Muslims ask for prayer rooms in Catholic schools

So you're expecting to see prayer rooms for non-existent Christian pupils in Muslim madrassas? I find it curious that there are Muslim pupils in both Jewish and Christian religious schools, but none in the other direction. Why?

Actually the impression I got - as I'm sure President-Elect Obama will attest to - is that Christians and Jews and other religions do go to "madrassahs". So there should be such students, shouldn't there? What would happen if they asked for such a space? Would such a space be spontaneously granted?

I think it goes a bit beyond that, though. One thing is that openness and accommodation are, to a certain degree, luxuries. Certainly, this is true of infidels within an institution, but for the institution?

History suggests that increased education and economic security coincide with a liberalizing of standards. We cannot say whether Muslims, were they an integral part of the dominant economic and cultural influence on the planet, would be so accommodating within their own spheres. But neither can we say they would not.

Well, I have to disagree. My impression is that no such allowances would be considered, or made on request of same. I hope that it will lead to increasing religious liberalization, but I rather doubt it all the same, either within the islamic sphere, or for individual islamic institutions outside it.
I have a menorah sitting on top of a prayer rug, with a crucifix hanging on the wall just behind them at my house... Am I covered, then?
“ Originally Posted by PsychoticEpisode

To be fair all atheist kids should be allowed to curse God and all the believers in their own private room.

kind of begs the q why atheists can't think of anything better to do ....

Atheist kids have just as much of a right to have a room of their own to curse a non-existent God as you do to praise a non-existent God.
Atheist kids have just as much of a right to have a room of their own to curse a non-existent God as you do to praise a non-existent God.
the complete absence of them probably indicates that sitting around discussing the non-existence of something is a waste of time ..... at least amongst atheists who have something better to do with their lives ....
LOL, .... BUT as a tax payer I WANT the room :p

and isn't this the downfall all truely great leaders have faced. how surpirzed they be to learn how not giving a fuck actually took us an extra mile (notice I didn't say the...)
the complete absence of them probably indicates that sitting around discussing the non-existence of something is a waste of time ..... at least amongst atheists who have something better to do with their lives ....

Just how insane would you like religion to become? What else can we non-believers expect to see in the near future?
You can buy a T shirt to proclaim what you don't believe.

Yes, T shirts would add to the insanity & redundancy of belief. I could wear a shirt that says "I don't believe Muslims need a prayer room in a Catholic School' and you could wear one saying ' I don't believe Catholic schools should deny Muslims a prayer room'.
Oh we theists have faith. Its the atheists who have clubs of disbelief. :p
Originally Posted by PsychoticEpisode
Just how insane would you like religion to become? What else can we non-believers expect to see in the near future?

what exactly is it that you expect them to see?

Something even zanier than this(from another thread):

"quite simply
a dead body is what occurs when a soul departs a body
a living body is what occurs when a soul inhabits a body

There are many accounts of people losing a finger and of the surgery that follows to re-attach it. In that short period when the finger has not lost its biological cohesion but is seperate from the main body, and for all practical pursposes is alive, then according to you it must have a soul (it is alive). If the time before surgery is too long the finger will die and presumably its soul will depart. If however, the surgery is a success then will that person now have two souls, one for the main body and the second from the finger that was seperate for a while? ”

The "alive" state of the finger is simply the culminative effect of the individual cells being in an alive state. IOW a living person is effectively housing many millions of life forms. Its kind of like there may be 500 people on a train, but only one of them is the train driver. Similarly there may be millions of souls housed within a body but only one of them is actually the proprietor of the body. Whether a further "carriage" is removed or attached doesn't essentially change this."


God would be a nice change yet I don't want to set expectations up too high.

I was thinking more along the lines of how much deeper into your consciousness you religious philosopher types can dig and what new & interesting hypotheses, theories or findings about the Big Guy will be forthcoming. What do you expect, as a religious philosopher, to be the next biggest revelation?
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Something even zanier than this(from another thread):

"quite simply
a dead body is what occurs when a soul departs a body
a living body is what occurs when a soul inhabits a body

There are many accounts of people losing a finger and of the surgery that follows to re-attach it. In that short period when the finger has not lost its biological cohesion but is seperate from the main body, and for all practical pursposes is alive, then according to you it must have a soul (it is alive). If the time before surgery is too long the finger will die and presumably its soul will depart. If however, the surgery is a success then will that person now have two souls, one for the main body and the second from the finger that was seperate for a while? ”

The "alive" state of the finger is simply the culminative effect of the individual cells being in an alive state. IOW a living person is effectively housing many millions of life forms. Its kind of like there may be 500 people on a train, but only one of them is the train driver. Similarly there may be millions of souls housed within a body but only one of them is actually the proprietor of the body. Whether a further "carriage" is removed or attached doesn't essentially change this."


God would be a nice change yet I don't want to set expectations up too high.
high expectations are attained after great endeavours
the ball's in your court

I was thinking more along the lines of how much deeper into your consciousness you religious philosopher types can dig and what new & interesting hypotheses, theories or findings about the Big Guy will be forthcoming. What do you expect, as a religious philosopher, to be the next biggest revelation?
probably a radical rethinking/rude awakening of the world's common lifestyle choices/values as a result of running by and large on godless ethics ..... maybe due for impact sometime in the next 100 years
I was thinking more along the lines of how much deeper into your consciousness you religious philosopher types can dig and what new & interesting hypotheses, theories or findings about the Big Guy will be forthcoming. What do you expect, as a religious philosopher, to be the next biggest revelation?

probably a radical rethinking/rude awakening of the world's common lifestyle choices/values as a result of running by and large on godless ethics ..... maybe due for impact sometime in the next 100 years

I was hoping for something extraordinary but the same stuff has been going on for thousands of years and by the looks of things will continue. At least when you get to this moment LG, there is always another 100 years to go.
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I was hoping for something extraordinary but the same stuff has been going on for thousands of years and by the looks of things will continue. At least when you get to this moment LG, there is always another 100 years to go.

Things may not happen suddenly, it may be an accumilation of every single event that has taken place.
So by the time that moment arrives it won't seem extraordinary.

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Just kidding.

I realize islam has been getting a hard time on the forums, but why is it always the one side that tolerates and the other that doesn't? What would be the reaction of local imams to setting up a Catholic prayer area complete with crucifix and Jesus in a mosque?

Neh, whatever. No one will be honest about their answers, and no one is interested in getting at fairness anyway.

I think its a great idea - I can go into a church and not pray to 2 gods for the price of not praying to just one..

i smell a bargain