Muslims ask for prayer rooms in Catholic schools

Yeah inzomnia. Faux Snooze is world famous for its integrity and secular leanings. :roflmao:
Which lands are those? Who is exacting this revenge for Muslim occupation?

Well, very few people now. The Copts are an oppressed and terrified minority in Egypt, as are any wraiths of Armenians in Turkey. Same in the Sudan, and don't get me started on Afghanistan or Pakistan or...well, anywhere else, really. It amuses me how evil you paint all those dirty animal-like Westerners with their evil secularism, despite the fact that they don't viciously persecute any particular religion.

Dude, that's gotta be a hoax. There are many many christian schools in Indonesia, and they are just fine.

But not everywhere, inzomnia. Africa, too, is being wracked with this kind of religious violence; and it's far more widespread than is generally appreciated. Again, it's curious how the islamci world screams about oppression...yet is the first to raise the sword against their own purportedly "protected" minorities. The "protected peoples" concept in islamic politics smacks more of a mafia-payoff arrangement, really.
Yeah, Afghanistan and Pakistan has nothing to do with the west at all. Nor Africa. All them bleeping savages. The occupation and total destruction of Iraq, Afghanistan and Somalia over the last seven years? Nah, not persecution based on religion. Not at all. Very very secular. Now if only those Muslims would behave like that towards the others. A few occupations, a Gitmo, some liberalisation and enforcing of their values on others, collateral damages and carpet bombing; some pictures with dead tortured people, doing a thumbs up in gleeful holiday tourist fashion. Now thats what it takes to be a tolerant, secular democracy. Why, just see the only democracy in the Middle East! A fine upstanding upholder of all of the above values.

But now that Pakistan is nuclear and Iran is getting one, perhaps there is still hope for them, maybe they can become exactly like western democracies. Put the minorities on reservations or colonise them until they need them to make up for a declining birth rate.
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Dude, that's gotta be a hoax. There are many many christian schools in Indonesia, and they are just fine. In my home town (the capital of West Java province), the second best University is a catholic university, Universitas Parahyangan. In my home town, the third best high school is a catholic high school (Santo Aloysius High School). In Indonesia, in many cities, there are christian schools, and the quality is quite competitive. I went to the best university in my country, about 10% of students in my class are christian, and we were living just fine, few of them are among the best in the class.

Every Friday afternoon, when the muslim guy students (in general school) went for Jumah prayers, the muslim girls would stay in musholla doing Islamic discussion, whereas the Christian would stay in their christian room doing kebaktian, sometimes they sing some religious songs as well.
How lovely.

One of the largest evangelical theology schools in Indonesia was harassed for the second time this month by a mob of more than 200 Islamic militants past weekend.

Arastamar Evangelical School of Theology (SETIA), located in east Jakarta, had just suffered from an attack on Mar. 8 when a mob of some 200 militants besieged the school for three hours starting at 9:30 a.m. (local time) on Saturday demanding the closure of the school, reported Christian Solidarity Worldwide.

The school, which claims some 1,500 students, said it has a good relationship with local Muslims and that the mob was from another area.

The incident caught the attention of local police and some 400 officers were reportedly dispatched to prevent the mob from harming the school.

“This is now a common occurrence in Indonesia,” said SETIA’s vice principal, Juwanto, according to CSW. “But today the government showed that it cares about the situation.”

In the earlier attack on Mar. 8 - only three days before the school was besieged - militants burned down new dormitories and outlying buildings, accusing the school of being illegal.

The school says it is legal and has the official permits for all its buildings as well as its new dormitory.


Violence against the Christian minority in the world’s most populous Muslim nation is not a new phenomenon.

Indonesia, a country where 90 percent of its 220 million people adhere to Islam, has been plagued by several persecution incidents that have garnered international protests.

Most notable was the beheading of three young Christian girls aged 15-17 on their way to their private Christian school.

There have also been several bombings of churches during Christian holidays and in markets in Christian communities in the last several years.

“We do not know if this group will return. We need to pay attention to security and pray to the Lord,” concluded SETIA’s vice principal.

Yep. Sounds "just fine" to me.

Beheading kids on their way to school. Burning down and threatening schools. Sounds really friendly and welcoming.

