Muslims lie

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One day maybe they will act like adults and sort things out instead of pointing fingers and throwing up thier hands, but I won't hold my breath current trends indicate an affinity for the latter..
Correct, hence ascribing any universal opinion to Muslims [except that they believe in God and consider Mohammed as a Prophet] is a fallacious argument.

So, all of your arguments are fallacious? :shrug:
Could you please ask your "Muslim friends" to visit Sciforums the next time a stretch of free time befalls them? I'd love to discuss an issue or two with them. What makes me a radical? I'd love to hear your explanation. A personal question, I beg of you: why the sudden change of heart, Medicine*Woman? I've known you, largely, to be a mild-mannered individual. However, lately you've become vehemently anti-Muslim (saying things like "Muslims lie", which implies that all one and a half billion Muslims worldwide are sinister liars, kind of gives it away). Or, has the corrosive influence of (Q) finally gotten to you?

Ah! I see (Q) is still arguing about taqiyya. Respond to my post in your old thread when you get the chance, sweetheart. Kadark
M*W: Yes, Kadark, I will ask my Muslim friends to post here. You are right. I was a fan of Islam and its adherents. I have been a defender of your faith, even though I am an atheist. I learned to have respect for Muslims though the Muslim people I know, but that all changed when I realized S.A.M. was a radical hypocrite. She is an embarrassment to the Muslims I know.

I only wish I could still be viewed as a "mild-mannered" person to all religions on this forum. In fact, I would defend anyone's right to believe in what they choose. But S.A.M. has showed me there boundaries to this endeavor. It is S.A.M. that shows the vindictiveness of Islam. She has shown that Islam is evil and that there is no hope for Muslims.

I ask you not to condemn me for her actions, but to condemn her for her radical philosophies. S.A.M. makes all Muslims look like fucktards. I'm sure that is not what other Muslmims want to be associated with. I still have my Muslim friends whom I love and respect. They even think S.A.M. is a lunatic. How long do we (on SciForums) have to put up with her bullshit? I don't condemn the other Muslims on this forum. My heart still goes out to the beliefs that my Muslim friends believe in. I think this disrespect comes from one person only--S.A.M. What I ask of you other Muslims is, how much longer are you going to tolerate S.A.M.'s lies? Her lies are making all of you look bad. In my heart, I cannot reconcile that Islam is evil, so therefore, S.A.M. is the evil one. Does S.A.M. represent the rest of you? I certainly hope not. How do other Muslims see S.A.M.? Does she represent you? I hope not!
One day maybe they will act like adults and sort things out instead of pointing fingers and throwing up thier hands, but I won't hold my breath current trends indicate an affinity for the latter..

What current trends? The War on Terrorz?
So that's all you wanted? You are now finished with this thread?

Well, you've made the admittance yourself, what's left to argue?

There are many types of lies (e.g. white lies), its too simplistic to regard all lies as being the same - something I pointed out in my previous post. I don't think you understand this - it seems to be beyond your understanding.

No, you aren't understanding it. This isn't about contrived paradoxes and various flavors of lying, which is pure crap, this is about a religion that condones lying, your religion. That is what is immoral.
M*W: Yes, Kadark, I will ask my Muslim friends to post here. You are right. I was a fan of Islam and its adherents. I have been a defender of your faith, even though I am an atheist. I learned to have respect for Muslims though the Muslim people I know, but that all changed when I realized S.A.M. was a radical hypocrite. She is an embarrassment to the Muslims I know.

I only wish I could still be viewed as a "mild-mannered" person to all religions on this forum. In fact, I would defend anyone's right to believe in what they choose. But S.A.M. has showed me there boundaries to this endeavor. It is S.A.M. that shows the vindictiveness of Islam. She has shown that Islam is evil and that there is no hope for Muslims.

