My unanswered questions about Christ

Good Question.
There are two occerences that I know of.
Mark 6:3

This is the Carpenter the son of Mary and brother of James and Joseph and Judas and Simon.

Matthew 13:55
Is this not the carpenter's son?

-Carpenter of 12 houses of Zodiac.
-4 brothers ~ spring, summer, fall(Judas ~ Scorpio), winter
-Carpenter ~ Sun
-Mary ~ Virgo
No, all those possibilities are better than your guesses.

I must concur not merely because I find it well placed in target but in that speculation is an endless pursuit and those aspiring only to speculation...or should I say speculation without the limits of facts is not intrested in truth...but justifying for the sake of offering a differing arguement.

Speculation is supposed to help weed out other possibilities.
After which a comparison is necessary. If there is not viable support fro such speculation then it is unfounded and should be discarded.

That is a process of elimination that many scientist and amatuer scientist are ignoring. They are allowing an adopted belief system to sway the course of the art of deduction.
I must concur not merely because I find it well placed in target but in that speculation is an endless pursuit and those aspiring only to speculation...or should I say speculation without the limits of facts is not intrested in truth...but justifying for the sake of offering a differing arguement.

Speculation is supposed to help weed out other possibilities.
After which a comparison is necessary. If there is not viable support fro such speculation then it is unfounded and should be discarded.

That is a process of elimination that many scientist and amatuer scientist are ignoring. They are allowing an adopted belief system to sway the course of the art of deduction.

Religion, of course, being an adopted belief system which is entirely neutral and encourages critical analysis.

What exactly do you mean by "allowing an adopted belief system to sway the course of the art of deduction" ? A few examples of what you have in mind would help
I must concur not merely because I find it well placed in target but in that speculation is an endless pursuit and those aspiring only to speculation...or should I say speculation without the limits of facts is not intrested in truth...but justifying for the sake of offering a differing arguement.

Speculation is supposed to help weed out other possibilities.
After which a comparison is necessary. If there is not viable support fro such speculation then it is unfounded and should be discarded.

That is a process of elimination that many scientist and amatuer scientist are ignoring. They are allowing an adopted belief system to sway the course of the art of deduction.

Speculation is part of the scientific process. Afterall, you can't have a proof until you have a hypothesis.
I don't think unfettered speculation is part of the scientific process. There must be reasonable speculation based on fact. Further, there must be reason to pursue such speculation. Science requires much more than wild guess work. At least that was my perception before coming here.
It is a pre-condition of speculation on fact that those facts have been shown to be the case. That requires evidence, not just belief
M*W: I just had a thought. I've always been curious about the word "anointed" and what it meant. If one stays out in the sunlight long enough, one starts to sweat the natural oils that come out of the pores. Could that be the symbolism of being "anointed?"

-I remember something about the oils you mentioned, and what a ride lol

"The holy anointing oil described in Exodus 30:22-25 was created from 500 shekels (about 6 kg) of myrrh, half as much (about 3 kg) of fragrant cinnamon, 250 shekels (about 3 kg) of fragrant cane (kanabos, variously translated as calamus or cannabis)[1], 500 shekels (about 6kg) of cassia, and a hin (about 4 L) of olive oil.

The oil was used to anoint the vessels of the Tabernacle 30:26 and, is traditionally regarded as the oil used by prophets to anoint Saul, David, and other kings of ancient Israel."

-Myrrh, that was the Crown on the Anointed ones head !

"Commiphora is a genus of flowering plants. It includes about 185 species of trees and shrubs, often armed or thorny, native to Africa, Arabia, and the Indian subcontinent.

Several of these species produce fragrant resins used for incense, perfume, and medication, including Myrrh (Commiphora myrrha) and Balsam of Mecca (C. opobalsamum)."


A coronation is a ceremony marking the investment of a monarch with regal power through, amongst other symbolic acts, the placement of a crown upon his or her head. Where the monarch is anointed, the ritual may have religious significance. Coronation remains the norm for the formal installation of the monarch of the Commonwealth Realms.


"In meteorology, a corona is produced by the diffraction of light from either the Sun or the Moon by individual small water droplets (and sometimes tiny ice crystals) of a cloud.

The corona consists of small number of concentric colored rings around the celestial object and a central bright aureole. The angular size of the corona depends on the diameters of the cloud droplets - small droplets produce bright coronae. Coronae differ from haloes in that the latter are formed by refraction from comparatively large rather than small ice crystals. Reddish colors always occupy the outer part of a corona's ring. (This is an atmospheric Airy disc.)"

In Antiquity

The Shahs of the Achaemenid Persian Empire were crowned with the diadem by a high priest of the Zoroastrian religion.

"Zoroastrianism is the religion and philosophy based on the teachings ascribed to the prophet Zoroaster (Zarathustra, Zartosht). Mazdaism is the religion that acknowledges the divine authority of Ahura Mazda, proclaimed by Zoroaster to be the one uncreated creator of all (God)."


The Roman Emperors, traditionally acclaimed either by the senate or by a legion speaking for the armies as a whole, were confirmed by the other body, without a coronation. The Eastern diadem was introduced by Diocletian. In theory, the Imperial crown should be imposed by a representative of those who conferred the sovereign authority that it symbolized; and, in the 4th century, the Prefect Sallustius Secundus crowned Valentinian I (in whose election he had taken the prominent part). But the Emperor seems to have felt some hesitation in receiving the diadem from the hands of a subject, and the selection for the office was likely to cause jealousy. Yet, a formality was necessary. In the 5th century the difficulty was overcome in an ingenious and tactful way. The duty of coronation was assigned to the Patriarch of Constantinople, possibly at the coronation of Marcian (AD 450), but certainly at the coronation of his successor Leo (457).[1]

Diadem is the brightest star in the constellation Coma Berenices.

