it.

the fossil record shows... new species apear... without having been evolved from earlier life forms...

now.. understand.. i believe in evolution... but my version is slightly more believeable...

also these are my drawings...

STARMAN... i am prepared to discuss the evidense in detail.. literally from all the sciences...

all you have to say is my drawings are shit...

it shows just how ignorant you must be... you say my church proposal is to complicated...

thats again shows your mental capacity...

you want to run a religion but you cant study a one page document????

do you see a problem?

generally i am on your side for most of your ambitions.. but your plan sucks..

i offer you a better one.. one you could adopt and open a branch yourself.

but you dont like it.. why???

because you didnt write it..

its about your ego isnt it?

You need to find that thing which we all share. That would be the starting point for any new religion.