I ask you not to condemn me for her actions, but to condemn her for her radical philosophies. S.A.M. makes all Muslims look like fucktards. I'm sure that is not what other Muslmims want to be associated with. I still have my Muslim friends whom I love and respect. They even think S.A.M. is a lunatic. How long do we (on SciForums) have to put up with her bullshit? I don't condemn the other Muslims on this forum. My heart still goes out to the beliefs that my Muslim friends believe in. I think this disrespect comes from one person only--S.A.M. What I ask of you other Muslims is, how much longer are you going to tolerate S.A.M.'s lies? Her lies are making all of you look bad. In my heart, I cannot reconcile that Islam is evil, so therefore, S.A.M. is the evil one. Does S.A.M. represent the rest of you? I certainly hope not. How do other Muslims see S.A.M.? Does she represent you? I hope not!

So what do your children and friends think of this?

MW said:
That goes for all religions, especially the Abrahamic ones. They are virtually evil. Anyone who professes devotion to the Abrahamic religions are evil. That goes for Christians, Muslims and Jews.

You believe in yeshki, which says 'meek will inherit the earth' so according to're doomed anyways.

Who wants to inherit the earth?

Insaan ke khwahishon ki, koi inteha nahin hain
Do gaz zameen bhi chahiye, do gaz kafan ke baad
He cannot understand it. As an athiest he lacks a moral compass.
M*W: As a Muslim, you lack morals. You are an embarrassment to other Muslims. It's time the adherents of Islam put you in your designated place. I can't wait to see what your peers do to you!
i encountered a muslim that uploaded videos of how judiaisim is satanic, and tried to use that to convince others to turn to islam. did i say one muslim? :shrug:
M*W: Yes, Kadark, I will ask my Muslim friends to post here. You are right. I was a fan of Islam and its adherents. I have been a defender of your faith, even though I am an atheist. I learned to have respect for Muslims though the Muslim people I know, but that all changed when I realized S.A.M. was a radical hypocrite. She is an embarrassment to the Muslims I know.

I only wish I could still be viewed as a "mild-mannered" person to all religions on this forum. In fact, I would defend anyone's right to believe in what they choose. But S.A.M. has showed me there boundaries to this endeavor. It is S.A.M. that shows the vindictiveness of Islam. She has shown that Islam is evil and that there is no hope for Muslims.

I ask you not to condemn me for her actions, but to condemn her for her radical philosophies. S.A.M. makes all Muslims look like fucktards. I'm sure that is not what other Muslmims want to be associated with. I still have my Muslim friends whom I love and respect. They even think S.A.M. is a lunatic. How long do we (on SciForums) have to put up with her bullshit? I don't condemn the other Muslims on this forum. My heart still goes out to the beliefs that my Muslim friends believe in. I think this disrespect comes from one person only--S.A.M. What I ask of you other Muslims is, how much longer are you going to tolerate S.A.M.'s lies? Her lies are making all of you look bad. In my heart, I cannot reconcile that Islam is evil, so therefore, S.A.M. is the evil one. Does S.A.M. represent the rest of you? I certainly hope not. How do other Muslims see S.A.M.? Does she represent you? I hope not!

From what I've gathered, you have some deep-seated issues with Sam. I'm sensing a lot of anger and frustration. Look, that's all perfectly fine and natural - we all have our run-ins from time to time. My problem is this: you're calling every Muslim on the face of the planet a liar simply because you got into an argument with Sam. Spin it any way you like, but you're still overreacting and misplacing your anger.

I've gotten into more arguments with Sam than you have - trust me on this. You ask if she "represents" the rest of "us". No. However, to be fair to her, no single Muslim represents all other Muslims, except for Muhammad (of course, he's no longer alive, is he?). In our day and age, it's wrong to say a single Muslim and/or Muslim organization/nation represents Muslims worldwide. Is there an atheist who represents all atheists? Of course not. So then, why would you expect such a system from us?

Finally, what made you realize Sam was a "radical hypocrite"? Did she say something really bad, or what? This all seems so sudden.

He cannot understand it. As an athiest he lacks a moral compass.

So, my lack of a moral compass, as you say, demonstrates to me that lying is immoral. What does your moral compass say about lying, Sam?
i encountered a muslim that uploaded videos of how judiaisim is satanic, and tried to use that to convince others to turn to islam. did i say one muslim? :shrug:

That was rather silly of him then, since Judaism is almost identical to Islam in its teachings. The only differences are that Islam is not for some chosen people. Whatever is halal for the Yahuds is halal for us. We can eat in any Jews house.
'Whatever your position is on Islam, do you notice that something very strange is going on with MW.