"Coma Berenices contains the North Galactic Pole, at right ascension 12h 51m 25s and declination +27° 07′ 48″ (epoch J2000.0).

The constellation is not particularly bright, having no stars brighter than fourth magnitude. β Comae Berenices is the brightest star in the constellation, at magnitude 4.26. It is intrinsically only slightly brighter than the Sun, which gives us an idea of how faint the Sun would appear seen from 27 light years away.

The second brightest star in Coma Berenices is α Comae Berenices (4.32m), also called Diadem. It is the only star in the constellation with a common name representing the gem in Berenice's crown. It is a binary star, with two components of almost equal magnitude. Because the orbital plane is so close to the Earth's line of sight, it was long suspected of being an eclipsing binary, but it now appears that the orbital tilt is 0.1° relative to the line of sight, so the stars do not eclipse each other as seen from Earth."

"Coma Berenices has been known as a distinct asterism since ancient Greek times. Eratosthenes referred to it as both "Ariadne's Hair" and "Berenice's Hair". Ptolemy referred to it as "the lock" (of hair); however, he did not list it as one of his 48 constellations, considering it as part of Leo. For many years, Coma Berenices was considered usually as the tuft in Leo's tail, or sometimes as part of Virgo."


Early Hindu astronomers knew it as Asleha and as Sinha, the Tamil Simham but later, influenced by Greece and Rome, as Leya or Leyaya, from the word Leo, as the Romans commonly called it.

Ovid wrote it as Herculeus Leo and Violentus Leo. Bacchi Sidus (Star of Bacchus) was another of its titles, the god always being identified with this animal, and its shape the one often adopted by him in his numerous transformations, while a lion's skin was his frequent dress. But Manilius had it Jovis et Junonis Sidus (Star of Jove and Juno), as being under the guardianship of these deities, perhaps appropriately considering its regal character, especially that of its lucida.

The Persians called it Ser or Shir; the Turks, Artan; the Syrians, Aryo; the Jewish, Arye; the Indians, "Sher"; and the Babylonians, Aru — all meaning a lion. In Euphratean astronomy it was additionally known as Gisbar-namru-sa-pan, variously translated, but by Bertin, as the Shining Disc which precedes Bel, "Bel" being our Ursa Major, or in some way intimately connected therewith

Ursa Major (pronounced /ˌɝsəˈmeɪdʒɚ/) is a constellation visible throughout the year in most of the northern hemisphere. Its name means Great Bear in Latin, and is associated with the legends of Callisto and Cynosura.

As a follower of Artemis, Callisto, whom Hesiod said[1] was the daughter of Lycaon, king of Arcadia, took a vow to remain a virgin, as did all the nymphs of Artemis. But to have her, Zeus disguised himself, some say as Apollo, some as Artemis herself, in order to lure her into his embrace and rape her. Callisto was then turned into a bear

In Greek mythology, Cynosura was a nymph (an Oread) on Mount Ida, Crete. According to some legends[attribution needed], she nursed Zeus when he was being hidden from his father, Cronus. In gratitude, Zeus placed her in the stars when she died.

Cynosura is also another name for the constellation Ursa Minor or its brightest star, Polaris.

Polaris more commonly known as the North(ern) Star, the Pole Star or the Lodestar, is the brightest star in the constellation Ursa Minor. It is very close to the north celestial pole (42′ away as of 2006), making it the current northern pole star.

source - wikipedia


Have a nice weekend M*W
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Greetings all,

Good Question.
There are two occerences that I know of.
Mark 6:3

This is the Carpenter the son of Mary and brother of James and Joseph and Judas and Simon.

Matthew 13:55
Is this not the carpenter's son?

Both of these quotes have the Greek word "tekton".

A "tekton" is anyone who crafts objects from hard material (the root means "create".)

A better word would be "craftsman".

Many readers do not seem to realise that "carpenter" is a poor translation.

Greetings all,

Both of these quotes have the Greek word "tekton".

A "tekton" is anyone who crafts objects from hard material (the root means "create".)

A better word would be "craftsman".

Many readers do not seem to realise that "carpenter" is a poor translation.
M*W: I've read in the past that "carpenter" was mistranslated. It makes since because there was very little usable wood to say build a house. The houses of the day were like adobe or mud houses. Wood in those areas was scant. "Carpenter" has been mistranslated for "craftsman" or "mason," for example. Someone who is wise in the ways of construction not necessarily brick by brick. Joseph, the alleged carpenter, didn't "build" things, but he "constructed" a higher level of intuitiveness. THere was probably no Joseph. The title Joseph means something like "mayor" of the city. There is a town in Judea called "Arimathea." Coincidentally, it is a take on the "apostle Matthew." Whatever it's called, whatever it's known by, it is all allegorical. None of it is historic.
Greetings all,

Both of these quotes have the Greek word "tekton".

A "tekton" is anyone who crafts objects from hard material (the root means "create".)

A better word would be "craftsman".

Many readers do not seem to realise that "carpenter" is a poor translation.


Not really...the point is understandability no precision alone. Some things have been translated correctly concerning the scriptures but doesn't convey the relevant thought. The same (I suspect is true here as well.)

I'm without my computer data base write now but I suppose I could internet the information.
I looked it up by book.
You're correct. Craftsman is a better word since an individual could know all the disciplines such as stone work and wood work and earth work. But it's not a poor translation just not as accurate. Nor is it a mistranslation according to what I'm reading here.