Muslims ask for prayer rooms in Catholic schools

If the schools had a generic prayer room where Muslim, Christian, Jews, and others of faith, could each pray to the deity of their choice? The kids would learn to respect each other as human beings who have a common interest in the worship of their respective deities.

On the USAF bases, we had a generic chapel. During protestant services, a plain cross would be displayed. Before the catholic services, the loaded crucifix would be rolled out and the plain cross would go behind the curtains. I thought that was nifty at the time, but I always had the feeling of "what did the appearance of the cross really matter?"
Why shouldn't they? If Muslims get a prayer room in a Catholic school, then why shouldn't Christians be granted the same? What's good for the goose is good for the gander. Or do you have double standards too, sam?

Nope, I don't. Just show me a Muslim school being attended by Christians or Jews.

why not just let Muslims go pray in the same spot as the Catholics? Why segregate?

Salat in the pews? No problem, as long as they don't have any idols in the room and the pews are all mats. :)
Nope, I don't. Just show me a Muslim school being attended by Christians or Jews.
I can't, because I don't know of any. Which reiterates my point, of what's the point in having a prayer room for Muslims in a Catholic school.

Salat in the pews? No problem, as long as they don't have any idols in the room and the pews are all mats. :)
No. They could have space between the back row of pews and the back wall for some mats.
And honestly, what's the BFD about having idols in the room? You guys are face down in the mat when you are praying. It's not like you would be paying any attention whatsoever to any statues of Jesus or Mary.
I can't, because I don't know of any. Which reiterates my point, of what's the point in having a prayer room for Muslims in a Catholic school.

Because Muslims have no problem going to other people's faith schools. And its not unreasonable that since they are willing to be schooled in other religious schools, they should also be allowed to pray according to their own faith. When Christians and Jews become liberal enough to go to Muslim madrassas, we can approach the issue of their prayer rooms.
No. They could have space between the back row of pews and the back wall.
And honestly, what's the BFD about having idols in the room? You guys are face down in the mat when you are praying. It's not like you would be paying any attention whatsoever to any statues of Jesus or Mary.

Because we don't pray in a place with idols. Its taghut and considered shirk.
Because Muslims have no problem going to other people's faith schools. And its not unreasonable that since they are willing to be schooled in other religious schools, they should also be allowed to pray according to their own faith. When Christians and Jews become liberal enough to go to Muslim madrassas, we can approach the issue of their prayer rooms.

i dont think they allow Christians, jews or Atheists in them. which ones are they allowed into?
religion has about as much place in our schools as in our governments, and that is nil.
the only possible exception is if they all are treated unilaterally.
Islam teaches that Muslims are unfit for prayer if they have not performed Wudhu after breaking wind or using the toilet.

Wudhu involves washing the face, hands, arms and feet three times each, gargling the mouth three times and washing the neck and inside the nose and ears. Some Muslims also wash their private parts.

Catholic schools would need to install bidets, foot spas and hoses to facilitate such extensive cleansing rituals, Muslims say.

oh, no problem.
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Because we don't pray in a place with idols. Its taghut and considered shirk.

TOTALLY contradicts this...
Because Muslims have no problem going to other people's faith schools. And its not unreasonable that since they are willing to be schooled in other religious schools, they should also be allowed to pray according to their own faith. When Christians and Jews become liberal enough to go to Muslim madrassas, we can approach the issue of their prayer rooms.
Praying in a Catholic school room with idols is beneath Muslims but attendind the school isn't? What a crock of double standard horse shit.
i dont think they allow Christians, jews or Atheists in them. which ones are they allowed into?

Read up on madrassahs


TOTALLY contradicts this...

Praying in a Catholic school room with idols is beneath Muslims but attendind the school isn't? What a crock of double standard horse shit.

Because going to school is about more than religion. Learning about other religions is not a problem. Praying is not about school or learning.
I sorta have to say, This might be taking PC a bit too far.
However, I think it depends on the country. I mean, If the West wants to prove that they're better and more advance than the "barbarians" (be honest, thats what most of you think of the east), what better way than to allow them to practice their culture in their own religious schools ?

