Muslim Women Dress Code?

I've seen it happen in reverse. Girls from conservative families who discover "liberation" and break up from their families and/or husbands and children because they find it too restrictive.

Are they brainwashed?
I'm sure if they met a religious fanatic who took away their identity, gave them a new name, convinced to live for Xenu and never to speak the own God damn language and never see their parents - yeah, I'd all that brainwashed... oh, but for you that's pious I forgot.

Is that what I said? Thats very interesting. You consider pole dancers as prostitutes?
If they wanted to, can you give me any reason why they shouldn't?

You sound like an old fashioned parent. :D
So she's doing it for him. What a novel concept. A woman dressing to please her husband.
oh gee a women who will never speak to own kids in her own language because her psycho husband doesn't want her too. What a novel concept. Oh gee a women who will never speak to her parents again. What a novel concept. Oh gee a women who now has a new Arabic name and sole existence is to live for Allah the Sky Daddy. How novel.

Islam was the worst thing that happened to this woman and her family, her Imam husband is no better than a pimp. You'd see that, but much like Scientologist, you've drank the cool-aid.

Anyone who suddenly starts wearing a spaceship hat for worry of Xenu is called brainwashed, oh, I mean pious for you.
Look SAM, go wear a burka and we'll call it a day.

The Japanese girl wears a burka and lives for allah because she's brainwashed.

I'm sure you'd blame the school girls who burned to death for not being covered if they were around to blame.
This from the man who thinks a woman that takes off her clothes to pole dance is a prostitute.

A woman has a right to decide to wear a veil if she wants to. Whether its me or someone else. If she doesn't want to wear it, she has that right too, just like homosexuals have a right to be elected President of the United States. But unlike the latter, the former requires a Saudi woman to campaign for a change in social law.

please, this is a girl who was normal, met a psycho Imam and was brainwashed into Islam. Now she wears a tent, changed her name to an Arabic one, stopped all contact with her friends and family and is not allowed to speak Japanese to her own children.

That's called BRAINWASHED sam. Geesh, what's so hard to get?

This is the way it is with explaining brainwashing to the brainwashed.

One of the first thing that cult leaders do to brainwash their sheep is to change their name. Notice that this happens in Islam - often Muslim converts are encouraged to take an Arabic name. Pure brainwashing. Notice what happens when a person is forced to give up their own language. Again, pure brainwashing tactics. Brainwashed people are always kept away from their families. OH, they think they are doing it willingly, but usually at this stage they are so deeply brainwashed they wouldn't know their head from their arse.

anyway... as I said before, tell Xenu, Zenu, MeMu, Allah, Palla, Balla, whoever we all said hello...
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So if a Saudi girl meets a Western man, dumps her garb and wears Western clothing, she is brainwashed?

changed her name to an Arabic one, stopped all contact with her friends and family and is not allowed to speak Japanese to her own children.

Yeah right! :rolleyes:

A change in name is [surprise!!!] what most women do after marriage.

How do you know she stopped contact with her family and not vice versa?

As for not being allowed to speak Japanese to her kids, how do you know?

No actually a wicked sense of humor does.

So what do they say about your teeth? Dracula lives?
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As S.A.M. correctly (for once) observes, there is no Muslim dress code. The irony is that the mummification costume was actually started by nuns.

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Yeah, let me know when nakidity is haute couture
I already proved it, several times over. You seem to be under an assumption that the rest of the world wants to lead your life, roam naked and smoke pot. Even in India, it would be an uproarious joke, forget Saudi Arabia.

I never made such an assumption, don't confuse my dreams with what I think humanity wants, I also dream of the dead humans are extinct, do I think mankind wants that? You have not proven that Saudi dress code is not sexist, you have only made attacks against me.
I never made such an assumption, don't confuse my dreams with what I think humanity wants, I also dream of the dead humans are extinct, do I think mankind wants that? You have not proven that Saudi dress code is not sexist, you have only made attacks against me.

What do you think happens to men who are not dressed properly in Saudi Arabia? The system applies equally to both, but Israelis are not interested in translating equally. Same as a streaking woman is treated like a streaking man in the US. Or not?

