New here, and would like to talk about some events i've experienced...

(Q) said:

It would be good advice for you to go back and delete those threads you started, you know of which ones I speak.

That is, unless you prefer to get banned?

Its come to the stage were i dont give a shit if i get banned or not. You of all people should understand that i have not gotten any useful positive feedback to try to understand or redirect me to a better understanding of my experiences.
Yes you have, but you're just pissed because you can't find anyone to agree with your fantasy.
(Q) said:
Yes you have, but you're just pissed because you can't find anyone to agree with your fantasy.

Heh, thats the fourth and last time you will tell me this. As im going to try out a command new to me, called... *drum-roll* The ignore list..!!!

Damn, you must be one of those Retarded Retards... there is no word i could think of to describe you. Even dolt is an understatement. You have made a person who will get banned tommorow block you just out of pure annoyance... Not bad... I like your patriotism to your opinion, but in this case you're wrong.
Serb87 said:
Heh, thats the fourth and last time you will tell me this. As im going to try out a command new to me, called... *drum-roll* The ignore list..!!!

Damn, you must be one of those Retarded Retards... there is no word i could think of to describe you. Even dolt is an understatement. You have made a person who will get banned tommorow block you just out of pure annoyance... Not bad... I like your patriotism to your opinion, but in this case you're wrong.

Great... you're an Admin. I should have figured earlier... only a true geek such as a moderator/admin of this forum could push me to the point of trying out the ignore list, even for a short trial period.
Serb87 said:
You don't believe in UFOs... great dipshit... thats means alot to the people who've seen Unidentified Flying Objects... If you've seen UFOs, how can you not "believe" in UFOs?
I am beginning to understand your problem. [Trust me, you have a problem.]You are unable to understand anything that is not literal. Joe Public, when he hears UFO, thinks Flying Saucer i.e. aliens in a space ship. So, I have seen, on several occasions Uidentified Flying Objects. The majority of these have resolved themselves into explicable, mundane objects. (Sorry, I forgot. You dislike the precision that is possible by using 'big words'. I'll translate for you: 'resolved themselves into every day things we could recognise'.) Two were either satellites burning up on re-entry, or large meteorites burning up on entry. Since I don't know which they remain unidentified. But they were certainly not aliens in flying saucers.
Serb87 said:
You're the reason i argue over this forum so much, you're a fucking moron.
True. I'm constantly distraught by almost total lack of intelligence. On a fine day, going downhill, with a wind behind me, I can barely scrape 150 in an IQ test. But hard work, dedication and scrupulous objectivity can often make up for intellectual weaknesses. Perhaps, one day, with your guidance I shall be able to approach the elegance and pith of your ****ing English.
Again you have failed to read my whole post and just quoted bits and peaces which you thought you could undermine and shit all over. What i said was "UFOs indefenetly" not shrapnel from a damn space shuttle you tool. When i think of UFOs or sightings of UFOs, i imagine an odd shaped, odd looking, odd moving object that has little similarities with aircraft or space shuttles. If it concerns you i know what "mundane" means. Just because once in a while i get lost in this scientific babble does not suddenly make me an illiterate. Nor do i need to be treated as one.
"I strongly doubt a person who's seen something indefinetely unexplainable could say they dont believe in it." <=== Ophiolite Read that, i'm sure your brilliant 150 IQ should go through it without a problem. Even tho i got 130 when i was 16.
Serb87 said:
"I strongly doubt a person who's seen something indefinetely unexplainable could say they dont believe in it."
When an individual fails ti understand what is written the primary responsibility lies with the writer. I shall try again. I do not believe in little green men ( or grey men, etc) are piloting strange craft around our skys. Those are the UFOs I do not believe in. I do, however, believe that many things are seen in the sky that are not identified. These are rightly called UFOs. Why are they unidentified? The overwhelming reason is that most people are very poor observers. They see something normal from an abnormal angle, or in poor lighting conditions, or while under emotional stress, etc. They reach a faulty conclusion. There is a massive literature addressing the unreliability of personal observation. (SkinWalker started a thread on it recently if you want more information.) I do not trust my own observational abilities unless they can be independently validated and the observations replicated, so why the **** should I trust anyone elses without the same rigorous rules applied?
Forgot to mention, i dont believe in little green men either, but i cant say they dont exist. I mean, i've seen some unexplainable shit, whats the odds that i'm the only one from over 6 billion people on the planet? It was not a UFO, nor a ghost... Whatever it was... it was a UO, unidentified object, hovering 3-4metres from the ground, and i use "hovering" loosely as it dissapeared in a split second as i looked. I wish i were in my friends place, as he atleast got a good 2-3 seconds of viewing time, whereas i only got a second or so. Mind you, this is not a lie. Stress, poor visability, hallucinations cannot be a factor as there were atleast 2 people who saw it, and it was a short distance. Have there ever been any recorded cases in which an electric surge has developed were there are no electical appliances, cables or wires. Maybe a natural electric outburst from the tree? I got no clue as you can see...
Your implication that an individual cannot be a scientist and an artist, a meticulous and pragmatic investigator of the cosmos and a philosopher, is unwelcome. Equally unwelcome is your apparent belief that donning the robes of an artist or philospher excuses you from clarity of thinking or rigour of approach. Eschewing science is not justification for indulging in mental fluff and calling it philosophy. You have a brain. It will not be painfull if you begin to use it a little every day.
philosophers and artists who seem to instinctly understand how to approached complex issues from a new perspective
or are they following their training and thinking they way they were taught? It's funny how artists and philosophers are portayed as "free thinking" and scientists have trammelled minds

