Muslim Women Dress Code?

You can check up on anything I say. I always ask the people involved. Thats why I asked shorty to tell me where her "Indians" were from. I'm still waiting on her response.
You can check up on anything I say. I always ask the people involved. Thats why I asked shorty to tell me where her "Indians" were from. I'm still waiting on her response.

LOL, do you actually think what's her face has ever talked to them? Do you think she has ever taken cookies over, welcoming them to the neighborhood? Do you think she would ever let her kids play with them? Not that they would because they KNOW how nasty they are. After all, mommy says so.
If she tells me where they are, I can probably track them down. Indians have an extensive network
You can check up on anything I say. I always ask the people involved. Thats why I asked shorty to tell me where her "Indians" were from. I'm still waiting on her response.

Like I said, I have no idea. I never claimed to know any of them personally.
I just see them everyday at the school. They could be from all different regions but I just group them into one.

You on the otherhand have "friends" or "people" you know personally for almost every topic we discuss here. I do however find it facinating that you know so many people with the oddest interracial marriages, and they have all worked out fabulously. Did you attend all of their weddings too? Were you ever the bridesmaid? you know always the bridesmaid never the bride.
Probably because I am attracted to or attract the same type of people. Probably because since my parents are both unconventional, we have always had unconventional friends. I went out with a Morroccan, my sisters have mixed marriages and I like smart people who embrace diversity so I always get together with people like that. Plus I used to hang out every day before I joined my PhD program.

Were you ever the bridesmaid? you know always the bridesmaid never the bride.

What is it with you and sex? Are you the kind of woman who will marry any man rather than live alone?
LOL, do you actually think what's her face has ever talked to them? Do you think she has ever taken cookies over, welcoming them to the neighborhood? Do you think she would ever let her kids play with them? Not that they would because they KNOW how nasty they are. After all, mommy says so.

Still using the childish What's her face I see. :rolleyes:

Taken cookies over? LMAO we don't live in hickville, nobody does that out here.

Let my kids play with them? You have read enough of my posts to know that my kids have a lot of Indian and Black friends. You really should grow up if you want to have a discussion on an adult forum. Do you only play head games here on the forum or with your family too?
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Oh I confused you with someone else. Truthie maybe.

Where did I mention anything about sex? It seems like you are the one who reads sex into everything.

You are the one who asked about weddings. Have you ever lived alone?
Oh I confused you with someone else. Truthie maybe.

You are the one who asked about weddings. Have you ever lived alone?

I didn't know mentioning bridesmaids or weddings translated to Sex :rolleyes:
Yes I have lived alone, what's your point?
Speaking of Muslim dress codes....

I have a co-worker who's husband is from Morocco. She became a Muslim before they married. She wears the same clothes I do. Even when she goes to Morocco. I think she has more rules about her food than her clothing. Jewish rules.
You don't sound like someone who can live alone. You bring every conversation around to men.

Speaking of Muslim dress codes....

I have a co-worker who's husband is from Morocco. She became a Muslim before they married. She wears the same clothes I do. Even when she goes to Morocco. I think she has more rules about her food than her clothing. Jewish rules.

Morroccans are all wannabe Italians. :rolleyes:
LOL. I'm gonna tell her that.
Her husband looks like a skinny Hurley from Lost. That hair!
Oh, and he does the housework, which surprised me. Its not a male dominated do what I say house. He says he was raised to respect a woman, the mother of his children.
You sound like someone who lives alone but wishes she didn't. You have over 46,000 posts to strangers because it gives you ppl to talk to so you don't feel so alone. Because if you had all these friends you are always talking about you would think you would be out socializing with them.
Yeah, they are great cooks, my ex used to make a great harira.

And house trained.:D

You sound like someone who lives alone but wishes she didn't. You have over 46,000 posts to strangers because it gives you ppl to talk to so you don't feel so alone. Because if you had all these friends you are always talking about you would think you would be out socializing with them.

As usual you are clueless. :D

But its okay, you're a good cook, good in bed, do the wifey stuff around the house and appear to have normal children. You've done alright. I tried it, it bored me to tears. :puke: