Muslims ask for prayer rooms in Catholic schools

I suppose ascribing a lower animal descent to pigs and apes, I mean Jews and Christians is one way to combat the sense of oppression they feel.

Islamic double standards? Perhaps not, by adding Muslims in as Jackasses, they can combat the sense of oppression they feel. Win-win. :)
I'll be happy to see any figures of Christian students in Islamic schools run by theological figures.
Certainly they occur. Obama went to one. Can they have Christian prayer rooms? Yes or no?
I'm still waiting for figures of Christian students in Islamic schools. Frankly I think its wind from your ass. I know there are Islamic schools in Mumbai as well and no Christian students go there either. Note that Muslims have no reservations going to Catholic OR Jewish schools.
Are you going to keep demonising without any proof or do you have evidence of any Jewish or Christian student who was beaten and thrown out of an Islamic school?
Demonizing? I'm not sure what you mean. Anyway, most religious minorities have historically and presently been oppressed in islamic society; can you, by reverse, illustrate to me any case where Christians were allowed to set up a chapel in an islamic school?
I'm still waiting for figures of Christian students in Islamic schools. Frankly I think its wind from your ass. I know there are Islamic schools in Mumbai as well and no Christian students go there either. Note that Muslims have no reservations going to Catholic OR Jewish schools.

Muslims would never allow Christians into their schools. In fact, Muslims do everything they can to rid their neighborhoods of Christian schools.

"JAKARTA, Indonesia — Hundreds of Christian theology students have been living in tents since a mob of angry Muslim neighbors stormed their campus last month wielding bamboo spears and hurling Molotov cocktails.

The incident comes amid growing concern that Indonesia's tradition of religious tolerance is under threat from Islamic hard-liners.

In talks since the attack, the Arastamar Evangelical School of Theology has reluctantly agreed to shut its 20-year-old campus in east Jakarta, accepting an offer this week to move to a small office building on the other side of the Indonesian capital.

"Why should we be forced from our house while our attackers can walk freely?" asked the Rev. Matheus Mangentang, chairman of the 1,400-student school.",2933,408644,00.html
most religious minorities have historically and presently been oppressed in islamic society;

Not really, in fact, historically, minorities in Islamic lands continue to own their own homes and run their own businesses with no bulldozing or helocopter gunships gunning for their children.

Christians were allowed to set up a chapel in an islamic school

Perhaps they should first attend one.

Muslims would never allow Christians into their schools. In fact, Muslims do everything they can to rid their neighborhoods of Christian schools.

"JAKARTA, Indonesia — Hundreds of Christian theology students have been living in tents since a mob of angry Muslim neighbors stormed their campus last month wielding bamboo spears and hurling Molotov cocktails.

The incident comes amid growing concern that Indonesia's tradition of religious tolerance is under threat from Islamic hard-liners.

In talks since the attack, the Arastamar Evangelical School of Theology has reluctantly agreed to shut its 20-year-old campus in east Jakarta, accepting an offer this week to move to a small office building on the other side of the Indonesian capital.

"Why should we be forced from our house while our attackers can walk freely?" asked the Rev. Matheus Mangentang, chairman of the 1,400-student school.",2933,408644,00.html

Did they send bulldozers for the tent? Like the al Kurd family in Jerusalem? Surely all rightminded people support this? Isn't this what the only democracy in the Middle East does everyday?
Not really, in fact, historically, minorities in Islamic lands continue to own their own homes and run their own businesses with no bulldozing or helocopter gunships gunning for their children.

Ah, see above by Q. :D

Perhaps they should first attend one.

Same. I wonder why the mobs think it's all about religion. :confused:
Not really, in fact, historically, minorities in Islamic lands continue to own their own homes and run their own businesses with no bulldozing or helocopter gunships gunning for their children.

That would be the result of Muslims having conquered and occupied the lands of other peoples some centuries ago when the sword spread Islam. Perhaps those others are exacting their revenge?
Which lands are those? Who is exacting this revenge for Muslim occupation?
Which lands are those? Who is exacting this revenge for Muslim occupation?

Take your pick from over a hundred years of conquest.

No, I'd like you to tell me. Who is exacting revenge for Muslim occupation? You stated it, so you should be able to tell me. You only have to name one. :)
Muslims would never allow Christians into their schools. In fact, Muslims do everything they can to rid their neighborhoods of Christian schools.

"JAKARTA, Indonesia — Hundreds of Christian theology students have been living in tents since a mob of angry Muslim neighbors stormed their campus last month wielding bamboo spears and hurling Molotov cocktails.

The incident comes amid growing concern that Indonesia's tradition of religious tolerance is under threat from Islamic hard-liners.

In talks since the attack, the Arastamar Evangelical School of Theology has reluctantly agreed to shut its 20-year-old campus in east Jakarta, accepting an offer this week to move to a small office building on the other side of the Indonesian capital.

"Why should we be forced from our house while our attackers can walk freely?" asked the Rev. Matheus Mangentang, chairman of the 1,400-student school.",2933,408644,00.html

Dude, that's gotta be a hoax. There are many many christian schools in Indonesia, and they are just fine. In my home town (the capital of West Java province), the second best University is a catholic university, Universitas Parahyangan. In my home town, the third best high school is a catholic high school (Santo Aloysius High School). In Indonesia, in many cities, there are christian schools, and the quality is quite competitive. I went to the best university in my country, about 10% of students in my class are christian, and we were living just fine, few of them are among the best in the class.

Every Friday afternoon, when the muslim guy students (in general school) went for Jumah prayers, the muslim girls would stay in musholla doing Islamic discussion, whereas the Christian would stay in their christian room doing kebaktian, sometimes they sing some religious songs as well.