Muslims lie

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M*W: I do have Muslim friends, and they believe in their religion.


Yes, I do have Muslim friends. When we get together as friends, they are relaxed and animated. We have good times. All I know is what I feel. My Muslim friends are funny and I'm happy to be with them. We have a lot in common. We've also had extensive discussions about Islam, and when they are in an American setting, they reject their belief in Islam

do not go together.

Is that really so hard to understand?

I mean sometimes I have to, I admit, go to another thread, or quite earlier in the same thread to point out the way you contradict yourself.

Here, however, it was just a couple of posts apart.

Are you lying when you say they reject their beliefs?
Or are you lying when you say they believe in their religion?

Cake OR eat it too time.
This thread probably should have been closed ages ago. PM me if you have concerns or can make an argument to reopen it.
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