New here, and would like to talk about some events i've experienced...

Being a skeptic is good, dont get me wrong, but it sucks when someone is being skeptical towards you and theres no way to prove them wrong
and there's no way to prove you right...
I remember Feyman giving a lecture, and someone mentioned "psychic abilities" etc and asked if they didn't stretch coincidence. His reply was that one day while he was working in his study, knowing his mother was ill in hospital, and all of a sudden he had a terrible feeling that she'd died. Immediately the phone rang. It was his garage ringing to say that his car was fixed. He checked later and his mother was fine.
The human brain looks at patterns. If it can't find them it MAKES patterns and ignores anything that doesn't fit.
I've seen a UFO, met a "ghost" and been "psychic" but these events are not explicable with a glib "ooh it must be real", and the occurences were too irregular to gather enough data to form any meaningful hypothesis.
Filed under "possibly interesting but insufficient hard data"
Oh BTW, a noob just joined, hi guys. :D
i look up at the computer i notice 11:11

Turn off your 11:11 screensaver then.
Or your 11:11 desktop background.

You do it so much to the extent were you're not even reading other people's posts you're just quoting parts of their text and writing bullshit under it...

Just because people don't quote your entire post or don't respond to every sentence you type doesn't mean they haven't read it in its entirety.

You're just seeing patterns where none exist.
Very human of you.
Well, yes... i guess you guys have proven to me that everything is scientifically explainable... even if its not the case, thanks dipshits.

I guess you just don't want to consider alternative explanations.

Ok, it's your fantasy.
the mind can sometimes make the eyes see what the brain wants them to see, this may be happening to you. I, myself, am a sleepwalker and have locked myself in closets and had no recollection of doing so. I have also gone out to the lawn and slept and yes woken up infront of a mirror. Maybe next time you go to sleep make sure your in your pajama's, and you haven't done your hair so when u sleepwalk to the mirror you see yourself as this. Anyways your lights story is farfetch'd and should be ignored in this forum.
And since I'm on the topic, once I woke up facing the other way round
Once I fell asleep and woke up with dribble down my chin. Does that count?
you just need to remember how fallible humans are. just because you think something happened (seeing a UFO) does not mean it really did. moreover, even if something really did happen, it does not mean it happened the way you think it did.

for example, I saw a "UFO" one time and it reacted to my motion. later I found out that a neighbor saw the thing over my house and had no idea I even saw it. this is the pits for me, a skeptic through and through, because it reacted with me (showed intelligence) and was corroborated. however, the bottom line is: I don't know what I saw, nobody does. that why I am not making any assumptions about what it was, it was just a strange event. could have been god, could have been the devil, could have been little green men, could have been ball lightning that, by coincidence, reacted to me, and it could have been any number of things. assumptions are the mother of all fuck-ups, live by what you know, not what you don't know.
The weirdest thing that I've had happen to me involved with my dad as well. This was a couple years ago and while sleeping, he comes into my room asking what day it is, which I found odd, so I look at my digital clock which reads 7:30 so I say 7:30am because I went to sleep at around midnight and it felt like I've hardly been asleep. Anyhow, by him waking me up like that, I was basically now awake so I looked at the clock again because it was dark out, and it wound up actually being 7:30pm, not am. So uh, I was basically sleeping for a long ass time. Normally I'd just toss that up to something like the weather since depending on the weather, I can sleep longer than usual when it's raining or overcast. However, the incident spooked me since my dad came in asking what day it was as well, so that was freakin weird.

So who knows what happened. Alien abduction? Time warp? Just some crazy coincidence? Dunno, but it was weird!

- N
Fromthedarksea, i thought weird things happen to me, hell, i guessed wrong... I'm compeled to believe you since you're one of a handful whos given anything other than critiscism, and your anecdotes sound credible.
Ever happen to you, whilst having a weird episode of light sleep you open your eyes to see weird faces? I once started chasing something around my house in half sleep... although it felt real. It looked like a dark outline of a man... freaky shit...

