Muslims lie

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MW-more evidence of your higher evolution, eh? Will you keep this babble up forever? Your one of those,"Hitler and Stalin had some pretty good ideas", types. Death to all religion! You must all unbelieve! Meh.

Let me know when you have an original thought, willya?
M*W: Thoughts don't need to be original when a point needs to be made. You're fairly new here, so you don't know that I defended Muslim people up to now. I have many Muslim friends, but none of them have ever acted like the Muslims on this forum! I brought these issues to some Muslim friends, and they said the Muslims on this forum (S.A.M., Kadark, etc.), are radicals and do not represent Islam at all. They also advised me to avoid them, because they are nothing more than cyber-terrorists and are in the business of destroying the Religion sub-forum. I listen to people I trust no matter what their religion, but the Muslims mentioned on this forum cannot be trusted. That was my point.
M*W: The Muslims on this forum admit their holy book tells them it is appropriate to lie, especially to those they consider to be infidels (and that would be the rest of us). Why then are the Muslims on board still allowed to post their lies? That would explain why they are incapable of debating religious issues on this sub-forum. They just tell lies, because that's all they know how to do! They lie about each other, and they lie about everybody else. That's what they do, and they're proud of it! How much longer will Muslims be allowed to spread lies on this forum, or is that an acceptable factor of their religion?

Are you okay?...

Here, take a:


The Muslims on this forum admit their holy book tells them it is appropriate to lie

I haven't seen this on this forum, as a Muslim on this forum I find your comment to be misleading, I never admitted anything like that.

Why then are the Muslims on board still allowed to post their lies? That would explain why they are incapable of debating religious issues on this sub-forum. They just tell lies, because that's all they know how to do! They lie about each other, and they lie about everybody else. That's what they do, and they're proud of it! How much longer will Muslims be allowed to spread lies on this forum, or is that an acceptable factor of their religion?

You are too paranoid. Relax a bit.
M*W: Thoughts don't need to be original when a point needs to be made. You're fairly new here, so you don't know that I defended Muslim people up to now. I have many Muslim friends, but none of them have ever acted like the Muslims on this forum! I brought these issues to some Muslim friends, and they said the Muslims on this forum (S.A.M., Kadark, etc.), are radicals and do not represent Islam at all. They also advised me to avoid them, because they are nothing more than cyber-terrorists and are in the business of destroying the Religion sub-forum. I listen to people I trust no matter what their religion, but the Muslims mentioned on this forum cannot be trusted. That was my point.

Did you show them this post?

M*W: The Muslims on this forum admit their holy book tells them it is appropriate to lie, especially to those they consider to be infidels (and that would be the rest of us). Why then are the Muslims on board still allowed to post their lies? That would explain why they are incapable of debating religious issues on this sub-forum. They just tell lies, because that's all they know how to do! They lie about each other, and they lie about everybody else. That's what they do, and they're proud of it! How much longer will Muslims be allowed to spread lies on this forum, or is that an acceptable factor of their religion?

Or this?
M*W said:
: That goes for all religions, especially the Abrahamic ones. They are virtually evil. Anyone who professes devotion to the Abrahamic religions are evil. That goes for Christians, Muslims and Jews.

What did they think of your opinions?
Ooooohh :D Something to get my teeth in later on.

What I can tell at this moment though is that verse 3:28 has nothing to do with what Q is trying to accuse the Quran of.

WOW! When you sink your teeth into something, you really go all out! :rolleyes:

Yes, we know what the verse is about. It's clear. Islam condones and promotes lying.

Of course, there are certain conditions, but that makes no difference. Like many other things exploited and abused in scriptures, this is just another one. Many Muslims have been taught it's perfectly acceptable to lie in order to settle conciliation, not with other Muslims, of course, but to non-believers; infidels.

We have mountains of evidence within these forums alone that would demonstrate that beyond any reasonable doubt.

Do you have anything else that you wish to "gum" for us today?

(Q) said:
Islam condones and promotes lying.

Of course, there are certain conditions, but that makes no difference.

It makes no difference to you? Or you assume it makes no difference to Muslims?
Many Muslims have been taught it's perfectly acceptable to lie in order to settle conciliation, not with other Muslims, of course, but to non-believers; infidels.

Could you please prove this point.

I might have to call you a liar if you don't...
Could you please prove this point.

I might have to call you a liar if you don't...

Taqiyya translated: Dissimulation: Dissimulation is a form of deception in which one conceals the truth. It differs from simulation, in which one exhibits false information. Dissimulation commonly takes the form of concealing one's ability in order to gain the element of surprise over an opponent.

"[Yusufali 16:106] Any one who, after accepting faith in Allah, utters Unbelief, except under compulsion, his heart remaining firm in Faith, but such as open their breast to Unbelief, on them is Wrath from Allah, and theirs will be a dreadful Penalty." [5]
And the following

"[Yusuf Ali 3:28] Let not the believers Take for friends or helpers Unbelievers rather than believers: if any do that, in nothing will there be help from Allah: except by way of precaution, that ye may Guard yourselves from them. But Allah cautions you (To remember) Himself; for the final goal is to Allah."[6]
A sentence from two separate chapters? Thats your "evidence"?

Is this an example of rational thinking in atheists?

What are the two chapters about?
A sentence from two separate chapters? Thats your "evidence"?

Is this an example of rational thinking in atheists?

What are the two chapters about?

This is an example of why muslims should lie? I mean....YOU...are an example of why Muslims should like. You could start WWIII with your insolance.
This is an example of why muslims should lie? I mean....YOU...are an example of why Muslims should like. You could start WWIII with your insolance.

Why should I lie? You want the truth, I can shovel it by the bucket loads. Ironically, that's too hard to digest for some here. So they want to make you out to be liars. :bugeye:
Why should I lie? You want the truth, I can shovel it by the bucket loads. Ironically, that's too hard to digest for some here. So they want to make you out to be liars. :bugeye:

There's truth and there's אמת. You're talking about truthisms...which are notאמתים. So knock it off and get a broader perspective on the world.
There's truth and there's אמת. You're talking about truthisms...which are notאמתים. So knock it off and get a broader perspective on the world.

You mean a narrower perspective, one that focuses on I, me, myself and the gas prices today.
You mean a narrower perspective, one that focuses on I, me, myself and the gas prices today.

You're so cute SAM, you know...for a science student you sure don't know how to read. You're also vindictive...which is against your own religion.
I'm practising freedom of expression. Everyone tells me religion is bs and rationalists do their own thinking, so I'm trying it on for size. :shrug:

Seems to be pretty popular so far, ignoring silly religious rules of behaviour.
I'm practising freedom of expression. Everyone tells me religion is bs and rationalists do their own thinking, so I'm trying it on for size. :shrug:

I highly doubt you'll get married acting like this, and if you do...your children will grow up hateful.
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