"NEW" Religion seeking members

Wonderful, Starman, you just re-created Buddhism! But, don't you think the problem lies with writing things down? Who told that story about the law? Maybe Lao Tzu, who objected to any laws being written down, because as long as they were codified, they could be circumvented.
There's one thing to remmember is that atheism dont have the answer of everything, atheist only ask questions about a god. A simple question:

Who or What caused God ?

If he created him self then he's an Atheist
If nature created him then he's not God
So the conclusion is victory for atheists !
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Then he's not God cause without nothing he's nothing.

Then God is nothing. A multiplying zero with infinity :cool:
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Bowser said:
We ask the same of the Universe and accept the notion of "The Big Bang." As you know,it just happened. As did atheism. :D

A small exemple like temperature or pressure doesn't need a god.
Nothing = Cold fusion = Bang
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Godless said:
Starman atheist don't need a "religion" We avoid anything with the term religion in front of it. Atheist do have social gatherings, and the like though, they have nothing to do with silly rituals and the whole bit done by religious institutions.


And you can always come here and vent out some frustations. :D



Thank you for your help. I am attending and Atheist group in Austin Tomorrow.
spidergoat said:
Wonderful, Starman, you just re-created Buddhism! But, don't you think the problem lies with writing things down?

Yes I agree Spidergoat, I have been working on compiling writings for my Bible. Any Help you can offer is greatly appreciated. I am using mostly writings from scientific fields of endeavor. I am an Atheist who understands marketing and the end result of my efforts will be a product that will appeal to the masses. The goal is to educate the population of the planet, and to create a Religion people can believe in, based on Fact, and Reality.

Due to my lack of understanding of Buddhism, from what little I do know about the Religion it seems incorporate allot of mystical, theology. Not to mention it comes from a 1st century would view that is problematical to say the least.

spidergoat said:
Who told that story about the law? Maybe Lao Tzu, who objected to any laws being written down, because as long as they were codified, they could be circumvented.

There no absolute's, only attempts at perfection can exist.
ill give you this starman...

even though you choose not to have a GOD in your religion...

you can still be tax exempt under american law as a religious organization...

as was set by the court in giving BUDDHISM... and then.. based on that...
scientilogy recognition as religious organizations...

both of which have no mention of GOD...

Not having beliefs systems and ideologies is the way forward to my mind. Seeing reality through the lense of an over-defined system of thought is only going to create a sense of alienation, self-righteousness, and ultimately lead you away from the very truth that youre trying to attain.
Down with tunnel vision.
Starman said:
If I had to choose from what is currently available I would have to agree with Einstein and choose Buddhism. Yet I would ask myself how can a 600 pound man teach anyone about self control?

I'm a Reverend (thanks to [link removed]) and I subscribe to Taoism. It's an ETHICAL theology. You know, ethics... something most other religions lack. Since it's an ethical theology, I don't need a god (or God) to tell me what I should and shouldn't do or what will happen if I don't listen to him. I'm left to react on a case by case basis which is how the real world operates. However, I neither admonish or applaude those who have a religious theology because they are who they are and they need to believe what the need to believe to make it through this very short life we've all been given.
Mosheh Thezion said:
starman... I recommend you read the SATANIC BIBLE..... you may find that you are more than an ATHEIST....

the satanic bible promotes all our modern american values of freedom and doing what you like.... and the total disregard of god and jesus...

as being... in your way of thinking... silly.

there is no way to form a religion without GOD...

TO DO SO... means you are following satans plan.


Do you even know the meaning of the name Satan? What about the meaning of the "name" Christ... it's actually just a title, it wasn't his name you know. Oh, and you can't have a religion without a god... this much you are correct about. You can however have a Theology without a god. Take Taoism for example, there is no god... only a mindless energy (for lack of a better term) that provides itself as inertia to keep things moving and the reason it is infinite is because the energy has an equivilent exchange. Tao seeks balance of negative and positive. It's one of the oldest theologies out there, the most simple but also the most complex and you don't even have to make any sacrifices to accept it.

Oh, and I assume when you say Satanic as in religion you are actually refering to the Luciferians. They took their name from Lucifer, the fallen angel, who is not the same as "The Satan." Lucifer, The Lightbringer, was given the job of lighting the stars... a symbol for bringing forth knowledge from the darkness and when he asked for equal billing (along with MANY other angels that helped create the biblical world) he was cast down for his pride. On the other hand, The Dimurge Micheal, was given the job of creating the actual mass of the world but he was content to keep his name out of the final credits and so he was allowed to stay. The Luciferians worshipped knowledge as such and felt that we all had a little peice of God in each of us. They felt like Lucifer got a raw deal b/c he helped in the creation but then got busted down from programmer to janitor when he asked for a raise. Go figure. SO, yeah... The Luciferian bible is the same as the KING JAMES (a political tool from the middle ages) but it includes things like the part about Judas knowing he had to sell Jesus out because he was the one who loved him most and the only one who could help the J-man fulfill his destiny at the cost of becoming the most hated villian in history short of Hitler. Anything else you'd like to discuss about religion, I love the stuff... even though I'm an Ethical Theologist.
The Rev
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so satan and lucifer are not the same guy?
or is satan then the new aquired title of lucifer?