Here is an interesting vignette from a modern Saudi woman:

There were a few pamphlets on the table about Haj and Umrah and one of the ladies reached for one pamphlet and started reading it aloud. Apparently, they were going to Makkah for Umrah and wanted to know as much about the rituals of Umrah as possible. I could not help but listen to their conversation, with great interest at first and with a little bewilderment later. I guessed that the woman who was reading was the mother of the other two. She was eager to inform her daughters about the important rulings for women performing the Haj and Umrah. She stressed that one of the essential guidelines mentioned in the pamphlet was the need for women to cover their faces completely during Umrah and not to wear the niqab that shows their eyes through slits.

WHEN I heard that, I could not keep quiet. I interrupted to say that this was not true and it is a clear distortion of all the religious teachings that I was taught and raised with and I indicated that I was born in Makkah and my uncle was one of Saudi Arabia’s prominent judges and a scholar who taught in the Holy Mosque. As a little girl I used to accompany him in many Umrahs. I know for a fact that women are forbidden to cover their faces during Haj and Umrah. However, the mother pointed out that the author of one of the pamphlets too was a prominent religious scholar in Saudi Arabia. I urged them not to believe those who follow their own rulings and disregard the four Muslim schools of thought. The mother had no comment; however the girls answered me in a very friendly manner and said that people in the Makkah region have different beliefs and a lifestyle that does not compel them to cover their faces. I argued that I respect their culture and their way of life; however, when it comes to religious teachings we should abide by Islamic rulings and not allow customs and traditions to disregard what is in the Qur’an and the Sunnah. I continued to argue my point with one of the ladies who was soft-spoken and a charming conversationalist. However, I was taken aback when she told me that she was a graduate of microbiology from the US. I could not believe that a woman with her educational background and her exposure to more advanced societies could cling to such rigid notions.

I felt really sad and frustrated with these women who, no matter how educated, are still being brainwashed by hard-liners who want them to remain faceless and shrouded in black. I had dreams of a new generation of educated Saudi women who would lead the Muslim women and debate issues that promote peace and global prosperity, rather than indulge in superficial rulings that serve no purpose. We need moderate Muslim scholars to encourage Saudi women to contribute positively to the Saudi culture and to the image of the global Muslim society. This negative image of women who do not care to assert their identity has harmed Islam the world over. Our scholars must give their blessings to allow Saudi professional women to be part of the international community and appear in the proper hijab and be distinguished in adopting fashions that include contemporary — yet conservative — styles that represent the modest Muslim woman. It is unfortunate that there are many individuals in our society who criticize women who wear abayas that are more elegant. The official code of dress continues to be a gruesome figure that should be unattractive to look at. How sad! In my book and according to the majority of Muslim women in the world, this is totally un-Islamic. There are so many interpretations of what is appropriate for Muslim women to wear; however, being faceless and shrouded in black should not be an option.

Many Muslims today hold it against us for spreading a rigid interpretation of Islam and influencing innocent and ignorant Muslims who are under the impression that Saudi scholars could never say anything that is wrong. It is time we addressed these issues before we do more harm to Muslims and to our Islamic faith.

This is what a Saudi woman is.
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What do you think happens to men who are not dressed properly in Saudi Arabia? The system applies equally to both, but Israelis are not interested in translating equally. Same as a streaking woman is treated like a streaking man in the US. Or not?
Yes, but men in saudi arabia can at least show their faces! If I required all women to wear lead boots and men have to wear leather boots, is if fair because they both have to follow the law even if the womens boots are far more cumbersome?

Even your own link proves otherwise as the author clearly does not agree with Saudi dress code for women.
Yes, but men in saudi arabia can at least show their faces! If I required all women to wear lead boots and men have to wear leather boots, is if fair because they both have to follow the law even if the womens boots are far more cumbersome?

Even your own link proves otherwise as the author clearly does not agree with Saudi dress code for women.

Thats not what she said, she said she wants the scholars to allow them to be more expressive in their dress, she still said "conservative". You seem obsessed on the showing your face category. I have met many women, not only in Saudi Arabia but also in India who do not want to show their faces.

