Muslim Women Dress Code?

Make a visit to the kingdom. Come back and tell me exactly what it is that Saudi women do.
"Make a visit to the kingdom. Come back and tell me exactly what it is that Saudi women do."

I did. They beg in the street.
Those men are abusing their power. Thats not unusual. Americans are doing it in Gitmo too. I hear they sodomise kids in front of their parents in Abu Ghraib and the video is unwatchable due to the chilling screams of the children. So should we generalise this to all Americans?
If the men did that to glory Jesus as part of American theocracy. Yup.
I have biker neighbors. The wife goes braless, wears a skimpy tank and short shorts because that's what her husband finds attractive and she likes feeling sexy for him. She also sits on the bitch seat of her husband's bike.

If you tell her she's oppressed she will knock your teeth out.
M*W: Can you arrange a meeting for them?