My unanswered questions about Christ

Any similarity between sun worship and worship of the historical Jesus is pure coincidence. If Jesus meant that God was the sun, he certainly would have said so. Jesus never claimed God was the sun.
-No coincidences in politics.
-Jesus was trying to teach The Way of The God. If he did exist that is.
-And that is not what is happening in the world today is my brave guess.
-Christians are forced to accept that Jesus was killed and resurrected in the cross (the Southern Cross stars) because of our sins (the winter solstice allegory) and was a man-god rather than a teacher, why ?
-Why not just teach the Way of the Jesus rather than worshipping him as God ?
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A hint. Why Caesars in Rome did that too ? You know, the place near the Vatican ;) :D
-End of the days ~ End of the Age of Piscies
-Thats a good question in perverted way, why do Christians believe that there will be apocalypse, indeed, hmmmm... Fear ~ Control ?
M*W: Why is this so hard for some folks to understand?

Hammer + Nail = Hit
Jesus walks into a hotel with some nails! asks the manager if he could put him up for the night!!!....just had to say it sorry!!..hehe
How does the validity of Revelations differ from other "gospels" in the bible ?
How one can know which gospels has a validity and which ones dont ?
M*W: I was going to answer Why?'s post, but decided to post it here. Astro-theologically speaking, could the "prostitute" represent the Constellation of Virgo? I would need to reread Revelation, but I really don't want to, so I'm asking you.
-Because astrology is bullshit :D ;) LOL
-Gotta go to read my daily horoscope now...;)
-So its deep faith required when believing man-god Jesus.
-Oh the irony, if one come to conclusion that Jesus ~ The Annointed One ~ The Christ is The Sun, he wouldnt only believe it but feel and see it every day, no faith required :D
M*W: I just had a thought. I've always been curious about the word "anointed" and what it meant. If one stays out in the sunlight long enough, one starts to sweat the natural oils that come out of the pores. Could that be the symbolism of being "anointed?"
You cannot believe that Jesus is the son of God without deep faith. There are no miracles being worked by Jesus on this Earth anymore - at least not by a corporeal being named Jesus who is 2000 years old. However, it doesn't take any faith whatsoever to believe that Jesus was a real person. The Church exists, it's documents from early Christianity exist, certainly Christians were martyred in ancient Rome - clearly the evidence points to the existence of a real Jesus. Also, Josephus mentions Jesus in his Jewish histories. M*W's nonsense that Jesus worship is really sun worship defies common sense in light of the historical organization built around the man Jesus.
M*W: I realize you're probably not catholic, but if you study catholicism, you'll find the many symbols of sun worship. Besides, what makes you so sure the RCC wasn't based on sun worship?
M*W: I was going to answer Why?'s post, but decided to post it here. Astro-theologically speaking, could the "prostitute" represent the Constellation of Virgo? I would need to reread Revelation, but I really don't want to, so I'm asking you.
-Yes, I have been reading that too. I have just starting to study if our Mother God Ilmatar in Kalevala is constellation Virgo ~ I got a strong feeling...
One of the questions that lurk deep within my mind is, if Jesus was the messiah who came to restore the Word of God, why did he not leave writings? Why did he not ensure that his words were written down? In the New Testament it speaks of him reading scripture, so I take it he could write. One of his apostles was a tax collector. I assume to be a tax collector one had to know how to read and write. Why did not the apostles write down their messages? Instead we only have conflicting documents written more than 100 years after Christ was crucified. So how are we to know which is right and which is wrong? It seams to me that someone bearing such an important message should leave some more information, not a criticism, just an observation. There is not even a direct reference to writing by Christ or his apostles. Why does so much of the teaching come from the apostles and not Christ, more specifically Paul who never even met Christ in life?

And why is it that Christians of all ages have thought that Christ was just about to return any day, and yet it has been more that two thousand years.

Damn! Are you kidding?

Why why why didn't Jesus do this and that?

He was killed!

Read the Parables. The lesson of the Parables is that no matter what God does, Man has the Free Will to phuque everything up.

Jesus was supported by so few people in the Ruling Class in Jerusalem that God probably figured the Messianic Mission was a totally lost cause.

Since God had had His chance, then it was handed over to Lucifer who sent his own son, Paul, who came out with the Doctrine that said that "Christians could sin all they wanted just as long as they believed that Murdering Jesus was a good thing." So Christians every Spring celebrate the Murder of Jesus and their Dispensation to Sin all they want.
M*W: I just had a thought. I've always been curious about the word "anointed" and what it meant. If one stays out in the sunlight long enough, one starts to sweat the natural oils that come out of the pores. Could that be the symbolism of being "anointed?"
-From my memory it just meant like "the named one" ~ Christ.
-I havent check out its roots but that is what is my understanding of it.

Gotta take a break, I´m hungry :) CYA Later
No doubt mankind has worshipped the Sun. Mankind has also worshipped other men, e.g. Roman Emperors. Why should the worship of Jesus refer to the Sun and not to an actual man? Seems absurd to believe Jesus is a really the Sun in light of the clear evidence of his historical existence. Give me your best argument - why should Jesus refer to the sun and not to a man?
M*W: The name "Jesus" was given to the sun of god. The worship of a fictional man named Jesus was written that way symbolically. No mortal man would do to call him the sun of god. After all, he was here on Earth. Gods tend to reside in the heavens or on tops of mountains so as to be elevated higher up than mortals.

The Roman Emperors believed themselves to be gods, but let's face it, that is based on ego worship. Yeah, the Romans worshipped them, but what else could they do or die?

Do you have proof of Jesus's historical existence? No modern day scholars (including some christian ones) believe that Jesus was a myth. Christian scholars are coming around and teaching christianity based on this myth, the myth of the trinity, and the myth of the virgin birth. Other christian scholars are now saying that even the crucifixion, resurrection and the ascencion were also myths. They are having to refit their sermons to reach a more rational congregations.

You do ask some pertinent questions, and of all the christians on this forum, I think you are the one on the right track.
Damn! Are you kidding?
"Christians could sin all they wanted just as long as they believed that Murdering Jesus was a good thing." So Christians every Spring celebrate the Murder of Jesus and their Dispensation to Sin all they want.
-Just remember the ten ave maria :D
Any similarity between sun worship and worship of the historical Jesus is pure coincidence. If Jesus meant that God was the sun, he certainly would have said so. Jesus never claimed God was the sun.
M*W: When you read the bible with an understanding of astro-theology, it becomes very clear.

Jesus is part of the story, right.. So why would he say God is the sun, when the whole story is an allegory ?