Muslims ask for prayer rooms in Catholic schools

I can hardly believe that this thread is still open.

One religion asks that it's students, of another religion, can have special facilities for prayer.
The second religion does not have a problem with providing them.

If the previous posts have been worthwhile, please let me know, and I will go back and read them.

If they have been interminable shite, as I suspect, would everyone now please shut up.
Chance and greed seems to follow definite boundaries of colour or religion.

Yes; I see this in various places, and not just the ones you're thinking of.

Kremmen, the point is reciprocity and good will. Does it exist on both sides?
You forget the spitting precedes that. 2000 years of spitting now. And not sharing the table with the "unclean"
Uh, even if that were true (and I note that this is your new anti-Semitic talking point, grannie), how does it relate to the evil Christians and reciprocity? Especially given the above article.
I consider anti-spitting to be a healthy movement and denounce all traditions that involve spitting in the face, no matter how semitic.

I have no issues with Christians. Except for the revision of the Gospels, but thats their problem, not mine.
Well good thing that hacking people's heads off is still an option, then. That'll learn em.

I'm not hopeful of western thought going anywhere but further down either. Through colonisation, invasion and occupation, they have been violently destroying all native peoples and either replacing them or using them parasitically to sustain their throwaway culture. With all the education and opportunity at their disposal, all they do is kill people who disagree with them and sponge off their national resources. The only way they can go now is down.

Sounds exactly like the spread of Islam some centuries ago.
Dude, that's gotta be a hoax.

there's at least 50-50% chance that it might actually had happened.
i can tell you a story, a story that never made it to faux news. a madrasah and orphanage burned down by villagers, here in indonesia, in my hometown: Bitung. what i'm trying to say is that shit happens and you can't be 100% sure that it never happen if you're not there at that time. :shrug:

as a moslem i did went to an elementary christian school, SD GMIM I Bitung, my sister went to the same school. it's a protestant school. there are of course catholics schools, public schools, schools that were funded by moslem organizations (not necessarily madrasahs), madrasahs and some form of moslem courses that teaches only religion. the catholic schools almost always seem to be the most prestigious schools because they simply have best facilities and foreign teachers. and the pupil address their male teachers as 'father'. :) our parents have no problem sending us to that school because they know that we know that we are moslems. it's just a school plus bible stories, songs and occasional visits to churches. the teachers know we are moslems. there's no requirement that you have to 'mean what you say' when you recite the lord's prayer before and after classes. christianity is just like any other subjects, you study it so you can understand it enough to pass the exam. one time i even played one of the three wise men at the christmas play and my father was cool about it.
Territory Wars reveal a profound lack of understanding. The Elders are teaching these children nothing worth knowing by bickering this way. The altar is always within where no one can deny prayer to one who wishes to pray.