New here, and would like to talk about some events i've experienced...

Serb87 said:
Yeh, but i woke up fully dressed, in another room, comed hair, i looked as if i were ready to go out to a friends birthday party... thats the only reason i didn't think it was sleep walking. And also i have no past knowledge or history of sleep walking, and im sure this wasn't a one off.

Justa few months ago I woke up in uniform, all ready eating breakfast. Your mind makes you do things you are either really anticipating, or have dont before regularly, sleep walking is a weird phenomen, but its not at all out of the ordinary.
Ive been followed by the number 22 all my life, but i dont think anything of it, quit complaining and get on with your life.
Odin'Izm, aha... you see a Ghost? and that can be scientificaly proven right? You've been followed by the number 22 all your life? Great... that doesent mean shit to me. If it will make it easier for your mind to comprehend think of it this way: "A dolt callled Serb87 claims he see's the numbers 11:11 ON A DAILY BASIS" Get It!? daily basis!! as in... everyday e.g: I happen to walk around a milkbar look inside and see 11:11 on their digital clock...? So you cant say i'm followed by the numbers... its occurs way more frequently than that. Get on with my life you say? what do you think? i'm losing sleep over it? 1:11 <=== i just saw as i was writing this right now... get me? its fucking odd i cant explain why it just happens all the fucking time.
its fucking odd i cant explain why it just happens all the fucking time.

Stop walking by the milkbar at 11:11. That should fix your problem.

If you actually believe digital clocks suddenly change to 11:11 at any given time of the day, simply becasue YOU look at them, you're delusional, or you need glasses.
(Q) said:
its fucking odd i cant explain why it just happens all the fucking time.

Stop walking by the milkbar at 11:11. That should fix your problem.

If you actually believe digital clocks suddenly change to 11:11 at any given time of the day, simply becasue YOU look at them, you're delusional, or you need glasses.

Hey there... check out the tribute i've made for you inn the 'Free thoughts' section. Now go and suck a donkey's dick you coward.
I just saw that, thanks. I'm flattered. Actually, I started a thread some time ago in which I offered anyone to provide their most creative flame. Would you like me to resurrect that thread and you can take a shot?
(Q) said:
I just saw that, thanks. I'm flattered. Actually, I started a thread some time ago in which I offered anyone to provide their most creative flame. Would you like me to resurrect that thread and you can take a shot?

I'd be happy to.
Serb87 said:
Odin'Izm, aha... you see a Ghost? and that can be scientificaly proven right? You've been followed by the number 22 all your life? Great... that doesent mean shit to me. If it will make it easier for your mind to comprehend think of it this way: "A dolt callled Serb87 claims he see's the numbers 11:11 ON A DAILY BASIS" Get It!? daily basis!! as in... everyday e.g: I happen to walk around a milkbar look inside and see 11:11 on their digital clock...? So you cant say i'm followed by the numbers... its occurs way more frequently than that. Get on with my life you say? what do you think? i'm losing sleep over it? 1:11 <=== i just saw as i was writing this right now... get me? its fucking odd i cant explain why it just happens all the fucking time.

Yes ghosts can be explained scientifically, usually an active magnetic feild on the brain, or just going insane. Scientists in Cambridge have been able to encourage "faith" or beleif in god in people by conducting a current through the sides of their brain.

I see the number 22 every fucking time I come home! fuck... I'm haunted or somthing... I see 22 when I look on my birth certificate.. fuck, im going insane, I even saw the number 22 when I went up north on the side of the lodge I was in! fuck man... somthing is paranormal here.

Would you like to know why you saw 11:11 on the clock when you were writing that reply? because it was fucking 11:11.
Serb87 said:
Odin'Izm, aha... you see a Ghost? and that can be scientificaly proven right? You've been followed by the number 22 all your life? Great... that doesent mean shit to me. If it will make it easier for your mind to comprehend think of it this way: "A dolt callled Serb87 claims he see's the numbers 11:11 ON A DAILY BASIS" Get It!? daily basis!! as in... everyday e.g: I happen to walk around a milkbar look inside and see 11:11 on their digital clock...? So you cant say i'm followed by the numbers... its occurs way more frequently than that. Get on with my life you say? what do you think? i'm losing sleep over it? 1:11 <=== i just saw as i was writing this right now... get me? its fucking odd i cant explain why it just happens all the fucking time.