Don't be thick. If this was to go ahead then it would be completely unfair for any school anywhere else to have just one religion, and illogical for religious schools to exist at all.
Because going to school is about more than religion. Learning about other religions is not a problem. Praying is not about school or learning.
By that logic, there shouldn't be any religious-based educational institutions.
You're trying to be selectively segregational sam(i.e. picking/choosing what suits you and tossing out what doesnt'...kinda like the people who 'edited' the New Testament) You can't have it both ways w/o a whole slew of problems.
Educational institutions should be totally separate of religion, or totally accomodating/integrating.
By that logic, there shouldn't be any religious-based educational institutions.
You're trying to be selectively segregational sam(i.e. picking/choosing what suits you and tossing out what doesnt'...kinda like the people who 'edited' the New Testament) You can't have it both ways w/o a whole slew of problems.
Educational institutions should be totally separate of religion, or totally accomodating/integrating.

Integration does not mean that privacy cannot be expected. If my prayer time is at a time when there is mass, what would you suggest? Its like saying girls should not expect separate showers in a co-ed institution.
Luxury and liberalization

GeoffP said:

I realize islam has been getting a hard time on the forums, but why is it always the one side that tolerates and the other that doesn't? What would be the reaction of local imams to setting up a Catholic prayer area complete with crucifix and Jesus in a mosque?

I think it goes a bit beyond that, though. One thing is that openness and accommodation are, to a certain degree, luxuries. Certainly, this is true of infidels within an institution, but for the institution?

History suggests that increased education and economic security coincide with a liberalizing of standards. We cannot say whether Muslims, were they an integral part of the dominant economic and cultural influence on the planet, would be so accommodating within their own spheres. But neither can we say they would not.

I think it is a generous move on the part of Catholics, and an occasion of leading by example. We'll see what comes.
Integration does not mean that privacy cannot be expected. If my prayer time is at a time when there is mass, what would you suggest?
Very good point. I didn't think about that. However, I'm sure Catholics who weren't attending mass on that day who want to go pray. Where do they go? Let's say they have their own auxillary prayer/study room, why not go in there?
What I'm saying is there is no reason for any Catholic school to have a separate prayer room just for Muslims, if you can't share with the other religions, then your ass doesn't need to be there. Why not fuckin build one for the Hindus too, and the Buddhists, and the Shintoists, Taoists, etc.? You Muslims aren't anymore fuckin special than the rest of us, even though you seem to think so.
And IIRC, mass is held at the same time every Sunday. It's not like you lack the ability to schedule around that.

Its like saying girls should not expect separate showers in a co-ed institution
Sam, you seem way too intelligent to make a boneheaded comparison like that. Religious privacy is not the same as personal/hygenic privacy.
Its like saying girls should not expect separate showers in a co-ed institution.

It's more like saying that girls should not expect separate showers in a boys school. Which is to say that it begs the question...

But, let schools do whatever they think is reasonable to serve whatever students want to attend. I couldn't really care less if they want to install any number of denomination-specific facilities, if that's the best solution to education that people that want to be educated there. I don't see how this really hurts anybody, so what is everyone talking about?
It's more like saying that girls should not expect separate showers in a boys school. Which is to say that it begs the question...

What are Muslims doing in a Catholic school?:p

But, let schools do whatever they think is reasonable to serve whatever students want to attend. I couldn't really care less if they want to install any number of denomination-specific facilities, if that's the best solution to education that people that want to be educated there. I don't see how this really hurts anybody, so what is everyone talking about?

Some people just like to whine.
JDawg, there you go again, generalising and oversimplifying.
The suggestion was there could be value in using Shariah law to cover aspects of civil relationships, where disputes arise, that are not currently addressed by any existing UK legislation. In other words, lets us an accepted cultural medium, for those who wish to do so, to settle matters before they enter the official legal system.
Is this a good idea? I don't see why it is not worth giving some thought to.

How is that generalizing and oversimplifying? Oh, is it because I'm right, and you just felt the need to take a stab at me? Ah, I see.

Whatever the case, your Catholic church is just dying to bow to the Muslims. Have fun with it, really. I hope you enjoy it when they decide to take away the right for any woman to wear anything that shows flesh.
So you're expecting to see prayer rooms for non-existent Christian pupils in Muslim madrassas? I find it curious that there are Muslim pupils in both Jewish and Christian religious schools, but none in the other direction. Why?
The education is better. Or at least that's what a Muslim girl told me on why she went to Catholic school.