I only wish I could still be viewed as a "mild-mannered" person to all religions on this forum. In fact, I would defend anyone's right to believe in what they choose. But S.A.M. has showed me there boundaries to this endeavor. It is S.A.M. that shows the vindictiveness of Islam. She has shown that Islam is evil and that there is no hope for Muslims.

She claims to have Muslim friends who she tells Kadark that she will invite here while saying the bold portion above and elsewhere....

M*W: That goes for all religions, especially the Abrahamic ones. They are virtually evil. Anyone who professes devotion to the Abrahamic religions are evil. That goes for Christians, Muslims and Jews.

Has she told her Muslim friends and her Christian children that they are evil? SAM has made her see Muslims as evil, she claims. But SAM could not have made her see Christians as evil, or Jews. And why is she still friends with people who must be evil according to her own assertions.

Further the post quoted above is addressed to Kadark of
whom she has said elsewhere...

You're fairly new here, so you don't know that I defended Muslim people up to now. I have many Muslim friends, but none of them have ever acted like the Muslims on this forum! I brought these issues to some Muslim friends, and they said the Muslims on this forum (S.A.M., Kadark, etc.), are radicals and do not represent Islam at all

So while her friends have said that Kadark is a radical, she is still addressing him as if he was not.

She does not seem to remember what she writes and does not seem concerned about the contradictions, nor the obvious generalized hate she is stating as simple facts.

All members of the Abrahamic religions are evil in her eyes.
I want to know why this clearly bigoted thread has not been locked and its starter warned or banned.
כדור ארץ, ' שמיים '. זה מה שהם אומרים

Get over yourself.

Sorry, no speekee Judea. :D

Hazaaron khwahishen aisi ki har khwahish pe dam nikle
Bahut nikle mere armaan lekin phir bhi kam nikle
no single Muslim represents all other Muslims, except for Muhammad (of course, he's no longer alive, is he?). In our day and age, it's wrong to say a single Muslim and/or Muslim organization/nation represents Muslims worldwide. Is there an atheist who represents all atheists? Of course not. So then, why would you expect such a system from us?

Your system has absolute doctrines telling ALL Muslims what they can and can't do, so yes, an individual Muslim should represent ALL Muslims, that is, if they follow the same doctrines. There are no atheist doctrines or atheist gods to worship.

Therefore, there is a very high expectation that any one Muslim should be able to represent ALL Muslims.
M*W: Yes, Kadark, I will ask my Muslim friends to post here. You are right. I was a fan of Islam and its adherents. I have been a defender of your faith, even though I am an atheist. I learned to have respect for Muslims though the Muslim people I know, but that all changed when I realized S.A.M. was a radical hypocrite. She is an embarrassment to the Muslims I know.

I only wish I could still be viewed as a "mild-mannered" person to all religions on this forum. In fact, I would defend anyone's right to believe in what they choose. But S.A.M. has showed me there boundaries to this endeavor. It is S.A.M. that shows the vindictiveness of Islam. She has shown that Islam is evil and that there is no hope for Muslims.

I ask you not to condemn me for her actions, but to condemn her for her radical philosophies. S.A.M. makes all Muslims look like fucktards. I'm sure that is not what other Muslmims want to be associated with. I still have my Muslim friends whom I love and respect. They even think S.A.M. is a lunatic. How long do we (on SciForums) have to put up with her bullshit? I don't condemn the other Muslims on this forum. My heart still goes out to the beliefs that my Muslim friends believe in. I think this disrespect comes from one person only--S.A.M. What I ask of you other Muslims is, how much longer are you going to tolerate S.A.M.'s lies? Her lies are making all of you look bad. In my heart, I cannot reconcile that Islam is evil, so therefore, S.A.M. is the evil one. Does S.A.M. represent the rest of you? I certainly hope not. How do other Muslims see S.A.M.? Does she represent you? I hope not!

So your problem is with Sam?

Then why attack all Muslims?

If you have a personal problem with Sam you have a problem with her, not other Muslims. I don't recall Sam saying she represents the Muslims on this forum or Muslims elsewhere.
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