Muslim Women Dress Code?

Since you don't even know any Saudi women, I'd say you're the one who is brainwashed. FYI, just go and say that to a Saudi woman and then run for cover!:D

It doesn't matter if I know any Saudi women or not, I didn't know any slave either yet when I here accounts of some slaves saying they enjoy being slaves I've got to wonder. Sure, If I meet a Saudi women that thinks women should be subordinate to men I'll tell her she brainwash, what is she going to do hit a man?
Saudi women are used to being treated like royalty. She won't hit you, thats too much trouble. She'll have you arrested. :D
So if a Saudi girl meets a Western man, dumps her garb and wears Western clothing, she is brainwashed?
IF she stopped speaking to her family, didn't a allow them to see their children, if her husband convinced her that she should never speak Arabic, that her children should never learn anything about her culture, that she should break ties with all friends and family members, never speak to anyone outside of his house - when she's allowed to go out, changer her entire name to a new one AND all of this is on the back of Scientology, her new beleif, and she dedicates her life to Xenu.

YES, you're God Damn right - she's been brainwashed.
Sounds like a lot of fantasy. I know Filipino girls who are married to Saudis and they have no such issues.
Sounds like a lot of fantasy. I know Filipino girls who are married to Saudis and they have no such issues.

Sam you seem to know everyone from every race that comes up on here. You also know all these ppl that are in the weirdest interracial marriages. You seem to know a shit load of ppl. If this is really the case, why do you spend most of your life on an internet forum? :rolleyes: You are the one that sounds like you talk a lot of fantasy.
Saudi women are used to being treated like royalty.
That might be true for some women, and for other's they are treated like cattle.

How do you describe the actions of the Saudi male citizens who forced the school girls to remain inside the burning building and be roasted live - their skin peeled off in agonizingly pain. The Muslim men would rather they hear the girls screams of agony to glorify Allah over allowing them to being seen in public.

Would you say they are brainwashed? Or perhaps you'd like to blame the girls for not wearing their tent? Or I know, maybe you think that's their choice. Probably something the girls wanted. To end their short lives for the Gloory of Xenu, or Allah or Mohammad or Rob Hubbard or whomever.
That might be true for some women, and for other's they are treated like cattle.

How do you describe the actions of the Saudi male citizens who forced the school girls to remain inside the burning building and be roasted live - their skin peeled off in agonizingly pain. The Muslim men would rather they hear the girls screams of agony to glorify Allah over allowing them to being seen in public.

Would you say they are brainwashed? Or perhaps you'd like to blame the girls for not wearing their tent? Or I know, maybe you think that's their choice. Probably something the girls wanted. To end their short lives for the Gloory of Xenu, or Allah or Mohammad or Rob Hubbard or whomever.

Those men are abusing their power. Thats not unusual. Americans are doing it in Gitmo too. I hear they sodomise kids in front of their parents in Abu Ghraib and the video is unwatchable due to the chilling screams of the children. So should we generalise this to all Americans?
Those men are abusing their power. Thats not unusual. Americans are doing it in Gitmo too. I hear they sodomise kids in front of their parents in Abu Ghraib and the video is unwatchable due to the chilling screams of the children. So should we generalise this to all Americans?

Where those men held accountable for abusing their power?
You know, I remember talking to a Xian in the USA once. We were talking about dinosaurs, and I basically said, look it's a fact dinosaurs did not live with humans and they existed millions of years ago. In short the earth is not 6000 years old. Her response was that the bones were the work of Satan to trick mankind into questioning their faith in God.

in short, she drank from the same cool-aid bowl that you are drinking from.

Really, at that point, it's sort of pointless.

Tell Xenu or Allah or Mo or Ronny or whatever whomever we all said hello.
I'm sure if they met a religious fanatic who took away their identity, gave them a new name, convinced to live for Xenu and never to speak the own God damn language and never see their parents - yeah, I'd all that brainwashed... oh, but for you that's pious I forgot.


It happens in every religion. Warren Jeffs, Waco, Jim Jones, etc. Would you hate every Christian because of them?
You know, I remember talking to a Xian in the USA once. We were talking about dinosaurs, and I basically said, look it's a fact dinosaurs did not live with humans and they existed millions of years ago. In short the earth is not 6000 years old. Her response was that the bones were the work of Satan to trick mankind into questioning their faith in God......

LOL, yeah my son went to school with a girl who wrote a report that all teh dinosaurs drowned during Noah's Flood. :rolleyes:

And I didn't get a bit pissed off about it.
Sam you seem to know everyone from every race that comes up on here. You also know all these ppl that are in the weirdest interracial marriages. You seem to know a shit load of ppl. If this is really the case, why do you spend most of your life on an internet forum? :rolleyes: You are the one that sounds like you talk a lot of fantasy.

I think you just hit SAM so deep her ovaries shot out of her nose! SAM believes that knowing one example personally is evidence of a trend, thus SAM knows everyone and anyone who can be used to "prove" her self right.
Where those men held accountable for abusing their power?

No idea, they are the Ministry for Prevention of Vice and like American troops enjoy a hallowed position in their society. Most Saudis are utterly fed up of them. I think every one of their actions should be subject to scrutiny and talked about worldwide, so that they are kicked out.

Sam you seem to know everyone from every race that comes up on here. You also know all these ppl that are in the weirdest interracial marriages. You seem to know a shit load of ppl. If this is really the case, why do you spend most of your life on an internet forum? :rolleyes: You are the one that sounds like you talk a lot of fantasy.

I've only been here two years. I've travelled more than 25 years. And most weekends now, I take off!:p
When my Dad's family came over here they all shared a house and called it an extended family. On my Mom's side, I had 2 aunts and uncles that shared a house with my grandparents. Its amazing how people forget that. I think we have gotten to used to living by ourselves and not sharing a house with grandparents and aunts and uncles and cousins.

I guess I've never made it my business to sit and count the people going in and out of the houses on my street.
I've only been here two years. I've travelled more than 25 years. And most weekends now, I take off!:p

Yeah sure whatever you say... :rolleyes: Don't try and convince me because personally I think most of these examples and "friends" "people" you know are all in your head.
When my Dad's family came over here they all shared a house and called it an extended family. On my Mom's side, I had 2 aunts and uncles that shared a house with my grandparents. Its amazing how people forget that. I think we have gotten to used to living by ourselves and not sharing a house with grandparents and aunts and uncles and cousins.

I guess I've never made it my business to sit and count the people going in and out of the houses on my street.

In my childhood, we lived in an extended family for about 10 years. I have 15 aunts and uncles on my parents side and innumerable first second and third cousins. They are spread out across India, Pakistan, Middle East, Canada, USA and Australia. Probably other places too. Then we have my parents friends. Also spread around. Then my school mates, my college mates, my area mates, my Saudi mates, my earlier job mates, my current job and school mates. Thats a lot of people. And these are just the first tier. :D

And I haven't even mentioned my siblings, their in-laws and friends

Yeah sure whatever you say... :rolleyes: Don't try and convince me because personally I think most of these examples and "friends" "people" you know are all in your head.

Who cares what you think?:confused:
I have biker neighbors. The wife goes braless, wears a skimpy tank and short shorts because that's what her husband finds attractive and she likes feeling sexy for him. She also sits on the bitch seat of her husband's bike.

If you tell her she's oppressed she will knock your teeth out.