Muslims ask for prayer rooms in Catholic schools

Things may not happen suddenly, it may be an accumilation of every single event that has taken place.
So by the time that moment arrives it won't seem extraordinary.


Jan, I don't know if you really meant to say that because when you reach the moment, it is the accumulation of everything that has taken place. I don't think you're understanding by what I meant by the moment. Pick any point in history and you will find an accumulation of events that leads someone to predict exactly what LG mentioned regarding a rude awakening or radical rethinking taking place, usually complete with a time frame. I think it safe to say that in 100 years time this same sentiment will be issued by someone else. In fact I'm sure the moment arrives somewhere in the world on a daily basis.

There is something about our apparent inherent wickedness that leads religious philosophers into making these determinations. They are if anything, repetitive, proving once again the old axiom about history repeating itself.

Pick any point in history and you will find an accumulation of events that leads someone to predict exactly what LG mentioned regarding a rude awakening or radical rethinking taking place, usually complete with a time frame. I think it safe to say that in 100 years time this same sentiment will be issued by someone else. In fact I'm sure the moment arrives somewhere in the world on a daily basis.

My point is, there is no one point. It is an accumilation of everything.
For example there is no one point in a lifeform where you suddenly predict its demise. It's demise is inevitable due to the nature of things.

Jan, I don't know if you really meant to say that because when you reach the moment, it is the accumulation of everything that has taken place. I don't think you're understanding by what I meant by the moment. Pick any point in history and you will find an accumulation of events that leads someone to predict exactly what LG mentioned regarding a rude awakening or radical rethinking taking place, usually complete with a time frame. I think it safe to say that in 100 years time this same sentiment will be issued by someone else. In fact I'm sure the moment arrives somewhere in the world on a daily basis.

There is something about our apparent inherent wickedness that leads religious philosophers into making these determinations. They are if anything, repetitive, proving once again the old axiom about history repeating itself.

On a personal level, it would be an amazing moment to break through such a repetitive cycle, don't you think?

Probably wouldn't make much of an impact on those caught in the cycle, however .....

My point is, there is no one point. It is an accumilation of everything.
For example there is no one point in a lifeform where you suddenly predict its demise. It's demise is inevitable due to the nature of things.


Yes, and if on a daily basis you say 100 years from now that a life form as we know it will end then at some point you will be correct.
I think this quote from the article sums it up:

Daphne McLeod, a former Catholic head teacher...said: 'If Muslim parents choose a Catholic school then they accept that it is going to be a Catholic school and there will not be facilities for ritual cleansing and prayer rooms.'

I dont believe there is anything in the qu'ran which requires a prayer room, only that the participant face mecca when praying. Students should bring their own compass and map and they are covered. Should be enough room on the front lawn to partake in their religious obligation. I can see making the gardener/lawn care people mow around the prayees. Thats not too inconvenient.
If the bishops are agreeable I don't see why other people have an issue with this
Odd - you can buy a t-shirt, that proclaims loudly there is something you don't believe.

So if you wear it, does it mean you believe there's something you don't believe, like your t-shirt says?
How does that get you out of not believing something?

Aren't you just swapping one for another, and you're still heavily attached to belief? You're saying: "I believe I'll disbelieve this, and save myself from getting caught up in this stupid belief thingy". Clever, or what?
If the bishops are agreeable I don't see why other people have an issue with this

Because the reciprocal would never be permitted; and in fact, would be taken universally with massive offense. One wonders why that is, of course.
When there are as many Christian students in Islamic schools, we can review the issue.
When there are as many Christian students in Islamic schools, we can review the issue.

Would Christians even want to attend Muslim schools?

"The principal of an Islamic school has admitted that it uses textbooks which describe Jews as "apes" and Christians as "pigs" and has refused to withdraw them.

Dr Sumaya Alyusuf confirmed that the offending books exist after former teacher Colin Cook, 57, alleged that children as young as five are taught from racist materials at the King Fahd Academy in Acton."'+admits+head+of+Islamic+school/
Descendents of apes and pigs actually. Its all biology. Or some Hadith.
Sand-niggers I believe is the appropriate designated category. Sometimes abbreviated to savages and cockroaches.
Descendents of apes and pigs actually. Its all biology. Or some Hadith.

I sense an inexplicable speciest attitude against pigs and apes. Hmm....
now pigs and apes are a race? In Eastern mythology, people who commit sins will be reborn as lower animals. Its common parlance to call people as dogs, monkeys, asses while discussing their ascendents. The most common curse word in Arabic is humar [ass], the second most common is kalb [dog]. Your fave seems to be fuckwit and cunt.

I suppose ascribing a lower animal descent to pigs and apes, I mean Jews and Christians is one way to combat the sense of oppression they feel.

Now Israelis teach their children that Palestinians are cockroraches and rats, pests to be eliminated with impunity. That is bigoted racism.
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