Muslim Women Dress Code?

S.A.M.: No one ever forced me to cover my face.

I think you never put that to the test.

"Under Saudi law, women are subject to numerous restrictions, including a strict dress code, a prohibition against driving and a requirement that they get a man's permission to travel or have surgery. Women are also not allowed to testify in court unless it is about a private matter that was not observed by a man, and they are not allowed to vote."

h ttp://ww

Jobless Saudi Women: Problem Grows Worse
Saudi women are 51 percent of the population but barely 7 percent of the work force. ... When a Man Divorces a Woman [she is often reduced to begging]

h ttp://ww

In Saudi Arabia, a view from behind the veil [draws parallels to the treatment of black in the US south during segregation]

h ttp://ww,0,5491632,full.story?coll=la-home-center

There is absolutely no doubt saudi women are second class citizens.
S.A.M. Try living in a nudist camp. You'll soon change your mind.

Nude doesn't bother me in the least. Nudist camp, nudist beach, nudist whatever nor does being nude bother me and I don't care that not every one looks like a movie star.

You seem to have some weird expectations about nudity.
I don't. Not when I am at the Kumbh mela for instance.

However, I don't see it catching on at home. With my parents, employers, at conferences, etc.
S.A.M.: No one ever forced me to cover my face.

I think you never put that to the test.

"Under Saudi law, women are subject to numerous restrictions, including a strict dress code, a prohibition against driving and a requirement that they get a man's permission to travel or have surgery. Women are also not allowed to testify in court unless it is about a private matter that was not observed by a man, and they are not allowed to vote."

I did, I went shopping with my face open. The laws apply only to Saudis, face covering is not required for foreigners. In Mecca, especially, most women are not Saudis and do not cover their face.

The rest of the laws are for their society, not for the world. Unless they start bombing people for having different laws, I don't see a problem. When they are ready to change they will.
S.A.M. However, I don't see it catching on at home. With my parents, employers, at conferences, etc.

So what? This isn't about popularity. I doubt you see many bikinis or speedos at conferences, but you could see them. But if those people took them off they would be arrested. That is the burka line in the US. Anal floss = ok. No anal floss = crime.

Where this nonsense doesn't matter people seem fully able to get along with their lives. They manage to dress or undress according to their needs. The legal or religious requirement to cover certain parts of your body is unneeded and does nothing to further the cause of humanity and those places where such laws abound seem to also be places abounding in other human rights abuses.

Which is not to say places such as the US can't be hot beds of human rights abuse as well.
S.A.M. I did, I went shopping with my face open. The laws apply only to Saudis,

In other words, no you didn't put it to the test. Instead you enjoy special protected status as a foreigner.

But you could easily test other restrictions on women and see if you get stoned to death or a touch of the lash. The restrictions are frequently enforced by extra legal religious "courts." Offend the right person and get back with me about how that worked for you.
The five years I was in a city, the only arrests were for drug use or distribution, or corruption. No one was stoned or lashed. Three foreigners were beheaded for drug distribution. There was only one shooting incident. The most frequent cause of death was RTA. One Saudi was arrested for abusing his foreign maid.
it's more than cultural. i know a Japanese woman who was moronic enough to convert to Islam - she wears a full covered burka around Sydney, complete with gloves.

Why does she do it? Maybe it's because she feels showing any amount of skin, including her face is just too much.. almost naked really, and wearing the tent brings respect to her .... but the real reason is more likely to be because she was brainwashed. Sad too because she refuses to speak with her parents and lives to serve her husband, one of those nutty Imam's from Egypt. By the Gods I hope he is sent back there. Her kids will never know anything about Japan as the husband doesn't want her to even speak Japanese to them. They have to learn Arabic and to read the Qur'an. They will never even meet their Japanese grandparents.

What do you think SAM? Was she brainwashed? Seem like it to me and everyone who knew her.

Oh, I forgot, you can't think. Here I'll insert your answer *something about America and the West*
New converts are always more fanatic. I avoid them myself.

But like myself in Saudi Arabia, she may be trying to experience the life for herself.
The five years I was in a city, the only arrests were for drug use or distribution, or corruption. No one was stoned or lashed. Three foreigners were beheaded for drug distribution. There was only one shooting incident. The most frequent cause of death was RTA. One Saudi was arrested for abusing his foreign maid.
As I understand it, North Korea is a very very very safe place too. If you live by the draconian laws. You know, like worship Dear Leader (pbuh).
I lived in Saudi Arabia. I know its a safe place to stay and bring up kids. People immigrate there to work and even though they will never get citizenship, stay there for 15-20 years. And I'm not talking about Muslims. You can get pretty lulled by the security and lifestyle there, after that going back home or moving elsewhere is a rude surprise.
New converts are always more fanatic. I avoid them myself.

But like myself in Saudi Arabia, she may be trying to experience the life for herself.
SAM, she's brainwashed. The fun sprite enjoyable and naive person she was has lost her identity, has a new name, and he been sucked into a black hole of Islam where she is completely living her life for Allah.

That's called brainwashed by me and probably pious by you.

We'll, call it a difference in definition.
Its her choice. Maybe her "enjoyable" life was not bringing her happiness.
Anyway, you can tell that to her parents, friends and family, who she now no longer wants to speak with or let met their grandchildren.

Yup, she just happens to agree that her children to NOT learn Japanese her mother tongue and this just so happens to coincide with her husband's wishes - which is that they only speak Arabic and English.

Actually, everything she wants now, just happens to coincide with what her husband, and hence Allah, wishes for her. So her walking around in a tent and never speaking her mother tongue to her children is because Its her choice. Maybe her "enjoyable" life was not bringing her happiness.

It's called brainwashing SAM, oh, for you it's called choice and piousness.

There is nothing more sad than a parent that can not speak to their children in their mother tongue. Such a parent is usually looked upon by their children as slightly daft, because they can never truly speak with great depth about subject important and from their culture.

Oh, but I forgot, Its her choice. Maybe her "enjoyable" life was not bringing her happiness.

I forgot, weren't you the one who blamed prostitutes as being spoil little bitches? It's not that they've been taken advantage of .... nope, must be Its their choice. Maybe their "enjoyable" life was not bringing them happiness.

I can safely say that if it were not for meeting this Imam and being brainwashed this girl would have finished Uni and had a completely normal life. She probably would have married a normal person who respected her culture and had a relationship with her parents. but not this ass hole Imam.
I've seen it happen in reverse. Girls from conservative families who discover "liberation" and break up from their families and/or husbands and children because they find it too restrictive.

Are they brainwashed?

I forgot, weren't you the one who blamed prostitutes as being spoil little bitches? It's not that they've been taken advantage of .... nope, must be Its their choice. Maybe their "enjoyable" life was not bringing them happiness.

Is that what I said? Thats very interesting. You consider pole dancers as prostitutes? Did I say ALL pole dancers?
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and remember, this man isn't just a normal muslim, like you, he's an Imam. He drank the cool aid lives his life for Xenu and sees flying saucers and spit moon and and the other bull shit.
So she's doing it for him. What a novel concept. A woman dressing to please her husband.