My unanswered questions about Christ

The cross we use today as a Christian symbol is not the type of cross that was used for Roman crucifixions. The Romans use a cross like the “T” as it was a much more efficient form compared to the traditional “+” cross used in Christian symbols and in Mythriac traditions.
M*W: A "+" (cross) superimposed onto an orb "O" (sun) symbolizes the equinoxes. The catholic church took on this sign but called it the crucifix. The pope to this day carries what is called the "monstrance," which is a scepter of the blazing sun.
-No coincidences in politics.
-Jesus was trying to teach The Way of The God. If he did exist that is.
-And that is not what is happening in the world today is my brave guess.
-Christians are forced to accept that Jesus was killed and resurrected in the cross (the Southern Cross stars) because of our sins (the winter solstice allegro) and was a man-god rather than a teacher, why ?
-Why not just teach the Way of the Jesus rather than worshipping him as God ?
M*W: I might add that, as you know, The Way (i.e. the way of the cross) is the zodiac. Symbolically, the sun brings to us (Earth) the Way of the Cross, or the myths of the 12 major constellations.
Where are George Bush's writings? Barrack Obama's writings? Leaders seem to preach and not write. Jesus' form of communication was speaking - not writing. Plus, the illiterate masses he was speaking to weren't reading the newspapers - let alone Jesus pamphlets. Let's use some common sense here, people.

There were people who could read and write in those days, surprise, surprise. So Jesus could have ensured that his message was not corrupted if he had written it and passed it on the his disciples. Illiterate people could have heard the word if others read it to them.

Without realizing it you have put your finger on something important. Why do Christians base their beliefs on the Bible, parts of which were contemporary with Jesus if, as you say, the masses were illiterate. Could not the select few have got it wrong ? What prevented Jesus writing/ dictating his message ? How do you know that what was passed on verbally was accurate ? Have you heard of Chinese whispers ?

Lastly, what prevented Jesus speaking AND writing; they are not mutually exclusive activities. What does your common sense tell you ?
M*W: I might add that, as you know, The Way (i.e. the way of the cross) is the zodiac. Symbolically, the sun brings to us (Earth) the Way of the Cross, or the myths of the 12 major constellations.
-Yes, or the 12 disciples, or 12 tribes of Is-Ra-El. Numbers and astrology, uuuh, spooky... ;) But what will happen when we enter in Age of Aquarius ?

Enjoy !

Hippies knew about these things, remember Lennon, Imagine if there is no heaven, religion...Hippies were trying to reform humanity as entering to the Age of Aquarius, and look what happened to John...

-The next Anointed One ~ Christ ? :cool:
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Whats that mean?

-The Great Year, The cycle of the sun within 12 constellations of stars
"A Great year (also known as a Platonic year or Equinoctial cycle) is the time required for one complete cycle of the precession of the equinoxes, about 25800 years, at the current rate (actual length is 25,765 years)."

-The Age, The Great Year divided to 12 zodiac signs, like fishes...
"An astrological age is a time period in astrology which is believed by some to parallel major changes in the Earth's inhabitants' development. It roughly corresponds to the time taken for the vernal equinox to move through one of the twelve constellations of the zodiac. The Ages in astrology, however, do not correspond to the actual constellation boundaries where the vernal equinox may be occurring in a given time."

-The sun travels trough these signs and we are now in changing period of the Ages. Piscies -> Aquarius.

source - wikipedia
So you believe in Astrology too?

Define astrology, you are on a thin ice you know it, dont you.
Modern day astrology ~ Rubbish day to day horoscopes.
Ancient astrology ~ astronomy.
-Do I believe that objects does move at the sky, yes.?.
-Do I believe them to be Gods, no.
Plus, the illiterate masses he was speaking to weren't reading the newspapers - let alone Jesus pamphlets. Let's use some common sense here, people.

So wait... you regard "common sense" as being jesus could not write because people weren't reading, but someone else could write what he was saying even though people weren't reading?

Common sense indeed :bugeye:
Run to the Sun - Sun Worhipper - LMFAO
M*W: You're a Roman Catholic, so that means you're a sun worshipper, too. You just can't see it. We're all LOFAO too!