Notice how i use e.g before stating i see 11:11's when i walk past a milkbar. But ofcorse (Q) is only interested in criticising and not by any other input, such as a rational explination?
Everything CAN be proven scientifically, you fucking dolt, thats the point you morons dont understand.

Nothing can be proven scientifically. Heck, nothing can be "proven", period. Events can only be DISPROVED, scientifically or by any other method of research.

- N
After extensive research I can report that, at least in the case of Neildo, extreme gullibility, failure to understand the scientific method, both coupled with below average intelligence, are not genetic in character.
Please recall the following anecdote.
Neildo said:
The weirdest thing that I've had happen to me involved with my dad as well. This was a couple years ago and while sleeping, he comes into my room asking what day it is, which I found odd, so I look at my digital clock which reads 7:30 so I say 7:30am because I went to sleep at around midnight and it felt like I've hardly been asleep. Anyhow, by him waking me up like that, I was basically now awake so I looked at the clock again because it was dark out, and it wound up actually being 7:30pm, not am. So uh, I was basically sleeping for a long ass time. Normally I'd just toss that up to something like the weather since depending on the weather, I can sleep longer than usual when it's raining or overcast. However, the incident spooked me since my dad came in asking what day it was as well, so that was freakin weird.
So who knows what happened. Alien abduction? Time warp? Just some crazy coincidence? Dunno, but it was weird!
As a father I can report that when my son has slept for eighteen hours I will certainly walk into his room and say "Hi, son. What day is it?" It's a more fatherly query than "Get out of that ****ing bed, you lazy, good for nothing, no-account weasel. You've been dead to the world for eighteen ****ing hours."
So I offer Neildo's father two things: congratulations on his nice sense of irony; commiserations for its absence, along with several other attributes, in his son.

[If you're going to indulge in ad hominem attacks, you might as well try and make them elegant. ;) ]
DarkSea beneath the piss-take was my underlying serious point. Of course I was interpreting the experience from my own vantage point, just as Neildo was interpreting the experience from his own vantage point. Both of these are incorrect. Science attempts to view events either from no vantage point at all, or from all (or many) vantage points. This permits objectivity.
Anecdotal evidence is for the most part crap. I have seen ghosts - I do not believe in ghosts. I have seen UFOs - I do not believe in UFOs. I have practiced telekinesis - I do not believe in extra-sensory powers. It is very easy to misinterpret events if we do not approach them from a mutliple range of viewpoints, accompanied by a vigorously critical attitude to what is being investigated.
But ofcorse (Q) is only interested in criticising and not by any other input, such as a rational explination?

That's funny, I would have thought by not walking past the milkbar at 11:11 is a rational explanation.
Ophiolite said:
DarkSea beneath the piss-take was my underlying serious point. Of course I was interpreting the experience from my own vantage point, just as Neildo was interpreting the experience from his own vantage point. Both of these are incorrect. Science attempts to view events either from no vantage point at all, or from all (or many) vantage points. This permits objectivity.
Anecdotal evidence is for the most part crap. I have seen ghosts - I do not believe in ghosts. I have seen UFOs - I do not believe in UFOs. I have practiced telekinesis - I do not believe in extra-sensory powers. It is very easy to misinterpret events if we do not approach them from a mutliple range of viewpoints, accompanied by a vigorously critical attitude to what is being investigated.

You don't believe in UFOs... great dipshit... thats means alot to the people who've seen Unidentified Flying Objects... If you've seen UFOs, how can you not "believe" in UFOs? I liked how you use the term 'believe' loosely, its just like saying, "I dont believe in the easter bunny, even though i've seen a 6 foot rabbit that gives away easter eggs." Firstly not even the strongest of skeptics could deny the belief in UFOs after experiencing the unexplainable. Unless what you was an Airplane. I strongly doubt a person who's seen something indefinetely unexplainable could say they dont believe in it. You're the reason i argue over this forum so much, you're a fucking moron.
(Q) said:
But ofcorse (Q) is only interested in criticising and not by any other input, such as a rational explination?

That's funny, I would have thought by not walking past the milkbar at 11:11 is a rational explanation.

Give up with that shit already... I get you (Q) you're lonely :(
I'm sorry man, but go bother someone else who cares... Quit attacking the same thing over and over again, as your reasons are fading with every post.

It would be good advice for you to go back and delete those threads you started, you know of which ones I speak.

That is, unless you prefer to get banned?