Aww... (Q), you're too kind.
SkinWalker is very proud of the fact that theres a such thing as the Ignore List. This ofcorse, is for piss weak geeks that have no balls to stand up to anything their mind cannot comprehend. Such as "swear words" and "scary anecdotes".
Street lights going on an off when you're around is the "tree falling in a forest" question. Basically, if you're not there to see a street light go on or off, you have no idea that it does. By being present around streetlights, you are aware of the state of the street light. Otherwise you're just in the dark. :cool:
Philosophers are pussies making up excuses for their own weaknesses by generalizing everyone else based on their own narrow experiences.

Artists are absolutely dependent on other people. The nature of the artists is the nature of the peacock.

There is the rub.

Actually 'science' as the pseudosceptics here (ie., origianl meaning of 'sceptic' is one who QUESTIONSp interpret it has become their religion, though they'd die admitting this.......what are the indicators for my assertion?......FEAR. and how does this fear manifest?,,,,,,,,in HOSTILITY, such as calling pople 'pussies' and the genral fisdainful tone towars pople who ARE exploring....asking questions

see how QUICK they--the pseudoscepticsa--are to jump in with instant-explanations when soneone wants to share od experiences. YHAT is not asking questions, or admitting they do not is F E A R. they fear what they dont know so try and quicky 'explain' and learn
That's your interpretation, not, as I'm sure, most people would agree, the general perception.
Art is not a pseudo science, it's art. A pseudo science is something claims to be science/ scientific and isn't. Did art ever claim to be science? Have a look at the ENTIRE site listing, you'll find a forum entitled "Art & Culture", ie not pseudoscience.
When someone wants to share their odd experiences they're offered rational explanations for them as opposed to "contact with other dimensions, ghosts, spirits" etc. Things with no solid evidentiary basis.
Fear? How could we be scared of learning? What we're asking for is evidence as opposed to "this is what I think is the explanation and I know I'm right regardless of any other explanation or lack of supporting data". That final sentence is what makes it pseudo.
PS I like your assertion that fear is the cause of religion, any data? :p
what i meant was...the vry title 'pseudoscience' already pre-supposes that any experiece not accwepted by 'science' IS 'PSEUDO-science', do you et me. so one is damned before one has begun, so to speak. for in reality, you --the 'scientist' may hea a person's account of a strange experience, and you are just as open to misinterpretation as anyone else

time and again at this forum, i openly listen to people share strange experience, only to see the predictable 'eplanations' b the so-called scientists here.....what makes you imagine that theri ad hoc reponses are errr science?...what?...they haven'teven SEEN, experienced what the person is sharing.........?

as for fear. THAT behaviour to me IS fear. it isa swift jumping to conclusins which allo a sense of 'safety' for the person masquearading as 'science', when it is not at ALL.

seriousscientists wouldnot dare to be so presumptious