M*W's Friendly Atheist Quote (FAQ) of the Day:

"Men are most apt to believe what they least understand." ~ Michel Eyquem Montaigne

M*W's Anti-Bitterness Comments (ABCs) of the Day:

"Use the good thoughts of wise people." ~ Leo Tolstoy, 1828-1910 Russian Writer
Hitler (The TYRANT) loved to write.
so did other Christians like, Torguemada, the Borgias, etc...

and to the OP dont bother scratching your head wondering, you may as well wonder whether Winnie the Pooh eats "hunny"( spelling deliberate ) there are no records of a person called jesus, it is all fictional.

some light reading, and well worth it.

the jesus myth
with thanks to Iasion
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M*W: You're a Roman Catholic, so that means you're a sun worshipper, too. You just can't see it. We're all LOFAO too!

You dont know the first thing about me - do you? I believe whatever i want and dont have to ask anyones permission - Personally my beliefs are not easily defined and cross over into many different systems - Weather Christian, Muslim, Atheist etc. i would SAY IT. The fact is i am not a religious person and think about it only on here....cause its funnnnnn.:D

M*W: Just to be clear, belief in astrology is just as much a myth as are other religions.

so did other Christians like, Torguemada, the Borgias, etc...

and to the OP dont bother scratching your head wondering, you may as well wonder whether Winnie the Pooh eats "hunny"( spelling deliberate ) there are no records of a person called jesus, it is all fictional.

some light reading, and well worth it.

the jesus myth
with thanks to Iasion

Last night i read some compelling information that Hitler, Stalin etc. were Atheists and not only wrote a lot but read a lot, Charles Darwin was a favorite.

In hitlers case it makes sense, why was he measuring heads?

Edit: That being said i am not saying that was behind their motivations. Obviously they were individuals who distorted many things, there is good and bad across the board.

That is what i read and they presented a very good case. Linking to discussions in the forum your posting in as proof is not such a good idea because most would see it as biased.
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Last night i read some compelling information that Hitler, Stalin etc. were Atheists and not only wrote a lot but read a lot, Charles Darwin was a favorite. That is what i read and they presented a very good case.
then you need to read other sources, Hitler was a lutherian christian.
Linking to discussions in the forum your posting in as proof is not such a good idea because most would see it as biased.
only you could think that.
Not so, when the threads, linked too, also link too alternate sources. If you had read them you would have noticed.

Iasion, threads are well thought out, well sourced, and extremely informative.
then you need to read other sources, Hitler was a lutherian christian. not so, only you could think that, when the threads, linked too, also link too alternate sources. If you had read them you would have noticed.

Actually being raised in a faith often means little as adults, look at you and M*W. Both raised with faith and both now despise it. You know these people were master manipulators? They brought manipulation to a whole new level, usually they can say and do anything with no remorse.

At t his point in history we should learn to be open and honest, there is and has been far too much deception.
Actually being raised in a faith often means little as adults, look at you and M*W. Both raised with faith and both now despise it. You know these people were master manipulators? They brought manipulation to a whole new level, usually they can say and do anything with no remorse.

At this point in history we should learn to be open and honest, there is and has been far too much deception.
then what your saying is this one man, hypnotized every person in germany, all his generals, all the politicians, he gave all is soldiers a religious insignia. with "Gott mit uns"( god with us ) written on it, yes he was a crafty, sly, conniving, tee-totaling, religiously moral christian.
then what your saying is this one man, hypnotized every person in germany, all his generals, all the politicians, he gave all is soldiers a religious insignia. with "Gott mit uns"( god with us ) written on it, yes he was a crafty, sly, conniving, tee-totaling, religiously moral christian.

YES. But i dont think he was a Christian at all or that had zero factor. Hitler wanted a master race, this is well documented. Christianity is inclusive and believes GOD created all, of course it is not 100% perfect.. Also, hitler killed not only Jews in concentration camps so how does the typical conspiracy theory fit in???

Either way i am not blaming one element here, his views were skewed. He probably had many influences that he distorted.
I already gave an answer in post number five.

That's an answer ? You are simply papering over the cracks. Your answer is typical of those given by believers. How do you know he might have written in sand and then erased it ? The fact that such an argument suits your purpose does not make it true.

Why didn't Jesus write anything ? A straightforward question.

Possible answers.

He chose not to because it was not God's will that he do so

He did but someone stole his writings and destroyed them

After his apostles had read what he wrote an angel took his writings to a celestial library

He hid them and one day they will be found, etc.,etc., etc.

Why is any of those answers less believable than yours ?

Have you no respect for the truth. Why not simply say that you don't know.
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