Muslims lie

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I understand where she's coming from, it's really a matter of whether or not you believe people should have restraints. I do, she doesn't.
If you are a believing Jew you are evil according to her. That seems to be where she is coming from. If you have relatives who are believers, they are evil to her.

I would guess I understand the issue you are raising about restraints, but it seems secondary to her sense that a large portion of the Western World and the Middle East and Africa and much of The East is evil.
If you are a believing Jew you are evil according to her. That seems to be where she is coming from. If you have relatives who are believers, they are evil to her.

I would guess I understand the issue you are raising about restraints, but it seems secondary to her sense that a large portion of the Western World and the Middle East and Africa and much of The East is evil.

Simon Anders, I cite it often. Read the story of Esther, it describes the disagreement in very close detail there. Or if you'd prefer
Amalek- Blinded By Nature
where is the fun in that?
Oh, come one that's spicy. To be hated as part of a group or category, it is so abstract. I can understand if certain animals are skeptical of me as a human, but between humans, let's have some details.

It also tends to avoid those
let's kill them all or torture them until they change
historical moments.
i dont know were to start. you can always buy a hanukia.

I'll start small, how about a mezuzah?

What about the real issues? Stuff you were talking about earlier?

Takiyya? What about real, nasty lies? Hurting people, taking advantage of others etc.

What about it?

Can you see that difference?

Yes or No.

As I explained, this has nothing to do with contrived examples of paradoxes. If your argument rests entirely on paradoxes, then it isn't an argument. This is about a religion that condones lying. Do you understand yet?

You have already demonstrated your simplistic understanding of this issue as well as the fact that you cannot differentiate between moral and immoral - your statement carries no weight. It is meaningless.

You think lying is moral because your religion condones it, I don't. So, of course, to you, anyone who would state lying is immoral is meaningless. Whose surprised by that? :rolleyes:
Pantheist, nature based religion, immanent god....

in judaisim the world is made of spheres, and basically this spheres create the universe we see. god is in everything because he conceals himself but he makes everything tick.

more or less. --im not a believer.
in judaisim the world is made of spheres, and basically this spheres create the universe we see. god is in everything because he conceals himself but he makes everything tick.

more or less. --im not a believer.

Sefirot doesn't mean spheres. A sphere is כדור

Sefirot is a different kabbalistic concept...which I don't want to get into.

Appended: Spock did you ever read Nachmanides?
What is entertaining to me at this point is how quiet MW has become while we all debate how evil we are to her. Er-wait nonono my bad. Muslims are naughty liars, Christians and Jews are weak minded fools who need crutches. I look forward to what words of wisdom she'll spout next. Perhaps she'll lash out at hinduism or shintoism... I keep hoping she'll nip at native american religion, just for some spice. I don't think she is an Atheist. She's just Anti-religion in general. If she were an Atheist, she wouldn't care, would she?
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