Neildo, if that did happen, thats some scary shit... but it was definetly just a coincidental weather change which effected both you and your dad at the same day.(cough)

James R, there was nothing i wrote that was fabrication/fantasy/bullshit in anyway... I'm healthy, i got 20/20 vision in both eyes, i dont suffer from any illnesses(that i know off, knock on wood(not)) and dont suffer from hallucinations. If i had a reason to lie over an internet forum... it beats me. This all started from tryin get information on other similar experiences and when i wrote my experiences i didn't expect a plathera of criticism. I don't mind people trying to give me scientific explinations, but think of it this way. Im smart, expert at problem solving, good looking and other things, and do you seriously expect me to write anything here that i havent thought about logically off and on for 2 years?

Now i will make one final attempt at trying to explain what i mean by the 11:11's... I keep seeing that exact time on digital clocks almost everyday... via some coincidental glance or i get a phone message at that exact time, or a phone call, or just turning my head looking at the time and bang "11:11". I wouldn't post it but it happens all the time, it happened yesterday, today in the morning, its redicilous.
The street light thing, i dont even care about anymore... i'll just have to accept that there's sencors that monitor "something" on them... for no aparent reason and thats what causes them to turn off/on whilst i walk under them.
cato said:
you just need to remember how fallible humans are. just because you think something happened (seeing a UFO) does not mean it really did. moreover, even if something really did happen, it does not mean it happened the way you think it did.

Well if your friend tapped you on the shoulder and pointed beside the tree, and to your shock you see some weird abstraction of white lights that seem unearthly... i wonder if you'd doubt that... its no assumption its no guess, its no lie... i never said it was a UFO? i got no clue in hell what that could be... But i sincerely believe its something that science would struggle to undermine without using the word "fabrication".
SkinWalker said:
And what an amazing difference the IGNORE LIST makes. Much better.


Heh, what a moron... i bet he has blocked anyone who challenges his scientific views...
Neildo, if that did happen, thats some scary shit... but it was definetly just a coincidental weather change which effected both you and your dad at the same day.(cough)

Well that day, it was a normal sunny day down here in SoCal. I shoulda mentioned that in my post.

Now i will make one final attempt at trying to explain what i mean by the 11:11's... I keep seeing that exact time on digital clocks almost everyday... via some coincidental glance or i get a phone message at that exact time, or a phone call, or just turning my head looking at the time and bang "11:11".

That used to happen with me except each time I'd check the time, it'd end with "10" such as 9:10, 2:10, or 12:10. I figure it's my subconcious clock working. This lady on my team at work always knows what time it is due to her nicotine cravings. She doesn't have a watch and where we work there's no clock in our area, but once it hits ten till 6am, she says "I think it's break time, I'm craving a cigarette" and lo and behold, it's ten till six, lol.

- N
Neildo said:
I figure it's my subconcious clock working.

I thought so too, but than again... i just saw 11:11 now, on the computer, just as i was writing this. 11:11am australian eastern time. As i was saying, that cant be the case since even if the time is not right, even if its extremely wrong i'll just happen to look at it at exactly that time, odd indeed.

James R, there was nothing i wrote that was fabrication/fantasy/bullshit in anyway...

I didn't say it was. All I said was there are possible mundane explanations which you seem unwilling to consider (probably because they're not particularly interesting to you).
I didn't say it was. All I said was there are possible mundane explanations which you seem unwilling to consider (probably because they're not particularly interesting to you).

Wrong, i'm willing to consider it. You seriously gotta read everything before you make statements like that. As i mentioned, I thought through everything i posted before hand, and i took notice of everyone who criticised me... but the critics seem more interested in calling me a gullible retard then in trying to proove me wrong. And yeh, you're right i'm not interested in that.
but the critics seem more interested in calling me a gullible retard then in trying to proove me wrong.

How can anyone prove you wrong, we weren't there to witness the same events? We can only offer alternative explanations as James points out. It is because you ignore those alternatives that some may regard you as a gullible retard.
(Q) said:
How can anyone prove you wrong, we weren't there to witness the same events? We can only offer alternative explanations as James points out. It is because you ignore those alternatives that some may regard you as a gullible retard.

Thanks for pointing out the obvious you dolt.
Serb87 said:
Seriously, have more of an open mind and quit bitching about everything that cant be scientificaly proved you pathetic moron.

Everything CAN be proven scientifically, you fucking dolt, thats the point you morons dont understand.