But I guess we can just call it a hoax and ignore it ever happened. Then we can say everything's "just fine". But I think the rug is no longer big enough for the pile you're trying to sweep under it.
Ok, sorry, maybe things have changed recently.. the last time I visited Indonesia was in 2006. However, till now I still follow the news everyday. I read biggest Indonesian news portal everyday, it is written in Indonesian, but I never came accross such terrible news. Also, my sister went to christian junior high school for 3 years (St. Angela in Bandung, the capital of West Java), so I know how it was. I myself always went to general school (not religious school), but being Christian minority, I never got any improper treatment. There are some part of the country, though, where Muslim and Christian used to be in constant fight. If I am not mistaken, it was in Ambon (eastern part of Indonesia), but the motive was said to be economical and political. The indigenous people in that area are Christians, and then the Muslims came and live there. Then there was this economical competition and fighting over land. There were bomb in ramadhan and christmas, but the bombing were said to be done by third party who wants to take advantage from the conflict.

Ambon conflict:
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Yeah, Afghanistan and Pakistan has nothing to do with the west at all. Nor Africa. All them bleeping savages.

Eh? :confused:

The occupation and total destruction of Iraq, Afghanistan and Somalia over the last seven years? Nah, not persecution based on religion. isn't. :shrug: A poorly planned foreign policy based on a hunt for terrorist groups which, perversely, aren't secularist in actual fact. So if anything, the persecution is coming from the islamists. What do you want me to say?

Why, just see the only democracy in the Middle East! A fine upstanding upholder of all of the above values.

Regrettably, it is the best example of democracy in the Middle East. It could do better. The rest don't even seem to be trying, really.

But now that Pakistan is nuclear and Iran is getting one, perhaps there is still hope for them, maybe they can become exactly like western democracies. Put the minorities on reservations or colonise them until they need them to make up for a declining birth rate.

Well, that's been the thrust of islamic supremacism so far, true. I hope that it may change this century (15th time's the charm), but I'm not really hopeful, if you follow me. ;)
I'm not hopeful of western thought going anywhere but further down either. Through colonisation, invasion and occupation, they have been violently destroying all native peoples and either replacing them or using them parasitically to sustain their throwaway culture. With all the education and opportunity at their disposal, all they do is kill people who disagree with them and sponge off their national resources. The only way they can go now is down.
Anyway, back on track for this thread.

Sam, is there any likelihood of "turnabout and fair play" in the islamic world when the likes of this is going on?:

Reclassifying buildings as places of worship nearly impossible.

ISTANBUL, December 15 (Compass Direct News) – In the city of Samsun on the north coast of Turkey, the beleaguered congregation of the Agape Church Association struggles against local Islamic hostility toward its presence. In the last three years Agape church members have endured false allegations and verbal abuse from Muslim and nationalist locals. Their pastor has received death threats, and their building has been vandalized, all in an attempt to stop the 30 or so Christians from meeting. Local authorities have also had their part in opposition to the church, threatening it with legal action based on spurious charges. The church was threatened with a lawsuit because members had hung verses of Scripture and a cross on the walls. The Provincial Directorate of Associations inspected the building and told them to remove the offending articles because their rented rooms looked too much like a church. It was this sort of harassment that led the Alliance of Protestant Churches of Turkey (TEK) to write a report on the unfounded obstacles and challenges facing Christian congregations wishing to construct or reclassify church buildings. “The process of becoming a place of worship, although legally possible, is in practice almost impossible,” said a member of the TEK’s legal committee.”

Whether or not you like Christians, or Christianity, doesn't it seem a tiny bit far-fetched that islamic schools would reciprocate? Not even in relatively secular Turkey are they being tolerated.
Oh good, they are getting westernised. Now they should build a native American reservation or a Gaza and bomb them daily. Those freaking terrorists. They need some urgent birth pangs to recognise the superiority of the advanced ideology they are being liberated into.
The one where there's no religious commandment to kill the unbeliever? Why, what a heinous idea.
And yet, in reality, the collateral damages just keep piling higher and higher and higher. How many continents now?
Chance and greed seems to follow definite boundaries of colour or religion.