Here is another article by the same author:

There is no doubt that the status of women in Saudi Arabia has been controversial for a long time. After Sept. 11, the controversy intensified since Saudi Arabia was the main focus of blame for the attacks. Saudi women were portrayed in the US media as being abused and disrespected by an extremist religious ideology.

While we Saudis admit that the status of women in our country has not been what we would have desired, we cannot agree with the idea that Saudi women are underprivileged and oppressed. The Saudi mother is a highly respected member of the family. According to a saying by the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), “Heaven is under the feet of mothers.”

Having said that, there are certainly instances of abused women in Saudi Arabia — just as there are all over the world. At the same time, our extended family values and our Muslim heritage protect women from many abuses such as homelessness, prostitution and drug addictions. Now I would like to concentrate on what is being currently done in the Kingdom to improve the status of women. The right of women to own and run their own businesses is guaranteed in Islam; our religion assures women sole control of their inheritance and grants them property rights. Today’s new revised business laws will allow women to obtain commercial licenses which is likely to encourage businesswomen to invest their money and assets in industrial and other projects.

You can read the entire article and tell me what is strikingly absent
Thats not what she said, she said she wants the scholars to allow them to be more expressive in their dress, she still said "conservative". You seem obsessed on the showing your face category. I have met many women, not only in Saudi Arabia but also in India who do not want to show their faces.

If they don't want to show there faces that their decision, I'm saying it wrong to force it on others, they should have the right to decide, what about all the saudi women that do want to show their faces, are they all nudist and streakers? Should their calls for women rights be dropped because they don't want to conform to "conservatives" dress code?
If they don't want to show there faces that their decision, I'm saying it wrong to force it on others, they should have the right to decide, what about all the saudi women that do want to show their faces, are they all nudist and streakers? Should their calls for women rights be dropped because they don't want to conform to "conservatives" dress code?

They have to do what you have to do in order to roam naked and smoke pot. Wait for social change. Or campaign for it. Until the majority agrees, thats not likely to happen. But if you actually speak to Saudi women, you'd be surprised how few have that on their list, and how far down the list it is.
But if you actually speak to Saudi women, you'd be surprised how few have that on their list, and how far down the list it is.

Yeah getting the right to drive and work and etc are surely bigger goals! And lest not forget how many of them are brainwash into thinking their state of subjugation is ok.
Yeah getting the right to drive and work and etc are surely bigger goals! And lest not forget how many of them are brainwash into thinking their state of subjugation is ok.

Since you don't even know any Saudi women, I'd say you're the one who is brainwashed. FYI, just go and say that to a Saudi woman and then run for cover!:D
Look SAM, go wear a burka and we'll call it a day.

The Japanese girl wears a burka and lives for allah because she's brainwashed.

I'm sure you'd blame the school girls who burned to death for not being covered if they were around to blame.
M*W: Reminds me of those girls and women in the FLDS in their long pastel prairie dresses and their heavy long Johns.

Another case of those who have drank the Kool-Aid of oppression.
As S.A.M. correctly (for once) observes, there is no Muslim dress code. The irony is that the mummification costume was actually started by nuns.

M*W: Your post reminded me of that long black dress with the head covering that I think S.A.M. posted. I always thought they looked like nuns but they were, I assume, Muslims. I always thought that's why the nuns accepted that as a required dress.
The origin of the face veil was in Byzantine, it was considered a mark of social status. Prostitutes and cleaning women were forbidden to wear it.

The Byzantines are believed to have invented the face-veil for women,[3] though some sources ascribe its invention to the Persians. Among the Byzantines, it was worn only in the street by the upper classes. This was later adopted in much of the Islamic world. In general women outside court circles went well wrapped up in public, and were relatively restricted in their movements outside the house; they are rarely depicted in art.[

I think by 1423, when Byzantine fell to the Muslims, the veil had been adopted by much of the upper class Islamic world as a sign of status [who wants to have his wife, sister or mother considered as a prostitute or cleaning woman?] It is unknown in the Arabs before that time.

In the Saudis, they still have this notion, if you expose your face, you are "lower" class
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