March 14, 2012 Congressional Budget Office: Updated Estimates for the Insurance Coverage Provisions of the Affordable Care Act
May 13, 2013: CBO’s Estimate of the Net Budgetary Impact.
2014.... The Gods ONLY KNOW....
ACA was projected to cost nearly $800 billion. Then the Government added $1 TRILLION MORE ($940 billion) on to what was originally estimated. Now everyone seems to agree it's well over a trillion. Maybe as high as $2.6 TRILLION.
WTF?!? A little over a year goes by and we add on a few hundred billion more!? Another year and .... who the hell knows.
Can't wait to see what the Public Hospital Public Unions go on strike for. Fair Pay! We want a 4 month vacation like Public Teachers! Fully Paid! And a 13th Month Bonus too!! And fair work rights for the Functionally Illiterate! Fair Fair Fair!!!
No? Say it's not true? Whaat? The Babyboomer run State sticking their children and grandchildren and great grandchildren GenX/Y and Millennials with another $2 trillion in medical bills. Noooozeeeses.... I can't believe that? Oh, and then there's the $20 TRILLION needed to bail out the rich. Oh, and then there's the $80 TRILLION in unfunded liabilities. Plus the never ending War on "Terror" we're waging (and losing) by terrorizing most of the middle east - that's only another $10 Trillion or so. Then there's the running cost for millions and millions and millions of boondoggles like the $50 billion per year wasted on the Department of "Education". Not to mention all the money needed to keep us safe by spying on us. Like the $20 billion dollar-a-pop NSA facilities cropping up all across the Land of the Free: USSA.
Yeah, if it weren't for those greedy f*cking Koch brothers and there lifetime wealth of around $50 billion, we'd all be living like Kings and Queens. Why can't they see the Government is here to help! Help us with Patriot Acts and Wars on Drugs and Private-Public Prisons. You know, for the Good of Society. Jesus... f*cking Koch-Suckers! Screwing it all up for the little people. THEY use the roads!!!
"The Estimated Budgetary Impact of the ACA’s Coverage Provisions Has Changed Little on a Year-by-Year Basis Since March 2010
When estimates are compared on a year-by-year basis, CBO and JCT’s estimate of the net budgetary impact of the ACA’s insurance coverage provisions has changed little since February 2013 and, indeed, has changed little since the legislation was being considered in March 2010. In March 2010, CBO and JCT projected that the provisions of the ACA related to health insurance coverage would cost the federal government $759 billion during fiscal years 2014 through 2019 (which was the last year in the 10-year budget window being used at that time). The newest projections indicate that those provisions will cost $710 billion over that same period. As shown in the figure below, the intervening projections of the cost of the ACA’s coverage provisions for those years have all been close to those figures on a year-by-year basis; of course, the 10-year totals have changed as the time frame for the estimates has shifted."
It helps to have the correct information and understand it.