and while it seems you views are skewed in some way.. it would seem you are suggesting that the evil within the universe... as it were..
i.e.. all the negative which happens, is all part of GODS plan.. for setting it all up that way..

and it seems along this line that you suggest, evil, and such acts historically have been nessasary and beneficial to the world.???

ahh.. but what we must recognise is, that such... manifestations of evil, and negativity would and have clearly functioned to allow for our evolution and development...

for what purpose?

to evolve beyond.. and we have.. mostly.. evolved to the point where we can live very polarized lives... where the % of evil is greatly reduced.

it maybe true that the natural world is full of rage and killing and all manner of un-moral behavior.. and it is because of those things that we have evolved away from them... thanks to religous thought in many forms...

i however.. for one... would not be so quick to sing the praises of lucifer or satan, as the signifigance of their meaning as persons and concepts is not what it was at the birth of creation, or the days of adam and eve...

we have already openned our eyes... and have left the garden..
we know the difference between right and wrong.. good and evil.

we can make this choice...

but in our world... people choose not to even see the question, and so dont make any decision, and live life without any concern for such ideas anymore.
a big problem today.

How Religion Began.

A Fable.

Once long ago, there was a Very Lazy caveman. His name was Oog. He detested needing to go out and hunt for food every day, as it was both Hard Work and Dangerous.

However, Oog had a very good imagination. He was also a pretty persuasive speaker.

Thus, Oog discovered that he had a Talent for Explaining Why Things Happened. Oog was just imagining things out of his head, but the others in his tribe began to come to Oog to Explain Why. Why This? and Why That? and so on.

Oog quickly discovered that he could ask for a favor in return for these explanations ... and people began bringing Oog food, and he would Explain.

Oog liked this new arrangement. All he had to do was lie around all day long thinking up new Explanations for Stuff, and people would give him food!

Oog had invented the Worlds First Profession: Professional Liar. (Or Shaman/Priest/Clergy, if you prefer the vernacular.)

Thus Oog became fat and even more lazy.

This went on for many years.

Then, one day, the son of the Chief was killed, as a direct result of an Explanation of Oog's. The Chief grew quite peeved about it, and immediately had Oog killed.

But, it was Too Late: Oog's "God Virus" idea had taken hold in the tribe. Soon, Oog's son was Explaining Things ...


And So, the Present Day: We still have fat and lazy folk that will, for a price, Explain Things with a Convincing Voice.

And THAT is how the God Virus infected the Human Race.
Mosheh Thezion said:
so satan and lucifer are not the same guy?
or is satan then the new aquired title of lucifer?

Right, a title but who applied that title?
Mosheh Thezion said:
and while it seems you views are skewed in some way.. it would seem you are suggesting that the evil within the universe... as it were..
i.e.. all the negative which happens, is all part of GODS plan.. for setting it all up that way..

Consider the impasse of a one God universe. He is all knowing and all powerful. He can't go anywhere because he's already everywhere. He can't do anything because the idea of doing anything presupposes opposition. (-William S. Burroughs)

Who would oppose God? Nobody? Right... who could if he's all knowing and all powerful. Therefore that must mean that he is as much a part of the problem as he is the solution. Furthermore, the idea of God being all powerful and in control of everything without fail or error is a paradox. If he were all powerful as his fan club claims he is, what would be his motiviation for creating humankind? If he's all powerful and all knowing then he would have no motivation for anything, he's already done it all because he created it all.

There is only one thing I can think of that God wouldn't know... what it's like to not exist (assuming that his self-awareness doesn't extend beyond his actual self.) If he wanted to know what occured during his absence he would need record keepers. If this is the reason for mankind's existence then God is most likely dead... for now... at the least and I don't see the point in worshipping a dead god. Let's just do our job and get it over with.

The other explination is that God doesn't know what the hell he's doing and if that's the case, we should get ready to abandon ship in case he pushes the wrong buttons.

Then there's always the possibility that "God" is a humanized face our forebearers put on a mindless force of nature because they needed something to plead with.

Finally there's the last of the explinations I can't dismiss. Submission of the entire human race to the will of a few select leaders and their view of right and wrong based on a religious doctrine. In other words, a way to make sure others will do what is "good and just" under threat of punishment they cannot escape. A morality imposed by an invisible friend in the sky that sets you up with an apple, a snake, and a bossy wife and just waits for you to take the fall so he can jump out from behind a tree and yell, "You've been Punked."

No matter what the truth of the situation is, I'll stick to my system of morals that don't include allowing other beings from higher planes of existence to tell me what is right and wrong based on their arbitrary feelings.

The Rev
in my view... personnally... id say GOD, gave us life and the will to live it...

everything else.. is pretty much up to us.

yet GOD, as such should be able to manipulate matter down to any level.
its simply a question of whether he wants to.. or needs to.. or desires to.
for his purpose...

our existance may then be the result of a predesgned spatial universe, where in the odds for life forms to exist and flourish is high...
and we are the lucky result of earth.

and what we as humans need to do... is appreciate that, and work together to build our destiny into the stars themselves.
